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If we go ahead and legalize same-sex marriage,

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Funny how that post started with the word logic...
It actually started out "Logic is flawed..." and it was. Truth in advertising. :D
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:confused: Huh? Is that all that goes on in your relationship? I seriously doubt your relationship with your... husband? (guessing here, forgive me if I'm wrong) consists solely of being in the bedroom. You have conversations, a history, emotional ups and downs; you make decisions, share experiences etc.. etc.. and etc.. It's a relationship and guess what... gay people have them too!


Just because someone is gay doesn't mean that all they do is spend time in the bedroom. I find it interesting that people focus so much on that. It's easy to feel 'separate' from 'them' when what they do in the privacy of their own bedroom is just so... different.


We're all people, full stop.


I could choose to be insulted for the implication that I'm ignorant of the fact that gay people have relationships and are people and do things outside of their bedrooms. Maybe I have close relationships with some gay and bisexual people so I might know this first-hand.


How that translates to "I needed to know AC is gay" is beyond me. Not that I care what AC does on a day-to-day basis (as he would not care what I do), but if I did, why would his doing it with a person he also has sex with be something I need to know?


There are so many people nowadays who don't even get married, and more who don't stay married. One's marital status does not need to be a topic of discussion among tens of millions of people, or even in a small gathering of virtual strangers. And also, anyone who does not think that AC's announcement of his gay marriage does not equal an announcement about his sex life is not thinking like a grown-up.

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So AC is getting married. Do we know which of the CNN reporters are in heterosexual marriages? Generally, no. It is no more newsworthy than whether or not I am married.


I feel it IS more newsworthy because the issue of same-sex marriage IS a newsworthy topic in recent years. The religious right can't have it both ways--- slapping "DEFEND MARRIAGE NOW!" bumper stickers on every car in the church parking lot, robo-calling to solicit financial support for their political angling, and preaching the downfall of American society as we know it from the pulpit and then shrug and say, "It's not newsworthy" in order to downplay the announcement of a popular media figure.


Not saying you, SKL, ARE either a member of the religious right. I just had a similar conversation with my super-Catholic MIL about this. She was saying she couldn't care less about AC, and how she wishes there was no media attention on these things, but in the very same breath she was rushing off to the parish hall to prepare leaflets that contained a paragraph about how we should all be outraged about same sex marriage and write our congressmen, picket courthouses, etc.


I love her, but her son and I are quite different than she.



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I really surprised myself be feeling a teeny bit sad to find out Torchwood's John Barrowman is gay. :lol: I'm still not quite sure what that means like it felt this small bit of...jealousy? LOL!!!


Just to put my thoughts out there: I don't care what any consenting, happy adults do in their bedroom or who they love. If they are happy and no unwilling persons were hurt, so be it. :) I don't care who marries who. I think stability and happiness are some of the best things for our country.

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But the clerics making headlines about it generally ARE Christian.


This could be because bashing Christians is so popular these days. Read the other holy books and try telling me they tolerate homosexuality. Jesus actually never said a word about homosexuality.

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And also, anyone who does not think that AC's announcement of his gay marriage does not equal an announcement about his sex life is not thinking like a grown-up.


I will be sure to remember that wedding announcement=announcement that someone is having sex. I can't believe all these "having sex" announcements in the paper or "having sex" announcements in the church bulletin of all places!! Ew!

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I will be sure to remember that wedding announcement=announcement that someone is having sex. I can't believe all these "having sex" announcements in the paper or "having sex" announcements in the church bulletin of all places!! Ew!


Well, yeah, unless a lot has changed since I last checked . . . .

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How that translates to "I needed to know AC is gay" is beyond me. Not that I care what AC does on a day-to-day basis (as he would not care what I do), but if I did, why would his doing it with a person he also has sex with be something I need to know?


There are so many people nowadays who don't even get married, and more who don't stay married. One's marital status does not need to be a topic of discussion among tens of millions of people, or even in a small gathering of virtual strangers. And also, anyone who does not think that AC's announcement of his gay marriage does not equal an announcement about his sex life is not thinking like a grown-up.


