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Santa is a racist


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Oh my. I imagine that wasn't what you had in mind!


:lol: Not at all! Santa thought the picture on Amazon looked awfully cute, not at all like something a KKK Grand Dragon would wear:glare:.


We have another Santa-is-a-racist story. A few years ago Santa brought our son a talking truck. The truck was supposed to say "Snake bite power" but is really, REALLY sounded like "Make white power," especially when it went off at odd times.


I knew Santa employed slave labor (elves), but I didn't realize he was so racist.

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We had a talking Big Bird once that would say "peek a boo" in sort of a satanic voice. It was light sensitive (so you could cover his eyes and when they uncovered he would talk)


Try walking past him in the middle of a thunderstorm---Flash from the storm then.... "peek a boo" Flash then "he he he"



He did not last long.

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We had a talking Big Bird once that would say "peek a boo" in sort of a satanic voice. It was light sensitive (so you could cover his eyes and when they uncovered he would talk)


Try walking past him in the middle of a thunderstorm---Flash from the storm then.... "peek a boo" Flash then "he he he"



He did not last long.


My husband had to do surgery on him. A few years later the boys decided to do reconstructive surgery. He didn't last long after that.:lol::lol:

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Ha! My daughter got the same cape/cloak! Her grandparents got it for her. My husband gives me this sidelong glance and says, "She looks likes she's in the Klan!!". I had pushed for the red one, but oh no, it had to be white.


My daughter is no stranger to gems and a glue gun. I think we'll take that suggestion, too!

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Is it washable? I think the pointy hood is the main problem.


My dd's bought cloaks at a Medieval Fair. They have some type of plastic jewels hanging from the hood edges. It is a very elegant look. I think you can buy that type of thing by the yard, attached to a soft backing. It would probably go on pretty quickly.

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Perhaps Santa is nudging your family into European History.


The KKK stole the idea from Semana Santa penitents. It's called a nazareno and is used during Holy Week, the week before Easter.





I do understand why Americans would relate that specific cloak to the KKK, but really, it's much older than that.



The article is interesting too


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Perhaps Santa is nudging your family into European History.


The KKK stole the idea from Semana Santa penitents. It's called a nazareno and is used during Holy Week, the week before Easter.


Fascinating! I had no idea before, and thanks, CleoQc for the visual :)


I think it's hilarious that two little WTM girls were gifted the same white robe ~ we need follow-up pictures to see how each one personalized and de-Klan'd theirs LOL.

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I do understand why Americans would relate that specific cloak to the KKK, but really, it's much older than that.



The article is interesting too




Thank you for the link. That was fascinating and to quote the blog you linked to "freaking out yet?" yes...I was. Wow, I am glad to know that there are better connotations to the white robe thing.


In the same vein, I grew up near a reservation where the 'life' 'four winds' 'four directions' symbol was popular, I remember explaining to visitors that no it was not a swastika. :001_smile:

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My Danish Mom use to tell me that in Denmark Santa was a tall skinny white man with a long white cane. He had two small brown skinned slave boys travel with him. If you were bad he would get his slave boys to beat you with his cane.


(Note I'm not saying this is true, but it is what my Mom use to tell me)

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My kids call him a stalker. You know, because he knows when your sleeping, awake, wether you've been bad or good.... they call him racist because of the elves too. :lol:


We had to expose the fiction of Santa very early on. I was shopping with our 2 year 10 month old when a checkout clerk asked "Is Santa going to come into your house while you are sleeping and leave gifts?" Our dd looked worried and after we got home she just dissolved into tears and said, "I don't want that man to come in our house while we're sleeping!" So, from that point on there was no Santa (with a warning not to tell her friends that). No strange man creeping into her house at night :).

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As others have said, it is nothing some sequins won't be able to fix. As for Santa being racist, well, all you have to do is watch Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer to figure that out. Fine young buck is Rudolph until Santa finds out about that nose. And then he is only forgiven for being born different because he is useful to the man. Shocking, really.

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We had a talking Big Bird once that would say "peek a boo" in sort of a satanic voice. It was light sensitive (so you could cover his eyes and when they uncovered he would talk)


Try walking past him in the middle of a thunderstorm---Flash from the storm then.... "peek a boo" Flash then "he he he"



He did not last long.


