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Prayers, please ... dh just got fired ...

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He was planning on leaving and nearly secured another job (not finalized yet). He was their top earner and they fired him because he wanted to leave :glare:. He wanted to leave because the company kept dickering around with paying him.


So, it looks good that he has other employment BUT no one has signed on the dotted line, yet so I am a little nervous ... and seriously outraged. I told him that too bad he won't be working for the competition (if he gets this new job) 'cause I want him to put the old company in the poor house!



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Praying the new job firms up quickly!


I don't get how firing him is even legal! :glare:



In Canada it is absolutely NOT legal and he'd be able to file a grievance and wrongful dismissal lawsuit. But, the OP is not in Canada, unfortunately. At any rate, I hope the other job lines up for her dh, and that it's far more satisfying than the old job could ever be!

Edited by Audrey
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Been there, done that, and had the best years of my tech career (working for a proper company) after cleaning out my desk under security escort.


It IS a scary place to be, but it sounds like he was in a dysfunctional company (we not so fondly refer to my old company as Hell, Inc... It was so bad that when i called my husband to tell him they'd fired me, he said congratulations) and they just provided the final springboard to a happier future.


Many good thoughts coming your way!

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Thank you all for your supportive posts. My dh's ex bosses are here now to collect all the stuff and what not. I am sure that his *direct* superiors would not have done it this way and would have allowed my husband to quit but the directive came from on high. Dh said he wasn't totally surprised because they are stories of ugly, vindictive firings going on in the company.

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