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A General Prayer Request for my Life

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I've had one full week of palpitations (off and on) and trouble with my chest muscles. I have wonky health and I'm fairly sure that it is a combination of my electrolytes being out of whack (we're working on trying to get this under control) and problem muscles that contract and don't let go. This week's muscles to contract into a hard unyielding knot have been my pectoral muscles and on up into my neck. From the pain and soreness I feel when I press my muscles in my chest, I'm 90% sure that the chest pain/pressure I"m feeling is muscular and not internal. I'm working on the muscle problem with magnesium. . . which affects my overall electrolyte balance . . . and there is a bit of a vicious cycle going on.


My doctor's response at the moment is that he trusts my monitoring of what is going on and to come in when I think it is worse or that I can't handle it. I'd appreciate prayer that I will have discernment in that regard. In one sense, I really think that it is a matter of figuring out small tweaks that my body needs and that it isn't a dangerous thing but it is a bit annoying with everything else going on in my life. (And there is the small possibility that my doctor and I are wrong and is is more serious - at least with the palpitation part of things.)


I mentioned in another thread that my MIL is depressed since her stroke. The family came together today to visit her. She does better with people around. My FIL does great with his own health and with puttering around the house but he gives in too easily to MIL's strong will. Her kids (dh and my two SILs) and myself will be taking turns coming over to help her to eat, to get out of bed and to do her PT. I get first dibs for taking her to the doctor tomorrow. FIL said that if I didn't come, she would refuse to go and he wouldn't be able to make her. She seemed fine with the idea that I would be coming to help - esp. when I told her that I would make sure we brought along the wheelchair for her to use. I'd appreciate prayers for all of us. For MIL that she will get the medical help she needs (one of my tasks tomorrow is to talk to the doctor about anti-depressants for her). For dh that he will be able to handle this in addition to his two fulltime jobs. For my two SILs who are jugglling work and family to help out too (one is coming down from Canada). And for me who is juggling my own health issues and homeschooling as well as some of the cultural and familial issues that come with being a DIL in a interracial family. Many of the college age grandkids are helping out when they can too, so pray for them as they do what they can.

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I'll be praying. Thanks for describing your symptoms. Not to talk about us, but...We are trying to get ds diagnosed--he has intermittent chest pain, sometimes really bad--been in the hospital, tests are clear, but now they suspect it is a valve problem from amphetamine use. Seems to be muscular, too--Anyway, you telling your symptoms helps us!

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I'll be praying. Thanks for describing your symptoms. Not to talk about us, but...We are trying to get ds diagnosed--he has intermittent chest pain, sometimes really bad--been in the hospital, tests are clear, but now they suspect it is a valve problem from amphetamine use. Seems to be muscular, too--Anyway, you telling your symptoms helps us!


I don't mind if you talk about you.;) Praying for your ds too.

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I'll be praying. Thanks for describing your symptoms. Not to talk about us, but...We are trying to get ds diagnosed--he has intermittent chest pain, sometimes really bad--been in the hospital, tests are clear, but now they suspect it is a valve problem from amphetamine use. Seems to be muscular, too--Anyway, you telling your symptoms helps us!


Oh, I hope it is not a valve problem!!! Has anxiety been ruled out?

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