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s/o...witty or sarcastic comeback.

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So, I have 3 daughters. When all 5 of us go out, I always get the comment:

"Oh wow, all girls."


I am looking for a good way to respond to this... any ideas? The one that got the best reaction is.

"So far."

But I worry that people may misinterpret that and ask if my wife is currently pregnant with a boy or something. (she isn't, we aren't trying yet or anything)


ETA: This isn't that I am upset with the people commenting on it or anything, but it is one of those small talk situations, and I would like to have some short responses ready that are humorous and end the conversation.

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Guest submarines

I get this too, when DS wears dresses. I guess saying "One of them is a boy" won't really work for you. :tongue_smilie:Believe it or not but some have the guts to to stare at me and says, "REALLY?" The best one was, "Are you sure?" :lol:

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Guest submarines
I'd respond with a simple, "Yes, we're very fortunate."





I like this! Especially as the kids get older and start really paying attention. I wouldn't want them to misinterpret some witty come back and think who knows what.

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Thanks for posting this. I need to think about it myself... I have a girl and four boys and always get wide-eyed looks like "FOUR BOYS?" I end up saying something lame about our house being very active/loud or dd and me needing to stick together (but I don't like that b/c I LOVE my boys and it's not like I need the moral support of dd to survive them).


I like the funny suggestions about the toilet seat and the cat. People are just trying to make conversation, not be preached at about the preciousness of children regardless of their gender... I think blowing it off pleasantly is the best bet.

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So, I have 3 daughters. When all 5 of us go out, I always get the comment:

"Oh wow, all girls."


I am looking for a good way to respond to this... any ideas? .


with a confused look on your face - "yes". (the expression stating, and what's your point?)


if they do follow up with the "are you trying for a boy?" - the best response is a "why would you ask such a personal question?"


(my grandmother is one of ten girls. NO boys. the stories of what they heard was passed down through generations)

Edited by gardenmom5
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Thanks for posting this. I need to think about it myself... I have a girl and four boys and always get wide-eyed looks like "FOUR BOYS?" I end up saying something lame about our house being very active/loud or dd and me needing to stick together (but I don't like that b/c I LOVE my boys and it's not like I need the moral support of dd to survive them).


I like the funny suggestions about the toilet seat and the cat. People are just trying to make conversation, not be preached at about the preciousness of children regardless of their gender... I think blowing it off pleasantly is the best bet.


dd had a class in high school where the boys had their section and the girls had theirs. (this was a close group of academically driven students.) one day, the girls sat where the boys usually sat. One boy came in and exclaimed "we've been replaced by estrogen!"

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Not to hijack your thread, tnt, but this article was in our local newspaper this week and I just cannot get it out of my head; your thread reminded me again...

India's 'Unwanted' girls change their names


SATARA, MAHARASHTRA // When Shivaji Pisar's third child was born, yet another daughter, his parents insisted on naming her Nakusa, "Unwanted" in the local Marathi language.


"I didn't really care what we called her. Three girls is one too many," said Mr Pisar, 37, a shepherd.




I know that majority of people (especially in the States) don't mean anything serious when they make comments about all girls, but I guess I'm too old or too jaded to not feel a twinge when I hear it.

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When we had all little girls this comment used to bother me. I would usually say something like, "Yes! Bring on the pink!" even though no one in my family was particularly enamored of pink. When we had the ultrasound for dd#3 we found out that when we told people it was "another" girl they interpreted that as we were sorry to not be having a boy so we threw that word away for the duration and told people we were having a girl! Yay!


Interestingly, when ds came along people would say, "I bet your husband was so happy to see the ultrasound on that one." When in fact we had already chosen a girl name that we really loved and when they told us it was a boy we were in shock and dh said, "Darn, I really like the name we picked out."


When I was out & about with the girls I would often have someone ask me if we were going to try for a boy. This annoyed me because it made me feel like they thought of my dds as failed "tries" for a boy. Usually I would ask them back, "How, exactly, do you try for a boy? We usually try for a healthy baby."


