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Don't you hate it when.....

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someone invites you to their home for a visit/playdate and tells you "My house is a mess right now." Then you get there and wish your own home looked so good. :glare:


It happened to me this week. They are such a nice family, but if she thinks that's a mess, I may never be able to reciprocate. A true tale of realization that I must get things organized.

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I do that but it is mostly because I know all my 'mess' hiding places and while it may not be readily apparent to a visitor, I know my house really is a mess. I also have found that candles do wonders to help keep my little secret. :D

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I do that but it is mostly because I know all my 'mess' hiding places and while it may not be readily apparent to a visitor, I know my house really is a mess. I also have found that candles do wonders to help keep my little secret. :D


Yes, I figured out the candle distraction method. A helpful friend also explained to me how the put all the paper clutter in a laundry basket and hide it on the side of your bed no one can see method. I'm afraid even these stellar organization and distraction techniques are no match for the current state of my home.


I was once one of those self-conscious people whose house still looked fairly clean and organized.......not sure when that changed.

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someone invites you to their home for a visit/playdate and tells you "My house is a mess right now." Then you get there and wish your own home looked so good. :glare:


It happened to me this week. They are such a nice family, but if she thinks that's a mess, I may never be able to reciprocate. A true tale of realization that I must get things organized.


Nah, I say that all the time after cleaning like crazy just in case the other person keeps their place immaculate.:D

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Nah, I say that all the time after cleaning like crazy just in case the other person keeps their place immaculate.:D


Me, too, but this visit was somewhat impromptu. No way she could have done the level of clean up I do before company. She was most concerned about a pile of books she had been going through. A pile, as in one. Oh, and the pile did not have dust on it! BTW, I really like this mom and her kids, and my Dc feel the same.

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I agree that she might be self conscious. In all, I wouldn't worry too much about the state of your home before reciprocating, a clean house is a sign of a wasted life ;P Most people don't really care too much unless its hoarders proportions/a health hazard.

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I agree that she might be self conscious. In all, I wouldn't worry too much about the state of your home before reciprocating, a clean house is a sign of a wasted life ;P Most people don't really care too much unless its hoarders proportions/a health hazard.


We aren't at that level yet!:lol:

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someone invites you to their home for a visit/playdate and tells you "My house is a mess right now." Then you get there and wish your own home looked so good. :glare:


It happened to me this week. They are such a nice family, but if she thinks that's a mess, I may never be able to reciprocate. A true tale of realization that I must get things organized.


I totally understand!

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Me, too, but this visit was somewhat impromptu. No way she could have done the level of clean up I do before company. She was most concerned about a pile of books she had been going through. A pile, as in one. Oh, and the pile did not have dust on it! BTW, I really like this mom and her kids, and my Dc feel the same.


She's probably an organization/neatfreak like me who truly does feel her house is a mess when there is a pile of stuff when company comes.

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Or she may have that really picky MIL that picks up the small dot of paper on the floor that the vacuum left and makes sure her face tells her disgust at her dil's woeful housekeeping skills.


Or she may be doubly blessed by having a sister who makes it very clear that the house is just too messy because Sister got up every morning at 5:00, did a load of laundry (folded and put away) ran the vacuum, the mop, made a hot breakfast, woke the kids and got them to school and then went off to work to come home to a spotless house that required another mopping, dusting and vacuuming before bed because of the mess.:glare: And sister makes no bones about the fact that little sister can't clean house. ( though the house is dusted weekly and Flylady blessed all. the. ****. time.)


