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I'd love to switch to something other than conventional deodorant. Aside from the concerns about regular deodorants, soon DD is going to be needing deodorant too and I don't want to be using something I wouldn't let her use.


Here's the issue: We live in TX. Where it was 114 last year before considering the heat index. So I need something that WORKS. I can handle the lack of antiperspirant. I can't handle being stinky.


I bought Tom's of Maine this last weekend to try it. I put it on last night after my shower, ignored the mild burning sensation (I don't normally have sensitive skin either), and woke up this morning stinky! It didn't even last 12 hours!


Last summer, I also tried a recipe I found online that was a combination of baking soda and cornstarch. It was OK, but doesn't last. Maybe I didn't have the right ratio of soda to cornstarch?


If you use natural deodorant, what do you use? Do you make your own?


Help a (stinky) girl out!

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Try rock crystal deoderant. DD used it for awhile and it worked. You do have to wet it before you apply it, though. We only switched because she kept complaining it was cold, but this was in the winter. I'm still looking for something for her that's just deoderant, without the anti-perspirant. Isabella Catalog sells Pit Powder that they claim works, I've never tried it personally, but I've used some of the other things they sell and have been pleased. It might be worth a try.

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I use the Crystal one:




That said, I do not live where it is 114 degrees or anywhere close (this is by design- I was born in Texas and there is just no way I could deal with that sort of heat.) I would not expect any deodorant to last through 12 hours of that sort of sweating for me. Definitely NOT cornstarch and baking soda. I can't use the regular ones because my skin will break into a big old rash. The crystal one works but I def. can't vouch for it in that sort of weather.

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I live in Southern IL. High 90's is the average in the summers with a VERY high humidity level. Crystal deodorant has never ever worked for me, and I don't even consider myself stinky. Tom's unscented works for awhile. I would try one with tea tree oil because it helps with stink issues. I had Jason deodorant recommended to me. I plan on ordering some on Amazon.

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I bought Tom's of Maine this last weekend to try it. I put it on last night after my shower, ignored the mild burning sensation (I don't normally have sensitive skin either), and woke up this morning stinky! It didn't even last 12 hours!

Tom's of Maine is known for causing rashes, and I've never had it be particularly effective, either.


I've had rash problems with some other store-bought "natural" deodorant, too. Oddly, never a problem with the non-natural stuff!


Last summer, I also tried a recipe I found online that was a combination of baking soda and cornstarch. It was OK, but doesn't last. Maybe I didn't have the right ratio of soda to cornstarch?

Have you tried the version with coconut oil? I use equal parts baking soda, coconut oil, and cornstarch and it comes out well enough. You can also add essential oils if you want something that smells good, or for further disinfecting power. Both baking soda and coconut oil are effective (at least to some extent) by themselves, so combined they tend to work well.


I've used this for years without problems, and I work in healthcare, so smelling "sanitary" is important.


I used one of those crystals for a while, and found it to be pretty effective, but only if you only apply it directly after a shower - it stops working well if you use it during the day.


I also had good luck with Burt's Bees spray deodorant (if you can find it). Worked well enough when I was doing a 10 mile each way bike commute in 100+ degree weather while wearing a tank top :) (And didn't give me a rash, either)

Edited by ocelotmom
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Use Milk Of Magnesia plain or add some lavender essential oil to it. Apply with fingers, cotton round or pour into a spray bottle and squirt on. It works very very well, much better than any natural stuff I tried and as good as the strong commercial stuff I used to use. Another big plus is no more yellow sweat stains on shirts too.

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I make my own with equal parts cornstarch and baking soda, cut with enough coconut oil to make it the right consistency. I usually add some essential oils for scent. I find it works pretty well. During the summer, I often apply morning and evening, but I still am usually able to go without a shower every day.


I never found a commercial natural deodorant that worked for me.


oh, I live in MD; not as hot as TX but we do get hot and humid.

