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No Buy January

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Too late. We are leaving for vacation on Monday and I will for sure spend too much money. Maybe I will try it in February!



Hubby finally got some time off later on this week (he didn't get any time off during Christmas and New Year), so we are bound to spend money wherever we end up going. Also we had a wedding anniversary this week and that meant a nice dinner out. I bought an appointment book to carry in my purse. Oh, dear. February challenge for me too...:tongue_smilie:

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Ok, so is this as basic as food and fuel, or can we purchase items on our "need to replace/get this year" list if we see a great deal in the January sales? See, a few pages back I slipped up straight after I signed up by purchasing new sheets to replace the ones I have which are useless. They were top of my "need" list for the year and I didn't use credit. :001_huh:

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doesn't work for me. I just had to buy a new washing machine. It wasn't in my plans, but at least we had the money. The only time we ever bought an extended warranty was for my current washing machine, so at least we're getting something out of it.


and I have two kids with birthdays this month.


oh, and I've already bought some "explain autism/aspergers to classmates" books. I did roll over at the "all cats have aspergers" (there is a companion, "all dogs have ADHD".) I can see that . . . .

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I prob can' t do this, because I'm in "build up the food storage" mode. I don' t ever clean out the pantry completely (ie, deplete it), I just rotate. I also am doing a lot of kids clothes buying at the great sales, and dh bought us a kindle fire out of his quarterly bonus. Also I have a serious book habit. I also bought several bottles of hcg out of fear it would soon be gone.

Sheesh, I'm worse in Jan than pre- Christmas!

Ok, but I am going back on the extreme coupon wagon, so that will save us tons at the grocery, etc. I guess that is SOMETHING. And I'll do better in February, except for the food storage thing.

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Anyone want to join me? I saw this thread on DISboards and thought, "Yes, I need this!" :D


Here's how it works:


You commit to buying only the absolute necessities for the entire month of January. As in, no extra trips to Target with little goodies (cute storage containers, nail polish, a DVD, an Itunes card, pre-packaged food you could make yourself) ending up in your cart. No eating out, no movies (find a DVD, pop your own popcorn and make a night of it at home), nothing but the necessities....fresh produce, eggs, milk, bread (although you could make that, too), etc....gasoline for the car, medicine or doctor visits, stuff like that.


Mainly, it's just a self-control reminder. And to keep us honest, we need to record what we spend each day and where we spend it....here. So, it looks like this:


1/1: $0


1/3: $8.19 Target (prescription)

1/3: $20.24 Papa Murphy's pizza (shouldn't have done this!)

1/3: $35.51 Walmart (groceries)

1/4: $20.04 Target (no idea what I bought :glare:)

1/5: $21.00 gas

1/5: $99.96 Winco (groceries)

1/5: $56.03 Walmart (nothing I really needed...except that I clearly need to stay out of this store!)


This also helps you to see where your money might be sneaking away from you.


So, anyone want to join me? I'm really going to try hard NOT to spend my money this month. And next. LOL


I would so like to joint this...as I see us spiraling down in finances due to medical expenses...which are ridiculous!!!! However, dh's 50th birtrhday is Monday, and his love language is PRESENTS! He wants PRESENTS!!! Lots of them...and a BIG birthday party...and FOOD!!!!!!...


So, I am biting the bullet and making that happen...but, being so close to Christmas...it is making my credit card cringe. I am shaking in my shoes over the expenses facing us this year between Lyme Disease and 2 kids needing orthodontic work:glare: none covered by insurance.


I think I will be the one, once again, making all the sacrifice....no manicures or hair cuts this year. No new clothes...no cute nail polishes or a massage even when I need it. Funny thing is I don't really care...I just want to be home....



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Had no idea tattoo parlors had gift certificates, but I have no need for tattoos, so no worries of wanting to spend money there!


Cars, not looking for one of those either.....ours will have to do for a good long while. Although DH does like looking. I had to stop looking with him because I wanted to buy when I looked!