So she may be rather, hmm, paranoid about letting people in her house because no matter how many times the floors get mopped, the place dusted, mirrors shined, carpets vacuumed, laundry put away, kids rooms cleaned, kitchen eat on the floor clean.......it is not enough for some people! (no not one ounce of bitter dripping from this post!:D)


So the "my house is a mess" is a preemptive strike! You were warned it was a mess. It is not going to be up to par. Don't talk bad about the "mess" She may come to your house and think YES! My kinda gal! :lol:

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When I first met one of the homeschooling moms at park day we were talking about playdates. She told me kids were allowed at her house but parents weren't because her house is a mess. I told her I was coming to her house and I was coming to see her, not her house (or mess) because I really need a friend. I also brought pictures of my messy house on my camera to show her. :D


Since then, I've been there a couple times and she's been here a couple times...and her house is not a mess. Mine is....lived in. ;)

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Nah, I say that all the time after cleaning like crazy just in case the other person keeps their place immaculate.:D


This is me too lol. I do not care how someone else's house looks assuming there is not moldy pizza on the couch or something gross like that lol.

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Yes, I figured out the candle distraction method. A helpful friend also explained to me how the put all the paper clutter in a laundry basket and hide it on the side of your bed no one can see method. I'm afraid even these stellar organization and distraction techniques are no match for the current state of my home.




This technic has backfired on me so many times. I can't tell you how many laundry baskets I have hidden in various places in my home that I've never gotten back to. I keep having to buy more. You'd probably feel pretty good about yourself, OP, if you dropped by my house unannounced!

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someone invites you to their home for a visit/playdate and tells you "My house is a mess right now." Then you get there and wish your own home looked so good. :glare:



Come visit me and you'll feel much better I promise! My house really is a mess! :p hehe

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I would assume that she is self-conscious about the state of her house and is afraid you will judge her negatively for it.


:iagree: I will often say the same if my house is not in what I consider, as an anal person, to be "visitor ready." I may know or not know that you have different standards on cleanliness but it won't matter to me. I will just be self-conscious about my own home even though I would never judge yours.

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I try to avoid saying that now actually. I remember reading something and it really changed my perspective. So, I try to be as warm and inviting as I can and not fret over the house once anyone is here. My house is generally pretty neat, my friend says it looks showroom all the time but I know there are plenty of people who are much more of a perfectionist than I am(and I could show you a few cobwebs in the ceiling and dust on the ceiling fan right at this moment). Also, if someone says that I actually assume that their house is generally messy but they just cleaned it right before hand. I don't know why exactly, perhaps because it comes of as an insecurity and I think if it is usually clean you wouldn't be so insecure.



I have one friend that is OCD and the lengths she goes to before company, wow, it is amazing. I prefer to keep things generally clean all the time. Before I would have a hard time keeping up and then before company I would spend weeks cleaning every nook and cranny, including window frames with a q-tip. I don't do that anymore. I'd rather my house be fairly clean all the time then crazy super clean rarely. Plus, I just don't care to be that much of a perfectionist, I have more things to devote energy. There are also various seasons of life, when the new baby comes I'm sure it will not be as clean as now. However, I've found it generally has been easier to me to keep the house cleaner as the years go by and more kids because I've developed more routines and organization.


I don't think ill of someone when I come into a messy house, whatever standard you want to use. I might notice dirt or clutter but that is as far as it goes, assuming non-hoarder levels or such(I do have one friend that keeps a fairly messy and often nasty house, but I don't love her less because of that or think she is a horrible person, but no her house is not clean by any standards). I think the same courtesy should be assumed of those with clean houses go. It is tiresome to hear the assumption that people with clean houses don't love or spend time with their kids or have no fun. Most everyone wastes enough time to keep a clean house, besides the fact that once a house is clean the upkeep is generally not that much effort, especially not considering the amount of time the average american spends on Facebook, iphone, online and watching tv. I could keep my own house cleaner if I really wanted, I could be cleaning right now :)

Edited by soror
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I do that but it is mostly because I know all my 'mess' hiding places and while it may not be readily apparent to a visitor, I know my house really is a mess. I also have found that candles do wonders to help keep my little secret. :D



Me too! Don't tell ;)

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Yes, I figured out the candle distraction method. A helpful friend also explained to me how the put all the paper clutter in a laundry basket and hide it on the side of your bed no one can see method. I'm afraid even these stellar organization and distraction techniques are no match for the current state of my home.