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I use Arm & Hammer without Aluminum. They have one without and one with. I've used the crystal and it worked okay for a while. This all said, I'm not the stinky one in my family. My DH & DD sweat a lot. So they won't even touch the stuff. I think the spray stuff doesn't have aluminum if that's your issue with most deodorants.

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this works well and is aluminum free, but is a bit pricey:




also, i just read about using apple cider vinegar..just soak a cotton ball with undiluted acv and just let it dry. it reduces the ph levels of body which kills the bacteria that causes body odor...haven't tried this yet, but plan on doing this tomorrow morning.


my routine is now going to include the apple cider vinegar under the armpits after i take a shower and you can even rinse off, but don't use soap...and i already use coconut oil for moisture and i apply some under my armpits and then the deodorant. at the moment here in abu dhabi, the temps have already hit 115 degrees farenheit so i need a good plan!!





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I make ours, using the recipe Amy Karol has on the Angry Chicken blog, though I substitute coconut oil for the Shea butter because it's what I have on hand. I imagine the addition of sage essential oil would help with actual sweating (though I'm of the camp that we're supposed to sweat, so...). My husband uses it and has had no issues on a 24hr shift. We're in MD, too.


If you want something premade, I also like the Burt's Bees herbal spray (which does have sage and decreases sweating a bit).

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I've been meaning to try this one from Passionate Homemaking. I've heard good things about it. She did an update recently saying her family is still using this recipe and is happy with it.




My guess is you might have to apply twice per day in extreme heat like you have.


I use this and it works really well for me! I would agree with applying twice, especially in the summer.

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I use a crystal one with good results. I don't live anywhere as hot as you do, though I do tend to sweat a lot. When it's really hot and humid in the summer I do have to wash & reapply every day, but every other day works the rest of the year for me.


ETA I was just remembering that when I first switched from an antiperspirant, I was very stinky for about 2 weeks. I read somewhere that this is typical because your body has to sweat out all the stuff that it hasn't been able to with the antiperspirant. After that the crystal worked well, but not much worked that first couple weeks.

Edited by AdventureMoms
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I've tried many including many homemade varieties, excluding the crystal. I've had the best luck with funk butter however, it is expensive. A couple of years ago I bought some regular deodrant after a few failed experiences and dh telling me kindly that I stunk (that would have been helpful information before the summer ended!). So, I've been using commercial when I go out for extended periods if it is warm(which isn't often- 1 stick of deo lasted about 1.5 yrs). I made some homemade like the funk butter- similar recipe to others posted shea butter, coco oil, starch, clay, essential oils but I was having breakthrough funk. I live in the insanely hot and humid midwest. I need to trial it again at home to see if it will work.

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Thank you all so much!! I've been away from the computer till now so it was awesome to come back and see all these replies!


I'm going to get a Crystal and try it. And I'm excited to try the recipe that all linked. I have to figure out what Arrowroot is first and where I buy it. :)

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I've tried many.


In TX, nothing works very well. I use commercial anti-persp. When it is over 65 degrees.


In cooler temps I find plain ol coconut oil to fight odor fantastically. Somehow, I don't find that I sweat much, either. Adding cornstarch and baking soda just absorbed the wetness and kept odor on me.

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Thank you all so much!! I've been away from the computer till now so it was awesome to come back and see all these replies!


I'm going to get a Crystal and try it. And I'm excited to try the recipe that all linked. I have to figure out what Arrowroot is first and where I buy it. :)


Arrowroot is like corn starch but without the talc so allergic reactions are less likely. You should be able to find it at a health food store.

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Arrowroot is like corn starch but without the talc so allergic reactions are less likely. You should be able to find it at a health food store.


Oh cool! I'm sure I'm just walking past it on the shelf and not seeing it because I'm not looking for it.

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Oh cool! I'm sure I'm just walking past it on the shelf and not seeing it because I'm not looking for it.


My Kroger grocery carries arrowroot by Bob's Red Mill in the organic/alternative baking ingredients section, near the special flours, etc.


FWIW, I prefer to use a much lower proportion of arrowroot than the oil and baking soda. For me, it's better that I mix the oil and baking soda first, and then just add a bit of the arrowroot.

