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White Elephant Gift...explain to me what this means to you...

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Today I went to a Christmas Brunch with some ladies from my Bible Study and we were supposed to bring a white elephant gift "Just something you have lying around the house...nothing big".


So I bring an extra Pampered Chef melon baller that I have and put it into a small gift bag and go.


Fast forward to the gift game (the one where you draw numbers and then you can rob other people or change for a gift on the table) and people start opening their gifts they get and they are NICE. They are EXPENSIVE. And they are certainly stuff that hasn't just been lying around the house.


Can you say humiliating?:001_huh: I've never been so embarrassed in my entire life!


I'm really glad I didn't bring these: (because I was truly going to)



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We do a white elephant exchange with our Bible Study class every year...we've had things like basketball tickets and gift cards and such, but we also have a toilet seat that gets passed on each year, some long johns with a stain on the backside, and old computer monitor, all sorts of various mugs and nicknacks, and various other assortments of weird things.


We are actually having our annual party tonight and we will be bringing the toilet seat (we were the lucky recipients last year) and a chocolate fish that says "Merry Fishmas".

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I'm going to one tonight. I'll update when I get back but I'm taking a pot of fake flowers that I did have laying about the house & since my mom is coming we're also taking a candle that we bought today from Target. My friend is bringing a Spam puzzle. :tongue_smilie:

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The one we did was a mixture of gag and used.

They need to change the name, if people aren't going to do true white elephant.


:iagree: Additionally, it could be something new you got for a gift at some point and don't want. Your trash could be someone else's treasure. The most popular gift at one white elephant I went to was a large bag of TP. Everyone can use it!

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This is exactly why I hate white elephant parties. Everyone's definition is different. I don't enjoy opening gifts or stealing them from others. I know I'll be scoffed at for it..but I think they are stupid, a little pointless, and sometimes embarrassing. Not my idea of a good time.

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I always thought a white elephant gift was something that you look at and think "OMG who would EVER buy such an awful thing?!?!?!" and it is so funny that you buy it and give it as a goofy gift...


:iagree: I always thought it meant something that would draw laughter. If someone is going to have expensive, functional gifts it should be renamed "gift exchange".

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Most white elephant gift exchange groups I have participated in have had rules particular to that group and usually are explicitely stated. That really makes a difference because we have been to ones that are gag gifts, regifts, actual stuff from aroud your house, or very cleaver gifts who goal is to be stolen as many times as possible. We have a family tradition that we all love but we have rules and guidelines that seem to help.

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We have a family tradition that we all love but we have rules and guidelines that seem to help.


:iagree: My mom's family has started this, and the first year there was a discussion of what that meant, and a price limit set, and an email to everyone so it was in writing. I think it went smoother that way.

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This is exactly why I hate white elephant parties. Everyone's definition is different. I don't enjoy opening gifts or stealing them from others. I know I'll be scoffed at for it..but I think they are stupid, a little pointless, and sometimes embarrassing. Not my idea of a good time.




Tho I'd love to get those slippers! I mean come on- that's legend making gift giving there!:lol:

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Every White Elephant or gift exchange should come with rules for that exchange.


I go to one every year where it is either something around the house or something small. Since we don't have a lot of clutter or unused things around the house, I tend to make something for the exchange. One year, I got to bring home 60 Little Golden Books, all used but in decent condition. :D

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I don't think most of these ladies would survive in my circle. I HATE White Elephant Gifts. Generally they are a pair of worn out socks, the toilet set that was replaced last week, a bra that has seen better days...... get the idea. Can I repeat, I HATE White Elephant Gifts.:tongue_smilie:

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We are having a White Elephant exchange with the family this year. It is frustrating to me because I have to bring 5 gifts (they all have to bring one or two). I made the family come up with a dollar amount that we can spend on gifts, because of it.


Sorry, but I can't come up with 5 clever gifts, or random things around the house. I bought 2 $20 gift baskets from Costco (one chocolate, one cocoa), and will fill in the other 3. The limit is $15 but I would rather just spend the $20 and be done with it.


I would much rather buy 5 gifts for specific people, than 5 random gifts any day.


I may sound bah humbug, but we have a 5yog (aspie), 13yog, 17yob (very religious), 17yog (atheist-androgynous), 18yog(recent felony conviction), pagan gay couple with distinct tastes, grandma, grandpa, DH and I. What kind of gift can I buy that would suit even 2 of these peoples version of funny/clever/useful? AND I have to buy 5!

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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I have never heard of this type of gift exchange, but for me the term "White Elephant" is equal to "flea market" or "thrift shop".


Therefore, I would expect the gifts to include some sort of decorative nick-nack items (think porcelain kitties, souvenir pepper shakers, etc.), trinket boxes, crocheted tea cosies, even books, you know, things you'd find at a flea market, but you probably have some of them lying around your house collecting dust. Personally I would choose something charming I once loved but have tired of and really have no use for, hoping someone else would enjoy it.


I most certainly would never expect the gifts to be "non-gifts" or gags. That's just embarrassing and pointless (ooh, useless junk as a gift, what fun :tongue_smilie:).


In the OP's case, is it possible these ladies are of a certain social status that the odds and ends they had lying around their houses were really nice and expensive?


I agree with setting boundaries at the outset. No way would I have wanted to receive those slippers, sorry :001_huh:.

