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I agree on it not being a law. Anyone who doesn't care doesn't care about a law either. And no I don't mean if you haven't decided to use a booster that you don't care. That isn't what I'm getting at.


I disagree. We know of friends whose 7 year old doesn't use a booster. Once when I mentioned taking the girl swimming, I said I'd pick her up and just reminded her to send her booster seat - she said "oh no, the law doesn't require them past 7".

Edited by tammyw
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She's been tall all her life. I remember her being 2 and still having a pacifier. We were at the library and this tiny little girl who spoke like she was about 4 commented on "that big girl with the pacifier." Dd was taller than the other kid. :tongue_smilie:


It was the last time she went out with the paci. It became only for bedtime. :D


We had this issue with my freakishly tall son. He wouldn't take a paci, but he was as big as your average kindergartner at age 2. I would often have to excuse his behavior by loudly saying, "It's tough being two." We moved from a state that stopped boosters at age 4, into a state that required them until age 8, when DS was newly 7. I didn't even realize the law until DS was close to his 8th birthday. No, I didn't go out and buy a seat. There wasn't a seat that would accommodate him. Even at age 4, his head was higher than the car's head rest when he was in a booster.

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I disagree. We know of friends whose 7 year old doesn't use a booster. Once when I mentioned taking the girl swimming, I said I'd pick her up and just reminded her to send her booster seat - she said "oh no, the law doesn't require them past 7".


I agree.


I haven't known any family personally in the US who put their 7 year old in a booster seat. However, I can't think of one who wouldn't run out and get one once the law changed. People often use the law as a safety guide. If it's required 'til 4, it must be safe to not use one after 4, right?

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We've had that law here for some time. Dd is now over 4'9". I agree about where the belt hits...why is it belts hit so high anyway?? I'm 5'4" and many of them even on the lowest setting hit me across the neck.


Dd is still in her booster for a little longer in our car. It was ridiculous in both of my sisters' cars...her head hit the ceiling in the back of one of them. :confused: Adults ride back there, so I'm not sure what's going on with that??


At any rate, the belt hit her fine in both and she would have been scrunched with the seat. In our car, the belt is 'ok' but I still feel better keeping her in it for a little longer. :tongue_smilie:

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I agree on it not being a law. Anyone who doesn't care doesn't care about a law either. And no I don't mean if you haven't decided to use a booster that you don't care. That isn't what I'm getting at.


So I agree that a law is pointless. Not to mention the laws are often pretty empty. I had an aunt that took my first child out in her car when he was 4 (and the size of some 2 year olds) without a booster. I was madder than a hornet and hoped to at least slap her with the threat of the law. When I looked it up I discovered the fine for said violation was $10. Big deal.


I feel like if it helps to minimize the effects of a crash then I'm all for it. That doesn't make me paranoid. Paranoid would never be driving at all (and even that would hardly be paranoid given the chance I'll get into a crash).


If bubble wrap would help, I'd wear it. :D


The fine in CA is $100 plus penalty assessments up to $400 for the first offense and if it happens again $250 plus penalty assessments. So its a pretty big deal--the last week of Dec/first week of January all the media outlets were emphasizing the $400 fine as if it would be automatic.



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Your rule trumps any law. I would have told her you won't drive her without it. I don't think you need a law to enforce your rule.


It's not against the law to smoke in a car. Would you allow someone to smoke in your car? (Assuming you aren't a smoker and can't stand it.)


Oh sure, I could have insisted - I totally get that. I already debated it with some friends who are VERY carseat and booster seat conscious, the way I am.


I'm just saying that the *reason* they didn't have her in a booster in the first place was because they didn't "have to". If the law was in place, they certainly would have been.


Are there going to be people who don't follow the laws? Of course! There always are. Most people I know DO follow the law, so I figure it's a benefit to those people.

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DD stopped using the booster in the first grade, because she passed the 5 point test.


Ds on the other hand, is 4 and weighs a sturdy 62 lbs! He wears size 6 pants (some brands are already getting short!) In my backseat I have seat belt adjusters and on the lowest setting he passes the 5 point test. Since he is only 4 he is obviously still in a booster, with the belt adjuster set to the highest level so that it fits correctly. I went to the CHP car seat checker and he said the obvious (4'9, 8 years old) but also chuckled at the fit of him in the seat with the adjuster at its lowest. He'll be in the booster until 4'9, which I assume at the rate he is growing will be before 8.



