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Please tell me it will be ok

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I have had at least 1 kid in diapers for the past 6 1/2 years. Kid3 is finally potty trained except for nights. I think you guys know where this is going. I've had nausea for the past week and I was supposed to start yesterday; instead I got 2 pink lines. NOOOO!!! I am barely sane with 3; I'm not sure I can manage 4 especially 4 in 7 years.


We moved 2 years ago and I got rid of all the maternity clothes, the infant clothes, and 95% of the baby equipment.


At the same time, I'm kind of excited. I've always wanted a Christmas baby. DH will not be thrilled about the timing. He has always worked Christmas Eve and NYE b/c its a time of year when he can rack up hours. Then again, he can uniquely appreciate a little tax deduction showing up on December 30.


Please moms of 4 or more, tell me that I can handle this.

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Congrats! I found 4 to be the hardest as adjusting to new routines. But we made it through all that. You will too. Go easy and be nice to yourself. You and the children will survive.


I have a 11:30pm, December 31st tax deduction. :D

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How exciting! I found #4 to be the easiest to adjust to. I found out the week after dh left for a 15 mo. deployment that I was expecting. DH came home for the birth and R&R (not so much rest there) and then left again til ds was 6 mo old. Even with DH gone all that time, it wasn't terribly hard to adjust. #3 was way, way harder IMHO.


Smile! New maternity clothes - not the ones with the completely worn elastic is great.

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I agree with the others. Number 3 was the hardest one to adjust to. Number 4 was cake, and I had no help from my parents [they thought I had had enough children tyvm] and all C-sections.


And # 4? Well she totally completes our little family. Cannot imagine life without her. :lol:


Here's hoping for a wonderful Christmas blessing. :D

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I have had at least 1 kid in diapers for the past 6 1/2 years. Kid3 is finally potty trained except for nights. I think you guys know where this is going. I've had nausea for the past week and I was supposed to start yesterday; instead I got 2 pink lines. NOOOO!!! I am barely sane with 3; I'm not sure I can manage 4 especially 4 in 7 years.


We moved 2 years ago and I got rid of all the maternity clothes, the infant clothes, and 95% of the baby equipment.


At the same time, I'm kind of excited. I've always wanted a Christmas baby. DH will not be thrilled about the timing. He has always worked Christmas Eve and NYE b/c its a time of year when he can rack up hours. Then again, he can uniquely appreciate a little tax deduction showing up on December 30.


Please moms of 4 or more, tell me that I can handle this.



Number four has been the easiest for me. My oldest was almost 7. The oldeset two have been a big help. "Honey, can you watch the baby while Mama takes a shower, " has been lovely.

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Congrats! I found 4 to be the hardest as adjusting to new routines. But we made it through all that. You will too. Go easy and be nice to yourself. You and the children will survive.


I have a 11:30pm, December 31st tax deduction. :D


I found # 4 my easiest...I had 2 little Hellers and an instant playmate!




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Please moms of 4 or more, tell me that I can handle this.


Congratulations! I'm certain you can do it! I had my four in less than six years, and still have the youngest (who is 2) in diapers. Luckily, you can do without 95% of baby stuff and without frilly or fancy baby clothes (who wants to bother anyway??)


Adding #4 was pretty easy here; here's hoping it's the same for you! :001_smile:

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You can do this. Trust me. I was where you are about 18 months ago. And I'm still here! My oldest turned 7 two months after my youngest was born. My middle two were 3 1/2 and 1 1/2. It's tough. There are days when I don't feel like I can do it. But you are stronger than you think! Sure, some things suffer (there are piles of laundry and dishes around here all the time!). But you focus on what matters. And my kids are learning great skills -- both my 7 and 4 year old can do lots of chores! Someday, their spouses will be thankful they had so many siblings that they had to be responsible.


Praying for your sanity -- and that your pregnancy is healthy!

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Congratulations! Count me among those whose #4 was the easiest. He still is my easiest, happiest kiddo (and I had two more after him, 6 in 8 yrs). In fact, if he hadn't been so easy, we would not have gone for a #5 (#6 was a surprise).


On the diaper thing, I feel your pain. Just remember that it's temporary. This summer I will PT the last one (knock on wood!), after 11 years of diapers.

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I don't have 4, but I'm single and adopted 2 on the same day, so does that count? There were times in the first year that it was truly hard, but I found my strength and got through it.


My mom had her 4th when her oldest was 5. I am sure it was tough, but it's do-able! I still wonder how my mom walked her oldest to & from KG when her 4th was born in November of that year. :) She also moved and started a business while pregnant with #4. So, who knows where women find what it takes, but we have it in us somewhere.


Good luck!