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I use this, Thai Crystal Mist. It's a mineral salt deodorant in a spray. It really does work and it really is amazing. I've tried several other natural things, like Tom's and baking soda. Now, baking soda works ok. It definitely absorbs odor away if you are already a bit smelly and are looking for a quick fix. But it is inconvenient and doesn't last very long as a deodorant, imo. Tom's just isn't good at all. Thai's is great. However, it does work best when sprayed on directly after showering. As in you can't just go and spray it on mid day after you're sweaty and it to take the smell away. Best to shower in the morning and apply. Then you should be able to count on it doing its job for the day. I don't live in TX though, so I can't be sure! Also it is not an antiperspirant. You will still sweat if you are going to sweat. It just won't smell bad because the salts keep the bacteria down. :)

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I found better results using the coconut oil straight up. Making the recipe trapped moisture and added odor. Give it a try straight up before mixing up a batch.


Oh, thanks! I'll try that first!


My Kroger grocery carries arrowroot by Bob's Red Mill in the organic/alternative baking ingredients section, near the special flours, etc.


FWIW, I prefer to use a much lower proportion of arrowroot than the oil and baking soda. For me, it's better that I mix the oil and baking soda first, and then just add a bit of the arrowroot.


You know, now that you say that I think I have seen it at our HEB in that same section. I just didn't pay attention because I didn't have a use for it. :)


If you have Trader Joe's, I love their store brand cotton deodorant. I actually don't have Trader Joe's, but stock up when we visit my MIL.


Nope, no TJ's. I *wish* TJ's would come here.

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Thank you all so much!! I've been away from the computer till now so it was awesome to come back and see all these replies!


I'm going to get a Crystal and try it. And I'm excited to try the recipe that all linked. I have to figure out what Arrowroot is first and where I buy it. :)


i would do more research on the Crystal..i was so excited about trying it for myself and then a friend mentioned that they actually have aluminum...:glare:







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  • 11 months later...
Guest Serina

I have heard a lot of speculation regarding the dangers of aluminum-based products coming into contact with skin. Since aluminum salts are a key ingredient in anti-perspirants (plugging your pores to inhibit sweating), I have recently decided to switch to natural, aluminum-free deodorants. I got recommendations from a few people to try Lavilin and I’ve been using it for close to a month now. I feel a lot better knowing that I am using a highly reputable product, and so far I haven’t had any issues. Will definitely keep using and re-post here with more feedback in the coming months.

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I use a crystal stick after showering, and if i need extra at some point, I either wash underarms, dry and re-apply or I use a roll-on tea tree or eucalyptus stick.


I save the bodysprays for going out. I can't use body sprays or normal deod. at home as we have a big bee/wasp drama here, and they are naturally attracted to me. If I add scented or bodysprays, they think I'm honey......

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I use Deodad, which is basically a purchased version of the coconut oil/baking soda deodorant discussed above. It works great for me--I live in metro Atlanta area, where it gets quite hot, although not quite as hot as you've mentioned! I would caution though that the coconut oil can definitely stain clothing. You have to make certain it's dry before you put on any clothing, and if you wear fitted tees and such, you may still have a problem. It hasn't happened frequently enough for me to stop using it (I've been using it for about 3-4 years), but I have lost a couple of items to stains. Once they go through the dryer, they are incredibly hard to get out.

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I use Deodad, which is basically a purchased version of the coconut oil/baking soda deodorant discussed above. It works great for me--I live in metro Atlanta area, where it gets quite hot, although not quite as hot as you've mentioned! I would caution though that the coconut oil can definitely stain clothing. You have to make certain it's dry before you put on any clothing, and if you wear fitted tees and such, you may still have a problem. It hasn't happened frequently enough for me to stop using it (I've been using it for about 3-4 years), but I have lost a couple of items to stains. Once they go through the dryer, they are incredibly hard to get out.


Are you sure it's the coconut oil and not one of the other ingredients? I've never had an issue with stains with the homemade version, and the Deodad version has several other ingredients that could be the issue (olive oil, beeswax).