On a side note, I am only 5'2. I didn't hit 4'9 until my sophomore year in high school.

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Yeah, that's an angle I didn't consider (that some people will simply do it because it's the law). I guess I don't operate that.


I agree - I don't either. I've never even LOOKED at the laws regarding carseats or boosters. I go by the safest option and do that. But I know not everyone is as anal and particular as I am, :lol: and it's those people who need the laws.:tongue_smilie:

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Honestly? I could do with a booster. Seatbelts have a tendency to cut into my face and neck. Only problem if I was driving I probably couldn't reach the gas pedal or breaks :tongue_smilie: As it is I kinda hug the steering wheel :lol:


That was me until I got my Envoy. I have adjustable foot petals so for the first time ever I am the proper distance from my steering wheel. In high school, I sat on a pillow, maybe I should have had a booster!

Edited by MHowell
auto correct hates me.
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So as of the New Year California law puts children under 8 (who are not freakishly tall) back into car seats or boosters by law.


Children under the age of 8 must be secured in a car seat or booster seat in the back seat.


Children under the age of 8 who are 4' 9" or taller may be secured by a safety belt in the back seat.


This is a battle I have waged (and recently lost) as wife and friends acted like I was "over-protective." With the passage of this legislation I have received a few "you were right after-all" comments.


For all the bashing of laws and regulations that takes place sometimes I think they have a place in public safety. What do you think?





In my province it used to be a weight or height issue. In the past, it didn't matter in our case as ds has always been very tall for his age, at every age. But, I have to say that I seriously doubt I would have put my 6, 7 or 8 year old in a booster seat. Under our new guidelines it includes a weight AND height requirement, meaning that one must be above a certain weight AND over a certain height. At 12 years old, my 5'6" ds doesn't meet the weight requirement. I'm not putting him in a g** d*** booster seat. I think regulating it this way is legislative overkill.

Edited by Audrey
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So as of the New Year California law puts children under 8 (who are not freakishly tall) back into car seats or boosters by law.


Children under the age of 8 must be secured in a car seat or booster seat in the back seat.


Children under the age of 8 who are 4' 9" or taller may be secured by a safety belt in the back seat.


This is a battle I have waged (and recently lost) as wife and friends acted like I was "over-protective." With the passage of this legislation I have received a few "you were right after-all" comments.


For all the bashing of laws and regulations that takes place sometimes I think they have a place in public safety. What do you think?




(I have not read replies)


I am probably in the minority on this, but these booster laws seem absurd to me. My sister was only 4' 9" when she was full grown (freakishly small).


Why don't we just have car manufacturers design seats the way roller coaster restraints are designed? :rolleyes: 8 year olds look ridiculous in boosters to my eye. It won't surprise me if they decide in a couple of years that it should be 10 years old.


I'm not categorically opposed to public safety laws and regs, but this one seems too far to me. Babies in car seats and toddlers in booster I can agree with a law. Kids who are wearing training bras and who can do the Macarena, not so much.

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Why don't we just have car manufacturers design seats the way roller coaster restraints are designed? :rolleyes: 8 year olds look ridiculous in boosters to my eye. It won't surprise me if they decide in a couple of years that it should be 10 years old.


I do wonder why a car manufacturer doesn't do this. It would make the car popular to a lot of parents if it was made in such a way to fit a wider range of people.

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Luckily in the front it fits me well (that would drive me nuts otherwise). I'm right on the edge of needing adaptations to the car to reach everything. I practically hug the steering wheel. I am rather nervous about the air bag. My check air bag light goes off regularly and I'm kinda hoping the air bag doesn't really work. LOL


That was me until I got my Envoy. I have adjustable foot petals so for the first time ever I am the proper distance from my steering wheel. In high school, I sat on a pillow, maybe I should have had a booster!


Glad I'm not the only one :001_smile:


Back when I used my dads car a lot he would hate it when I had used it and forgotten to push the seat back. My dad isn't a big guy but he couldn't get in if I had used the car :D I would LOVE a car with adjustable foot pedals. As it is I usually have no problem with the seat belt in the front if it is one of the adjustable ones. In the back seat however I don't really pass the 5 point test.

