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Honestly, who says things like this to a child

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Especially a grown man at church. Janai was standing next to daddy this morning while he was talking to a fellow member when this member looked down at her and said, "You look so beautiful today....except for those freckles."


Are you kidding me? Her daddy promptly replied that, "Oh, her freckles are the thing I love most about her."


Errrr! Big sister said to her on the way home. "A child without freckles is like a night without stars."


HERE are her precious freckles

Edited by tricia
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:001_huh: "You look so Christian today, except for that critical spirit."


Too bad that didn't roll off your tongue. Sheesh. I can't bear idiots.

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:001_huh: "You look so Christian today, except for that critical spirit."


Too bad that didn't roll off your tongue. Sheesh. I can't bear idiots.


I love it! Too bad I wasn't near when he said it! I'm far more outspoken than daddy is and it wouldn't have gone well for him.:tongue_smilie:

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:001_huh: Who in their right mind would say that?!


First of all, it was just mean and rude. And secondly, it's not even TRUE! Freckles are *adorable*.


I have freckles. My dh LOVES when I've gotten some sun and my freckles pop out. Zee has some freckles, too.


Pffft. Man, some people just shouldn't talk. Like, ever.

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Oh, for the love of all - she's a doll. I absolutely adore freckles. I think they're the cutest feature a little kid can have. Freckles across the bridge of the nose and the cheeks just do me in! In fact, dd almost-3 has just started to get the freckles that seem to show up on all of our kids around that age - right on the nose. *smooch*


Freckles were the first thing I noticed about my dh, and nothing is sexier than a freckled back. (Maybe a freckled back on a man in a kilt? :tongue_smilie:)


How rude of that man. Maybe he was jealous. I'll bet he wishes he could take it back. ;)

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:001_huh: Who in their right mind would say that?!


First of all, it was just mean and rude. And secondly, it's not even TRUE! Freckles are *adorable*.


I have freckles. My dh LOVES when I've gotten some sun and my freckles pop out. Zee has some freckles, too.


Pffft. Man, some people just shouldn't talk. Like, ever.


Oh yes. The sun has definitely made them more pronounced. I love them!

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She is absolutely adorable down to every last freckle! My eleven year old is very pale and has light freckles that pop out a bit more when she's been in the sun. She loves the outdoors and hanging out at the pool in the summer so her freckles are fairly noticeable right now. I've always thought they were so cute and I've told her so often.


I try not to compliment a child on their looks, good or bad. I don't think it's good for a child to be raised with the idea that his or her looks are the most important thing about them and I can't imagine commenting negatively about any aspect of a child's looks. The most I will say is, "I like your hair today" or "That looks cute on you." I do compliment my own kids' looks but I comment on other things much more often. :)

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Stupid people. (It may be temporary stupidity. Heaven knows I've said some things that horrified me once I realized what I had said.)


Or perhaps someone whose sense of humor is not tuned to young girls.


:grouphug: Your daughter is adorable.



Could be, he only has boys!

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Especially a grown man at church. Janai was standing next to daddy this morning while he was talking to a fellow member when this member looked down at her and said, "You look so beautiful today....except for those freckles."


Is there anyway that the guy might have meant it in an ironic way? I've met people who say things like that because it is the opposite of the truth. Obviously your dd is gorgeous and all the cuter because of her freckles. Could he just be saying it with a twinkle in his eye and meaning it ironically??

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Is there anyway that the guy might have meant it in an ironic way? I've met people who say things like that because it is the opposite of the truth. Obviously your dd is gorgeous and all the cuter because of her freckles. Could he just be saying it with a twinkle in his eye and meaning it ironically??


:iagree: That was my first thought, too. I've heard these awkward conversation starters before.


Still, it was dumb to say. Your daughter is super-duper cute :001_smile:.

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Is there anyway that the guy might have meant it in an ironic way? I've met people who say things like that because it is the opposite of the truth. Obviously your dd is gorgeous and all the cuter because of her freckles. Could he just be saying it with a twinkle in his eye and meaning it ironically??


Very possible. But likely not humor a young child would catch onto. It's so easy for children to read things into the humor of an adult. That's what bothered me I think the most.

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I had freckles like that as a little one. And a little sun really makes them "pop.";) Unfortunately, they fade a bit as we get older. Sigh.


My mom always told me the freckles were Angel Dust, sprinkled on as I came down from heaven before I was born. I've always liked that . . . and my freckles. I hope your little does, too. :)

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Very possible. But likely not humor a young child would catch onto. It's so easy for children to read things into the humor of an adult. That's what bothered me I think the most.


Yeah, I know what you mean. Some adult humor just doesn't translate. How did your dd react to what he said? I hope it didn't hurt her. :(

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Yeah, I know what you mean. Some adult humor just doesn't translate. How did your dd react to what he said? I hope it didn't hurt her. :(


She just kind of looked at him oddly. I wasn't close enough to catch what he said but that's what my husband said when he looked down at her. I'm sure she was taken aback by it. Not too many are used to 'teasing' like that I think!

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She just kind of looked at him oddly. I wasn't close enough to catch what he said but that's what my husband said when he looked down at her. I'm sure she was taken aback by it. Not too many are used to 'teasing' like that I think!


Poor little thing. :grouphug::grouphug:

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"Did you really just say that out loud?"

bless you. that is a wonderful response to a tactless comment when so often rejoinders are just as rude as the original comment.


and to the OP - your dh's and other dd's responses were perfect.

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