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Did you ever get sent to principal's office?

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I just said something in another thread about feeling like I'm being sent to the principal's office and then realized, "Most people probably can't identify with that because they never had to go there!". What "type" were you in school? I had good grades, was a leader/popular ~ and still managed to have a series of visits with principals. No surprise there, I s'pose.;) But in my defense, it wasn't just for being mouthy or getting in fights (guilty on the first, not guilty on the second). In elementary school, for example, I had to explain to the principal why I wouldn't say the Pledge of Allegience. And my entrepreneurial girlfriends and I were also disciplined in 4th grade for staging gymnastics shows during recess and collecting other children's lunch money as a fee for watching. What was so wrong with that, anyway? We didn't force them to watch!:D I'm too embarassed to tell you about what I did in high school that got me sent to the office. Let's just say I was very unhappy when the snack cafe closed early so I couldn't buy my daily Kit Kat.:eek:

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I still can't figure out why I had to go! I mean someone on the bus threw a book and it hit me! I don't remember much about the ordeal except I was worries I was going to be in trouble. I didn't nd up getting in trouble, but they sure acted at the beginning of the encounter like I would. Like this other kids threw a book and it was my fault.

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I just said something in another thread about feeling like I'm being sent to the principal's office and then realized, "Most people probably can't identify with that because they never had to go there!". What "type" were you in school? I had good grades, was a leader/popular ~ and still managed to have a series of visits with principals. No surprise there, I s'pose.;) But in my defense, it wasn't just for being mouthy or getting in fights (guilty on the first, not guilty on the second). In elementary school, for example, I had to explain to the principal why I wouldn't say the Pledge of Allegience. And my entrepreneurial girlfriends and I were also disciplined in 4th grade for staging gymnastics shows during recess and collecting other children's lunch money as a fee for watching. What was so wrong with that, anyway? We didn't force them to watch!:D I'm too embarassed to tell you about what I did in high school that got me sent to the office. Let's just say I was very unhappy when the snack cafe closed early so I couldn't buy my daily Kit Kat.:eek:


I had stellar grades and was quiet for the most part and most teachers loved me. But:


I got sent once for calling the PE teacher a b*tch.

I also got sent for clowning around during a very boring presentation in the library.

In addition, I recieved in school suspension once for skipping club period with friends who spray painted some not very nice things about the principal backstage in the theater.

I ended up in detention a few times for infractions I can't remember.

The one that stands out the most was I was sent once in elementary school because my brother & I were tardy. I was terrified because it was a private school that still allowed spankings, and the principal was huge, and there was a lot of good ol' folklore that was spread about his ability to correct children :eek:. (nothing happened, btw).

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I was the meek, quiet type until middle/high school...then it was class clown/drama queen. :-o I did get sent to the principal in grade school once, for being late coming back from recess, but when the teacher found out we were having a funeral for a dead frog, she felt bad.


Yes, I spent time sitting at a desk in the hall, which was a popular discipline method in these parts (during Spanish class usually; for cutting up and being a distraction). I also made it to in-house detention once, in high school (a teacher required me to copy multiplication tables, as punishment for...something, probably being late, and I didn't do it), but my most famous principal's visits were for cutting class. I had what I thought was a foolproof system for skipping my 1st hour Biology class (run a little late--just long enough for the teacher to send down the list of who wasn't there--have my grandmother call in, then drop by the office and say "Hey, ho...I'm here, you can disregard that absent mark"...only to slip out the back again, and head to Hardee's for some breakfast. :o)


I sort of made a practice of skipping all the classes I didn't understand (Algebra, etc.), until I became serious about competing in Drama competitions. Then I straightened up and flew right. (Can't compete if your grade average is below a certain percentage, or if you're a discipline problem).


Oh, I also yelled at the loudspeaker once, when the secretary came on while I was giving a speech in Drama. (Again...being cute. The teacher didn't think so, and sent me downstairs.)

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Okay, don't tell my kids. I am not proud of this.


In middle school I was one of the office helper kids, which was sort of a status symbol.


But there was this boy. And I really liked him.


And we got caught kissing in the hallway. He was trouble anyway, so nothing happened to him, but I was an office helper so I got called in and told that I could not be an office helper anymore.


I was so humiliated.


Not humiliated enough to leave the boy alone, but humiliated anyway.


It was the first step towards the behavior that would define and destroy my teenage years.