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It bothers me to see so many saying, "I agree with the law, that's what I've decided to do with my kid." What if they made a law about what "I" have decided to do with my kid, which didn't make sense for your kid?


Just because the law happens to have an OK result for most kids, that does not mean it should be a law.


Among other reasons, this will open the door for more and more laws. The legislature does not and cannot take into account individual differences. For example, some people will argue that a child should be in a baby seat until 40 lbs. My kid will be at least 6 before she reaches 40 lbs. Should I go to jail or pay a fine for putting her in a booster?


If parents won't make a safe car seat choice without a law, it's largely because the public is not being educated on child car safety. If everyone was educated about the "five point test," most would come to a safe decision without a law. But this law does not promote the 5-point test. It promotes blind adherence to arbitrary minimum standards.


The other issue is: many people won't even realize this law exists, and since they also haven't been educated about the 5-point test, their children will be less safe than if they'd just been given the tools to decide for themselves.


Yes, there will be people who won't even put their kids in seat belts. This law will do nothing to help those kids, either.

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Children under the age of 8 must be secured in a car seat or booster seat in the back seat.


Children under the age of 8 who are 4' 9" or taller may be secured by a safety belt in the back seat.



Am I the only one who noticed that the two statements contradict each other?

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8 year olds look ridiculous in boosters to my eye.


Huh? :confused:


I guess I'm weird in that I could care less how it looks for my almost 9 year old to be in a booster. I can plainly see with my eyes that a seatbelt alone isn't the best protection (fwiw, she is 55 pounds and probably 52 inches by my memory).

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Excellent! Safer is better. Our state laws are too lax and even then, not well enforced. I see people driving with completely unbuckled children all the time!

I'm NOT a big government person and usually dislike regulation, but this seems to me to be just common sense.


Our kids are still in Britax Frontiers (in the 5 pt. harness) and will be for a good while longer. Then the seat becomes a booster. The Frontier 85 serves as a regular seat up to 85 lbs and a booster up to 120. This accommodates the variety of kids' sizes, body types and growth patterns.


I see many, many, many children in seat belts who need to be in boosters and children in only a booster who need to be in a seat with a 5 pt. harness. Most children are not big enough at 40 lbs. to wear a seat belt properly, even in a booster.


I don't get it when I hear parents say that they switched their child into a booster or out of one because the child complained?! :confused: Sorry, kids don't get a vote on this!

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I'm not so keen on it being a law either, though I certainly don't have an issue with the practice. I don't know a single kid under age 9 who isn't in a booster, so there's that.


I had a lot of trouble with the 5 point harnesses, I'll admit. We had two incidents in a row - one where I latched one of my poor son's private bits into the buckle (I kept shoving and shoving everything in and there was a lot of manhandling of his toddler crotch... I knew it was going to happen eventually and... it did) and another where he was trapped in the seat for a long time because I couldn't get the buckle open (they make the buttons so darn hard) and I finally had to go get dh to get him loose. I considered switching seats, but trying to unbuckle them in the shop was only marginally easier so the moment they were big enough, I just moved them to backed boosters.


I know that, for that, I'm a "bad mother" but I really couldn't take those harnesses. We were all happier. But the booster... that's so simple. I can't imagine why I would bother to ever take them out until they're properly big.

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I think it's a good law and same in our state (enacted several years ago). But I will say that it hasn't really changed a lot for many of our friends. My large 2nd grader (just turned 8) is still in a booster seat, but is nearly the last of his friends. I'd say at least half of them are out of the booster seat by age 7. BUT...I think there might be some clause that says something like if only a lap belt is available or a booster won't fit or something, that they don't have to be in a booster. Not sure, though.

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My DC have always gone from their car carriers to Britax carseats, rear facing as long as possible. Once forward facing they remain in 5 pt. harnesses until they are 65 pounds, and then in boosters until they completely outgrow them by height (we have the tallest they make). I could care less how old they are when that happens, it is always passed what the law requires. My DH and MIL humor me the whole time. ;) The only time it's was a pain was when I had to explain to my nephew that he either rode in a booster or he didn't ride with us. His parents don't force the issue and he's short.

Edited by melmichigan
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They don't. Children under age 8 that are over 4'9" may sit without a booster. If the child is under 8 and under 4'9", a booster is required.


