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I've had really short hair before. My hair is currently half way down my back. I'm getting it chopped to my shoulders soon but I wouldn't cut mine short again. I found with short hair I had to go to the hair stylist all the time to maintain the cut or else it looked sloppy. Maybe it depends on the cut you get???

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I would cut it to shoulder length first and then go from there. Shaving it off with clippers seems a bit drastic.


:iagree: We did this for my oldest DD. She did cut it shorter at the next cut, into a pixie cut but now has it back at bob length. She didn't enjoy it THAT short.


Personally i've always had longish hair. Shoulder length has been the shortest i've gone. I hate hair on my face so it has to be long enough to pull back into a pony tail.

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I've had hair down to my waist and also very short. I didn't go straight from long to super short, though. At 18yo I got my waist-length hair cut to shoulder length. Sometime in college I got it cut short--pixie style. I agree with a PP--pixie or any short cuts require more care and styling. I found I like it best at shoulder length, no bangs (I don't look good in bangs anyway).


Perhaps you might try shoulder length at first? It's really quite liberating if you're looking for a change. Then if you know you want to try it shorter you can. As they say, it's hair; it'll grow back.

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Why the hurry?


Find out what Locks of Love needs for donations (is it 8"? a foot?). Then cut that amount off (after trimming ends to make them even for the donation). Donate it.


Wait a month and then do that again. And a month later, again.


You might find that a good length for you is not crew-cut but perhaps shoulder length.


That way you won't make a huge mistake by going way too short. Get used to each step. If, during this process, you discover that it's too short, then you don't have as much regrowing to do as you would if you cut it all off at once.

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I am thinking about taking a 7/8" guard and taking the clippers to it.



We have the vague feeling that cutting off long hair would be a shocking, rebellious thing to do. We want to do it when we are mad at the world. Does this feeling have a legitimate basis?


Doth not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair her for a covering. But if any man seem to be contentious we have no such custom, neither the churches of God.

I Cor 11:14-16.


I interpret the last verse to mean, "If anyone wants to argue about this, we have no custom of arguing about it in the churches." Other interpret it to mean Paul said his instructions only apply to the culture he is writing to, or that no one has the custom or responsibility to follow his instructions. Neither of those interpretations make sense IMHO.

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I've been having hot flashes for over a decade, and not having anything on my neck is a must.


Coloring it at home is easy, and it dries quickly.


IMHO some older women look better in short hair. Most people think I'm significantly younger than I am.


No regrets although DD wants me to have long hair like her so that we can play with it together. :001_smile:

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I would cut it to shoulder length first and then go from there. Shaving it off with clippers seems a bit drastic.


:iagree: I think shoulder length would be drastic enough. If you don't like it, you can just let it grow. Growing out shorter hair is more difficult because the in-between stages can be really difficult. I have shorter hair and anytime I want to change my hairstyle, I have to let it grow a bit and be very unhappy with my hair for a while.

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I went from fairly long, slightly past bra strap, to about two inches. I LOVE short hair!! You'll be flabbergasted by how long a bottle of shampoo can last, it's so easy to style and care for, it doesn't get staticy fly-aways and a new hairstyle just makes you feel like a sassy new woman.:D


With your amount of hair, have you considered donating?


Good luck!! Before and after pics would be so cool if you feel comfortable!

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If you do it, post pictures! I would love to see the difference.


Yes, if you do it, please post before and after pics!


But don't do it. :D Long hair is easier than short. Short may be cuter, but it's more expensive. I've had both; my hair is long now, but I had a short, between-the-chin-and-shoulders stacked bob several years ago.

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After 30+ years of having long hair, I had to cut it. I have an autoimmune disease that makes it very difficult to hold my arms up over my shoulders, so styling my long hair was excruciating. I first had it cut to shoulder length and it's now chin length in the front and much shorter in the back. I LOVE it and get compliments on it all of the time.


I would NOT do it myself, never. I go to the salon ever 6 weeks (should go every 4, but I stretch it out) I love my stylist and we have a great relationship. She even comes to my house to cut the kids hair b/c the salon charges so much.




is my current cut, without the purple.

