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When do you exercise?

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I will start by saying I want to exercise.

I even purchased an elliptical to get me through the winter months until I could get out for the couch to 5k.

I will now admit that I am not a morning person.


I have tried getting up early- just leaves me crabby.

I have thought about doing it mid-day after we school

but dislike changing to exercise to change again for the rest of the day.

Evenings have crossed my mind but I am tired/worn out/ready to curl up on the couch and read instead.


What should I do??

Most of the people that I know that exercise regularly do it early. One mom I know gets up 2 hours before her kiddos to get her workout and shower in.

That make me wonder about everyone else.

If I knew how to do a poll I would, but I don't. Sorry!!


Please share anyway. I appreciate it.

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I see your son is 9. Is there a time mid-morning when your son is doing something for school that takes him 15-30 minutes that can be done independently that you can exercise while he's doing it? Typing practice? Musical instrument practice? Silent reading? Some sort of computer program? Etc?


I might walk on my treadmill while my daughter is doing Teaching Textbooks math or practicing guitar or practicing typing or reading a book or doing something she can do on her own like spelling/vocab or whatever, something that doesn't require me sitting over her.

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Well, one of the blessing of having only one student, and he's a 9th grader, is that I can leave him alone and go to the gym at my convenience. :D I just make sure he has clear instructions.


A few years ago, though, I actually took a yoga class at the rec center that started at 6 a.m.! I did not think I could do it, but I actually continued for several months. Then the schedule was changed, and that early class was cancelled.


Occasionally I end up going for a quick workout when dh gets home from work.



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I work out first thing in the morning, though we just start school a bit later than most people would. (I get up at 7, workout from 7:30 to 8:30, freshen up a bit, then we start school around 9/9:15. We take lunch break from 12-1 and I shower at that time, then we finish up school from 1 til...)

I also try to get some workout time with DS10. Right now, we only bike or walk when the weather is decent, but I would like to start a yoga and weight lifting program with him.

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I work out first thing in the morning, though we just start school a bit later than most people would. (I get up at 7, workout from 7:30 to 8:30, freshen up a bit, then we start school around 9/9:15. We take lunch break from 12-1 and I shower at that time, then we finish up school from 1 til...)

I also try to get some workout time with DS10. Right now, we only bike or walk when the weather is decent, but I would like to start a yoga and weight lifting program with him.


:iagree: This. I do the same. But, if I'm able to drag myself out of bed by 6 am, all goes better. I workout, shower, eat, and we are ready to start school by 8:30. If I get up at 7, I workout, eat, and then school the kids and shower right before lunch. Not ideal though.

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I exercise early. I get up at 5, and the boys get up at 7:30. If all goes well, I've had time for Bible Study, exercise, and a shower.


When I started, I used to exercise later in the morning, but I wouldn't start school until I'd done it, otherwise it was too easy not to do it.


Could you exercise when you get up, and either delay the start of school or have your son start on independent work?

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I wake up at 4:30.:tongue_smilie: I am, admittedly, a slow starter. I move very slow in the morning, but I've tried getting up later and I just don't get it all done. Getting up at 4:30 means letting the dogs out, blah, blah....and I end up getting on the treadmill at about 5:15 to get in an hour, then it takes me 30 minutes to shower and dress, cook my oatmeal, drink my coffee, check my email....all to wake the girls up at 7:00.


On days when I just can't do that, I dress in my work-out clothes when I get up. I will dress completely ready to get on the treadmill. Yoga capris, athletic shirt, tennis shoes, jogging "bOOkshelf"....everything. It's ok to run to the store or answer the door in, but I'm ready to get on the treadmill. As soon as I have some time, I hop on.


If I get to the end of the day and haven't gotten it in, I at least hop on for 15-20 minutes. I don't want to do that every day, but it's better than nothing.

Edited by snickelfritz
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I will start by saying I want to exercise.

I even purchased an elliptical to get me through the winter months until I could get out for the couch to 5k.

I will now admit that I am not a morning person.


I have tried getting up early- just leaves me crabby.

I have thought about doing it mid-day after we school

but dislike changing to exercise to change again for the rest of the day.

Evenings have crossed my mind but I am tired/worn out/ready to curl up on the couch and read instead.


What should I do??

Most of the people that I know that exercise regularly do it early. One mom I know gets up 2 hours before her kiddos to get her workout and shower in.

That make me wonder about everyone else.

If I knew how to do a poll I would, but I don't. Sorry!!


Please share anyway. I appreciate it.

What's finally worked here ......


Enrolling the kids in programs at the YMCA. When they've got a class, I work out. The kids not in class go to the Y-Watch. My workout times vary. MTWF & S are times for my kid's programs. It's a win-win. :D


Then DH started to get jealous of my workout times. So we enrolled ds in an evening & Sat. Karate class so he could get a workout time too.


THEN we discovered that there's free swim time during Karate....and now my sister comes to the Y and works out with me on T & S. The older cousins swim together while the younger cousins hang out in the Y-Watch together.




