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Let's play what have your children had extracted from their nose.?!

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Called pedicatrician who arranged an appointment with ENT to extract a lego...... :001_huh:. 2 hrs total of panic, 30min drive, 30second procedure. Dd lodged just past the point I felt safe to get it out but thankfully I didn't have spend 4 hrs waiting at the ER:tongue_smilie:.

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Called pedicatrician who arranged an appointment with ENT to extract a lego...... :001_huh:. 2 hrs total of panic, 30min drive, 30second procedure. Dd lodged just past the point I felt safe to get it out but thankfully I didn't have spend 4 hrs waiting at the ER:tongue_smilie:.


Ah, the joys of motherhood!

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Nothing from my kids' noses, but how about what your husband had extracted from his ear?


He's had at different times a moth and a pencil eraser extracted by medical personnel :lol: (And doesn't understand why I find it so funny!)

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I got one. When dd was four she was sick , we thought it was sinus infection. This went on for days. We finally took to ped. She looked up nose and said there is something shiny.


Than she tried to fish it out, it was horrible , I had to leave room. Apparently it took four people to hold her down. It ended up being a star sticker and it was stuck up high.


After that, stickers were banned.


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Nothing from my kids' noses, but how about what your husband had extracted from his ear?


He's had at different times a moth and a pencil eraser extracted by medical personnel :lol: (And doesn't understand why I find it so funny!)


:lol: Oh my, I almost wet myself laughing at this one! :lol:

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I did think of a nose story -


One Sunday the 5 Smith kids came trooping into Sunday School and announced proudly, "We weren't here last week because Andie stuck a penny in her nose!" Andie (the 3yo) just looked at us and smiled.

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Only popcorn kernels.. He managed to shove three on one side. I was able to avoid to the doctor visit though. I pinched the bridge of his nose and made him blow with all his might.:D


On the other hand...If you would like to discuss ears. My then, 3 yr old son put apple seeds into his ears not once.....not twice...... but three times (that's right 3 times!!!!) in ONE week. The first incident required a trip to the ER because my children like to do these things on Fri nights or the weekends when Dr.'s offices are closed and he managed to get them (4 seeds) wedged into his ear really well. The second time I was able to wiggle his ear enough to have the one seed loosen its way out. The third time I had to take him into the dr.'s office to have his ears (yes you read that correctly, ears!!) flushed out. Naturally, after the third incident ALL apples were banned from the house for the period of one year!!:D



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Once ds, about four at that point, came to tell me he had a lego stuck up his nose.


"How did it get there?" I asked.


"I just kind of sniffed near it," he said.


There was the obligatory trip to the ER, the obligatory wait in the waiting room, the obligatory wait in the examining room, and then.....the doctor had me hold ds' other nostril shut, cover his mouth with mine, and puff into his mouth violently, thereby blasting the lego out ds' nose. It worked.


Oh, and it wasn't any ordinary lego, mind you.....it was the Golden Snitch from a Harry Potter set.


The ER people laughed themselves silly over that one.

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When my oldest was about 3, we were sitting at church and she was playing with a cute little eraser from a pencil-top--it had a happy-face on it. Next thing I knew, it was jammed into her nose! The awful thing was that we were scheduled to leave for a plane trip out-of-state to join my husband in a couple of hours, so I was by myself and had visions of spending the day in the hospital and missing our trip. Luckily, as I took her out of the chapel, she sneezed and the eraser flew out and landed in a little trashcan. Whew!

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Years ago when my son was 3yo and going to a Children's House, I got a call that he had a stick stuck in his face. They needed me to pick him up.


I said, "Oh, why did he put a stick up his nose?"


There was a pause on the line. "No, he has a stick through his cheek."


He tripped on the playground.


It left a nasty scar.

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which we knew nothing about until the morning when I went to take her out of her crib and the room STANK to high heaven. Took her to the doctor (all car windows rolled down, and it was winter), who fished out the rotten tissue. She was less than 2yo and couldn't tell me how that happened. I didn't keep tissues around the house at that time so I know she didn't get one from home.



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DS #1: macaroni and cheese noodle. Could still breathe through the hole. I thought he just had a crusty nose - obviously my first experience with foreign nasal objects!


DS #3: A red-hot candy. Thought he just had a bloody nose. He finally fessed up when I asked if he had been eating anything with cinnamon because he smelled so good!.


I knew a young girl who put an eraser up her nose. She smelled absolutely horrible for quite some time. We all avoided her and no one really wanted to mention it to her mom because surely she smelled it too....anyways her mom finally took her to the doctor because she always smelled bad no matter how much she bathed her. The culprit was a nasty eraser up the nose.