They do contradict each other. The first sentence says that Children under 8, no matter what, must be in a booster. The second adds some exceptions. I understand what they mean, it just pushes my buttons.

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ds6 (who had been out of his booster for about 4 months) went back in as of the first of the year. He was very unhappy about it, but is used to it now. No problem. I actually think it's better in the sense that he can see out the windows more! And safer probably as well.

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So as of the New Year California law puts children under 8 (who are not freakishly tall) back into car seats or boosters by law.


Children under the age of 8 must be secured in a car seat or booster seat in the back seat.


Children under the age of 8 who are 4' 9" or taller may be secured by a safety belt in the back seat.


This is a battle I have waged (and recently lost) as wife and friends acted like I was "over-protective." With the passage of this legislation I have received a few "you were right after-all" comments.


For all the bashing of laws and regulations that takes place sometimes I think they have a place in public safety. What do you think?




that has been the law here for as long as i have had kids!!!

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I have been astonished at how many kids --including babies!-- I see bouncing around without any sort of restraint when I'm out and about, around where I live. My kids like their car seats.


This must be really regional. I feel like it's the other way around here. Kids are all in the boosters until they're 9 or 10. I saw a child who was maybe 9 or 10 in the front seat recently and had a totaly :001_huh: moment because I can't remember when I've seen that last.

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This must be really regional. I feel like it's the other way around here. Kids are all in the boosters until they're 9 or 10. I saw a child who was maybe 9 or 10 in the front seat recently and had a totaly :001_huh: moment because I can't remember when I've seen that last.


Oh, no, it's illegal, they should be in car seats. I mean, I am amazed how many people flaunt the law. I see it all the time.

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This must be really regional. I feel like it's the other way around here. Kids are all in the boosters until they're 9 or 10. I saw a child who was maybe 9 or 10 in the front seat recently and had a totaly :001_huh: moment because I can't remember when I've seen that last.




Same here! It's very rare to see a child in the front seat of a car, and it's also rare to see kids who aren't in car seats or booster seats. Dh and I are always very surprised when we see a kid bouncing around in the back seat of a car.

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Well I can't see my DS moving out of his booster by July when he turns 8. There is no way he'd fit right in just a seat belt, he's average height and barely 50 lbs so I imagine he'll be in a booster until 9 or 10 at least but we'll see.


DD6 moved to a booster at about 5.5 or so and will also remain in a booster for a few years more at least. Regardless of what the law was that's what we would be doing.


Safety is not something to mess with in my opinion. Sure I may not plan to get in an accident but that doesn't mean someone else won't hit me (happened to us a bit over a year ago - both kids were fine and their seats were replaced by the insurance company).


I'm amazed when I do see little kids not in a car seat or booster - whether or not it was the law I can't see how people don't get that a 2 or 3 yr old isn't safe in just the car seatbelt.

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That's pretty much the law here in PA already anyway. Kids under 4 have to be in a carseat, kids between 4 and up to age 8 have to be in a booster seat UNLESS that child is 4'9 in height OR 80 lbs. In that event, they get to ride in just a seatbelt. (No idea how that works if there happens to be a young and very short kid who happens to weigh 80 lbs due to being overweight)!


Once they reach 8 years of age they are no longer required to be in a booster seat regardless of height or weight. I did let my daughter out of her booster seat when she was 8 because the seatbelt seemed to fit her fine in my vehicle. (She's 11 now).


My son is still riding in his Britax Boulevard 5pt harness carseat at 6. He turned 6 in November and I had originally planned to move him into the Graco Turbo Booster seat on his 6th birthday but then I figured eh he still fits well in the 5pt harness and he's happy and comfortable in there and it's in great shape and all, so why not wait a little longer, at least through the winter, and move him in the spring when he's 6 1/2 or whatever. :D


He also stayed rear-facing in that carseat for somewhere around 2 1/2 years or so. In fact, I bought that carseat when he was 18 months old and got into an argument with the saleslady at Babies R Us who accompanied me out to the parking lot so I could make sure it fit in my car next to my daughter's booster seat and she started lecturing me about how I shouldn't put it rearfacing because of how old he was and how at one year/20 lbs they HAVE to go forward-facing, and that they can only go rear facing if their feet don't touch the back seat and that if we got into an accident it could break his hips and legs. OMG I wanted to kill her. I ended up writing a scathing letter to management about how uninformed she was and how she was spreading false information to parents and how some of those parents might not know better and take her at her word, and how their training ought to be better since they go around calling themselves "the baby authority," and I cited all sorts of facts and statistics, and they ended up sending me an apology and an assurance that they'd be doing some more staff training immediately, and they sent me a gift card and everything hehe.