Let's be careful about the facts. Blogger Andrew Sullivan asked AC his opinion on a particular article. AC replied. In the reply, he mentioned that he was gay, because it was relevant to the article. He gave AS permission to post the letter on AS's blog. AC's letter says nothing about any particular relationship of his, or any impending marriage.


Any kerfuffle in the press is the doing of particular press outlets, not AC himself.


He in fact says:

...I've always believed that who a reporter votes for, what religion they are, who they love, should not be something they have to discuss publicly. As long as a journalist shows fairness and honesty in his or her work, their private life shouldn't matter. IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve stuck to those principles for my entire professional career, even when IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve been directly asked Ă¢â‚¬Å“the gay question,Ă¢â‚¬ which happens occasionally...

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I read this headline to dh yesterday and he was shocked as he thought he already came out as well. I cannot see how he is attractive at all, nope don't get it. He's way too polished for me.


Oh I don't find him "attractive" I don't generally like men pretty than me. :lol:


But he is very pretty, I like to look at him.

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I will be sure to remember that wedding announcement=announcement that someone is having sex. I can't believe all these "having sex" announcements in the paper or "having sex" announcements in the church bulletin of all places!! Ew!




I love AC. His laugh, that 45 minute giggle fit over Gerard Depardu...he's a love.

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It also affects who will and will not talk to him, even in the US. It may affect which companies are willing to advertise on his show. It also affects his image, which is important in his position, whether it should be or not.


It a perfect world it SHOULDN'T affect his reporting, but in the real world, it absolutely does.


I don't know. Rachel Maddow is able to get some heavy duty guests. Some are certainly people who publicly put down homosexuality.


I think another reason celebrities come out is because of the constant badgering in gossip columns. In the Tom & Katie thread rumors about both Cruise and John Travolta were mentioned. I think sometimes celebrities just want to be done with the constant "Are you gay?" questions.



astrid (who admits a wee crush on AC-- and yes, it definitely IS the eyes. And the unassuming, somewhat shy demeanor. LOVE HIM.)


I don't think he's that handsome (pretty yes, handsome no), but those eyes are definitely amazing! That and his intelligence. It shines through when he's interviewing someone. Intelligence is sexy.


I really surprised myself be feeling a teeny bit sad to find out Torchwood's John Barrowman is gay. :lol: I'm still not quite sure what that means like it felt this small bit of...jealousy? LOL!!!



I read about it around the time of The Blitz episode on Doctor Who.

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Remember when he called the Tea Party "teabaggers"? :lol:


Didn't they call themselves that, at first, until they realized the connotation?

I'm not one, and frankly haven't given the whole Tea Party thing a whole lot of my ever-decreasing brain space, but I definitely think I remember old ladies with tea bags tied all around their straw hats calling themselves "Teabaggers" then as the movement got more organized, most people started using "Tea Partiers" to avoid the term "teabagger."


But again, I'm not very well versed in the whole TP movement.


heh he heh....she said "TP movement." :D



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I read about it around the time of The Blitz episode on Doctor Who.


Me too. LOVE Captain Jack!!


As for AC-- I had to look him up as I don't watch T.V. news. Definitely too pretty for my tastes, but kudos to him for coming out. I find it depressing that this is even an issue in the 21st century.... :(

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As a Canadian, this reminds me of Rick Mercer. He's gay and has never been in the closet about it, and yet "Came out" as gay. No one knew he was gay because he made no effort to publicize his personal life. But he was already openly gay within his social group.


In both cases, Cooper and Mercer, I had no idea, and now that I know I still don't care. It doesn't affect their work, and I'm already married so I wasn't pursuing either of them.

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will that mean it's accepted enough that we don't have to have continual announcements of famous people's homosexuality? Keep in mind that although I'm in the minority, I am a conservative Christian who doesn't have a problem with the legalization of it. Consenting adults should be able to do what they want. Just don't tell me what I have to do or think or teach my kids.


I just get tired of the announcements and am starting to think that being gay is almost a becoming a requirement or gives you an advantage in the media realm.


Am I the only one who feels this way?


Back to the original post--"being gay is becoming a requirement. . . in the media realm."


How so? I think this is a perfect example of the availability heuristic.


Once our awareness is raised to something, we tend to think it's everywhere.