I was once one of those self-conscious people whose house still looked fairly clean and organized.......not sure when that changed.


**CAUTION** Though I am a big fan of hiding the paper clutter in various locations...I have been burned more than once by having to pay late fees on misplaced bills....:tongue_smilie:

BTW, i also fall into the category of apologizing for a messy house due to expectations of my MIL and an OCD ex-friend.;)

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someone invites you to their home for a visit/playdate and tells you "My house is a mess right now." Then you get there and wish your own home looked so good. :glare:


It happened to me this week. They are such a nice family, but if she thinks that's a mess, I may never be able to reciprocate. A true tale of realization that I must get things organized.


Oh....ugh!!! You can come to my house.....I promise it really is a mess. :glare:

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who will unapologetically allow me into their messy, cluttered homes. No woman is more "real" to me than one who will let me see how she really lives without explanation.


:iagree: so I try to be that way. I keep my normal cleaning schedule but don't try to add anything. I might have a pile here and there as well if I had something out we were working on. Actually I try to purposely stop myself from cleaning too much now. I had people over the other day and dh made a comment about how I would be stressed and cleaning all day. I told him nope, I thought the house was clean enough as it was. I didn't stay up late or get up early and I didn't apologize for anything, I seen little cobwebs in my light as we were sitting there though. I think those little things make people seem more real. I too love going to a friends house and being in the middle of life and I like to do the same. I love to have people over and really like to be very welcoming to company. I don't want to stress about the house one way or the other because that can make people feel like the op, that there place isn't clean enough to reciprocate. My standards are for my own house and no one else.


I did mop the kitchen that am, but it was already on my list. I do like to stay busy though before company, I guess it is just a nervous energy, so now I've got to where I will cook something before company. Actually, usually I'm in the midst of cooking something when someone arrives. I feel most at home in the kitchen. It makes me feel me to have someone come in and be cooking and then I can talk to them in my realm and if we are getting along well I love to pull them in to help with this or that. "Hey can you grab that cup or stir this, etc." I love the people that just jump right in with me. But with some I just finish up as soon as I can.

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who will unapologetically allow me into their messy, cluttered homes. No woman is more "real" to me than one who will let me see how she really lives without explanation.


Thank you! And may I say very nicely put! :) You'd be welcome into my messy house anytime. :)

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Don't worry about it. I think it is just something people say. I am sure her house doesn't actually look like that all the time. I tend to say that to people the first time they come over too. It's out of nervousness that I might not have to cleaned something to the other persons standards. I am very weird about other people not thinking my house is a mess LOL My mom was a "clean freak" too.

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I try to avoid saying that now actually. I remember reading something and it really changed my perspective. So, I try to be as warm and inviting as I can and not fret over the house once anyone is here. My house is generally pretty neat, my friend says it looks showroom all the time but I know there are plenty of people who are much more of a perfectionist than I am(and I could show you a few cobwebs in the ceiling and dust on the ceiling fan right at this moment). Also, if someone says that I actually assume that their house is generally messy but they just cleaned it right before hand. I don't know why exactly, perhaps because it comes of as an insecurity and I think if it is usually clean you wouldn't be so insecure.



I have one friend that is OCD and the lengths she goes to before company, wow, it is amazing. I prefer to keep things generally clean all the time. Before I would have a hard time keeping up and then before company I would spend weeks cleaning every nook and cranny, including window frames with a q-tip. I don't do that anymore. I'd rather my house be fairly clean all the time then crazy super clean rarely. Plus, I just don't care to be that much of a perfectionist, I have more things to devote energy. There are also various seasons of life, when the new baby comes I'm sure it will not be as clean as now. However, I've found it generally has been easier to me to keep the house cleaner as the years go by and more kids because I've developed more routines and organization.