For your next tattoo, hold off going to the parlor but make it known that a tattoo voucher would be welcomed as a gift for b-day/Christmas etc; some parlors operate gift certificates.


Some of the car deals these days are excellent, but make sure the brand has a good service record and reputation: no point in a $5000 cashback if within 18 months you have to spend $6000 on Mickey Mouse stuff at the garage.

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I don't really do no buy things because we already budget (YNAB) and whatever I don't buy this month I will need to stock back up on next month, so the money will still be spent.


Christmas did set us back a bit, but not too much. DH just spent $2,000 on the basement in Dec. :tongue_smilie: But it was all planned and we had the cash. We are FINALLY almost finished with the basement. The 2K was for the flooring.



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I like the idea of doing this for Lent.


:iagree: I am trying to put meals into the freezer to make life easier for us during regatta season. School starts the end of the month & I'm sure ds#2 will need bigger uniforms & I need to get his stationary + pay school fees, etc. So I'm going to aim for Lent.


PS---I've given up Coke & am trying to eat more healthier this month. I'm not sure that I could put my wallet on a diet as well ;) .

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doesn't work for me. I just had to buy a new washing machine. It wasn't in my plans, but at least we had the money. The only time we ever bought an extended warranty was for my current washing machine, so at least we're getting something out of it.


and I have two kids with birthdays this month.


oh, and I've already bought some "explain autism/aspergers to classmates" books. I did roll over at the "all cats have aspergers" (there is a companion, "all dogs have ADHD".) I can see that . . . .


Oh carp now I want these :glare: This thread is doing nothing to help me stop spending :lol:

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I can't do a log, because it would drive me nuts, but I am in for the most part. I have a $700 spending limit this month. I usually spend about $2000. I am going to an all cash month to help me do it. This includes all the extras that aren't part of the household budget. It is all the food, sports, fun activities, clothes, and trips.


It is hard to break the holiday habits of buying little trinkets for stockings and grabbing a Starbucks to help push through the insane season.


Every Jan, Feb, March I try to do this. This is the time of year that I save for next year's school tuition or curriculum. I find these are the easiest months for me to do it because we don't have birthdays or major holidays. We don't have a seasonal wardrobe change until April/May when it warms up a bit. We usually have a few gift cards to cover a couple of incidental purchases.

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It's going to be Lent here, too. Great idea!


So far since Christmas we have had fairly pricey work done on two cars, and bought new towels for the main bathroom (they were on sale at Costco, and we are 1 1/2 years past due for them. Our existing towels, some of them anyway, were too worn to even give to the local 'give to the poor' place. This reminds me of the time that we took a load of old lumber from a torn down deck to the dump, and I found a big basket there that was in better shape than the one we use for recycling in the kitchen. At the DUMP, which is full of things that other people have thrown away. Sigh.). And tomorrow the LYS that is closing is having a special sale day just for regulars who are part of their 'club', where we get first dibs on all the sales. So. I will be buying the yarn I need for the next two years, in all likelihood, at drastically reduced prices.


And some time in the next two months, while flying is inexpensive, I hope to visit my in-laws in WI and cheer them up. I might go to Minnesota as well.


We are such a strange mixture of frugal and spendy, but it's because of priorities. It's IMPORTANT to see our extended family, especially my in laws this year, as their last remaining friend from the old days just found out in Nov. that he has terminal cancer and will almost certainly die this year. It's smart to take advantage of a going out of business sale if possible. This is what being frugal is FOR. None of our cars is newer than 13 years old. So of course we have to put money into them or they just plain would not run.

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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Ok....well, so far this week, I've spent about $75 on groceries. Just the necessities....milk, fresh produce, etc.


