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9:45PM and a PUSHY door to door vacuum salesman just came to my house

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Ok-- I am in the mood for NO salesmen at this time of night- let alone one I have to tell NO 8 times to. Are you kidding?? It is nearly 10PM. I don't care, Miss Salesman, if my kids are still up. Its NONE of your business and NO that does NOT give you permission to bug me and my family at nearly 10PM. I don't want your $2,000 Kirby vacuum. (I said a nicer variation of this the first time- giving her the benefit of the doubt, my fault :glare:)


After clearly no was not an answer she was going to take THEN-- I said "Isn't it kind of LATE to be bugging people about vacuums they can't afford" She looked at me and said "If you needed a $2,000 medical procedure I bet you could easily come up with the money"


:001_huh: WHAT???? Its a VACUUM not a medical procedure. :glare: Then, again- I said "its almost 10pm, I am NOT interested. She says "You are up anyways" :glare:


Seriously???? Almost 10pm????



Sorry- Rant done :glare:

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Ahhhhh she won't make many sales with that attitude. My husband is in insurance and he's never treat someone that way. Of course he doesn't go door to door anyway. Yikes. We got a "no soliciting" sign after I heard someone on the porch and realized a door to door salesman was sitting in our rocking chair talking on his cell phone! Ahhhh I don't like door to door sales!!

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I don't know... there are the carpets... have fun vacuuming... After that, the bathroom needs cleaned.... Have fun!! Need more to do?? I can fill up the list!! :) (And while I may not buy your vacuum, my kids will love you for doing their chores!! :))




Any other time of day I would TOTALLY let her vacuum my house because I am very hard to sell and need to see things over and over again, but almost 10pm?? ugh. Maybe I did miss an opportunity, she would have had to do some picking up to find the carpets first tonight :lol:

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WOW. Just . . . wow. I think after a couple of times of telling her no I'd be offering to call a police officer to come out and translate that "no" for her since she obviously didn't understand. I'd also be tempted to call Kirby tomorrow to let them know that they're forever off my list of possible purchases and why. Wow.

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WOW. Just . . . wow. I think after a couple of times of telling her no I'd be offering to call a police officer to come out and translate that "no" for her since she obviously didn't understand. I'd also be tempted to call Kirby tomorrow to let them know that they're forever off my list of possible purchases and why. Wow.


:iagree: That's some nerve!

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Wow, I truly feel sorry for this person.



As soon as I figure out they are selling something, I cut them off with a, "I hate to waste your time, but we are completely broke. I have no money to spend.". It usually gets them packing quickly. :)




My biggest pet peeve is when they try to make me think they know my neighbors by telling my superficial bits of info about them as if "Susie and Frank down the street with little Tony and the red van" bought their product. So I also always make sure to not tell them anything about us.




But, wow... 9:45 PM. And saying you could find the money for a medical procedure....that's guts.

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That would be illegal here. The laws on door-to-door sales for our small city states that they can not solicit after 8 pm. I would call the non-emergency police line and let them know that she is knocking on doors.



I am going to do that just to find out what the laws are. I wondered about that.


WOW. Just . . . wow. I think after a couple of times of telling her no I'd be offering to call a police officer to come out and translate that "no" for her since she obviously didn't understand. I'd also be tempted to call Kirby tomorrow to let them know that they're forever off my list of possible purchases and why. Wow.


Yeah, I am planning a call to Kirby. Googled the number already.

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Good for you, I would definitely call them. I might think about filing a complaint with BBB or something... I don't know, would that do any good?


I don't answer the door if I'm not expecting anyone. And if I get a sales person either at the door or on the phone that made it through my screening, I cut them right off. I'm pleasant, but I don't sit and listen. No patience. I'm not sure I would have kept my cool with that lady.

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My biggest pet peeve is when they try to make me think they know my neighbors by telling my superficial bits of info about them as if "Susie and Frank down the street with little Tony and the red van" bought their product. So I also always make sure to not tell them anything about us.


I was stopped by one in the street as I was walking home from the grocery store with my 10 year old. They used the so and so down the street with the red truck is getting her carpets done line. My 10 year old thought it was a great idea since they mentioned pets and we have some. After I got rid of them (it only took about four times to get them to move on), I asked my son, "We do not know those people and you want to invite them into our house when Daddy is home? How do you know they are who they say they are?" It was a good lesson for him.