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Called pedicatrician who arranged an appointment with ENT to extract a lego...... :001_huh:. 2 hrs total of panic, 30min drive, 30second procedure. Dd lodged just past the point I felt safe to get it out but thankfully I didn't have spend 4 hrs waiting at the ER:tongue_smilie:.


:lol::lol: My dd had a lego stuck in her nose, too! We stopped by dh's shop on the way to the ER and he was able to get it out. :001_smile:

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Once ds, about four at that point, came to tell me he had a lego stuck up his nose.


"How did it get there?" I asked.


"I just kind of sniffed near it," he said.


There was the obligatory trip to the ER, the obligatory wait in the waiting room, the obligatory wait in the examining room, and then.....the doctor had me hold ds' other nostril shut, cover his mouth with mine, and puff into his mouth violently, thereby blasting the lego out ds' nose. It worked.


Oh, and it wasn't any ordinary lego, mind you.....it was the Golden Snitch from a Harry Potter set.


The ER people laughed themselves silly over that one.


Did the doctor bill you for the full ER visit, or did you get a discount because you performed the removal? :D

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Called pedicatrician who arranged an appointment with ENT to extract a lego...... :001_huh:. 2 hrs total of panic, 30min drive, 30second procedure. Dd lodged just past the point I felt safe to get it out but thankfully I didn't have spend 4 hrs waiting at the ER:tongue_smilie:.


That's impressive....any one who can get a lego stuck in his/her nose....well they have my admiration....my son got the beanie baby beads stuck in his ears. We didn't know they were there until the DR got to looking....


I have to tell this one....My brother had a bean stuck in his nose. We lived on a farm so most of the beans we had were to be put in the ground...not up ones nose.


My brother was helping his grandfather plant the garden. Fast forward a month or so later and my mom had to take him to the Dr's. He was crying and said his face hurt really bad.


The Pediatrician sent him to the hospital for an xray.....The bean sprouted in his sinus cavity. The Doctor was able to get the bean out but it had about a 2 inch sprout on it....My mom still has that thing in a box somewhere....that brother is now 30....:lol: We love telling that story on him.......:D


It was white.....the sprout that is.......:D

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When he was two I met a friend for lunch at a 60's diner type of place. We had milkshakes. Mine had whipped cream and miniature chocolate chips in it. My friend was sitting across from the booth and suddenly burst out laughing. I looked downa and ds was stuffing the chocolate chips up his nostril. Needless to say, I didn't finish my milkshake.

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I have a stinky nose story too!


My ds now 14 started stinking, and I couldn't figure it out! We finally took him to the ER, and they said it was a sinus infection and gave us some antibiotics. Well, the stink got only worse, so we went to our dr. who did x-rays and said there was something, but he thought it was a sinus infection too, so gave more/different antibiotics. Still kept stinking. Poor boy. he loved being hugged, but I could hardly stand being near him. Finally I called and said, "this is NOT getting better, something needs to be done!" So he sent us to an ENT (ear, nos throat specialist). The ENT walked in the room looked at his nose and said, he has something stuck up there that we need to get out." 2 seconds to come to a correct diagnosis that 2 other doctors hadn't noticed, and made my poor ds (and us) go through 4 weeks of this! Since my ds was 5, and could panic easily, and he didn't want to scare him or hurt him, and therby make him afraid of doctors, he suggested bringing him in 2 days later for outpatient surgery. We did that. Things went well and he was able to get the offending thing out.


He said it was a piece of gauze. We didn't have any and certainly hadn't used any on him. He had gone to a friend's house one day, but she didn't have any either she said. So who knows where it came from. But he sure did smell better after that!

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Yep that's right pistachios. My oldest son loved nuts so we gave him a little bowl with pistachios and a few minutes later thought boy those went down fast. I then looked at him and thought he had a big boogie hanging out his nose, nope it was a pistachio. I got it out as it was right near the end, then I got a flash light and saw there was another one, not too high up so we kind of pushed on his nose in a "milking" downward way and it came out. I look again with the flashlight and low and behold there's one way up there. Now he was only about 2 and didn't really understand blowing his nose so after about an hour of trying we took him to the ER. Waited about 30 minutes and then waited another 15 for the DR, just before the DR came in the darn thing fell out. Turns out the salt on the nut irritated his nose making his nose run, thus lubing up said nut allowing it to slide right out.:tongue_smilie:

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Both of my dc have played this game! We drove into NYC to see" The Yellow Submarine" movie when it was rereleased.:lurk5: Dd was 5. The first show was sold out so we played in the park, went out to eat, shopped and went to the 7 o'clock showing. After the movie we went to the washroom and she handed me a tiny, plastic, neon, orange bead. When asked about it she simply told me that she put it in her nose while riding in the car:auto: and had spent the whole day trying to blow it out! Do you know how many hours we would've been in the ER if I had known? LOL Then there was the time we were staying with friends and my ds 2 was crying, and had a finger up his bleeding nose...How do you get them to the ER if you are alone? I was afraid he would keep pushing whatever it was further up his nose. I decided to take on my professional persona, my son or not, held him down and gently reached in with the tweezers and found a ...light bright...What a find. They are the perfect size for little noses.:001_huh:

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Can't believe nobody has posted a button up the nose story, lol.