I do have an elliptical. It's dusty. :D

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Early in the morning or just before bed. Before I resigned from my job, I went to a bootcamp session 4 days a week but that is too expensive to keep up with the reduced income. So I have started getting up and doing a lot of the same exercises in my house. When the weather is no longer icy after this weekend, I will head outside. Thinking of adding running to compensate for the cardio. I can do the weight stuff at home- crunches, planks, push ups, hand weight stuff etc but need more cardio.


Biking with the kids (8 year old on his own bike, 3 year old in trailer).


When my 8 year old does his yoga for school I get down on the floor and do that too if my 3 year old is occupied.

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What's finally worked here ......


Enrolling the kids in programs at the YMCA. When they've got a class, I work out. The kids not in class go to the Y-Watch. My workout times vary. MTWF & S are times for my kid's programs. It's a win-win. :D


Then DH started to get jealous of my workout times. So we enrolled ds in an evening & Sat. Karate class so he could get a workout time too.


THEN we discovered that there's free swim time during Karate....and now my sister comes to the Y and works out with me on T & S. The older cousins swim together while the younger cousins hang out in the Y-Watch together.




I do have an elliptical. It's dusty. :D


I love the Y! I love the free (with membership) Zumba and kickboxing classes. Dh loves the cardio machines esp. when it is rainy or cold outside. Dd loves the kid programs and the swimming pool. Ds doesn't come as often because he takes tae kwando elsewhere (he's a higher belt level than they teach at the Y) but he loves to come swim on his off days.

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I love the Y! I love the free (with membership) Zumba and kickboxing classes. Dh loves the cardio machines esp. when it is rainy or cold outside. Dd loves the kid programs and the swimming pool. Ds doesn't come as often because he takes tae kwando elsewhere (he's a higher belt level than they teach at the Y) but he loves to come swim on his off days.


:D I love going with my dad in the a.m. and seeing all the old folks hanging out playing cards and drinking coffee in the lobby. He does exercise after coffee & cards.


It's such a great place. I'm glad we discovered it.

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I'm not a morning person either, but I was able to retrain myself. I have to exersize in the morning, or it just doesn't happen.


since dudeling "boots up slowly" due to his issues, he's more functional if we wait a bit to get started as well.

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I work out first thing in the morning, though we just start school a bit later than most people would. (I get up at 7, workout from 7:30 to 8:30, freshen up a bit, then we start school around 9/9:15. We take lunch break from 12-1 and I shower at that time, then we finish up school from 1 til...)

I also try to get some workout time with DS10. Right now, we only bike or walk when the weather is decent, but I would like to start a yoga and weight lifting program with him.



I like this idea, and showering after starting school should work out most days. Thanks.


He does practice piano, but likes me to be on the same floor as him to listen. The elliptical is in our finished basement, so that does not work.


DS9 is on the autism spectrum and likes to have someone (ME ;)) nearby. Now, especially, since dh is 10 hours away with his new job. I believe when things are settled and we have moved there the anxiety will ease a bit.


Thanks, ladies. I knew you would help me find an answer.


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I do the treadmill in the afternoon after lessons are done. Usually from 3 to 4. I wear sweats most of the time anyway, so only thing have to do is wash underarms and change my shirt before making dinner.


Midday is your best bet AND no making excuses for not doing it. I joined an online group and we email each every night to check in that we've done our exercise.

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I would hit my treadmill around 7:00. It worked for me at the time. It was hard. I wanted to get to bed or just veg and watch tv, so my dh got me a tv to watch while I was on my treadmill. :D


3 years ago, when I started getting serious about running, I ran at 11:00. I remember watching Ellen while I ran on my treadmill. I made sure the kids had something to work on , or something to do. That only worked for a little while (less than a year), but by that time I HAD to have my run, so I was more willing to get up in the morning. :)


Now I usually exercise in the morning, I get up early. But I saw that it isn't a good option for you. You could keep trying the morning, hoping that your body/outlook adjusts after a time, or you can schedule it another time of the day.


You have to make a time for yourself. Just do it. I know it's hard to find time. But it is so worth it. Even if you get on your elliptical at 8:00 and start school late (maybe have something your kids can do on their own for a bit) it will be worth it.

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I prefer to exercise in the morning, but if I can't get up (I sometimes sleep poorly) then I go at lunch time, while the kids are eating. I see that your son plays soccer. This winter my oldest has practice on Saturday mornings and I run around the soccer park. I'm not the only one either!


When I'm exercising at lunch time, I just wear workout clothes for the morning. I don't dress for the day until I've worked out and showered. I alternate between running outside and riding an exercise bike.

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I go to evening classes. I'm either taking or teaching a dance class 6 hours a week. All of the classes I take start after 7:30 p.m. I've done morning workshops, but I'm really not fully coordinated inthe morning :-/. DH handles getting the kids to bed on the evenings I'm out really late, but the kids are old enough to do everything themselves, so it's an easy gig or him.