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white elephant is an inexpensive doodad/atrocity/no-one-wants (for want of a better word)-something around the house, not expensive, etc. (frequently something for the charity pile.) - some people do just that, and other's come with something very nice they obviously forked out for. makes for a lot of discrepancy that can cause hurt feelings.


(I will say, we are partipating in one group where a rusted can of lemon pudding has been going around for probably 30 years. the few years it was missing, people were not happy! even though no one actually wanted it. ;))


I have been to one that specified an inexpensive gift. Not nearly as much gift stealing, though everyone went home with something decent.

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For us white elephant means the tackiest, ugliest, crank stuff we've got lurking around--like those slippers, for example. ;)

:iagree: I've never actually been to one but that's what I thought white elephant gifts were as well, not necessarily something someone would want but some type of gag gift. When I saw the slippers I was thinking that would be something I would expect to get at a white elephant party.:D Your group just had a gift exchange.:)

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This is exactly why I hate white elephant parties. Everyone's definition is different. I don't enjoy opening gifts or stealing them from others. I know I'll be scoffed at for it..but I think they are stupid, a little pointless, and sometimes embarrassing. Not my idea of a good time.



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I don't know why adults can't handle this. The co-op kids did this and had a blast selecting and trading out truly awful gifts. There were 20 kids aged 4-18 and there were no tears even though many had never participated before. These kids were rolling over the ridiculous stuff going around. The giant boxers with hearts and the vuvusela were rather popular.

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We do a white elephant exchange with our Bible Study class every year...we've had things like basketball tickets and gift cards and such, but we also have a toilet seat that gets passed on each year, some long johns with a stain on the backside, and old computer monitor, all sorts of various mugs and nicknacks, and various other assortments of weird things.


We are actually having our annual party tonight and we will be bringing the toilet seat (we were the lucky recipients last year) and a chocolate fish that says "Merry Fishmas".


One time I wrapped a toad that I fished out from under the bushes in front of my house. There was a newer toilet seat, dryer lint, and used books at that particular white elephant party. :D If I'd have known to do those slippers I would have in a heart beat.


White elephant is gag & fun unless other wise specified with a dollar amount IMO.

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For me, it means something that I own already but don't use, and is still is in fairly good/usable condition. It might be funny, or it might be rather nice, but it is not something that I just bought new at the store or even the thrift store. It's something from my own house. It might be something that was never even used. Gifts we've exchanged at white elephant parties include: a good book (a nicer, hard-cover one); a pretty centerpiece/dried flower arrangement; cross-country skiis and boots; a ceramic cookie jar.

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If someone gave you a gigantic metal chicken when you didn't want one, you could bring that to your white elephant exchange ...


I've heard stories about someone bringing a live chicken one year. the box is very dark, so it was quiet - until it was opened.:lol:

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I have two groups that do this regularly. One is our co-op and one is at dh's office party. The co-op I've only been to one year but it was mostly things people had around the house: not gag gifts but things that you just don't want. Last year I took a new scented candle (which I hate) and a picture frame that was pretty but just not my style. This year I'm taking three board games that we have never played but that are opened. There were similar things last year: a lot of scented candles (which became it's own joke), some books, scarves, mugs, chocolate, etc. Someone brought in a fondue pot but was owned up to and was very clear that she hadn't bought it new for the exchange but just never had used it and wanted to pass it on to someone who might.


The other is dh's office and the rules are well established. I think it's a $10 limit but I never remember. Maybe $20. It's usually either something new within that price range or something someone had at home that is more expensive. One year we put in a crystal vase from our wedding because we are just not crystal vase kind of people. There are a lot of bottles of wine, DVDs, chocolates, architecture themed stuff (he's an architect so there are always pop-up books or building sets of famous buildings or puzzles), etc. It's funny what is popular though. One year dh bought a bunch of various magnifying glasses and that was incredibly popular...turned out many in the group were at the point of needing reading glasses.


I do like the tradition. At his office party it's a fun thing to do amongst a group of people who know each other but not that well (when you include all the spouses). And it's always funny, for example the year the very dignified older Chinese gentleman got a bag full of fancy bath supplies. He and his wife were just so tickled about that they were blushing and laughing the whole night. However, it only works if the rules are clear and everyone follows them. The first year I went we were not married (just engaged) and dh had billed it to me as a "funny gift" (which is what he likes to do). However, he knows the humor of his coworkers better than I do. I bought a bunch of Star Wars Pez candy dispensers (the movies had just been re-released and were kind of popular). The person who got them was very vocal about how he thought they were stupid. But I was lucky in that no one knew it was me as we didn't sign our names.

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I went to one w/DH when I first met him. It was a bunch of military bomb squad guys, so it was rather interesting. We brought alcohol, a broken car stereo, and a koozie. We came home with a white porecelin elephant toilet brush holder w/a gold bow tie. Which we still use 10 yrs later. We did win some alcohol too, but it was consumed by the group before we left. I had a blast.

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one year we took a singing bass that we had got as a regular gift. A couple of years ago I got a set of 12 velvet coat hangers. I thought I hated them and tried to get everyone to exchange for them but no-one would. After I started using them, I found that I loved them, dresses stay on them and don't slip off. I never found out who had brought them. another year I got soap on a rope.

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