I don't think ill of someone when I come into a messy house, whatever standard you want to use. I might notice dirt or clutter but that is as far as it goes, assuming non-hoarder levels or such(I do have one friend that keeps a fairly messy and often nasty house, but I don't love her less because of that or think she is a horrible person, but no her house is not clean by any standards). I think the same courtesy should be assumed of those with clean houses go. It is tiresome to hear the assumption that people with clean houses don't love or spend time with their kids or have no fun.


Just want to state, for the record, I was and am not making that assumption. I know they spend lots of time together and have fun. I'm really just in amazement at how she might manage to accomplish it. My husband did remind me this morning that the particular family seems to be blessed financially and not to rule out the possibility that someone comes in to do the actual cleaning. Even so, she's got things decluttered and organized to the point that a cleaning person can do the cleaning, and I do not.


Most everyone wastes enough time to keep a clean house,


Sadly, this is true, even for me. Though I'm not sure what people consider 'wasted' time is always truly unproductive, though that's a philisophical discussion for another thread. :D


besides the fact that once a house is clean the upkeep is generally not that much effort,


Now, this is not true for my house. The rooms are small to begin with and the arrangement of furniture, plus the fact that most rooms are carpeted and we have books that take up space on surfaces--both of which make dusting and vacuuming extremely tedious---not to mention that we have 3 dogs leaving behind dirt they dragged in, dandruff and hair.

especially not considering the amount of time the average american spends on Facebook, iphone, online and watching tv. I could keep my own house cleaner if I really wanted, I could be cleaning right now :)


Your last statement I know to be true, and I suppose that's why I'm a tad upset to see the neat, clean, home kept by a woman who homeschools 6 and has graduated 3. It reminds me I'm choosing other things besides cleaning. I keep thinking she's figured out something I haven't, but actually, we just may be making different choices or have different demands. Then again, maybe I just find cleaning boring. :lol:


Anyway, yes, I'd like to keep my home neater, cleaner...........we'll see which wins out today...........the house or the curriculum planning.

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Oh....ugh!!! You can come to my house.....I promise it really is a mess. :glare:




Send me directions..........then I can come hang out in the garden and stop banging my head over curriculum too!:lol:

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**CAUTION** Though I am a big fan of hiding the paper clutter in various locations...I have been burned more than once by having to pay late fees on misplaced bills....:tongue_smilie:

BTW, i also fall into the category of apologizing for a messy house due to expectations of my MIL and an OCD ex-friend.;)


I have a basket for bills and other important mail. It's a basket with a lid, so I can close it and buckle it shut when company comes. I clean it out once a week and Dh takes all the bills out as they come in. After that I know nothing about them. :D The B.O.B. (otherwise known as Bank of Bob) magically pays them. I like it that way.


Lest anyone think I'll never learn how to pay bills for myself....I help my mom with her bills, so I've got that covered.

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someone invites you to their home for a visit/playdate and tells you "My house is a mess right now." Then you get there and wish your own home looked so good. :glare:


It happened to me this week. They are such a nice family, but if she thinks that's a mess, I may never be able to reciprocate. A true tale of realization that I must get things organized.



People have their own personal standards. I like to keep my house looking tidy but I doubt it's particularly clean. That doesn't mean I'm judging other people's houses when I visit.

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Your last statement I know to be true, and I suppose that's why I'm a tad upset to see the neat, clean, home kept by a woman who homeschools 6 and has graduated 3. It reminds me I'm choosing other things besides cleaning. I keep thinking she's figured out something I haven't, but actually, we just may be making different choices or have different demands. Then again, maybe I just find cleaning boring. :lol:


Anyway, yes, I'd like to keep my home neater, cleaner...........we'll see which wins out today...........the house or the curriculum planning.

ftr I wasn't referring to your comments as to saying that she didn't spend time with her kids. There is inevitable comments as to such things though.