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I got sent to the principal's office in 5th grade. It was the gym teacher who sent me. He didn't like my attitude.:D We were running one of those LONG runs and he said c'mon Cindy, beat your old time. I, being the budding academic that I was, said 'who cares' and ended up in the office. Now, I'm just a chubby academic who still thinks the office was a little overboard.

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Only once, and that was for running in the hall -- in high school! I was late for band, 'cause I had to go to the bathroom and the line was long, and I was afraid of my band director's temper. When they told me and the two others who were with me we were going to be paddled, I just about fainted. We got off with a warning. It was punishment enough to get screamed at in band by our red-haired, artistic, hot-headed director.


I'm such a wuss. :o

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I wasn't really sent to the prinicpal's office but I went there once crying because another girl was trying to beat me up. They guidance counselor called me into his office and told me that they knew I was tough and could take her (I was 5 ft tall, 89 lbs.!) and that if she started the fight they would look the other way while I finished it! I still find that totally hillarious. Anyway I refused to fight her so they brought her down to the office and read her the riot act. That night she called me at home and apologized and asked me to go visit her and ride her horses. I didn't think that would've been a good idea so I declined. She did leave me alone after thatl

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Never got sent to the principal's office. I was a meek wallflower most of my school years. However, I was paddled twice and barely missed a third. The first time was in first grade. I unfortunately failed to hear the teacher say, "Don't eat your snowcones on the merry-go-round." Where better to eat a snowcone? :D That one broke my heart as I always loved my teachers and wanted to please them so.


The second time was in 5th grade. We had a rather joke of a class where the teacher let us talk and pass notes everyday except test day and the day before test day where he gave us all the answers for the test. Sometimes the boys would get very rowdy, so he would paddle them. On this lovely day, the boys raised a question that should have been hypothetical: "How come you never paddle the girls?" Well, we got paddled. This was the same school that had a teacher that made kids wear pacifiers and bibs around their necks when they misbehaved and where one teacher let us--5th grade again--watch Quest for Fire while she left the room. Any questions about why I choose to homeschool? :) Just kidding. I know not all schools are as bad as this one was.

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Well, once in elementary school I tried to forge my moms signature on a note my teacher sent home because I had gotten in trouble for talking in class. I not only got in trouble at school, but I got in so much trouble at home. In high school I was quiet and reserved. I helped pull a few harmless pranks, but they were all in fun.

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Yes, just once, in elementary school. The PE coach caught me and another kid swinging on a chain-link gate. I guess we weren't supposed to do that because he took us to the principal's office.


I still remember the way he leaned against the wall, smirking at us while Mrs. Mercer lectured us. I don't remember a word she said, but I remember the grin on his face. He totally enjoyed my humiliation. At least, that's what it seemed like to me. . .


Maybe he just had gas. :o}

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The principal wanted to stay friends with everyone, so the VPs (we had more than one) who meted out the punishments.


I got sent to the VP once, because they wanted us to pull an editorial we were planning to publish in the school newspaper. I was so mad, I cried, which made me even more angry.


It was a pattern I repeated in college, when I was sent to the dean's office over an essay we were planning to publish in the honor's magazine.

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I was good.:D


I wasn't the most studious or responsible student, but I wasn't a troublemaker by an stretch. My one and only brush with trouble was in 5th grade. The teacher told me repeatedly that my notebook was in terrible shape and I needed to get a new one. I guess I just knew one day that Teacher was sick of it and I was in trouble for forgetting (yet again) to tell my parents about the notebook so I lied. I told her we were too poor to buy one. <snort> She maybe would have bought it if I didn't go to a fairly pricey private school. I got paddled and never got in "big" trouble again.


I don't count detentions for talking or tardies big trouble. If we did count it I would be considered a bad kid.

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Before my rowdy, class clown days, while I was still in elementary school, my parents switched me to a Christian, private school (at a teacher's suggestion).


I was miserable.


I was quiet, painfully shy, had no friends, and one day, as I stood waiting to return a permission slip, the teacher got irritated with all the kids around her desk and ordered everyone to sit down. I placed my slip on her desk before I went to my seat.


Well, later, when she was calling out the names for people to come into the hall and get paddled, because they hadn't returned their slips, she called *my* name. I was confused, but took my paddling, anyway. (I was about seven, I think, and when I look at *my* sweet seven-year-old, the odd, quirky, painfully shy mirror image of me at that age...I could bawl, thinking about something like that happening to her).


