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How big is your 8 year old???

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I know it's been asked before.

I keep thinking DS7 (will be 8 in 2 weeks) is going to hit a growth spurt, but he hasn't. I'm not worried or anything. I'm just curious. :) He's been pretty much the same size for 2 years.

Height: 48"

Weight: 48 lb.

Shoe size: 13


as compared to DS6 (who just turned 6 in November)...

Height: 46"

Weight: 49 lb.

Shoe size: 12


Funny how genetics works, isn't it? :)

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ds has finished his "homework" and we could measure him. He had a fit when I posted without doing so.


weight: 48 lbs (although he tells me it usually says 49)


height: 51.5" and not the 51" I had posted.


shoe: 1....not the 13.5


Geesh, how could I have gotten that all wrong, ds inquires.....

Edited by Kleine Hexe
Had to wait an fix the measurements
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My son is 8 and a half. He was normal weight at birth, but then it was a drastic slow down. He is now:


Weight: 43 lbs

Height: 44 inches

Shoe Size: 12


We have had him tested with various dr's as our other 2 are not small in stature at all. Thus far, no test has come back with anything. He does suffer from migraines/vomiting on occasion, and I've wondered if that is a symptom of something larger that is causing a slower growth rate, or if it's a by-product of being smaller............or something unrelated entirely LOL He is behind emotionally and with his academic skills, as well, so right now he fits in with other kids his "size". I'm hoping he will eventually hit a spurt, but my FIL is only 5'7, so it may just be that he is going to be the short guy.

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Just measured my boys so I could reply.


Zee is 8 1/2

49 inches tall

60 pounds

size 2 shoe

just went up into a size 10 slim pants (eights are too short, but regular 10s are WAY too big in the waist)

He just finished a growth spurt


Which puts him just under 50% for height and right at 50% for weight for an 8 1/2 year old on the CDC growth charts (I just looked it up).


Moose turned 6 at the end of November

45 inches tall

47 pounds

size 13/1 shoe

solidly in a regular size 6 pants

He's due for a growth spurt


Which puts him just under 50% for height and right in the middle of 50% and 75% for weight.

Edited by bethanyniez
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My son is 8 and a half. He was normal weight at birth, but then it was a drastic slow down. He is now:


Weight: 43 lbs

Height: 44 inches

Shoe Size: 12


We have had him tested with various dr's as our other 2 are not small in stature at all. Thus far, no test has come back with anything. He does suffer from migraines/vomiting on occasion, and I've wondered if that is a symptom of something larger that is causing a slower growth rate, or if it's a by-product of being smaller............or something unrelated entirely LOL He is behind emotionally and with his academic skills, as well, so right now he fits in with other kids his "size". I'm hoping he will eventually hit a spurt, but my FIL is only 5'7, so it may just be that he is going to be the short guy.


Yeah... I'm 5'6" and DH is 5'8". His dad and his brothers are all within an inch or so of his height. His mom is 5'4". :glare:

I keep hoping they'll get some of the genes from my mom's side - she's 5'11", my brother is 6'2"-6'3"ish, uncle is 6'6", and bio grandfather is over 6' as well.

But so far... sigh... :)

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Yeah... I'm 5'6" and DH is 5'8". His dad and his brothers are all within an inch or so of his height. His mom is 5'4". :glare:

I keep hoping they'll get some of the genes from my mom's side - she's 5'11", my brother is 6'2"-6'3"ish, uncle is 6'6", and bio grandfather is over 6' as well.

But so far... sigh... :)



Well, now I'm sorry I posted. I didn't realize this was a thread prejudice against short people. :glare: indeed....

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My 7.5 DS is tall for his age - 51.5" and weighs 58-pounds. He pretty much grows steadily....two months ago he was 50.5" and 56-pounds. Shoe size is a 3. Size 8 slim skinny jeans (great length, a bit big in the waist), size 8/10 shirts (arms are long).

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Well, now I'm sorry I posted. I didn't realize this was a thread prejudice against short people. :glare: indeed....



You know how it is... tall boys are preferable! :lol:

Obviously not, since DH isn't much taller than me. :tongue_smilie:

Idk why, I just always expected my boys to be tall because of my family, and when I see DS7 next to other kids his age I'm like :001_huh: because he seems so little!

I don't think he'll ever be very big, though. He is really bony. He started to fall the a couple of years ago and I reflexively went to grab his arm to catch him. Then as I grabbed it I thought, 'Wow. If he were to go the wrong way, my grabbing his arm could break it - it is THAT tiny.' That's how it felt, anyway. So I made a mental note not to do that again!

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You know how it is... tall boys are preferable! :lol:

Obviously not, since DH isn't much taller than me. :tongue_smilie:

Idk why, I just always expected my boys to be tall because of my family, and when I see DS7 next to other kids his age I'm like :001_huh: because he seems so little!

I don't think he'll ever be very big, though. He is really bony. He started to fall the a couple of years ago and I reflexively went to grab his arm to catch him. Then as I grabbed it I thought, 'Wow. If he were to go the wrong way, my grabbing his arm could break it - it is THAT tiny.' That's how it felt, anyway. So I made a mental note not to do that again!


yes, dh is hoping our boys end up tall. I told him he shouldn't have married me then. I'm incredibly short. DH is 6' but I'm 5'1" barely. My 11 yr old is the shortest kid his age in karate. Which is why he is in karate. ;)




My ds informed me that I was incorrect on his measurements. He insists on me fixing it.