Then I had to spend $25 on a doctor co-pay because my son was running laps in karate and slammed his hands against the wall to stop himself. Unfortunately, he neglected to notice the push pin sticking out of the poster and slammed his hand right into it. :glare: Part of the push pin is probably lodged in his palm now. Going in tomorrow to make certain of this (had to wait until the swelling went down). Another co-pay. Yippee. My ped thought he might need to go see a hand surgeon. My dh thinks he can dig it out himself with my "home surgery kit". Uh huh....I don't think so.


Sigh....trying not to buy anything more but basic groceries.


How's everyone else doing?

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Staying basic here as well. Spent $51 on groceries this past weekend. Other than that the only thing we spent money on was materials for the basement and $5 for screen protectors for ds1 nintendo, dh bought those which are probably a good investment.

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This wouldn't be a good month for it here, because (a) we just got done with a Caribbean cruise, (b) my kid just had a birthday and my dad's is coming up, © I have to pay for all the kids' Spring semester lessons in January, (d) I forgot to make one of my December donations so that needs done asap, (e) tax estimates - oh my, (f) just got a $30 late fee for paying a 2011 traffic ticket late, (g) my kitchen sink is hopelessly clogged so we need a plumber, . . . . I think I'd better quit while I'm behind.


Maybe February. Though the museum membership comes up in February . . . so maybe March.:)

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I love this! We do this naturally every year, and I wish I had the determination to write it all out.


We eat out of the fridge, pantry, and freezer all month long to get rid of our staples. We have some weird meals, I'll tell ya'. :)


I've made a few big purchases (daughter's reading glasses, renewing 2 annual passes). But we don't eat out, we don't go into *those* stores, and we throw away all ads.


Hint: this is the month to unsubscribe to any emails that try to sell you stuff.


January is a fresh start month and I love it!




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I'm in:


We are doing NO BUY January through June here. We signed a contract on a home to be built and DH is adamant that we not spend any $$$$ between now and then so everything can be in savings.


My new answer to: Can I have this? is:


I am not in charge of that anymore. Ask you father.:D


Btw, I love not being in charge of that anymore.:D

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Hmmm...The problem I have with No Buy January is that the BEST bargains are in January! All those things that didn't sell at Christmas are marked down! I do a LOT of buying in the winter months. The reason it works for me (budget-wise) is that I do not shop during the rest of the year. Honestly, I live in the boonies (we only have WalMart nearby) and I have to drive to the "big city" to shop, my boys are not compatible with shopping, and I'm too busy during the week with school so I have to use my weekends (which I prefer to use to do projects around the house). Also, I am not a shopper - I hate it (maybe I have a defective:glare: female chromosome). I will only shop when I have a plan which includes style, color, price, and store. My dh thinks I'm a rather "cheap" wife :) but he sometimes thinks I've gone completely whacko in the winter months. I would spend so much more money if I shopped all year long.


I will, occasionally, watch Woot, Steep and Cheap, and other online retailers for excellent bargains during the year.


So, I'm happy you all are staying away from the stores because it gives me a better selection :D:D:D

Edited by CynthiaOK
how did genetic = defective? Obviously my mind wasn't awake
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I'll do this starting today. I vow to buy ONLY groceries and gas for the rest of the month. Wait, I will have to pay for piano lessons and a karate tournament next week, but I think that's it as far as necessary expenses. We leave for Disney on the 31st, and we could use a little spending money!


I'll report back after grocery shopping today.

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I have not been keeping a detailed list but have just been watching what I do. So far since joining I have spent $8 on a fast food meal (was craving it so bad), and otherwise it has been strictly bills and groceries. Although I am going to be spending $60 tomorrow. I am taking the kids to the titanic exihibit at teh science center. It is over as ov January 31 and will be gone so it really is our only chance to go and see real titanic artifacts etc. I consider that a necessity ;)

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I'll do this starting today. I vow to buy ONLY groceries and gas for the rest of the month. Wait, I will have to pay for piano lessons and a karate tournament next week, but I think that's it as far as necessary expenses. We leave for Disney on the 31st, and we could use a little spending money!