I got sick. The doctor was telling my mom that he thought it was nerves, and asked if I'd had any big changes lately, then told them to put me back in my old school when they said they'd changed me. When pressed, I finally told my mom what had happened.


And she paid them a visit. :-)


She read the principal the riot act, got her money refunded (not their policy...but she got it, anyway, lol), and then demanded to see the teacher. Teacher cried (after my mother 'spoke' with her), said she knew she shouldn't have done it, Mom responded, "Well, then you shouldn't have", and when the teacher asked to see me, in order to apologize, my mom said, "Nope", and that concluded our business with them.


"The Day My Mama Socked it to, the Folks Down at C.H.A..."

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Only in third grade.


The teacher, who incidently could have been a twin to the Folger's actress who played the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz, hated me.


One time I was literally drug by my ear to the principal. I went a few other times as well.


But only in third grade. And I'll never know why.:(


I'm so thankful we can homeschool!



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Before my rowdy, class clown days, while I was still in elementary school, my parents switched me to a Christian, private school (at a teacher's suggestion).


I was miserable.


I was quiet, painfully shy, had no friends, and one day, as I stood waiting to return a permission slip, the teacher got irritated with all the kids around her desk and ordered everyone to sit down. I placed my slip on her desk before I went to my seat.


Well, later, when she was calling out the names for people to come into the hall and get paddled, because they hadn't returned their slips, she called *my* name. I was confused, but took my paddling, anyway. (I was about seven, I think, and when I look at *my* sweet seven-year-old, the odd, quirky, painfully shy mirror image of me at that age...I could bawl, thinking about something like that happening to her).


I got sick. The doctor was telling my mom that he thought it was nerves, and asked if I'd had any big changes lately, then told them to put me back in my old school when they said they'd changed me. When pressed, I finally told my mom what had happened.


And she paid them a visit. :-)


She read the principal the riot act, got her money refunded (not their policy...but she got it, anyway, lol), and then demanded to see the teacher. Teacher cried (after my mother 'spoke' with her), said she knew she shouldn't have done it, Mom responded, "Well, then you shouldn't have", and when the teacher asked to see me, in order to apologize, my mom said, "Nope", and that concluded our business with them.


"The Day My Mama Socked it to, the Folks Down at C.H.A..."


Dude...your mom is a bad a$$!

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I just said something in another thread about feeling like I'm being sent to the principal's office and then realized, "Most people probably can't identify with that because they never had to go there!". What "type" were you in school? I had good grades, was a leader/popular ~ and still managed to have a series of visits with principals. No surprise there, I s'pose.;) But in my defense, it wasn't just for being mouthy or getting in fights (guilty on the first, not guilty on the second). In elementary school, for example, I had to explain to the principal why I wouldn't say the Pledge of Allegience. And my entrepreneurial girlfriends and I were also disciplined in 4th grade for staging gymnastics shows during recess and collecting other children's lunch money as a fee for watching. What was so wrong with that, anyway? We didn't force them to watch!:D I'm too embarassed to tell you about what I did in high school that got me sent to the office. Let's just say I was very unhappy when the snack cafe closed early so I couldn't buy my daily Kit Kat.:eek:


I did when I was 15! I was a talking fool in school. My English teacher kept warning me to stop talking to my friend behind me,but I just couldn't quit. So he sent me to the principal office and I got spanked! Can you believe that they spanked me in high school? I'd dare someone to touch one of my kids now. I can spank them, but some stranger....I don't think so! Anyway, it was a big stink b/c I was a cheerleader/student council president. Hellooooo..cheerleaders talk, right? I laugh now b/c I'm so embarrassed that I was a thug!

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Melissa and Rich with kids, you had me rolling there!


I was a quiet, good kid, got good grades mostly...except for geometry with the retired nun who was deaf and a little senile I think, she would make me stand up and say therums and then yell at me cuz she couldn't hear me..I got a D.


anyways, in 3rd or 4th grade my mom had this horrible friend who had an even more horrible, bratty daughter and at some point they decided it was a good thing to drop my little sister and I off at this friend's house in the morning a good hour before school so we could all walk to school together. Well, the little girl liked to play ding-dong ditch-em on her neighbors...something we would never have done to our neighbor's because it is rude and you could get in trouble...we'll she must have gotten caught and she gave them my name. we had the same first name. I got called into the principle's office and grilled about it and I cried and was so horrified that anyone would falsely accuse me..and I was afraid I would be paddled- it was rumored they did that there. I was found guilty because I cried. I was so embarrassed and mortified.


the next time was High school, I had a leak on my clothes, (period) and I knew my dad completely trusted me, so I just walked home to change and came back for the next class. I even brought a note with me the next day from my dad excusing me- I called him as soon as I got home and told him where I was and why... they hauled me to the principles office anyways and gave me detention. My hight school years made no sense- it was such a waste.