I find small rooms to be easier to clean but the key as you mentioned is whether or not they are decluttered and organized, otherwise it takes a LOT longer. We had carpet before we rebuilt the house and I found it much quicker than our hardwoods, although I wouldn't trade them. The hardwood shows everything and needs swept and mopped. But each house I think has different challenges and perks.


ITA it all comes down to choices. My one uber-perfectionist friend might think I am lazy and don't clean enough. You should only worry about your own standards though, if you are pleased with your house and feel you are keeping in line with your own priorities and values it doesn't really matter how anyone else allocates their time and energy. I say invite her over anyway and enjoy her company :)

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ftr I wasn't referring to your comments as to saying that she didn't spend time with her kids. There is inevitable comments as to such things though.


I knew you weren't, but just in case anyone reading my post got that idea, I wanted to clarify.


I find small rooms to be easier to clean but the key as you mentioned is whether or not they are decluttered and organized, otherwise it takes a LOT longer. We had carpet before we rebuilt the house and I found it much quicker than our hardwoods, although I wouldn't trade them. The hardwood shows everything and needs swept and mopped. But each house I think has different challenges and perks.


Oh, thank you, thank you! We cannot afford to change over right now. Even if I declutter, the arrangement of our furniture creates a difficult vacuuming situation, and we are limited as to furniture arrangement, by the size of the rooms, and the size of furniture. Dusting the built in shelves is hard too b/c we have a chair & couch fairly close to them.

ITA it all comes down to choices. My one uber-perfectionist friend might think I am lazy and don't clean enough. You should only worry about your own standards though, if you are pleased with your house and feel you are keeping in line with your own priorities and values it doesn't really matter how anyone else allocates their time and energy. I say invite her over anyway and enjoy her company :)


I'll have her over, yes, but even if I hadn't seen her house I still had some decluttering and cleaning in mind. I'll feel better.

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I try to avoid saying that now actually. I remember reading something and it really changed my perspective. So, I try to be as warm and inviting as I can and not fret over the house once anyone is here. My house is generally pretty neat, my friend says it looks showroom all the time but I know there are plenty of people who are much more of a perfectionist than I am(and I could show you a few cobwebs in the ceiling and dust on the ceiling fan right at this moment). Also, if someone says that I actually assume that their house is generally messy but they just cleaned it right before hand. I don't know why exactly, perhaps because it comes of as an insecurity and I think if it is usually clean you wouldn't be so insecure.



I have one friend that is OCD and the lengths she goes to before company, wow, it is amazing. I prefer to keep things generally clean all the time. Before I would have a hard time keeping up and then before company I would spend weeks cleaning every nook and cranny, including window frames with a q-tip. I don't do that anymore. I'd rather my house be fairly clean all the time then crazy super clean rarely. Plus, I just don't care to be that much of a perfectionist, I have more things to devote energy. There are also various seasons of life, when the new baby comes I'm sure it will not be as clean as now. However, I've found it generally has been easier to me to keep the house cleaner as the years go by and more kids because I've developed more routines and organization.


I don't think ill of someone when I come into a messy house, whatever standard you want to use. I might notice dirt or clutter but that is as far as it goes, assuming non-hoarder levels or such(I do have one friend that keeps a fairly messy and often nasty house, but I don't love her less because of that or think she is a horrible person, but no her house is not clean by any standards). I think the same courtesy should be assumed of those with clean houses go. It is tiresome to hear the assumption that people with clean houses don't love or spend time with their kids or have no fun. Most everyone wastes enough time to keep a clean house, besides the fact that once a house is clean the upkeep is generally not that much effort, especially not considering the amount of time the average american spends on Facebook, iphone, online and watching tv. I could keep my own house cleaner if I really wanted, I could be cleaning right now :)


Me too, in a book with a title that is something like; Open Heart, Open Home if I remember correctly. It was pointed out that it really is not a very polite thing to say because it puts your guest on the spot and can make them uncomfortable, among other things.