I'll report back after grocery shopping today.


My payment to the Walt Disney Travel Company for our May trip is due on March 26th. I will also be having a No buy Feb., March, and April! :lol:

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Okay, I'll bite. Dh will love me if I'm successful. I may try this for Lent, too.


I already have two amazon purchases this month, though. Ear buds because I lost mine on vacation last month and a memory card. We did visit B&N the other day and actually managed to leave w/o a purchase! And that was even before I knew about this thread. ; )

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My payment to the Walt Disney Travel Company for our May trip is due on March 26th. I will also be having a No buy Feb., March, and April! :lol:


Understandable! This trip is the first one we booked on such short notice. So, we didn't specifically save for it. We have the money in savings, but we're trying VERY hard not to have to touch it for this trip. So, this will be very good for me to have some accountability NOT to spend.


On a fun note, I'm just putting all my information together into one document for our trip! Woohoo!!

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I've been tracking mine on another board but I'll jump in here, too. :D Since the first we have spent $1 that was not necessary. It was on Cadbury, what can I say?


Dh and I have been pleasantly surprised and not feeling restrained by this. Each week we get to sit down together and create a strict grocery list - meaning, if it's not on it, we don't buy it. Every dinner is planned so we don't fall into the fast food trap. On payday I take out our grocery and family activity budget to put in jars and we don't touch the account again until the next payday.


It has been really nice! Dh suggested doing a no-buy pay period every other month after this to help keep our spending in check.

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I wish I'd found this thread earlier:D. Our weather has turned, and we'll be inside a bunch anyway, so I'll give it a go. The necessity of dragging out the snow-blower or shovel to get out of the driveway will be my greatest asset.




Anyone want to join me? I saw this thread on DISboards and thought, "Yes, I need this!" :D


Here's how it works:


You commit to buying only the absolute necessities for the entire month of January. As in, no extra trips to Target with little goodies (cute storage containers, nail polish, a DVD, an Itunes card, pre-packaged food you could make yourself) ending up in your cart. No eating out, no movies (find a DVD, pop your own popcorn and make a night of it at home), nothing but the necessities....fresh produce, eggs, milk, bread (although you could make that, too), etc....gasoline for the car, medicine or doctor visits, stuff like that.


Mainly, it's just a self-control reminder. And to keep us honest, we need to record what we spend each day and where we spend it....here. So, it looks like this:


1/1: $0


1/3: $8.19 Target (prescription)

1/3: $20.24 Papa Murphy's pizza (shouldn't have done this!)

1/3: $35.51 Walmart (groceries)

1/4: $20.04 Target (no idea what I bought :glare:)

1/5: $21.00 gas

1/5: $99.96 Winco (groceries)

1/5: $56.03 Walmart (nothing I really needed...except that I clearly need to stay out of this store!)


This also helps you to see where your money might be sneaking away from you.


So, anyone want to join me? I'm really going to try hard NOT to spend my money this month. And next. LOL

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Okay, so I just opened up my checkbook register and looked back to Jan. 1. Twenty-seven entries!! The first one was for a lens for my camera (which I've been coveting for some time) $247. Can I redeem myself a bit by telling you it was a $400 lens on sale? lol!


amazon (camera lens) $247.95


All the rest:


DH - cash $100

Kroger - groceries $390.78 (total of all)

Schwan's (food) - $15.49

TSC - chicken/rabbit/dog food - $103.72 (might have been some circus peanuts and a Twix bar in there :blush:)

amazon - a light for ds's digital piano $45.87 (been needing this for a while)

piano lessons $40

fuel - $157.52

lids for dh's coffee cups he takes to work $54.24 (box of 1000--lasts 3 years and I always end up needing to get them separately from the cups... it's weird.)

heating fuel $110.30

medical co-pay $7.87 (from last fall, oddly enough)

internet $40

home equity credit line payment $165.85

life insurance - $124.66

credit cards - $300 (paying these down rapidly)