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Just once -- but I did it big. What I did was awful, and no one at the school could believe it was me (good grades, never in trouble). As a matter of fact, they brought all the "bad kids" in first to try to find out who the culprit was.


I was suspended for a few days. They told me it was mostly because all the "bad kids" were so mad at me, they were afraid I might get hurt!


I wanted out of my science class. I didn't like the teacher and he didn't like me. For half the school year I tried to get out, but I just kept getting the "all your life you're going meet people . . . blah blah blah." So I took matters into my own hands.


It was a humiliating, embarrassing and mortifying experience. I had to go to counseling and was suspended for I don't know how long.


But I got out of the science class.

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Yes. :o


Once in 2nd grade, I climbed out the window of the classroom onto the roof. (Our school wasn't all the same height.)


In 3rd grade, I got a spanking for collecting "club dues" on the bus. Only I wasn't. My so-called friends lied to get me in trouble.


In high school, I got a discipline slip that my mom had to sign, because I knocked someone's books out of his hands, just horsing around.


I was a straight-A student, a wallflower, quiet and reserved. I don't know how I managed to get into so much trouble. :rolleyes:

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...you wouldn't like her when she's angry. :-)


What's funny, is that she's about five feet tall and weighs maybe a buck ten. She can make you back up when she shows the whites of her eyes, though, LOL!


(I guess I like that story because her fury was turned on someone *else*.)

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I waited until I got to college and then



dun, dun, dun...


I got kicked out!:eek:


In my defense, I didn't do what they said I did, someone else did and I took the fall. I was framed, I tell ya, framed!:mad:



Colleen, I am not altogether surprised to hear that you were a boat rocker.;)

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I was caught in the choir room with a friend of mine taking hits off of her inhaler. :eek: That's about the extent of my drug taking history. Huffing albuterol in my Laura Ashley dress wearing a GINORMOUS bow in my hair. It was every bit as street and dirty as it sounds. Word. :cool:





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I was not a real trouble maker, or a "bad" kid, or the argumentative type. But I was bored stiff, and was always getting in trouble for ditching class. My Advanced Algebra teacher, bless her heart, sent me home early almost every day after she gave the lesson. I'd have my homework finished in five minutes and would either become a distraction or go to sleep. "Out, Robin!" she'd yell and home I'd go. It was a happy arrangement for both of us! :D


Other than that, I got caught smoking in the bathroom once, I got sent down because a football player behind me kept popping my bra and I turned around and smacked him (we both got sent down on that one). The Asst. Principal was always looking for a reason to bust me, and once he thought he'd struck gold when a student with personalized plates that said "Robin" parked in the teacher's zone, but it wasn't me and he ended up with egg on his face... LOL... he was REALLY looking for a reason to bust me after that!


In elementary, I got in trouble only one time and that was when a really cute boy talked me into doing his homework for him :).


I'd like to think I've spared my dd from some of this junk, but in another way I feel sorry for her. In reality, she's in the principal's office every day of her life! LOL



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Um... yes, I've been to the principal's office. I'm not saying how many times, nor for what, but at least I'm admitting it.


Finally, a woman after my own heart! Clearly, anyone who can recall why they were sent to the office each time wasn't there very often.:p

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Well, later, when she was calling out the names for people to come into the hall and get paddled, because they hadn't returned their slips, she called *my* name. I was confused, but took my paddling, anyway.


You got paddled for not returning a permission slip? I understand you did, but they actually paddled kids for not returning something that has absolutely nothing to do with learning? My mother would have come unglued on them... big time..


And yes--no surprise here, I ended up in the Principal's office many, many times. For:


Talking in class (got paddled ONCE in 1st grade for this--mom also came unglued because she did NOT consent to the paddling)


Refusing to say the pledge --which was a daily occurence. I refused to say it at all ever and I still don't.


Loudly standing in front of the closed door teacher's lounge and proclaiming they smelled like dead animals on fire with all the cigarette smoke.