A new Gallup Poll in the US recently said that Americans think that 25% of people are gay. That's crazy! By any reasonable statistical instrument, it appears that fewer than 10% of human beings are homosexual. (This holds true as well for countries where homosexuality is punished by death. I met a couple of gay Saudi men in the school I work for who enlightened me quite a bit on the underground gay communities in that country.)


People overestimated because once they become aware of something, "gay people actually exist. Hey! I know a gay person," and they start recognizing other homosexual people, all of the sudden our brains go, "IT'S EVERYWHERE!"


This happens to me a lot with words. I'll hear a word, or learn a new historical fact, and all of the sudden, everyone is using this word or talking about this new historical tidbit, and I'll wonder how we all just learned about it at the same time :) The use of the word actually hasn't changed, it's my awareness of the word that has.


According to GLAAD, 2% of characters on American TV are homosexual. I was recently on a board where people were completely hysterical about all the despicable gay characters that were taking over TV shows. I hardly think 2% is that threatening, but. . . yanno.


Statistics are helpful in cases like this.


How many of the top 10 men or women movie stars in the US are gay?


How many of the most widely recognized news anchors?


I guess my answer is, No, I don't think coming out and being gay give media people some sort of advantage. Definitely not.

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As a Canadian, this reminds me of Rick Mercer. He's gay and has never been in the closet about it, and yet "Came out" as gay. No one knew he was gay because he made no effort to publicize his personal life. But he was already openly gay within his social group.


In both cases, Cooper and Mercer, I had no idea, and now that I know I still don't care. It doesn't affect their work, and I'm already married so I wasn't pursuing either of them.

I had no clue he's gay.

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As a Canadian, this reminds me of Rick Mercer. He's gay and has never been in the closet about it, and yet "Came out" as gay. No one knew he was gay because he made no effort to publicize his personal life. But he was already openly gay within his social group.


In both cases, Cooper and Mercer, I had no idea, and now that I know I still don't care. It doesn't affect their work, and I'm already married so I wasn't pursuing either of them.



One of the only reasons A.C. came out was because a blogger on Gawker was going to "out" him. *dirtbag!*


His statement about being gay was, in fact, that he really didn't want to "come out" because he was who he was and didn't need to make himself a spectacle and draw attention to himself on a personal matter.


When the choice was taken from him, he decided to make a statement on the matter.


Now, do we have a link that says he's getting married? I haven't heard this anywhere but here.

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Ok this is an honest question. Maybe I am dumb. But what how does a gay marriage threaten any other marriage? I mean, aren't we still married :confused::confused:?


Yeah..it doesn't. I think the 'threat' that people see is that they think it somehow 'devalues' their marriage. I could be wrong about that... but that's my understanding.

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If people are going to start talking about the TP then this thread is likely not long for this world. Can we stay on topic?


Oh, hey--- believe me, I've got no desire to discuss TP. I just didn't want blame for the unfortunate moniker pinned on our beloved AC.




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Logic is flawed...what are the feelings of pedophiles working very hard to legitimize their lifestyle by removing it as an aberrent behavior in the DSM3...an aberrent lifestyle is just that and will have repurcussions...I can never condone or promote a sin...as someone who has struggled with overeating...I do not praise or condone it but must strive to lead a healthy lifestyle.


:iagree: that your logic is 100% flawed. Absolutely :iagree:

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If people are going to start talking about the TP then this thread is likely not long for this world. Can we stay on topic?


:iagree: tp is too controversial. 2-ply? 3-ply? The fights would never end. :tongue_smilie:

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This could be because bashing Christians is so popular these days.


Uh, I think it is because it is the majority religion in the west .... I totted up the religions in a "faith matters" type column for a newspaper not far from me. The was a Baha'i article recently, but well over 80% are about Christian beliefs (and all the articles are about love, forgiveness, faith, etc).


I work with several Muslims. Every one of them is silent about their opinions on many things I would feel comfortable being blunt about. They are all conscious they are a tiny minority here (and have moved from places where tiny minorities don't get a lot of slack), and the last thing they want to do is make waves.

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Just reading up on Anderson Cooper. (I always thought everyone knew he was gay and not that the news just broke Monday--shows what I know?!?)