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I have short hair now, after having long hair.


I told my hair dresser, "I'd like short hair. You figure out how to cut it for me. And she did." It looked great!


So, if I were you, I'd walk into a place and ask the hairdresser to cut it short. There's a good chance they will not cut it super, super short at first. They'll be afraid it'll be too much of a shock for you and they won't want to see you cry. But, if they cut it somewhat short, then you can tell them, "That looks great, but lets take off a couple more inches," until you get it as short as you want.


That would be my plan.

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I just cut my hair last week. It was almost hitting the small of my back and now it is mid shoulder blade. Longer than shoulders in the back and shorter around my face.


It is cute.


I've gotten tons of compliments.




I miss my hair.


My hair grows really fast so it is no big deal. I do have to style it everyday or it looks bad. I'd have to trim every 4 weeks if I wanted to keep it like this.


I wish now that I would have only gotten 4 inches cut instead of 6 inches.

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Yes, more styling each day, and truth be told, more makeup and effort in other aspects of my appearance too.



This is very true. With my short hair, I feel like it's really necessary to wear mascara to make sure I look "girl" enough so I don't look like a boy.


And some clothes that might have looked good with long hair, just don't look right with short hair.

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I am considering chopping my hair off. It currently is nearly to my rear end. I am thinking about taking a 7/8" guard and taking the clippers to it. If you have really short hair do you like it? What say the hive?

How old are you? If it looks great on you, keep it. I now have fairly short hair, that style that is higher in the back and longer near my face. It looks MUCH better on me because the long hair was dragging me down, even though I'm someone youngish looking. I'm over 50 now and you just need the lift at some point.


So I'd take that into consideration.

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I shaved my head last night with the #1 clipper guard. My head is cold. If that doesn't bother you, as well as having NOTHING to style then go for it. My hair was messed up and damaged so I had to. I can't wait for it to grow out to pixie length again.

You are a brave woman! Nothing like a complete change for a New Year, eh?



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This is very true. With my short hair, I feel like it's really necessary to wear mascara to make sure I look "girl" enough so I don't look like a boy.


And some clothes that might have looked good with long hair, just don't look right with short hair.

Exactly! In the picture with it spiked, curled, flipped or whatever it looks girly, but try waking up and not styling it. Ugh. I look like an ugly boy. I also had to get rid of my third earring... it just. didn't. look. right.;)
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Why the hurry?


Find out what Locks of Love needs for donations (is it 8"? a foot?). Then cut that amount off (after trimming ends to make them even for the donation). Donate it.


Wait a month and then do that again. And a month later, again.


You might find that a good length for you is not crew-cut but perhaps shoulder length.


That way you won't make a huge mistake by going way too short. Get used to each step. If, during this process, you discover that it's too short, then you don't have as much regrowing to do as you would if you cut it all off at once.

Last I checked Pantene Beautiful Lengths required 8 inches and LoL needed ten.


OP, I don't have short hair but did once get well over 10 inches taken off. The hairdresser didn't measure properly and took off a lot more than she meant to. It was a shock. I'm glad I was able to donate, but I personally had a hard time going as short as I did so quickly. My hair is now short compared to what I had (but still considered long) and it is fun. I go back and forth. Next year, it will probably be fairly long again.

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I had long hair--below shoulder length.

I used a buzzer with a 1 inch guard and

buzzed it off.

It looked OK.

BUT...it was really weird, and sometimes

painful, holding my head up all the time. It

felt like my neck had to compensate for not

having weight in the back. It's hard to explain...

I would get neck ache and head ache often,

even though I wasn't holding my head crooked

or anything.

VERY annoying. And it took at least 4 months

to stop being painful and uncomfortable.

I buzzed it in May, then again in June, then I

let it grow out. It's now to the point I can tie

the front hair back with a hairclip and I can

probably get a bob by Spring.

It was fun having short hair. But I look better

in long. Actually, I look better in medium--about

shoulder length. The super long hair doesn't look

that good on me.

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