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Artificial Sweeteners - are they really "that bad" for you?

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My 15yo dd is working on a persuasive speech on the negative effects of artificial sweetners. She thought she'd find lots to support her stance, but all the official research seems to say they really aren't that bad.


Anyone have links to data that proves artificial sweetners cause things like headaches, weight gain, depression, cancer, etc? Anyone have a personal story that shows a negative connection to artificial sweetners?


I'm ready to tell her to pick a new topic, something with more evidence! Of course, since it is supposed to be a persuasive speech, I guess the topic would have to be fairly controversial.



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google 'what's wrong with phenylalanine'...I am a testimony that they were a big trigger to starting me on a road with seizures....I lived on slim fast my first 9 months of college (just easier and definitely got well below any goal weight I had!) but the result was seizures of unknown etiology...after I was clear of phenylalanine for 2 years...they stopped suddenly...

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As a person who has a rare orphan disease -- I know that those with PKU cannot have the artificial sweetner, phenylalanine, as it can trigger coma or death.








Anecdotally, I personally have migraines whenever I ingest Splenda. I have no problems with Sweet n Low or Equal. I mentioned this to my rare liver disease specialist one time and he mentioned it would be great if someone actually ran a study on this -- he heard of people getting migraines from Splenda as well. :confused:

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My 15yo dd is working on a persuasive speech on the negative effects of artificial sweetners. She thought she'd find lots to support her stance, but all the official research seems to say they really aren't that bad.


Anyone have links to data that proves artificial sweetners cause things like headaches, weight gain, depression, cancer, etc? Anyone have a personal story that shows a negative connection to artificial sweetners?


I'm ready to tell her to pick a new topic, something with more evidence! Of course, since it is supposed to be a persuasive speech, I guess the topic would have to be fairly controversial.




I cant help your dd but I'm glad for me.

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I get migraines and/or vertigo from artificial sweeteners. I was a Tab drinker, had a Nutrasweet gumball machine (with endless gumballs), and drank sacchrine-filled sweet tea as a kid. By my late teens, the migraines started. The vertigo kicked in by early 20's. It wasn't until I was living on my own and removed all sweeteners from my diet that I realized the artificial sweeteners were causing my migraines and vertigo. We're a pure- or no-sugar family.

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I have a friend whose daughter's hair started falling out in handfuls a few years ago. She was elementary age at the time. After many tests, doctors, and hospital stays she was determined healthy. This poor momma was at a loss when a doctor finally told her it was her excessive use of Splendid. He said it is poison and no one, particularly children should ingest it. By this time the little girl was slick bald and it has never grown back.

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Search Dr. Mercola's site...I don't have time to link but he will list specific studies citing the effects of aspartame and other artificial sweeteners. I can tell you that I have had bursitis in both hips for the last year. So bad that I've done the steroids, pain meds, chiropractor, vitamins, etc. I had a diet coke habit. I went off one month ago and within 3 days, my hips quit hurting and haven't hurt since. I'll never consume it again knowingly (although I STILL crave dc!).

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This morning the Arizona Republic had an article on sugar v. artificial sweeteners. It was Dr. Oz's column so it's probably in other papers too. He mentioned a few negatives of sweeteners: linked to large waist sizes, can change metabolism, and can change your tastes so you actually prefer sugary foods. That might give you a few things to look up instead of the really bad side effects that every one swears by but scientists keep telling us don't exist. :glare:


I don't touch artificial sweeteners because I've had bad reactions to aspartame. My mom who drinks diet soda daily struggles with chronic UTIs. I had someone tell me that once she stopped drinking diet soda her chronic UTIs went away.

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My son has epilepsy and has been advised by his neurologist to never have artificial sweeteners. It can cause seizures in people who have epilepsy. Obviously it has some affect on the brain.


God Bless,

Elise in NC


My sister went blind for a year ... Epilepsy and artificial sweeteners do not mix.

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My 15yo dd is working on a persuasive speech on the negative effects of artificial sweetners. She thought she'd find lots to support her stance, but all the official research seems to say they really aren't that bad.


Anyone have links to data that proves artificial sweetners cause things like headaches, weight gain, depression, cancer, etc? Anyone have a personal story that shows a negative connection to artificial sweetners?


I'm ready to tell her to pick a new topic, something with more evidence! Of course, since it is supposed to be a persuasive speech, I guess the topic would have to be fairly controversial.



I have no scientific data. But I do know my husband almost lost his mind due to aspartame. My mother swears the same thing happened to my father. She almost divorced him because of the sudden and relentless stupidity before she figured out what was wrong with him.


Luckily both my favorite men have recovered with time.

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I'm going to add my "bad" vote, though I know it's not the evidence she needs.


I was getting horrible joint pain. I felt like an old woman, at 35. I admit that I drank WAY too much diet coke...for years. I tried giving up gluten, since that is a commonly mentioned culprit. Nothing. I quit drinking diet soda for another reason...I don't even remember why. I switched to unsweetened tea. My joint pain is gone. I just did a quick google and found sites that talk about joint pain and artificial sweeteners (some also mention soda as the main cause, with the diet soda making it worse) but I don't know if they are reliable sources.


If she can't find reliable evidence, what about the bad effects of soda?

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Google has an option that you can use to search academic papers. It is called Google Scholar.