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I am going to do that just to find out what the laws are. I wondered about that.




Yeah, I am planning a call to Kirby. Googled the number already.


I would be suspicious that it's not an actual salesperson but someone using that as a cover story to case your house. At that unusually late hour, I'd go into thinking of ulterior motives, kwim?

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Ok-- I am in the mood for NO salesmen at this time of night- let alone one I have to tell NO 8 times to. Are you kidding?? It is nearly 10PM. I don't care, Miss Salesman, if my kids are still up. Its NONE of your business and NO that does NOT give you permission to bug me and my family at nearly 10PM. I don't want your $2,000 Kirby vacuum. (I said a nicer variation of this the first time- giving her the benefit of the doubt, my fault :glare:)


After clearly no was not an answer she was going to take THEN-- I said "Isn't it kind of LATE to be bugging people about vacuums they can't afford" She looked at me and said "If you needed a $2,000 medical procedure I bet you could easily come up with the money"


:001_huh: WHAT???? Its a VACUUM not a medical procedure. :glare: Then, again- I said "its almost 10pm, I am NOT interested. She says "You are up anyways" :glare:


Seriously???? Almost 10pm????



Sorry- Rant done :glare:


Don't you have a big dog you can let out when that happens? :tongue_smilie:

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I probably wouldn't have opened the door. Even during the day if I'm alone with the kids I wouldn't have answered. People are crazy. You really never know what their intentions are. No way I'm letting a stranger in my house at night! I'd have probably called the police for the safety of my many elderly neighbors.


Maybe I'm an alarmest, but better safe than sorry.

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That is outrageous.


I would, and have, simply said I was not interested and closed the door. Gently. But while the person was still standing right there. When someone decides to break the social rules by coming uninvited to my house at 9:45 p.m., I feel no obligation to wait for them to leave before returning to my business inside my home. The only reason some of these sales persons have any degree of success is because they count on our politeness in the face of their rudeness.

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I cannot believe someone would come to your house to sell you something at that time, and then be so ill behaved!


We got a "no soliciting" sign after I heard someone on the porch and realized a door to door salesman was sitting in our rocking chair talking on his cell phone! Ahhhh I don't like door to door sales!!

I had a mail carrier sitting on my front steps talking animately on the phone for a while. It was very odd. A different one sits in the mail truck for a very long time looking at his cell phone, apparently texting.

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The Kirby salespeople always come after dark here. Last November they offered to shampoo one room for us. We said we weren't buying anything and they said it was okay. They just needed to do so many demonstrations. DH and I let them do their thing. We took the little bit of furniture in our living room out and had them do the whole floor! :lol: I bet they weren't expecting that. The of course they started on their "we can give you a discount" stuff. He called his boss and said to pick him up, we weren't buying. She comes in and starts across the floor with shoes on and DD (3 at the time) says "you can't come in here with shoes on" DD stood her ground and the woman had to take her shoes off. :tongue_smilie: I wonder if she was the same one that came to your house. She was very pushy coming up with deals and payment plans for us. She was holding on of DD little cheap McDonald's toys (a babysitter took them there to get). She says can't you afford $4.00 a day? She looks at the other salesman and hold up the toy and says Happy Meals are $4.00. What I should have said but didn't "One we didn't buy that and Two even if we did we don't go every day."

Kirby people are very pushy. But if they'll shampoo my carpet every year for free I can put up with having to tell them no I'm not buying repeatedly. :lol:

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Don't you have a big dog you can let out when that happens? :tongue_smilie:



We do. We have a bull mastiff who is the biggest baby in the world but has a NASTY loud bark. BUT- we went hiking earlier in the day and she was SO tired from playing with our friends dog and the hike she didn't even wake up. I told dd her dog was fired :glare: :lol:

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She was very pushy coming up with deals and payment plans for us. She was holding on of DD little cheap McDonald's toys (a babysitter took them there to get). She says can't you afford $4.00 a day? She looks at the other salesman and hold up the toy and says Happy Meals are $4.00. What I should have said but didn't "One we didn't buy that and Two even if we did we don't go every day."