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My just turned 8 yr old dd hovers around 60#. I forget her height. I only know weight because she wrestles. :p Size 3 shoe. Size 8 pants juuuuust fit. Waist is fine, in fact she can still cinch those up with those adjustable waist bands, but the length just barely makes it. She doesn't look especially leggy either.


She's my most 'average' of the bunch.


My 12 yr old is *barely* any bigger. Weighing in at 62# on a heavy day and eeking out about 1.5" over her.

The 10 yr old is smack in between the two.


All that to say, I 'get' the "dang my kid is small" feeling.

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My middle daughter has gained 7 lbs and grown one inch in the last year, and we are thrilled about it! She's always been little, but she started falling off the charts last year and our ped was concerned. Then we found out she has environmental allergies, got her treated, and she started eating better and growing like crazy! Now she is up to 53 lbs and is 48 inches. She wears a size one shoe.

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My ds is 8.5 and he is:




88lbs(Yes a bit chubby but he has thinned a bit recently. He has also always been a lot heavier than he looks.)


and he wears a size 5.5-6 shoe


I can wear his shoes and I wear an 8 ladies.


My 6 year old dd is:






and wears a size 1-1.5 shoe

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Wow...I didn't realize how big my boys are until reading this.


My twin boys are 8 1/2 and are 57 inches and 78 pounds each. Shoe size = 6


My 7 1/2 yo son is 53 inches and 67 pounds. Shoe size = 4


Not that its too surprising. I'm only 5'5", but my husband is 6'6" and wears a size 15 shoe. His entire family is very tall, too. They have always been above the 95th percentile for their height for their age.

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I must be raising a giant!!!


My youngest boy was 9 in Nov. He is almost 5 feet tall and weighs 110 lbs!! He wears a size 8 shoe in mens!! He is a little chubby, but not fat at all.


I am 5'11" and dh is 6'0....


My 26 year old son is 6'1, my dd's, all four of them are 5'6".


The dr predicts that Jack (my 9 year old) may top out at 6"5 or taller!

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My just turned 8 years old yesterday dd is 52 1/2 inches tall (no shoes) and weighs approximately 65-70 pounds (no scale handy). She wears a size 3 in shoes and a size 10 in pants. She wears a 10/12 in tops, but that's mostly because we don't like tops that are too fitted. In comparison to other kids her age, she is usually taller than most.


For comparison, my 10 1/2 year old son weighs 72 pounds and is 55 1/2 inches tall. He wears a 6 in shoes and a 12 slim in pants. He is often smaller than many of his same aged peers.

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My ds8 is on the bigger side. His 9th birthday is in February.


Height: 4'6" (54")

Weight: 95 lbs

Shoe size: 4 (almost a 5)


I was worried about his weight for awhile. His BMI is in the normal range. Whew!

This makes me feel better, but how do you know his BMI is normal? I'm not seeing that for my ds when I check.

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I know it's been asked before.

I keep thinking DS7 (will be 8 in 2 weeks) is going to hit a growth spurt, but he hasn't. I'm not worried or anything. I'm just curious. :) He's been pretty much the same size for 2 years.

Height: 48"

Weight: 48 lb.

Shoe size: 13


as compared to DS6 (who just turned 6 in November)...

Height: 46"

Weight: 49 lb.

Shoe size: 12


Funny how genetics works, isn't it? :)


I'm laughing--our boys are close in size and age.


My ds7(8 in 1 week) is 44 inches, 43 pounds, and wears a size 12.


My ds6(who just turned 6 in November) is 42 inches, 40 pounds, and wears a size 11.


All my boys are on the smaller side, but ds7 is the smallest of all. Good thing he has the personality of a pit bull :tongue_smilie::glare::001_smile::001_huh:.

Edited by JudoMom
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My dd has been on the very bottom of the growth chart for years - she'll be 9 next month:


weight: 43 lbs

height: 50" (possibly not accurate, I was using a 12" ruler and rushing)

shoe size: 13


We're hoping for a growth spurt too as she has been hovering at this weight for awhile.

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My son will be 9 in March, but he is 56.5" and 88 lbs. He's built Ford-tough. Grandpa is 6'3", but DH and I are 5'10" and 5'7", respectively. My family all have really solid builds--I weigh a lot more than you'd think I do. ODS is the same, but our younger two kids have much lighter builds, like their dad.


ETA: Size 6 mens' shoes!

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My son is 8 1/2 years old. His stats:


height: 55"

weight: 73lbs.

shoe size: 5


He's always been huge for his age. He was 10.5 lbs at birth. He actually just came down onto the chart. He had always been above the 100th%. He's now 95th%.


These are almost the exact same stats for my DS7 (8 in April). He was also over 10lbs at birth. Dh's side of the family is all over 6' tall - including the women. His shoe size is a 4 though.



Heigth: 54 1/2"

Weight: 59lbs

Shoe Size: 3

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