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I think that most people who have young kids find early morning the best time. In fact, most people in general find early morning the best time. It gets it DONE first thing in the morning, and that just starts your day in a very positive way.


Personally, I exercise at whatever time I can make it work. I hate early mornings, but in the heat of the summer, that is the only time it is decent to run, so I get up and do it.


This past week . . .


Monday, I ran at about 10 AM b/c I had most of the day available, and my husband was home to help with the kids, and that is my favorite time to run. I can get up, putter around, get things going with the kids, and then hit the road.


Tuesday, 5:30 PM yoga class.


Wednesday, I ran at around 9 AM b/c that was the only time it worked well in our schedule.


Thursday, I ran at 8 AM (despite temps in the low 20s) b/c that was the only time it worked in my schedule all day. Killed me to do it, but I got it done.


Tomorrow, Sunday, I will run at noon, because I have all day free, and that is when the temps will be best, and it's a 14 miler (YOIKES!) and I need to be at my best for that, so that allows me the morning to wake up, eat, hydrate, and get to the trail, and we'll still be off the trail before it starts to get colder and be home well before dark.


Some days in the winter, I like to run at 11 - 12 (lunch time) because it is warmer then, any snow is softer so less likely to be icy.


I occasionally exercise in the evening, and that works fine for me for yoga or cross training, but I really dislike running in the early evening. Next summer, I am going to explore night time running. Late. Like midnight. :) I started reading about all night ultra running, and I am really interested in it b/c I am night owl, and I think it could be really fun to run in the dark (head lamps, lol).


So, for me, I just do it whenever I can squeeze it in. I have my run training schedule, and I look at it day by and just fit it in the best time that works for me that particular day. For yoga classes, etc, I just find ones that I can manage to get to that week, and I just do it whenever they are -- usually 5:30 or 6 PM classes are the ones I do, but sometimes I've done a lunch hour class.


Just do it. Any time.

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The only thing I hate more than exercising, is mornings.


My kids all do extracurricular sports, and I had to force myself to work out with them (warm-ups) and then continue walking/running for the duration of their practices. It was easier when I conned a few of the mother parents to join me :D but then I finally just started having someone else take the kids to practice. Did I mention I hate to exercise? And the people I had conned into exercising grew to enjoy it, and expected me to join in even on days I wanted to sit in my car and chow down on my Sonic fries? Some people ::grumble grumble::.


What we do now is just walk. Most days we incorporate it into our school day. Either we go to the park and I walk/run while the kids play (mine are 6 and 11), or we do a family game of soccer in the backyard (me vs. them is always a workout LOL), maybe a game of tennis up at the park during nice weather, and on days I just can't get dressed and leave the house ... for some reason it's easy to throw on a pair of yoga pants or sweats and walk my neighborhood. The weather is awful 80% of the year where I live, but I can forge through 80% of those awful days and at least get in a 15 minute walk. Really, I think that's sufficient; wouldn't want to put my body -or my kids- into shock or anything! It's easy to do a 15 minute walk after lunch or before bed, with or without the kids.


I'd sooner die than join a gym, work with a video in my very public living room, or prove my lack of coordination on a treadmill or bike (also in my very public living room). If I didn't like my soft, feminine curves (I kid) I'd consider lifting weights in the privacy of my room. Is that an option?

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I do it right after we are done with school...we usually finish by 2 at the latest. I usually make sure I am hydrated and eat then, and then I go at 3. I leave my kids at the house, lock all doors and keep the attack dog inside with them. :-) I run, because I figure I can get maximum cardio workout in minimal time. In 30 minutes, I can get about 4 miles in. I also carry my cell phone so the kids can call me and I can be home within a couple minutes. When I get home, I take a hot, relaxing bath while the kids play.

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I prefer doing it early in the day but don't get up early to exercise. Sometimes I might do it while the kid's are working on a math lesson or something school related. I feel better getting it done early in the day and need 45 mins on the treadmill.:)


I've been doing a trial week at a local 24 hr gym and just trying to squeeze that in sometime during the day before 3pm. I only need 30 mins there since I do cardio at home. They're nice enough to let my kids come and sit and read or watch a movie on the puter.:)

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you are like me, lol. Mornings are hard, afternoons I don't want to shower again or change clothes, and evenings I am tired.


Well, I bought a treadmill and for the last 2 weeks I have been figuring out what is going to work for me. I did a morning, an afternoon, an evening, another morning. While I don't like doing morning it's growing on me. I hate showering in the middle of the day. And evenings just aren't great. It was fine for Sat night but not for the week.


I work out at 7:30am. I shower about 8:15 and am in the school room by 9am. My kids get up at 8am and eat, brush teeth and meet me in the school room at 9am.


I prefer washing my hair in the mornings and I like being done :001_smile: Now, I just have to be consistent on the morning thing!

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