This is what is frustrating. Whether or not I can afford $4 a day is up to me not a Kirby salesman. If I want to feed my kids 3 happy meals a day, its up to me (which ofcourse we don't but anyways...). I DON'T want a vacuum payment :001_huh: I don't want to afford $4 a day for a vacuum whether I CAN afford it or not. None of her business! :glare:

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I am so thankful that my city just made it illegal to go door to door without paying a license fee. There are exceptions for things like Girl Scouts, political campaigns and religious groups but not for any commercial enterprise. That should stop the two I have had since I have moved in- one was the meat truck guy-obviously lying, and another was a "student from my area" wanting to sell magazines. She was offended when I asked her where she lived (she was black and there are no black people living in the very limited neighborhood where I live) but since she was supposedly from my 'area", I felt I had the right to ask. I know that when in previous years in previous places my kids were trying to sell either Boy Scout popcorn or Girl Scout cookies, many people asked where they lived and when they heard we lived down the street or next street over, they bought. They just didn't want to support kids who roamed strange neighborhoods. I don't think this girl was a student and I think these vans dropping off young adults in random neighborhoods is some kind of scam.

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I would definitely call Kirby to report the time she came to your home since that seems very odd and her bad attitude. After the first couple of "no, thank you" attempts, I would have just shut the door. What an awful experience for you.


:iagree: I would have shut the door and then called the cops if they persisted. We let them in once to clean the carpets. Never again.

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I don't EVER open the door for sales people. Sometimes I'll walk over to the door, peek out by just opening it a crack worth so I can see them and then shut it right away once I hear what they are selling. CAll me paranoid, but we live in an upscale neighborhood, and one night 2 years ago an FBI agent came by after dark to show us a picture of a woman that was living a few doors down and was a felon drug pusher and pregnant on the run. Then another time the neighbor 2 doors the other way and with a really long secluded driveway was moving his gf in or something like that, and in and out of his house, and a few college aged kids stole a bunch of things from the moving truck. Just days before this, someone knocked on my door claiming to be a college girl looking for nanny work and I said "actually I home school and we are here all day." Apparently there were 2 others canvasing the neighborhood, and turns out they were scoping the place out, and trying to get any information they could about everyone's where abouts. The neighbor who was stole from remembers mentioning something about him moving. That was THE last time I opened the door and actually exchanged words with a solicitor.

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What possessed you to open the door to a stranger at 9:45pm? :eek:


I would have just told her -- through the closed and locked door -- to go away.


By that point, if she'd already visited other houses in the neighborhood, the police would have arrived to have a little chat with her, because someone would have already called them by the time she got to our house.


Seriously, though, anyone could have posed as a salesperson, but have had 3 guys waiting in the bushes for you to open the door. Thankfully, that wasn't the case for you, but a lot of home invasions start with a woman knocking on a door.

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We had the Kirby salesman come back when we were first married. The salesman was actually really nice, but when she called her boss to find out a trade in value and he wanted to talk to me, things really went downhill. He criticized me for not wanting to buy until I talked to dh. "surely he doesn't consult you whenever you buy tools." No, but he better if he's spending $2,000 on one! After his bully tactics didn't work, he said stuff like j was wasting their time leading them on and didn't really intend to buy in the first place. (right, now for sure I will, just to prove you werong about me! :lol: ) he also tried the mLM sceme, "don't you want to help this nice girl mee her goal so that she can get a scholarship. (why aren't you paying her directly instead of making her jump through hoops for a scholarship?) the deception turned me off from the start. (they presented themselves as a carpet cleanig company. I figured I'd get my one room and listed to a shpiel for the rest of the house. Disn't expect a carpet salesman to clean one pathway in my bedrroom, leaving the rest to now look like carp.) Even as naive as I was at that time the whole thing turned me off completely. I loved that vacuum and we had an antique kirby at the time that had been passed through dh's family for at least 50 yrs, so I knew they were quality. But even if we had the $, no way aas I buying it from him! I did get one a couple years later when our antique finally died. And i got it for less than $200 on ebay. :D

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Kirby has a terrible reputation for coming after dark and using horrifically pushy techniques. I wouldn't even bother calling the main company, I think this is actually a sanctioned sales idea. We have neighborhood watch info going out whenever they come around - which is often, and frequently very late at night. I don't even bother opening the door anymore, I just tell them to leave (even then I've had the sales people yelling rude things at me through the door). I hate Kirby - they harass you at your own home.