Because ds was our last baby people often assume we finally got our boy and were ready to call it quits.


We have a man in our church with 5 older sisters and 4 younger sisters. People ask him if it was awful having so many sisters growing up. He tells them it was great, but he had no idea they had an indoor bathroom until after his sisters moved out.


Amber in SJ

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I have 5 girls so I hear that one a lot. I just smile and say, "Yes and it is great!" My dh always gives some version of, "It was always my dream to be surrounded by beautiful women." :tongue_smilie:


A little dark humor that always swirls in my head during these conversations - - "Yes. We eat the boys." "Yes. We send the boys back." "Nope, all boys here.(said with really confused look on your face)"

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I get this a lot (three boys) and while I usually just smile and say, "Yes, we have a great time," more often than not my 6yo will pipe up, "There are all boys in our family! I'm X ,I'm six, this is my brother Y, who is 3, and this is our baby. His name is Z and he is 14 months old." And so on. In the meantime, my 3yo will be trying to shout over him, "Three boys! One, two, three! All boys! Only Mommy is a girl!"


I'm sure that people are always sorry they even tried to talk to us, sigh.

Edited by JennyD
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I get this a lot (three boys) and while I usually just smile and say, "Yes, we have a great time," more often than not my 6yo will pipe up, "There are all boys in our family! I'm X ,I'm six, this is my brother Y, who is 3, and this is our baby. His name is Z and he is 14 months old." And so on. In the meantime, my 3yo will be trying to shout over him, "Three boys! One, two, three! All boys! Only Mommy is a girl!"


I'm sure that people are always sorry they even mentioned it. :D


See, I think that's cute and great. They think that they're special because someone noticed all boys and they're proud of that aspect of their family.


I think a crabby response would put a shadow over the kids or at least teach them to be crabby too... why not use the comment as a chance to make your kids feel great instead of snark a stranger? :confused:

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I'd respond with a simple, "Yes, we're very fortunate."





Thank you for this suggestion! I'm pregnant with our last baby and we will have 3 girls. I worry about people asking if we are going to try for a boy in a tone of voice that implies we are not happy with our girls. I don't want the girls to feel like they are less than.

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There's only THREE??? Where is________?


We use this one a lot. We usually go everywhere as a family, so people always notice when one of the kids isn't there.


My dh always gives some version of, "It was always my dream to be surrounded by beautiful women." :tongue_smilie:



How sweet!

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I typically respond,


"Yes, I am abundantly and richly blessed."




"Yes, I expect I'll be well-cared-for in my old age."


I LOATHE the snide, demeaning remarks from stangers that attempt to diminish the value of children, whether boys or girls...as if I would prefer fewer girls than I have...


Once I heard an old cranky man telling a new mom what a nuisance babies are, and that they're terribly expensive (to raise). I interrupted and said, 'correction, sir, babies aren't expensive, they are PRICELESS.' Shut that old coot right up and put a big smile on newmommy's face <snort>.

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Not to hijack your thread, tnt, but this article was in our local newspaper this week and I just cannot get it out of my head; your thread reminded me again...

India's 'Unwanted' girls change their names


SATARA, MAHARASHTRA // When Shivaji Pisar's third child was born, yet another daughter, his parents insisted on naming her Nakusa, "Unwanted" in the local Marathi language.


"I didn't really care what we called her. Three girls is one too many," said Mr Pisar, 37, a shepherd.




I know that majority of people (especially in the States) don't mean anything serious when they make comments about all girls, but I guess I'm too old or too jaded to not feel a twinge when I hear it.


Kate, I have a daughter from China. Don't even get me started! :glare: (not directed at you, but at the patriarchal societies...)

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We have all girls here, four daughters. Dh gets very annoyed with people making comments about how he must be surrounded or asking whether he is disappointed. Some people will even say, "Poor guy!" or something similar. He usually answers by saying, "Yes, we really blessed."

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If you're feeling generous: "Yes. I'm a lucky man to live with 4 beautiful ladies!" (this includes your wife in the equation)


If you're feeling a tad snarky: "Well, you must have aced high school biology!"