Telling my one teacher she made Margaret Thatcher look pretty (she really was an ogre..but I suppose I deserved this one)


But mainly, I got in good with the Dean of Boys--Mr. LeBoss. However, my brother did not. So any time I got called to Mr. LeBoss's office it was because of my brother--I had to know what happened--the truth--so that he could be dealt with at home. Of course, he never got dealth with ;)


And lastly, for challenging the School Resource Officer on my rights to privacy--I refused to have my locker searched. Felt it defeated the purpose because any one who was "hiding" anything in their lockers could just as easily remove it before the search and never get caught.

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Never. I was a wallflower. I would have been mortified. I got migraine headaches in 5th grade because my teacher was such a tyrant. I saw what happened to other kids when they did something wrong and was so afraid I might do something to cross her and not know it.



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I was sent to the office in 4th grade for bringing candy to school and selling it to kids for 4x the value. Kids were spending all their lunch money. I was a CANDY PUSHER! When the school bully wanted me to give her candy for free and was refused she went and told on me. That was the end of my entrepreneurial ways :(.

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Yes. Oddly enough, as a senior. I was a decent student and usually no trouble. I was in an honors English class and the teacher was a total uptight witch. She had this snotty little policy that if you were caught passing notes she would 'post' the note on the bulletin board. One day, as class was effectively finished and we were waiting for the bell to ring, I passed my friend a note and asked him to loan me lunch money. She intercepted it and tacked it up on the board. I was sooo :mad: I marched up there, took it down and shredded it in front of her. :eek: I still can't believe I did that. I don't even remember what the principal said to me....I imagine he was amused.

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I was a good girl, a shy kid, an honor student, the last person you'd expect to see in the principal's office, but I did get sent a few times.


In 3rd grade a boy pushed me several times on purpose while we were in line and I pushed him back. Of course the teacher only saw me. The principal was shocked when I was sent to her office. She basically apologized to me after I told her what happened, but she said she could not tolerate children pushing no matter what the reason and that if there was a next time, it would be trouble.


Once in 5th grade, the teacher left the room for a few minutes. I got up to sharpen my pencil and Bill Oliver poked me in the hip bone with his newly sharpened pencil as I walked past--hard and on purpose. I yelped, grabbed him by the arm and DUG my nails in as hard as I could. The teacher walked in at that moment, saw me holding onto his arm, saw on his arm, and quickly ushered me into the hall. I think she wanted to pretend that I'd gone to the principal's office. She asked me what had happened and congratulated me for standing up for myself but asked me to find a better way to solve disputes. Then she told me to wait in the hall for a few minutes before coming back in. When I came back into the classroom, Bill told me to meet him by the stop sign in front of the school to fight after school. I told him I'd be there and I'd kick his butt. Ha! He was twice my size. I think I weighed about 65 or 70 lbs. then. But I said it with the meanest look I could muster. When I went to the stop sign to meet him, he was running away down the street. I called after him, but he didn't turn around. I asked him about it the next day, and he tried to play it like he had never said he was going to fight me.


Mr. Avery, my 9th grade English teacher, adored me. I was the only serious student in a class of ne'er do wells and class clowns who also seemed to think I was pretty cool for a bookworm. One day I was in a hurry and didn't grab my grammar book from my locker before class. We never used them anyway. That was the day Mr. Avery decided to crack down on everyone for coming to class unprepared. Most of the class really was pretty bad about bringing books and homework, but this was the only time I'd been unprepared. After noticing two kids who didn't have their grammar books, he turned very red and said, "Anyone else who did not bring their grammar book to class may join these two in the office for the rest of the period." Well, I have always been honest, so I stood to go with the rest of the group. Mr. Avery was shocked. About 5 minutes after he sent us to the office, he came down and pulled me out into the hall to talk to him. He was incredibly embarrassed for having sent me to the office and apologized profusely. He offered to let me come back to class, but I told him that wouldn't be fair. I was really pretty embarrassed since the other kids could see all of this going on. They were surprised when I came back in and sat down with them, but I think I had earned their respect.


Finally, when I was a senior in high school, I got my first and only detention. The grouchy old typing teacher saw Danny give me a peck on the cheek in the hallway on the way to class and slapped us both with detentions.


Now, I wasn't really quite as good as people thought (though pretty close), but that's another story for another time.

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Ok - true confessions:


1. grade school numerous times - my mom was the principal. We often climbed over the schoolyard wall and ran amuck in the city.