This had me :lol: When my oldest was a baby we had this plastic bear toy that clipped to the side of the crib. WHen you pushed the belly it would say "can you and I be friends" and laugh ha ha ha. Well the batteries started to die in it and it would turn on all by itself, so we would hear through the monitor, in a deep sinister slow voice Can you and I be friends ha ha ha. Ds was with me so he didn't push it, it just would go off randomly day or night in that creepy voice. I didn't even bother waiting until I got to the store to buy new batteries, I tossed it in the dumpster of the condos we lived in lol


As for the cape that is hilarious. My idea, is dye it red, and add some boad trim. Suddenly you have Belle's Winter Cape from beauty and the beast.

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This had me :lol: When my oldest was a baby we had this plastic bear toy that clipped to the side of the crib. WHen you pushed the belly it would say "can you and I be friends" and laugh ha ha ha. Well the batteries started to die in it and it would turn on all by itself, so we would hear through the monitor, in a deep sinister slow voice Can you and I be friends ha ha ha. Ds was with me so he didn't push it, it just would go off randomly day or night in that creepy voice. I didn't even bother waiting until I got to the store to buy new batteries, I tossed it in the dumpster of the condos we lived in lol


As for the cape that is hilarious. My idea, is dye it red, and add some boad trim. Suddenly you have Belle's Winter Cape from beauty and the beast.


That made me laugh so hard. But I couldn't laugh outloud or I would have to explain why I was laughing. So I had to hold it in. .. I think I pulled a neck muscle.

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Ds was with me so he didn't push it, it just would go off randomly day or night in that creepy voice. I didn't even bother waiting until I got to the store to buy new batteries, I tossed it in the dumpster of the condos we lived in lol



My daughter had a Cinderella castle that was supposed to play music when the fairy Godmother's came close and waved her wand. It worked that way for awhile and then started going off randomly. I just figured it was enchanted.;)

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In Finland Santa is Christmas Goat :D


This had me :lol: When my oldest was a baby we had this plastic bear toy that clipped to the side of the crib. WHen you pushed the belly it would say "can you and I be friends" and laugh ha ha ha. Well the batteries started to die in it and it would turn on all by itself, so we would hear through the monitor, in a deep sinister slow voice Can you and I be friends ha ha ha. Ds was with me so he didn't push it, it just would go off randomly day or night in that creepy voice.


:lol::lol::lol: We had a toy phone that did the same thing. It said, "Help me call my friends!" and when the batteries started to die, it would do the same sinister voice and go off randomly.

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We had a talking Big Bird once that would say "peek a boo" in sort of a satanic voice. It was light sensitive (so you could cover his eyes and when they uncovered he would talk)


Try walking past him in the middle of a thunderstorm---Flash from the storm then.... "peek a boo" Flash then "he he he"



He did not last long.


WE HAD THAT BIG BIRD!! It was in the trunk of my dh's car, but he didn't know it. Until he was out late at night, alone in a parking lot, and opened the trunk. He near about died from fright. "Peek a boo."

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As others have said, it is nothing some sequins won't be able to fix. As for Santa being racist, well, all you have to do is watch Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer to figure that out. Fine young buck is Rudolph until Santa finds out about that nose. And then he is only forgiven for being born different because he is useful to the man. Shocking, really.



When the kids first watched that show, my dh said, "Santa is a JERK!" And now, whenever we see it, or think about Santa, the kids say, "Santa is a JERK!" I have no idea why they made him so horrible in that show.

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I do understand why Americans would relate that specific cloak to the KKK, but really, it's much older than that.



That is really interesting! Most Americans associate the KKK with the white cloaks because the KKK is still alive and kicking. I live near Gettysburg and they have a rally there every year around the 4th of July. I used to work with trainers who could be hired to teach tolerance in organizations. They would travel down south to teach their tolerance classes and had to have body guards.

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WE HAD THAT BIG BIRD!! It was in the trunk of my dh's car, but he didn't know it. Until he was out late at night, alone in a parking lot, and opened the trunk. He near about died from fright. "Peek a boo."



Okay is it evil of me to WANT this big bird so I can randomly hide it places and scare the beans out of people. :lol:

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