If you're feeling a bit more than just snarky: "We did have 4. She made great leftovers."

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I'm always fascinated when this conversation comes up. I have all boys (as you can see) and I'm amazed at how often this conversation comes up to me in public. I'm perfectly fine with casual comments; however, I always cringe because it so frequently turns into some borderline argument about how unfortunate I should think I am. :001_huh: Surely I am going to keep trying until I have a girl. Surely I'm disappointed that the 5 year old was a boy because surely the reason for the big age gap was our last ditch effort to have a girl.


I regret actually trying to avoid an argument with a bagger at Publix a few weeks ago. All 5 of us were at the grocery and once we got everything on the belt my husband took the 5 and 13 yr olds to get the car and bring it to the curb. After they left she began talking about how terrible and troublesome boys are and how much I must hate it. (Be sure to count. My 15yr old was standing with me ready to help take the groceries to the car.) Thinking I just didn't get it yet she said, "Wait until they are teenagers. Then you'll see". I pointed out my 15 and 13 year old's. Then she said to just wait until they turn 16. What???!!!


For some unknown reason I was trying to divert her and be pleasant but if I could just go back in time... I was absolutely seething! After we walked out my 15yr old said, "I knew you were so mad. lol I wanted to say, 'Excuse me? I'm standing right here'." I actually told him I really wish he had and he has permission to say it the next time someone says it all. :)


Sorry for the babble. It's such a sore topic for me. I don't know if I'm a magnet for this but it's amazing how many times people turn a casual comment into a very ridiculous conversation.


I think I'm going to stop being nice, ever. If anyone goes beyond casual chit-chat I'm going to say something brilliant. Any suggestions? :)

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We get it too with all boys. We are pregnant with a surprise and people are shocked the we just want a healthy baby, boy girl doesn't matter. Really a healthy baby would be fine, and no we aren't secretly wishing for a girl just because we have all boys. I love them and wouldn't trade them.

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I'm always fascinated when this conversation comes up. I have all boys (as you can see) and I'm amazed at how often this conversation comes up to me in public. I'm perfectly fine with casual comments; however, I always cringe because it so frequently turns into some borderline argument about how unfortunate I should think I am. :001_huh: Surely I am going to keep trying until I have a girl. Surely I'm disappointed that the 5 year old was a boy because surely the reason for the big age gap was our last ditch effort to have a girl.


I regret actually trying to avoid an argument with a bagger at Publix a few weeks ago. All 5 of us were at the grocery and once we got everything on the belt my husband took the 5 and 13 yr olds to get the car and bring it to the curb. After they left she began talking about how terrible and troublesome boys are and how much I must hate it. (Be sure to count. My 15yr old was standing with me ready to help take the groceries to the car.) Thinking I just didn't get it yet she said, "Wait until they are teenagers. Then you'll see". I pointed out my 15 and 13 year old's. Then she said to just wait until they turn 16. What???!!!


For some unknown reason I was trying to divert her and be pleasant but if I could just go back in time... I was absolutely seething! After we walked out my 15yr old said, "I knew you were so mad. lol I wanted to say, 'Excuse me? I'm standing right here'." I actually told him I really wish he had and he has permission to say it the next time someone says it all. :)


Sorry for the babble. It's such a sore topic for me. I don't know if I'm a magnet for this but it's amazing how many times people turn a casual comment into a very ridiculous conversation.


I think I'm going to stop being nice, ever. If anyone goes beyond casual chit-chat I'm going to say something brilliant. Any suggestions? :)


big smile

"Well, bless your heart and you be sure to let me know when your IQ reaches 16!"

walk away with a cheery wave

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We're expecting our third boy, and this already comes up a lot. I never know what to say. Plus, I've always wanted us to adopt a girl from China, and now I dread that if we do everyone will make cracks that we had to go for the guaranteed girl as a last ditch girl effort.


I don't care what sex my children are. I adore my boys and am very excited about having three.

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