I'm pretty big on carseat safety! It always makes me cringe when I see parents around here letting their kids ride around with no seatbelts, small kids in the front seat of the car, tiny babies facing forward in their carseats, little ones with no booster seats and so on. A law like this doesn't bother me.

Edited by NanceXToo
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(I have not read replies)

8 year olds look ridiculous in boosters to my eye. It won't surprise me if they decide in a couple of years that it should be 10 years old.


This saddens me. Because of statements like this, children are being trained with a mindset to choose what 'looks better' over what is safest for them.


Have you ever watched crash test videos of a boostered vs non boostered child? They are eye opening.


Take a good look at the 'dummy' in this video. He is the size/weight of an average 10 yr old. (Notice especially how he 'submarines' and where the shoulder-belt portion of the belt hits him :( )





My kids are petite. My oldest DD rode in a booster until she was almost 13. My son will be 12 next month and he's still in a booster. I could care less how it looks. I care that they are safe.

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Oregon's law has been this for quite a while: Children over forty pounds or who have reached the upper weight limit for their forward-facing carseat must use boosters to 4'9" tall or age eight and the adult belt fits correctly.


I haven't looked to see Utah's yet lol I just know it is lower than Oregon's.


My 11 1/2 year old DS is still in his booster, he isn't too mad because he likes the cup holders to hide things in :) He weighs 70 pounds on a good day and is still several inches off 4'9". His twin is several inches taller and is out now. I figure as long as they are safe I don't care what people think and most people do think I am ridiculous to still insist esp now that we have moved here.

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So as of the New Year California law puts children under 8 (who are not freakishly tall) back into car seats or boosters by law.


Children under the age of 8 must be secured in a car seat or booster seat in the back seat.


Children under the age of 8 who are 4' 9" or taller may be secured by a safety belt in the back seat.


This is a battle I have waged (and recently lost) as wife and friends acted like I was "over-protective." With the passage of this legislation I have received a few "you were right after-all" comments.


For all the bashing of laws and regulations that takes place sometimes I think they have a place in public safety. What do you think?


I didn't let any of my kids out till they were 4'9". I think two were around 10yo, but one was 12yo when they hit that height. That also meant one of my twins was in about two years longer than her twin sister.


I saw a great quote somewhere along the lines of "Don't worry about the law of the state, worry about the laws of physics." Seat belts are not designed to properly restrain short people of any age.

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This saddens me. Because of statements like this, children are being trained with a mindset to choose what 'looks better' over what is safest for them.


No, it isn't. It's a mindset of thinking it looks weird to bubble wrap kids. I'm sure that would be safer too, but I'm not doing it either. Not riding in a vehicle at all would be the safest for them, but I don't see anyone posing that. Yet.


By the standards many pose here, it should be illegal due to lack of safety for many adults to use seatbelts only.


It isn't about not wanting our kids safe.


It is simply a different perspective of what constitutes reasonable safety.


Personally, I think it's stupid as all heck that people spend a small fortune on vehicles and then have to buy seats to make them safe for over half the population to ride in. I think lapbelts should be done away with in favor of 5 pt harnesses for all passengers. And That is even tho I hate them. Carseats + arthritic hands + winter = very frustrating heck.

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For all the bashing of laws and regulations that takes place sometimes I think they have a place in public safety. What do you think?


In this case, I'd have to disagree. The law takes away any opportunity for parents to use common sense. Michigan has had this same law for about 2 years now. In my minivan, my now-7yo fits better with a booster; in my mom's SUV, the seatbelt fits her better without the booster. But putting her in what would be the safer situation in the SUV means risking a ticket. As a parent, I should be able to look at the fit and decide based on child and vehicle, not have to base it on a standard that works maybe 75% of the time. Yes, I realize not all parents have the sense to know what a good fit looks like, but that's a different problem that no law is going to help.

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