Edited by FairProspects
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I don't have a good relationship with Kirby. They came by a few months ago and never mentioned they were from Kirby. They said they were a new local carpet cleaning business and said they were doing a complimentary cleaning of a room to spread word of mouth about them. We were shocked when the woman returned and dropped off a Kirby cleaner-guy. I contacted Kirby and told them how upset I was and pretty much got, "eh, sorry". I went out and bought a Dyson the next day. (I did happen to need a new vacuum!)

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What possessed you to open the door to a stranger at 9:45pm? :eek:


I would have just told her -- through the closed and locked door -- to go away.


By that point, if she'd already visited other houses in the neighborhood, the police would have arrived to have a little chat with her, because someone would have already called them by the time she got to our house.


Seriously, though, anyone could have posed as a salesperson, but have had 3 guys waiting in the bushes for you to open the door. Thankfully, that wasn't the case for you, but a lot of home invasions start with a woman knocking on a door.



Your right. We live in such a small rural area I honestly figured somebody was in some kind of trouble or something. Ugh, glad nothing did happen :001_huh:

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I LOVE my kirby vacuum


BUT I bought it secondhand, off eBay. I wouldn't buy one off the salesperson 1. too expensive & 2. As OP's said, they are extremely pushy.


I'm against salespersons full stop. If they want my attention, they can drop a brouchure in my mailbox. My mailbox, I actually pay attention to whats inside, as I can peruse at my own pleasure, and store stuff for thinking about later on. I DON'T like being pushed into purchasing something.


Phone salesmans get the "I'm not interested......I'm hanging up now" *put phone down*

or "No thank you" and if they continue on, I just leave the phone off the hook for them to prattle on to themselves.


Door salesmans get: "Nope, sorry, not interested, uh huh, great for you, ........my children are trained maulers....goodbye" *slams door*

OR *opens door and listens to first half of speel "OMG! Really, hahaha, thats classic, your a moron for believing that" *door closes*


I am not nice to sales people, my one big fault, but I dislike immensely anybody bothering me at my home, as my home is not an entertainment/visitor hostel, its a place where my family can relax, and be in peace without interruptions.

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Hmmm, now that I read this, it was probably a Kirby saleslady who came to my door a couple weeks ago. It was in the middle of the day, but she was very adamant that she wanted to clean one room for free. Even after I told her about 5 times that we had *just* moved in a month prior and hadn't even had enough time to mess up the carpets yet.


Worse than her was the meat guy who WALKED IN to our house to introduce himself and try to sell us "the best quality meat" the day that the movers were moving our stuff in. Seriously? There is a huge semi-trailer blocking the whole front of our house and 4 moving men hauling stuff off the truck, into the house so that is why the doors were open. Perhaps we just might be a little busy at the moment. Even if they did have the best meat on the planet, I would refuse to buy, just on principle.


When he came back a couple weeks later DH just told him we were vegans. He really didn't have any type of pitch to argue around that one to make his sale. We're not, but we're seriously thinking about transitioning to vegetarian and don't buy much meat at all, and rarely ever red meat.

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I allowed a Rainbow guy in once. We have a central vac that is 220 volts AND we have mostly hardwood floors other than area rugs.


He tried really hard to sell me his vacuum with the "it is a whole house humidifier" or some such thing.


The worst though was when he told me I would get the free weekend trip IF and only if I wrote down the names and numbers of 8 friends for him to call and harass.


Too bad I couldn't remember people's correct names or phone numbers well. :glare:


I never did use that weekend trip. They told me it was good "ANYWHERE" Um, no, the closest place was 4 hours away.


LYARS AND CHEATS! And no, I am not spending $2,700 on a vacuum cleaner!


The other thing he kept doing was telling me that it was only XXX amount per month.....I kept asking, "But what is the TOTAL cost?" We went around and around about 8 times with that until I finally said, "Ok, so wait, you want to finance me for 48 months at $75? You mean your vacuum is $3,600????" Then he finally said, "Oh, no, it is only $2500. The other $900 would be interest." Then I pressed until he added in some tax and some weird fee and finally said it was $2,700.







Edited by DawnM
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Wow. I could have a lot of fun with that. Depending on my mood I'd have her vacuum the house or I'd sic the dog on her.


First, have her vacuum the house. Then, sic the dog on her when she tries to sell you something.


It's a win-win situation.


For you, anyway... ;)

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