Funny right after I vowed to never say that a couple stopped by unannounced and the house was a.complete.disaster. As in I had just gotten back for a HS conference, dh was home with the kids all weekend and I had just thrown my stuff on the table. It was truly a disaster beyond normal disasters. :D I just pushed some stuff aside so they could sit down.:tongue_smilie: Normally I would have said, "excuse the mess" but I refrained and let them see how we really live.:lol: (sometimes, err, rarely :tongue_smilie:) I don't do much extra cleaning for company either, I like things tidy but people live here and you can tell.:)

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Nah, I say that all the time after cleaning like crazy just in case the other person keeps their place immaculate.:D




One reason I'm inviting people over less and less is because I get SO self-conscious of what they think of me after seeing our home. It's like they saw me naked or something. I don't allow it to be really messy or anything, but with 6 children I just am not quite sure the level of chaos or mess I may be used to that other people aren't, kwim? :tongue_smilie:

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"My house is a mess right now."


I don't say that. I realized that if I did I would be doing a disservice to my fellow moms. :001_smile:


I clean before company comes over, but I don't then say my house is a mess. If you come over without prior warning then well, that's a risk you take when you walk into my home. :tongue_smilie:


I will catch you before you walk into the bathroom, and check to see if there are any boy messes around the toilet and a clean hand towel for you. However, you'll have to deal with the crumbs/dirt sticking to your feet and toys, books, papers everywhere.

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when I got married (almost 20 years ago), my grandmother sat me down and told me her SECRETS to a good marriage....

*(you gotta know her to see the humor in that, but she isn't much of a cook or housekeeper, yet always kept my grandfather smiling!)


She said if you lose track of time before hubby gets home, just plug in the vacuum and put it in the middle of the room.


Then, you pull out your bucket of cleaning supplies-- throw the blue stuff in the toilet and leave it.

Spray cleaner in the air to smell like you've been cleaning.


Then when he walks in, you act like you have been crazy-busy wiht cleaning, and have not had time to make dinner. (she promises he will offer to take you out to eat at this point, LOL)


Now, her advice for when company is coming... Gather all clutter, throw in dryer. Yep, the dryer. Nobody checks the dryer for clutter.

Next, take small bowls of Pine sol and place in random places in the house to give the impression your house is clean. (behind plants, on top of cabinets, etc.... Make sure they cannot be seen!


Dirty dishes piled in the sink go in the garage or back porch. They can be cleaned later AFTER the company leaves....


She had more, but those are my favorites. :D

And yes, in moments of desperation I have done ALL of these!!!

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someone invites you to their home for a visit/playdate and tells you "My house is a mess right now." Then you get there and wish your own home looked so good. :glare:


It happened to me this week. They are such a nice family, but if she thinks that's a mess, I may never be able to reciprocate. A true tale of realization that I must get things organized.


I stopped apologizing when a friend's daughter, aged 8, went into town after leaving my house and repeated my apology to a whole group of people! Glad it got back to me, though, so I could learn my lesson.


"Mrs. M. says her house is a mess and she is sorry there is so much junk on the floor."


Oh, dear.

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when I got married (almost 20 years ago), my grandmother sat me down and told me her SECRETS to a good marriage....

*(you gotta know her to see the humor in that, but she isn't much of a cook or housekeeper, yet always kept my grandfather smiling!)


She said if you lose track of time before hubby gets home, just plug in the vacuum and put it in the middle of the room.


Then, you pull out your bucket of cleaning supplies-- throw the blue stuff in the toilet and leave it.

Spray cleaner in the air to smell like you've been cleaning.


Then when he walks in, you act like you have been crazy-busy wiht cleaning, and have not had time to make dinner. (she promises he will offer to take you out to eat at this point, LOL)


Now, her advice for when company is coming... Gather all clutter, throw in dryer. Yep, the dryer. Nobody checks the dryer for clutter.

Next, take small bowls of Pine sol and place in random places in the house to give the impression your house is clean. (behind plants, on top of cabinets, etc.... Make sure they cannot be seen!