My sister put one up her nose when we were kids. I still remember we were at the mall, my mom was trying on clothes & my sister was messing around on the floor. She told me she got a button up her nose & I promptly told on her (tattling being one of those older sister duties and all, lol ;)).


Mom took her to the ER & we sat around forever because by the time they looked at her, her sinues were totally swollen around the button & they didn't want to damage her nose. So, then we had to wait for the ENT who was on call to show up. He got his really long tweezers & it was out very quickly. I also remember he had an entire drawer filled with lollipops in the supply cabinet. So, I scored too. :D


My sister has always insisted that she got the button in her nose because she was trying to smell it. Though I have questioned her repeatedly over the years, she has still never been able to answer...


Did the button have a smell?


And, did the button get up your nose because you inhaled so strongly that it got sucked out of your fingers & up your nose; or, did you stuff it up your nose in order to better smell it?


Alas, I think I will never know the answers to those questions. Ah, the mysteries of life, eh?


(Thankfully, neither of my kids has ever stuck anything up their nose... at least not to my knowledge.) And, whoa, a lego in the nose? That takes some talent! Glad everyone's nose stories have had a happy ending! :001_smile:

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stuck a round ball used in those magnet building sets up his nose. We were all ready to go to the peds (keys in hand, shoes on all three boys) and one of my older sons came up with the idea of fishing it out with a magnet (it was rod shaped.) So we did and out it came! He tried it again a few weeks later and we did the magnet trick a second time. He has graduated into other mischief (like riding his quad runner in the snow naked!) He has also developed the most charming smile that he flashes when he is about to get into trouble for his mischief making.

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I got a call when ds was in private school, kindergarten. The principal, who was a very prim and proper lady, stated "Your son has apparently stuck a foil ball up his nose. We happen to have a mom here who is a nurse, do we have permission to have her remove it."


I talked to ds, who was crying and I had a hard time not bursting into laughter with this very proper principal on the phone.


I went to school to check on him and it was out and he was back in class. I asked why he did such a thing and he said, "Because my friend told me to." :001_huh: Peer pressure in Kindergarten.

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Nothing in the nose, but my oldest ds had a bead in his ear (a very tiny bead) and had to go to same day surgery to have it removed!


My parents love to tell the story about the time when I was a child and I stuck a bead up my nose. They took me to the hospital, and it took several people to hold me down. I can still remember looking up into the faces of those people! :eek: They tied me to a papoose board, and gave me some medicine to "relax" me. Well, apparently, the medicine made me slightly (right!) high. I then stayed up most of the night telling my very tired parents fairy tales. Only I got them all mixed up. They thought is was hilarious! All I can remember is those people...looking down on me...and feeling like I had to get away!! :svengo:

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We made some elephants out of a plaster-like material when DD#1 was almost 3. She was playing with it during naptime(she had it on her bedside stand) and shoved it way up her nose. Our insurance was terrible and I was terrified of the bill if we would have to go. But we tried tweezers and it would just break off. However, we finally used a bobby pin and were able to get it out before going to the ER!!! VERY SCARY!!!

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Yuck. My friend's husband had a cockroach crawl into his ear while sleeping and had to have surgery to remove it.


Oh ewwwwwww! That takes the "gross award" right there LOL! I'm so afraid of this, especailly while we are camping. I saw on the news about a man woman who had some sort of bug crawl into her ear and actually lay eggs in her brain. She had a horrible migraine and doctors did an MRI on her and saw this. Gross!!

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My oldest ds stuck a lego in his nose when he was about three - one of those little round ones. I called the pediatrician, who suggested that I close the good nostril and blow, but the lego wouldn't move. I had to take him to the ER. All the way to the ER he was sneezing. Every time he sneezed I pulled over to look and see if it was still there, and it was. After an hour or two sitting in the ER and going through triage "yep there is a lego up there" he sneezed it out. Thankfully I never saw a bill.


The same son, who is now 9 came to me in a panic a few months ago, because he had swallowed a small lego! I said "Don't worry, it'll come back out", but he gets panicky so I had to call the doctor...thankfully they agreed with me. But they said I had to check for it everytime he went to the bathroom (to make sure it made it out). Guess what piece of advice I ignored?

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