Office Depot - $20.65


So far, not so good. Must do better the rest of the month. Maybe I could do this February instead :tongue_smilie:

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Hmmm...The problem I have with No Buy January is that the BEST bargains are in January! All those things that didn't sell at Christmas are marked down! I do a LOT of buying in the winter months. The reason it works for me (budget-wise) is that I do not shop during the rest of the year. Honestly, I live in the boonies (we only have WalMart nearby) and I have to drive to the "big city" to shop, my boys are not compatible with shopping, and I'm too busy during the week with school so I have to use my weekends (which I prefer to use to do projects around the house). Also, I am not a shopper - I hate it (maybe I have a genetic female chromosome). I will only shop when I have a plan which includes style, color, price, and store. My dh thinks I'm a rather "cheap" wife :) but he sometimes thinks I've gone completely whacko in the winter months. I would spend so much more money if I shopped all year long.


I will, occasionally, watch Woot, Steep and Cheap, and other online retailers for excellent bargains during the year.


So, I'm happy you all are staying away from the stores because it gives me a better selection :D:D:D


I could have written this! I HATE shopping except in the winter when I'm feeling a bit cooped up. Those January deals are killer. It's how I ended up getting that new lens for my camera on Jan. 1.


The morning of 1/1, it was $400. I had been going to order when it was on sale through 12/31, but kind of forgot. Later in the day, it was marked down again and I snapped one up. The next day it was $400 again! I don't regret it. (It's $300 right now.) Can't wait for decent enough weather to go get some nice bird photos at the local nature center. :001_smile:

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This wouldn't be a good month for it here, because (a) we just got done with a Caribbean cruise, (b) my kid just had a birthday and my dad's is coming up, © I have to pay for all the kids' Spring semester lessons in January, (d) I forgot to make one of my December donations so that needs done asap, (e) tax estimates - oh my, (f) just got a $30 late fee for paying a 2011 traffic ticket late, (g) my kitchen sink is hopelessly clogged so we need a plumber, . . . . I think I'd better quit while I'm behind.


Maybe February. Though the museum membership comes up in February . . . so maybe March.:)


I have a kid with a January birthday also. February is looking better and better. Also dh is about to spend $2k to get started on his Master's.


I would not call a museum membership unnecessary though.


I'm thinking the idea is not to impulsively buy random useless stuff.

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I think I could mostly do this. DH put gas in his car, but other than that we haven't spent anything yet this year. However, we're taking DS3 ice skating tomorrow (with a coupon) and need to buy the rest of the stuff to finish the kids' TV-stand-turned-kitchen. It cost $65 to build a golf ball run, hoping this is cheaper. :glare:


Repurposing/upcycling a piece of furniture is not random mindless spending. :thumbup1:


Are you going to post pics when you're done?

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I could have written this! I HATE shopping except in the winter when I'm feeling a bit cooped up. Those January deals are killer. It's how I ended up getting that new lens for my camera on Jan. 1.


The morning of 1/1, it was $400. I had been going to order when it was on sale through 12/31, but kind of forgot. Later in the day, it was marked down again and I snapped one up. The next day it was $400 again! I don't regret it. (It's $300 right now.) Can't wait for decent enough weather to go get some nice bird photos at the local nature center. :001_smile:


LOL! I got all the boys new Teva flip flops for $2.49 per pair a while back! If I had waited until May I would have paid at least $20 per pair. So they get better quality than Old Navy for a fraction of the price.

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DH & I were just discussing keeping January super-light on the spending!

Trouble is we are only 6 days in and I've already placed 3 orders with Book Depository :leaving:


AHHHHHH! Really, thats it. I am not spending any more $$$ this month.