2. I was put on probation my first year of boarding school at age 11. My offense - not wanting to go on a Saturday field trip to an amusement park. I was marked as a troublemaker because they were afraid that my "anti-social" attitude meant that I was following in my two brother's footsteps - both of them had been expelled from that school in prior years. I finally decided to make my probation worthwhile that year - that was when I started drinking.


3. I was kicked out of the school dorm on weekends only in 11th grade. I went to live with one of my teachers and his family on the weekends. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. The charge was that I was a bad influence on the younger girls (but only on the weekend). Two younger girls had gotten so smashed that they were unconscious - two towns over from ours. I found them at 3 am with the help of connections (yes they were unsavory connections but I did find them). They got counseling and a stern talking to - I got kicked out. But like I said, God's hand was in it - I actually got to be part of a loving functional family on the weekends.

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I was a goody-two-shoes. If you looked at me funny, I would be near tears. I lived in fear of the principle, Sister Regina, and her paddle. From 3rd grade on, I was harrassed, teased, bullied in school.


In 6th grade, I went postal on a boy who had been humiliating me by snapping my bra straps. When he lifted my uniform skirt up to my chest, I had enough and wailed on him and was caught by a teacher. He pulled me into the hallway to ask what happened and I just started to cry. This boy later had to write me an apology among other punishments. My other harrassers and bullies were never punished.


In 8th grade, the class was pretty rowdy with the teacher out of the room. When he came back in and shouted that this was supposed to be a place of learning. I nervously giggled and said, "It is?!?!" Out to the hallway for me.


In high school, I was in study hall doing my math homework. I was having trouble with a problem and I quietly asked my friend for help. The dingbat of a teacher (I mean she had Alzheimers, but was tenured) sent both of us to the dean for talking in study hall. We were actually doing our schoolwork in study hall, not smoking weed, getting physical KWIM, etc. So, I had a nice discussion about college with the dean. My friend was so mad that she almost got sent home. Her dean had to excuse her from the next class so she could calm down.


goody two shoes, that-s me!

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I lived with my grandparents until I was 11 and was pretty spoiled:p


But then I went to live with my mother and stepfather, and I guess being one of 3 dc instead of an only must have made a difference. From 6th grade on I was a model student. A slacker, skating through all my classes, but a well-behaved slacker:D

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I was the quiet, shy girl in elementary school. It all went down hill in junior high.

I went to a large regional high school. I was known very well by the asst. principal, the principal, and the in-school suspension lady. Ahem.:rolleyes:

Mostly for skipping class and smoking in the bathroom. (Lol I don't smoke anymore at least.)

Most people that meet me as an adult are shocked to learn what a troublemaker I was.

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I tried. I really tried, but I was messy. I had to get "talked to" by Mr. Wilcox after Miss Rose sent me there. I was too frightened, so I went down the hall and waited a bit and then came back and said I'd been. Imagine sending a 6 year old who really was good and tried to be good down to explain to a cold faced principal why I was there!


They conferred at recess, and THEN I got the big talk to about being a liar. I was also told I had to go home and tell my mother. Which I did, with much brave face and BLESS HER, she didn't say a word. I suspect she thought it was too much for a 6 year old, too.


All that year I got frown faces on every piece of work I did, because I could just never be neat enough. Once she made a smiley face by mistake, and to correct it, she made a huge frown that covered the whole page. I had to sit there every time with a sickly smile on my face and THANK her afterwards.


Miss Rose....now long dead.....you put me on the road to HOMESCHOOLING! THANK YOU!

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In 7th grade, my science teacher bored me to tears. I thought a better use of my time would be touching up my makeup. Every time he saw me with my compact out, he'd send me to the office.


After 3 times, you stop getting warnings. I was given the choice between a 3 page report and 3 swats with a wooden paddle. I took the paddle.


Looking back on that now, I can't believe that a) I kept pulling out my compact in class, and b) that giant ape of a vice-pricipal actually spanked me, and I let him. He didn't swat softly, either.


I also can't believe this was ever legal, but I know it was. This was in GA.

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I was a very well-behaved kid in school in honor classes. I did get called to the principal's office once in high school. My crime? I had been absent 3 days previously and hadn't brought my note in yet. That was typically worth an afternoon detention, but they let me off with just a warning. Probably because I was never in trouble.


I'm such a rebel. :p

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