What I didn't know was that he is son/grandson to the Gloria Vanderbilts. Call me shallow, but THAT'S actually interesting. No wonder he made his way to Yale and has done so well, but I was completely unaware of that little factoid. Who knew he was a Vanderbilt?!

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Who knew he was a Vanderbilt?!


I don't watch TV, and only learned about him a couple of years ago when reading wikipedia ABOUT G.V. As I said, I don't know anything about him except I have seen the giggling You Tube. I admire people who can easily live off inherited money, but choose to work anyway.

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I am a conservative and a Christian and am not for gay marriage, but some form of civil union would probably be okay.


These gay announcements, if I even know who it is, never surprise me. Well, I should change that- there is one actress who was a surprise but I wouldn't be surprised if she did an Anne Heche type of thing. But I really couldn't care less. I don't know who most celebrities are married to and don't care.


But as to a concerted effort to have us change our mind- I think the media in general is biased towards the gay marriage view but I don't think someone is going to see so and so do a gay marriage and then think it is now fine if they previously thought it wasn't. Maybe if they knew someone personally, it may change their mind but not a celebrity, IMO


But the really shocking thing I learned in this thread is once again, how innumerate many Americans are. If the average American thinks 25% is the correct figure for percentage of gays in society, they probably don't understand percentages or else they can't think logically. The best figures I have seen is really more like 2-3% are gay and that includes more men than women. But I wouldn't have thought anything abnormal if the response was 10%, an overestimation caused by the very, very flawed research of Kinsey (one large problem was he relied heavily on prison populations for his statistics).

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:iagree: It would be nice if when someone is asked about their spouse and their reply indicates same-gender, that people would just continue with the usual line of questions - "oh how long have you guys been together?" "how did you meet?" "do you have any kids?"


I remember an older lady in our church telling me about her church shopping experiences. She went to another local church in our denomination, and when she said "...and my wife teaches at Loyola" people said, "Oh! We completely welcome gays and lesbians in our church, we just did a special program..." Then she came to our church, and when she said "...and my wife teaches at Loyola" people said, "Oh, yeah? Which department?"


That was how she knew she'd found the right church. :D


How that translates to "I needed to know AC is gay" is beyond me. Not that I care what AC does on a day-to-day basis (as he would not care what I do), but if I did, why would his doing it with a person he also has sex with be something I need to know?.


If you read his letter, which was linked upthread, you'll see that he tends to agree that his sexual orientation should not be part of the public conversation. Since he wasn't actually closeted, though, it was widely known without his mentioning it. He decided to make a statement because he realized that not doing so, while the topic was addressed in rumors, gave some the impression that he is ashamed of who he is. He wanted to be clear that there is nothing shameful about it, which is a message that young LGBT people regrettably still need to hear.

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I remember an older lady in our church telling me about her church shopping experiences. She went to another local church in our denomination, and when she said "...and my wife teaches at Loyola" people said, "Oh! We completely welcome gays and lesbians in our church, we just did a special program..." Then she came to our church, and when she said "...and my wife teaches at Loyola" people said, "Oh, yeah? Which department?"


That was how she knew she'd found the right church. :D



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And it isn't, other than whoever he's in a relationship w/.


It's only considered business because there's a stigma attached to it. No one says that someone's straight relationship is no one's business because there is no reason to hide it.


Same-sex marriage being legal or not, being gay won't be accepted enough until it's accepted.


Just like being black isn't accepted enough until it's accepted. Just a little racism is still too much.


And before anyone points out that race/sexuality are not the same because being gay is a choice ... well, I don't buy that.



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:iagree: Interracial and lesbian couples are very out in my ds' high school.


That's exactly the opposite of our experience. You aren't even cool at ALL if you aren't dating someone of another race and/or gay at the school my daughter attending the last couple of years. You are just "boring", which is socially bad. Double points to you if you are dating interracially and the same gender.


Whoops...misread you to say they are "out" as in not acceptable, not OUT as in out of the closet.


Never mind, except to say that yes, this is TOTALLY the "norm" in high schools today.

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I don't care who you are or who you sleep with. That's just not my business.


But that's part of the problem. People see being gay as "who you have sex with." That's not what it's about any more than being straight is about who you have sex with. It's way more than that, as any married/in-a-relationship straight person can quickly see if they examine their relationship.