I blew it and didn't even know this thread was around. ;) We pooled our Christmas money gifts and paid cash for a brand new Samsung flat screen TV over a week ago for a great after-Christmas sale at Best Buy. (No credit cards!) Oh well. :D

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Feeling the pain of my vow right now. We finished LOF Dogs yesterday. I always order the next book when we're finished with one. Now I have to wait a few weeks to order Edgewood. I fear dd and I may both experience Fred withdrawals before the month is over!


On a better note, the memory card I ordered before I agreed to join this group doesn't fit my device, so I'll be returning that. It won't bug me to wait awhile to order one that fits. That's a bit of money painlessly saved! The little guy in red with horns, a tail, and a pitchfork sitting on my shoulder keeps telling me I should go ahead and order Edgewood because I'll still come out ahead after returning the memory card! ; ) Covering my ears . . .

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$20.30 for gas today (because I can never get it to stop right on the even dollar amount :lol:). I only filled the tank halfway.


Went to the library and checked out books I'd been thinking of ordering on Amazon. That was HUGE for me. I have an itchy trigger finger on that Amazon site. "Add to cart" is like a hit of heroin for this book junkie. :D

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I just try and stay under $200 the first few months of the year. Dh is self employed and usually it's tighter in the winter months, he's been busy, so that's not the case, but it's still go to do and it helps recover from the extra spent at Christmas. So far for the month on groceries I've spent $85.xx, but I'm going to Meijer in a bit to get some cheese & chicken that's on sale with coupons and discounts (Chicken is 4 lb bags for $6.49, but 3 and save $5. It's enough saving to make it worth it.

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Well we skipped the science center to to the impending storm but still spent $ today. $35 on gas, $50 on groceries, $65 on vitamins/supplements, $40 at subway as a treat for lunch and $75 at the dollar store (this was a combination of essentials and extra stuff like craft supplies, probably $40 of it was nonessential) SO a total of about $80 on non essential things spent today. Not a great thing BUT given the winter weather headed my way I do not regret the $ store purchases at all. That will have to be it for this month though as I need to pay the car insur etc and that increases essential spending.

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I would suggest it's not a good idea to barely put gas in your tank. The almost empty tank will get condensation in it and then you'll have to put in that expensive gas line stuff, plus possibly buying a new fuel filter. Not to mention getting stranded on the way to town. That's one of those savings that really isn't!


January is not a good "no buy" month for us--it's tutition time! With 4 of us in college this semester! I also don't like to eat down my food storage unless it's an emergency. We'll be filling one freezer tomorrow--the lambs come home in little white packages. Yum!


I just looked through the checkbook--seems like half of the checks are for music or Scouts... :D


I never fill my tank up all the way...only on occasion and it's managed to survive for the past eleven years. It's had to learn to adapt. :lol:


Spent $53 at Walmart for groceries for the week....and grumbled about the high prices the entire time.


And the college tuition thing...ugh. We have two in college. Destroys the budget. Thank goodness for our college savings plans...or else we'd be toast.


I have a year's worth of food storage that I have to rotate on a regular basis, otherwise it would all just rot in my basement, so we do eat from it all the time. We have shelves in our fruit room (a Utah thing) that are tilted and I load the canned goods, etc. from the back of the shelves and the previous ones roll to the front. Works great unless one of my kids crams new cans in on the front side. :glare:


So, with the month half over, it looks like I've spent about $400. I'm trying to keep it to half that for the rest of the month. We'll see......

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Honestly.....mamas do not be hard on yourself. :grouphug:


My goal is NOT a no spend, but a NO WASTE month. :D


So utilizing leftovers, not using paper plates and paper napkins (so don't have to rebuy), using coupons if I have them, doubling up trips to not waste gas or make unexpected stops, shopping at home first for dinners and school stuff, etc.


Also paying bills ontime to get early credit or no late fee. Saved 5.oo today renewing our Starfall membership. I could have waited til Feb, but doing it now enabled me to not waste 5.00. :)


Goals can be different for each family. Doesn't mean I am doing bad on the challenge. :)


Thought that might help others look at their goals.

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