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I tried several commercial and homemade ones over the years - the best was a homemade version sort of like passionate homemaking but with lavender, lemongrass, and vanilla essential oils. It worked well - I certainly didn't stink with it (although I tend to be the type that gets stinky boob sweat or oily hair before I smell my underarms). There were two problems that made me switch back to the regular old aluminum gel kind:

  1. Eventually I got a rash that I recognized from back in my nursing days as a skin yeast infection. I'm guessing this is due to the PH change from the baking soda. It took about a week of swabbing my underarms with vinegar for the acid balance to be restored to my skin there and the red bumps to disappear.
  2. I had a couple chemical pregnancies and realized that the lavender and other oils are EXTREMELY STRONG phytoestrogens that can cause all sorts of hormonal issues and should never be applied directly to skin. Baby boys who've been given organic shampoos with lavender essential oils in them have developed breasts, for example! I decided the known risks in the commercial deodorant are less dangerous than the unknown risks of too much estrogen and yeast infections from the homemade kind.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Kelly

My daughter and I use Jungleman All-Natural Deodorant and it has been a life saver for us.  We live in Phoenix where its super hot and I will end up stinking 5 minutes after I step out of the house.  Before Jungleman, my underarms were suffering from rashes and welts from other natural deodorants that I have tried.  Jungleman only has 4 ingredients, doesn't have aluminum ( huge thing for me..I hate having darkened armpits), and is odorless ( I don't want to smell like stripper).  Also you don't have to spend an arm and a leg on this product since it's only $6.  Their website is www.junglemannaturals.com  I hope this helps you guys as much as it has helped me! 

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I LOVE the Alvera Almond and Aloe deodorant. I even survived living in Hawaii for three years using it (hot and humid).


I buy it here:




Before this, I tried the Crystal deodorant stuff. It was fine at first, but after a couple of months, I got this INTENSE itching sensation. I figured it was the deodorant (a friend is a dermatologist and agreed) so I discontinued using it, and I was still itchy for one week. Never again.

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I've been meaning to try this one from Passionate Homemaking. I've heard good things about it. She did an update recently saying her family is still using this recipe and is happy with it.




My guess is you might have to apply twice per day in extreme heat like you have.



I make and use this one it is good. You can change the scent by what EO you add. I use arrowroot rather than cornstarch. 

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I use a crystal one with good results. I don't live anywhere as hot as you do, though I do tend to sweat a lot. When it's really hot and humid in the summer I do have to wash & reapply every day, but every other day works the rest of the year for me.


ETA I was just remembering that when I first switched from an antiperspirant, I was very stinky for about 2 weeks. I read somewhere that this is typical because your body has to sweat out all the stuff that it hasn't been able to with the antiperspirant. After that the crystal worked well, but not much worked that first couple weeks.


YEs to the bolded above! 


I use the salt/crystal deodorants.

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I'm pretty sweaty and have tried just about every natural deod under the sun.  Milk of Magnesia wins!  It's very effective, cheap, and easy.  Be sure to get the unflavored/uncolored kind--I buy CVS brand original.  After initial resistance dd10 likes it fine.  You could add essential oil if you want, but I just use it unscented.  And I'm thinking if we absorb magnesium through our skin, that's a good thing.


The only downside is it's a liquid, albeit a thick one.  The consistency is like roll-on deodorant, so it takes a minute to dry before you get dressed.  But it doesn't seem to leave streaks or discoloration on my clothing like roll-on used to.  




ps--salt crystal didn't do it for me.  It was better than nothing and I did use it for a few years, but wasn't nearly as effective as Milk of Magnesia. 



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I've been allergic to deodorant since college. Now that I can't wear anything from the supermarket, I've found that I only stink a few days a month (during the beginning of my menstrual cycle and when I ovulate). During those times, I wash my underarms in the morning and then use rubbing alcohol to clean and dry them. I may do the same again at around 4 pm. 


I think the body will start to sweat there less as you wear less deodorant.


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