If being gay was all about sex, gay marriage wouldn't even be an issue.



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This is how the convo goes for me:


"...and what does your husband do?"

"My wife works at X"

"Oh, I really didn't need to know about what goes on in your bedroom!"


Happens at least weekly. If you all really don't want to know about my wife, stop asking about my husband.


So why do you have to do that? You don't have to do this.


You could just say, "My spouse works at X doing blah blah!" and not make a big deal of it. You know exactly what is going to happen when you say that, if you can read your audience at all. Gay bar? Nothing. Talking to old ladies at a garage sale or something? I'd immediately assume you were making a political point at my expense for assuming that you had a husband.

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It would be nice if when someone is asked about their spouse and their reply indicates same-gender, that people would just continue with the usual line of questions - "oh how long have you guys been together?" "how did you meet?" "do you have any kids?"


Believe it or not, this is the normal response of most people. I learned this in childhood. No matter what you are told or how surprising any comment, you take it in stride. That's what my Mom did and taught us to do.


Someone could have said, "I'm an alien from Jupiter and I'm here to eat your cat." and my Mom would have responded calmly, without breaking her conversational stride, "Oh, really? Jupiter sounds FASCINATING. I feel pretty safe, as I don't have a cat...so how long have you been here, blah blah blah".


I've never been as good as her, but I can and do do this. Training! :tongue_smilie:

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What in the world does being gay or straight have to do with pedophilia? I hear this all the time, and it's just about the most idiotic thing I've ever heard. Two adults having a loving relationship, no matter what kind of genitalia they have, has nothing to do with an adult sexually assaulting a child.


Also, if you're trying so hard not to "condone or promote sin," you might want to try doing a little less judging and a little more using your brain.


Here is the connection, for a very long period of time...homosexuality was considered deviant behavior just as pedophilia is. Society rejected both, now a segment embraces one but not the other. Just look at DSM III manuals from 20+ years ago. I never have maligned your intelligence or have so brazenly and openly attacked those who take a differing view...I was addressing flawed logic. Being personally attacked reflects more poorly on the sender than any impact on me...judging is not or me, but for my Lord. The fact that I use my brain to honor and uphold His laws and Word is what most who condemn here find offensive. Nothing new.

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Just reading up on Anderson Cooper. (I always thought everyone knew he was gay and not that the news just broke Monday--shows what I know?!?)


What I didn't know was that he is son/grandson to the Gloria Vanderbilts. Call me shallow, but THAT'S actually interesting. No wonder he made his way to Yale and has done so well, but I was completely unaware of that little factoid. Who knew he was a Vanderbilt?!


I knew he was gay and that he was a Vanderbilt. I think he has mentioned it in passing before; he has just never made an official statement. I agree with him that it shouldn't matter. But, Andy Rooney mentioned his wife a lot. Don't most of us probably know that Katie Couric's husband died of colon cancer? Is there anyone (who watches news) who doesn't know who Kathie Lee Gifford is married to? Same thing. It is not a matter of knowing about his sex life. It is a matter of knowing about his life.


You can also put me in the "he is so pretty and nice to look at" camp.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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So...because you struggle with overeating you also worry you will sexually abuse children? Thanks for letting use know. I guess none of us will allow you to be near our children.


Maybe you should get some therapy.


That was totally unnecessary and extraordinarily condescending.


I'm thinking she meant only that sin is sin, and she does not defend her own sin (which might be overeating? not sure) while condemning others.


But then I choose to try to understand what she actually might have intended rather than just to attack.

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So why do you have to do that? You don't have to do this.


You could just say, "My spouse works at X doing blah blah!" and not make a big deal of it. You know exactly what is going to happen when you say that, if you can read your audience at all. Gay bar? Nothing. Talking to old ladies at a garage sale or something? I'd immediately assume you were making a political point at my expense for assuming that you had a husband.


Why shouldn't she say, "my wife works at X?" Her life is not a political point.


Person A: what school do you go to?

Child: Oh, I am homeschooled.


It is not a political point; it is answering the question. It doesn't matter if the person is at a garage sale, is a teacher or anything else. It is life. Sure, people are going to make assumptions, but I don't assume people are being *radical* every time they correct one of my assumptions by answering my question. That is a bizarre POV to me.

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