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Urgent Prayer Request

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I just heard from my friend. She is scheduled for exploratory surgery next week, and depending on what they find, they may remove one or both of her ovaries. She is in a lot of pain right now and also anxious about how much and what to tell her children. It's also hard not yet knowing what exactly she's facing. Please do remember her! I will keep everyone posted as we learn more. Thank you so much!

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Praying for your friend!


I don't know if this will offer any hope, but a good friend of mine recently had surgery to remove a huge tumor attached to an ovary. The tumor was so large, they couldn't even see both ovaries on the ultra sound. Anyway, they did the surgery, unsure of what they'd find. She was in a lot of pain, and scared to death that it was cancerous. Well, it wasn't! It was just a huge cyst--not cancerous at all! She was able to keep all her "parts" and she's doing great now. I hope your friend has the same outcome. :grouphug:

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I just got another update on my friend. She had exploratory surgery, and they removed one ovary with a cyst and are also doing tests on cells sampled from the uterus. Everything else (liver, stomach, etc.) looked fine. No biopsy results yet. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers for her - please keep them coming!

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I just got another update on my friend. She had exploratory surgery, and they removed one ovary with a cyst and are also doing tests on cells sampled from the uterus. Everything else (liver, stomach, etc.) looked fine. No biopsy results yet. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers for her - please keep them coming!
I'll be praying for your friend. :) Having been in a similar situation myself, I am appreciative of what loving, caring friends mean at such a time!


FWIW (and from a patient's perspective, not a doctor's), her situation sounds very similar to mine 4 1/2 years ago. The docs can tell a great deal by what they see once they get inside and by their quick analysis of the biopsy. IMO the fact that they thought everything looked fine and only removed the one ovary and cyst sounds very hopeful. (In my case, the initial analysis once they were inside was "low malignant potential" and the docs removed all the reproductive organs plus omentum out of caution and to protect against any re-occurrence.)


One more thought, in case your friend lives close by--she will have undergone major surgery and will need help for a few weeks (meals, perhaps childcare help if her children are very young, etc.).

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