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We potty trained #4 in June (7.5 years of one or more in diapers!), did a little dance, got rid of the crib one Saturday in July and the following Monday I realized I hadn't had a cycle yet that month. I bought a test just to reassure myself, because there was Just No Way I could be pregnant ... But I was. Baby's due date and DH's orders to Afghanistan were on the same day. They induced me a week early so the twain could meet, and it's been 5 weeks now. We're surviving (thanks to a lot of support from family and friends) so I'm pretty sure you'll make it! But go ahead and cry a little bit if you need to. God knows I sure did!

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You can do it! I agree with everyone else who said #3 was the most difficult transition. Get ready for bedschooling. That's what we called homeschooling at the end of my pregnancies and with a newborn. A ton of "Beautiful Feet" type of schooling.


Look into freezer meals. These healthy freezer meals for the crockpot look fantastic. http://mamaandbabylove.com/real-food/


Yay! Babies are wonderful.


Amber in SJ

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Congratulations. Agreeing that #4 was easy to add -- even when my fourth was/is my most demanding.

I also had the 7 year total gap (well, just over 6 1/2), and had just trained my third when I found out that I was pg (after having had 3 in diapers for almost a year at one point).


I was on bedrest for several months, the other kids did fine and flourished. I agree with stocking up the freezer/getting a separate freezer ... that was a lifesaver for me. I also used Pearables in the middle trimester to train the dc to help with housework, and taught them to make simple breakfasts and lunches (cereal, sandwiches) ... far from being put upon, at those ages (3, 5 and 6), they were enthusiastic and empowered by being able to make a difference in family life.

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When I found out I was due my my 4th, my DH was working full time and going to 2 different colleges full time (One was for a religious degree and one was for a secular degree). I was due in the middle of finals week (and I always go within a couple of days of my due date) which was the week before Christmas. The pregnancy was stressful wondering how this was all going to work out, adding the 4th baby to our family was a piece of cake. And she remains my sweetest and easiest child. You can do this. Even if it seems like the worst possible time, it will work out. Congratulations.

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How exciting! I found #4 to be the easiest to adjust to. I found out the week after dh left for a 15 mo. deployment that I was expecting. DH came home for the birth and R&R (not so much rest there) and then left again til ds was 6 mo old. Even with DH gone all that time, it wasn't terribly hard to adjust. #3 was way, way harder IMHO.


Smile! New maternity clothes - not the ones with the completely worn elastic is great.


:iagree: with the bolded. 4 was an easy adjustment. #5 was a different story... :tongue_smilie: You can do it!! :) Congratulations!

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Congratulations! I had four in 7 years, and I'm still alive. I wasn't that happy about the pregnancy at first either, but she has been the best kiddo, and I love her to pieces. I know the diaper stage is exhausting but I enjoyed all the baby stuff with her because I figured she would be my last - I haven't been in any rush for her to grow up.


I have a December 31st tax deduction too - dd12 was born 12/31, which is also our anniversary.

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Four in seven years. #4 wasn't hard to add to the mix. She was a peaceable baby, for the most part. AND, the older ones are tremendous help! It was FAR easier to cook dinner, for example, because the others would entertain a fussy baby while I stirred pots! The older ones get a real kick out of helping.


I was very tired/sleeping for about 6 months after the birth. I decided that it is perfectly acceptable to nursing one BooK only each time (yes, I was lop-sided, but I never could remember which side to start on otherwise.). And, I decided it was perfectly acceptable to snore like a sailor at the 3am feeding and then dump, ahem, I mean tuck the filled-up baby back into bed after wiping drool off my cheek.


After the first 6 months (and once the kid was sleeping through the night) #4 was truly EASY. I was an experienced momma!!


Congratulations on your delightful surprise!!!!!

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Congrats! I found 4 to be the hardest as adjusting to new routines. But we made it through all that. You will too. Go easy and be nice to yourself. You and the children will survive.


I have a 11:30pm, December 31st tax deduction. :D


I also found 4 to be the hardest - and I have five. But you can do this, and the older kids will probably be more excited, and more helpful, than you realize.

once they older ones start getting bigger, they can do more to be helpful. even my 7yo now loves to be a "big brother" to any little kid he comes across. oh, and 1ds was a great help when 2ds was born, and he was barely three.

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I thought #4 was so easy it was ridiculous! Seriously, I remember laughing the week after he was born because life was just too simple! My oldest was 4 years and 4 days old when #4 was born - how cool is that?? I loved it because I was relaxed, confident, etc. - nothing like I was with the first three!


Now having 4 age 3 and under has been a bit more challenging, lol! ;)

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Thank you for the support. I told DH last night and he's still in a bit of a daze.


I've had multiple miscarriages so we're waiting a while to tell anyone (especially the kids) IRL. DS6 complained for the umpteenth time about needing a brother to play with, and it was so hard to keep my mouth shut.

Thanks again.



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Thank you for the support. I told DH last night and he's still in a bit of a daze.


I've had multiple miscarriages so we're waiting a while to tell anyone (especially the kids) IRL. DS6 complained for the umpteenth time about needing a brother to play with, and it was so hard to keep my mouth shut.

Thanks again.





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