If you put artificial sweeteners in it will pull up research on various aspects of artificial sweeteners. Many academic papers are not available free. But you may get some references - names of researches or names of studies and then you can search further for information.

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Also, look into the research linking diet sodas with weight gain.

"Artificial sweeteners could have the effect of triggering appetite but unlike regular sugars they don't deliver something that will squelch the appetite," Sharon Fowler, obesity researcher at UT Health Science Center at San Diego and a co-author on both of these studies She also said sweeteners could inhibit brain cells that make you feel full.
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I read so much about the icky effects of artificial sweeteners that I switched to Stevia as the only one I could find that I COULDN'T find things saying how bad it was for you!! Even Splenda :( :( which I was sad about because I had heard originally it was supposed to be a great sub & I started using it for cooking (did well, less expensive than stevia). Once I got involved in researching it, though, I had to decide that moderation & little-use was best!! A real drag, since I try to avoid sugar itself (and corn syrup/honey/etc). Now I try to use none or Stevia.

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My general rule is to stick with the natural whenever possible...since our bodies are chemical machines, putting in something it wasn't evolved/ created to handle is playing with fire. Sometimes unavoidable ... Or the good outweighs the bad ( medicine, for example)... But when it's not necessary I avoid it. I second the academic paper search idea.

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I not only get the terrible headaches others have mentioned, but I had horrible hair loss, resulting in a bald patch in front of my head. If I consumed very large amounts, the left side of my face and hand goes numb, my speech becomes slurred and my thought processes become all jumbled. I have nothing to prove it's the aspartame, but tons of research on the web led me to look that direction, and oddly enough when I'm off the stuff my symptoms clear up completely. I am still waiting for my hair to grow back, but it has stopped falling out and I do see some new growth.


I recommend the Netflix movie Sweet Poison and Sweet Remedy. On those they will mention web links or books to lead you to more information.


Have your daughter research the whole process to get aspartame approved by the FDA. Lots of big name there involved in the process. It infuriated me to learn about it all. Regardless of what their "official" statements are and their own self promoting websites say, they knew/know the stuff is a poison. It's all about money.


I drank diet coke, then diet energy drinks for years and didn't have symptoms, or didn't realize I did. Some people are so sensitive one exposure will bring on symptoms, others are okay with certain amounts but larger amounts will bring on symptoms, and for others like me, it seems it has to build up in toxic levels in your system before those symptoms appear.


My son is the same way, but with MSG. He can eat a small amount of his favorite hot and spicy chips, but large amounts have recently started resulting in swollen tongue and trouble breathing. When we started tracking his food intake in relation to the symptoms we think we've narrowed it down to food items with high MSG content. That seems to be the only common thread in the foods he's reacted to.


Our food supply is so tainted these days it's frightening. Between these toxic chemicals and now GMO's, little we eat, if it comes from the center aisles of a grocery store is "natural" anymore.


I am no expert on such things and don't claim to be. I only know what my personal experience has been.


We now eat as much as possible an all natural, un-processed diet. It isn't always easy, but it sure beats having MS type symptoms and not being able to think clearly.


Friends of mine that do suffer from diagnosed MS have told me that their symptoms go through the roof when consuming Aspartame and MSG.


Tara B

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My general rule is to stick with the natural whenever possible...since our bodies are chemical machines, putting in something it wasn't evolved/ created to handle is playing with fire. Sometimes unavoidable ... Or the good outweighs the bad ( medicine, for example)... But when it's not necessary I avoid it. I second the academic paper search idea.


The sugar you find in 3 pound bags in the supermarket is not really natural either though and it also is bad for your body (not that you were saying sugar is natural... but I just wanted to put it out there because some people think it is harmless).


I use Nutrasweet in my coffee because I'm on a low carb diet and when I want something sweet, a nice creamy cup of sweet coffee is quite satisfying!


But I don't get headaches, seizures or weight gain from it. I actually feel better after my cup of coffee! :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:


If I did have negative side effects, I wouldn't consume it at all. I do get nasty side effects from sugar and healthy carbs. My body just does not do well with them. I feel better after having Nutrasweet coffee than I do when I have a bowl of brown rice! :001_smile:

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I'm not sure if this was mentioned upthread, but has she looked into the insulin response from artificial sweeteners? Most of them still trigger a release of insulin, which can contribute to weight gain and other health problems. So circumventing the "sugar" doesn't necessarily help like many people would think. There are studies backing that aspect of AS and are thought to be one reason many people who consume diet sodas still have weight gain while consuming them (among many other variables, obviously). I would look into the insulin response from artificial sweeteners using pubmed.

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I never drink Diet soft drinks, but once someone left one in my refrigerator and I decided to drink it. Within minutes of my first drink, I became weak and dizzy. I felt awful and I'm very careful not to eat anything with aspartame. I can't give you any scientific studies, but I think it's poison. One of my sons refuses to drink it because he started out studying chemistry and he claims it's like drinking bleach.

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I now use Truvia, but not sure it's any better for my body.


Stevia is not an artificial sweetener. Truvia's a bit "commercial" - I'm not sure if they add in any "extra" ingredients to the stevia - most kinds of stevia have fillers to make them more easily measured; you have to read the ingredients to see what kinds. I use a brand that doesn't add any bad fillers or artificial additives. (some brands add silica :ohmy:)

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