Dirty dishes piled in the sink go in the garage or back porch. They can be cleaned later AFTER the company leaves....


She had more, but those are my favorites. :D

And yes, in moments of desperation I have done ALL of these!!!


This is hysterical, and I'm afraid I might also resort to some of these in desperation. :lol:

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when I got married (almost 20 years ago), my grandmother sat me down and told me her SECRETS to a good marriage....

*(you gotta know her to see the humor in that, but she isn't much of a cook or housekeeper, yet always kept my grandfather smiling!)


She said if you lose track of time before hubby gets home, just plug in the vacuum and put it in the middle of the room.


Then, you pull out your bucket of cleaning supplies-- throw the blue stuff in the toilet and leave it.

Spray cleaner in the air to smell like you've been cleaning.


Then when he walks in, you act like you have been crazy-busy wiht cleaning, and have not had time to make dinner. (she promises he will offer to take you out to eat at this point, LOL)dryer. Yep, the dryer. Nobody checks the dryer for clutter.

Next, take small bowls of Pine sol and place in random places in the house to give the impression your house is clean. (behind plants, on top of cabinets,


Now, her advice for when company is coming... Gather all clutter, throw in etc.... Make sure they cannot be seen!


Dirty dishes piled in the sink go in the garage or back porch. They can be cleaned later AFTER the company leaves....


She had more, but those are my favorites. :D

And yes, in moments of desperation I have done ALL of these!!!



Once we went to visit a friends house and I had to take ds to the bathroom, he was maybe 2.5 at the time. As 2.5 yo's do he was roaming around in there and pulled back the shower curtain and lo and behold there was a random pile of stuff about 5 ft tall. I carefully put it back and never mentioned it !

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It's taken me quite some time to get past this. I am the person who would normally apologize for the mess after spending hours cleaning. Just the past year or so I have been welcomed into a variety of different homes due to our homeschool group. It's been a wonderful reality check for me. My two best friends, so the people whose homes I am in the most, are complete neat freaks! They also don't have children. I am not naturally organized and have to really work on it plus I have children. Obviously my house is always a disaster compared to theirs. It's been so nice to go into other homes where people are really living and schooling and see that we're really not that bad =)

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Once we went to visit a friends house and I had to take ds to the bathroom, he was maybe 2.5 at the time. As 2.5 yo's do he was roaming around in there and pulled back the shower curtain and lo and behold there was a random pile of stuff about 5 ft tall. I carefully put it back and never mentioned it !


I have never thought of that hiding spot!

I always shove everything into my bedroom and close the door.


I really love that scene in Pride and Prejudice where they are all lounging everywhere in the sitting room and Mr Bingley and Mr Darcy arrive unexpectedly and there is the mad hustle to hide clutter and get the room tidy before he gets to the door.

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I have never thought of that hiding spot!

I always shove everything into my bedroom and close the door.


I really love that scene in Pride and Prejudice where they are all lounging everywhere in the sitting room and Mr Bingley and Mr Darcy arrive unexpectedly and there is the mad hustle to hide clutter and get the room tidy before he gets to the door.


Yes, I love that scene! My most triumphant moment for not apologizing for the state of my house was a long time ago. My in laws stopped by unexpectedly not long after I arrived home from teaching public school. Dh and I were just sitting down to eat. Our dog at the time had some sort of a skin reaction, and though he was being treated, he was losing hair all over the place. Sections of the carpet were absolutely covered with gobs of it. I was going to vacuum it after dinner. We had no choice but to sit in that room. I just kept repeating to myself, "I will not apologize, I will not apologize." I'm not sure I had a clue about the conversation; I was too busy listening to myself! They have never stopped by unexpectedly again!


Now, if Mr. Bingley & Mr. Darcy stopped by, I think I could manage to focus on something other than the state of my house! Though, if I had my choice, I'd rather see Mr. Knightley!

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