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When do you let your kids watch Star Wars?

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i think they were about 10 and 12 (maybe 9 and 11? - see april may's memory thread ;)). that was definitely later than their friends, but not watching tv means we haven't been desensitized to the violence, and i wanted them to love the story, not be hiding their eyes, kwim?




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My DH watched it on Saturday mornings with our kids as soon as they were born :D. I got to sleep in and they got time with Daddy. Now they've all seen them and we watch them less often.


:iagree: they all (boy and the girls) like to watch while playing with Star Wars action figures. They are 6,8,10 and heave been doing this for YEARS. There isn't really anything bad in original three - I think they are even rated PG instead of PG13.

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Ds's first movie in the theater was Star Wars: Episode 1, I think he was less than 2.


He's a Star Wars fanatic, I can't remember how old he was when he was them all, but he saw 2 and 3 in the theater. We did debate on episode 3 because the ending was more emotional/graphic than the others. I know some parents held off on that one, even if the others were acceptable.


Viewing order should be 4,5, 6, then 1, 2, 3, imo.

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2. :tongue_smilie: DS was not bothered until he became enamored of the robots. At one point, in one of the movies one of the robots(I think the gold one) is taken apart or broken? At any rate, he got very upset by the robot being hurt, he got over it quickly but we decided to table Star Wars for now. He misses it though and DH(Star Wars fanatic) and I(didn't see the movies until I was a teen and occasionally confuse them with Star Trek) are in talks.

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9 or 10. She just watched Lord of the Rings last year at 11, and we fast forwarded the heavy duty war scenes in The Two Towers (honestly I fast forward those myself!). She still hasn't watched Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones has a lot more realistic human-to-human violence).


But we are very selective and DD is pretty sensitive to death/violence. For awhile we would suggest a movie, and she would ask, "Does anybody get killed?" If so, she didn't want to watch it.


Families are so different...DD's friend's family is very conservative, but her kids have been watching Indiana and LOTR since they were 6-7.

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Our oldest was 7 when he first watched, the youngest was 2-ish, everyone else was in between. They have watched all 6 movies, but #3 gets turned off before the jedi temple scenes for all but DS#1.


DS#1 was more sensitive when he was younger, but youngest DS has never been that way. He firmly believed until after his 4th birthday that Vader was the hero of the Star Wars movies. Even now, while he acknowledges Darth Vader is NOT the hero, he is still DS's favorite. (He walks through the house singing his theme music and "forcing" people. :001_rolleyes: )

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My kids were about 2.5 and 3.5 watching the original ones....

I probably would have waited longer, but the 3.5 yo had partially amputated his finger in a door... bad day So we asked him what he wanted to watch when we got hoome - Star Wars. How do you say no to that?!?!

I think it was fine.

Thankfully - Sci-Fi is usually not bloody or terribly violent....

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It hasn't really come up yet.. and the longer that stays that way the better.. I can't stand Star Wars!! :leaving:



I have to say I now know WAY more about Star wars than I ever wanted to. I suppose that is what happens when your kids get really engrossed in something. (Darned involved parenting! :tongue_smilie: )

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My oldest (7 next month) just watched it a couple weeks ago with dh. I was a little worried based on the fact that I saw it at a drive-in with my parents (I was 4) and still remember the storm troopers and the trash compactor scene. So I told ds beforehand that there were a couple of scary parts, but it ended well;). He LOVED it. We didn't let our dd (5) watch it, although I think she probably would've been fine. But she watched Prince Caspian with them and was pretty upset during it. No nightmares, but it was just too intense for her, so we decided to hold off on more battle-related movies for her.


I will say, though, that ds watching Star Wars was hard on ME. :lol: The days of Winnie-the-Pooh are gone with him...he's all about Star Wars now. Sigh. Is there a sheepish mama emoticon? :tongue_smilie:

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(The original series, of course) DH keeps mentioning things from Star Wars and now Pigby wants to watch it. I'm worried he would be scared. How old were your kids?:bigear:

The first time we let them watch, the oldest was 9...so the others were about 7, 4 & 2. She left the room a couple times, but the younger ones just watched. I think she was old enough to understand the suspense. :)

That said, they all watched A New Hope last night but none of them have seen #3 of the new trilogy.

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I have to really pay attention to the particular child's development.


My boys showed all the SW to dudeling. They really didn't understand it was a big deal. I finally ended up compromising, but did make clear - he was NOT allowed to watch the prequels again.


the boys have learned, and are much more discriminatory about what they allow him to see.


fwiw: I had one I wouldn't allow to watch peter pan until he was a teenager because he'd run around poking people with a stick while yelling -I'm going to get you. the other kids were *quite* miffed.

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I think our kids watched the older 3 when they were 5? Maybe? Probably a bit younger for my youngest. Maybe he was 4.

They are 8 and 11 and have seen all 6.

They aren't sensitive and had no problems with any of the movies.

FWIW, I think my brother was 7 when he saw the first one in the theater. :)

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This thread reminds me of this:




:lol: I loved the part about Jar Jar. "Whatever I have to do... I'll do it."



My kids all watched the Star Wars movies this summer ... so they were 13, 11, 8, 6, and 3. The 6 and 3yo didn't watch the third movie of the newer trilogy (is that the pg13 one?) They loved them all so much they each wrote a paper on it (OK, we pushed that one a little, but they were into it) and learned how to sing this

in 4 part harmony. :lol:
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My DH watched it on Saturday mornings with our kids as soon as they were born :D. I got to sleep in and they got time with Daddy. Now they've all seen them and we watch them less often.




MissB thinks Darth Vader's theme is a lullaby! We've used it as such since she was born. It works. She relaxes. When she finally 'gets' the social context of the theme (outside of a movie setting), she's gonna laugh at us BIGTIME! :)

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fresh out of the womb. We're Star Wars geeks here.



(even the PG-13 one <gasp>)




Star Trek, Star Wars, StarGate. She'd heard the themes a thousand times before she was born, and even at 3days, you could *tell* she recognized them!

We distract her from the screen if there's just a wee bit of 'content', but some episodes of the TV series we do not let her watch; we can explain lack of proper attire, we can't explain why it is not ok to punch someone out like "insert hero A" did. Ya know? At least not yet while she can not distinguish fantasy from reality.

Edited by macpuffins
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