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Is there trash (literal) in the streets in your town?

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No you're aren't the only one. I was used to Oregon and assumed everywhere was as clean and that everyone is careful with the environment in this day and age. Then I moved to Utah.


To be fair, I think part of it is the wind. However if it wasn't dropped in the first place.... Even my kids noticed. The first few weeks we were here they kept saying, "Uh-oh! Someone is going to get a $500 fine!" (Oregon has signs to warn you not to litter posted everywhere.) "Mom here comes the policeman to give them their fine. Oh, maybe he didn't see them drop it..." Eventually they gave up pointing it out. They still spend quite a bit of time picking up the litter though, esp when it blows into our yard.

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The worst in our area is glass. We live right in the center of town. Two buildings over is an abandoned restaurant that had a fire several years ago. There is glass all over the sidewalk. The "sidewalk cleaners" push the glass up against the side of the building but all along the front and side of the building is glass. So dangerous. And then there are people who just smash bottles for no reason around here too. :glare:

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I live on a loop of about a dozen or so houses. My family "sponsors" our street, so we pick up trash at least twice a year, and fill a minimum of 6 regular sized trash bags every time. I have to give a little leeway for bears and racoons dragging garbage around, and for high winds but, really, it just shouldn't be this bad.

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No, our small town is generally very clean. The street sweeper comes by at least twice a month. We do live on a corner and occasionally get cups, beer cans (lovely!) thrown in our yard, but it's rare really. Our town even has doggie waste disposal bags in the parks.

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I will say it has been windy and that has made it worse. I didn't notice it in the summer because it is so green. The people here are super friendly but I am having a hard time with the litter. I have asked other people (people I know and feel comfortable asking) about it and they really don't seem to notice or care. I already have plans to clean up my neighborhood!

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We lived fourteen years in an impoverished, crime-ridden area of the city. There was trash absolutely everywhere. Our neighborhood wasn't even "that bad"--there were other, much worse neighborhoods east of us that were not only far more dangerous but also had far more litter and broken glass everywhere.


Now that we have moved to a middle-class suburb, we never see trash. It's quite clean out here.

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most of the time no---not unless a can gets knocked over by dogs (that are supposed to be put up) or something falls out/off while they are dumping the can into the garbage truck.....now it's different on the highways-there is sometimes trash where people have thrown it onto the sides of the road or something falls out/off a truck or something---they do a clean-up with volunteers or the low-risk guys from jail doing the cleanups pretty regular-I saw them out yesterday

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We live in a large city. Residential streets are cleaned by machine weekly, business areas less often. Along the interstate, prisoners clean monthly.


This cleaning is necessary because so many people are slobs, throwing all kinds of trash out car windows or letting it blow on trash day or in windy weather.

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Is my town the only one in the world like this?:confused:


There are many parts of the world where people are not used to a standard of living where they expect their living environment to be clean.

Clean comes after running water, sanitation and other basic needs.

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There are many parts of the world where people are not used to a standard of living where they expect their living environment to be clean.

Clean comes after running water, sanitation and other basic needs.


Yes. I've also lived in places where people aren't as concerned about trash on the streets because it provides work for those who are hired to clean it.


My city has a lot of trash around right now because the snow just melted. It'll get cleaned up in a few weeks when spring is really here and look much better through the summer and fall. I'd hate for someone to see Bishkek right now and think it was always this dirty.

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No, it is very clean and people keep their houses and yards in a Stepford-like manner. Sometimes I crave some eccentric character and love going to quirky areas to get a break from the Stepford thing. I love my town, but, being an eccentric character myself, sometime I need to breathe. ;)

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Yes, there is and it drives me crazy. It's usually stuff people dump out of their cars as they drive along, especially fast food trash. Come on, how hard is it to take the trash to a trash can when you stop or go home?


I was telling dh that Woodsy Owl needs to make another visit to the US.

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Yes. It's everywhere. :(


We live across a high school and every day I have to pick up the trash on our front yard that wind blew from there. It's really quite disguising. Plastic soda bottles, various snack wrappers, cigarette butts. :glare:

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