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House tour cancelled!!! I hope SWB and family is ok!

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Thanks for the kind words, guys.


Nothing extraordinary has happened. But it has become increasingly clear to me, after the amount of time I've spent in doctor's offices with both of my parents in the past six months, that I should try to limit the amount of time I spend away from home just now. My brother and sister don't live nearby, so I'm the go-to girl. :) This is an honor and a privilege, but it also takes time and emotional energy. So I'm trying to use that wisely.


Really hoping to reschedule the tour for a future year, though. We haven't given up on the idea at all. It just came to us at the wrong time.



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Thanks for the kind words, guys.


Nothing extraordinary has happened. But it has become increasingly clear to me, after the amount of time I've spent in doctor's offices with both of my parents in the past six months, that I should try to limit the amount of time I spend away from home just now. My brother and sister don't live nearby, so I'm the go-to girl. :) This is an honor and a privilege, but it also takes time and emotional energy. So I'm trying to use that wisely.


Really hoping to reschedule the tour for a future year, though. We haven't given up on the idea at all. It just came to us at the wrong time.




I'm sorry to hear that your folks have been poorly. Would it be okay if we prayed for them?

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Thanks for the kind words, guys.


Nothing extraordinary has happened. But it has become increasingly clear to me, after the amount of time I've spent in doctor's offices with both of my parents in the past six months, that I should try to limit the amount of time I spend away from home just now. My brother and sister don't live nearby, so I'm the go-to girl. :) This is an honor and a privilege, but it also takes time and emotional energy. So I'm trying to use that wisely.


Really hoping to reschedule the tour for a future year, though. We haven't given up on the idea at all. It just came to us at the wrong time.




The caregiver road can be a difficult one, although the rewards and blessings are tremendous as well. Best wishes and good thoughts to you and your parents during this time.

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...it has become increasingly clear to me, after the amount of time I've spent in doctor's offices with both of my parents in the past six months, that I should try to limit the amount of time I spend away from home just now. My brother and sister don't live nearby, so I'm the go-to girl. :) This is an honor and a privilege, but it also takes time and emotional energy. So I'm trying to use that wisely.



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Thanks for the kind words, guys. .....


Really hoping to reschedule the tour for a future year, though. We haven't given up on the idea at all. It just came to us at the wrong time.



Very Good :) The note said "2014" which might be part of why it was thought that something drastic had happened ;) We'll miss it... but hope good things for you... and look forward to having you in a couple of years :grouphug:

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Thanks for the kind words, guys.


Nothing extraordinary has happened. But it has become increasingly clear to me, after the amount of time I've spent in doctor's offices with both of my parents in the past six months, that I should try to limit the amount of time I spend away from home just now. My brother and sister don't live nearby, so I'm the go-to girl. :) This is an honor and a privilege, but it also takes time and emotional energy. So I'm trying to use that wisely.


Really hoping to reschedule the tour for a future year, though. We haven't given up on the idea at all. It just came to us at the wrong time.





:grouphug: Many of us are on the same caregiver path. Best wishes to you and your family.

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Thanks for the kind words, guys.


Nothing extraordinary has happened. But it has become increasingly clear to me, after the amount of time I've spent in doctor's offices with both of my parents in the past six months, that I should try to limit the amount of time I spend away from home just now. My brother and sister don't live nearby, so I'm the go-to girl. :) This is an honor and a privilege, but it also takes time and emotional energy. So I'm trying to use that wisely.


Really hoping to reschedule the tour for a future year, though. We haven't given up on the idea at all. It just came to us at the wrong time.




I understand where you are at in this stage. I'm there too. Though my brother is near, he isn't available and my sister lives out-of-state, so I'm the go-to gal for my parents as well. Here is some unsolicited advice - I've recently discovered that dark-chocolate covered roasted almonds helps my perspective on the more hectic days; I can highly recommend them! :D (Chocolate covered macademia nuts are especially soothing, but the calorie count is, well, eyebrow raising.)


Blessings to you and I will remember you in prayer.



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SWB - Lots of hugs and best wishes. Homeschooling never ends, does it? Now our parents are teaching us how to be old.


Our parents must be about the same age. I came to the same conclusion this summer. I have been doing a massive cleaning/sorting job in the house, since I am going to be more home oriented now and it was neglected dreadfully while I was homeschooling. Not that I am not still homeschooling, but youngest is in 11th grade and has math and science at the cc. I'm hoping that if I fix the house up, it will be a serene, comforting place to recoup between visits to the doctor's office. I learned how to put library books on my ipod, too, so I can escape into another world while I am doing the dishes or driving or waiting. It isn't as complete an escape as reading a book, but it is better than nothing. And I am going to try to take a nurse's assistant course. This time around, I want to learn the basics on somebody other than my nearest and dearest, unlike learning to teach by homeschooling my children.


I know so many people here have taken care of elderly parents. What things have you all done to make this stage easier for everyone, both physically and emotionally? I am happy to do this for my parents and inlaws. I just hope I am strong enough.



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:grouphug::grouphug: I am watching my Mom go through a similar situation with my grandmother (not trying to make you feel old ;) )


Seeing how my mother has rearranged her life to take care of Grandma, hearing her talking about how protective of her she is becoming, has really touched me. I applaud you and the many others who are taking such great care of their aging parents.

Take care!

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Thanks for the kind words, guys.


Nothing extraordinary has happened. But it has become increasingly clear to me, after the amount of time I've spent in doctor's offices with both of my parents in the past six months, that I should try to limit the amount of time I spend away from home just now. My brother and sister don't live nearby, so I'm the go-to girl. :) This is an honor and a privilege, but it also takes time and emotional energy. So I'm trying to use that wisely.


Really hoping to reschedule the tour for a future year, though. We haven't given up on the idea at all. It just came to us at the wrong time.





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Thanks for the kind words, guys.


Nothing extraordinary has happened. But it has become increasingly clear to me, after the amount of time I've spent in doctor's offices with both of my parents in the past six months, that I should try to limit the amount of time I spend away from home just now. My brother and sister don't live nearby, so I'm the go-to girl. :) This is an honor and a privilege, but it also takes time and emotional energy. So I'm trying to use that wisely.


Really hoping to reschedule the tour for a future year, though. We haven't given up on the idea at all. It just came to us at the wrong time.



:grouphug: Best wishes, and hope your parents health improves. It's a balancing act. I've been there too.

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SWB - Lots of hugs and best wishes. Homeschooling never ends, does it? Now our parents are teaching us how to be old.


Our parents must be about the same age. I came to the same conclusion this summer. I have been doing a massive cleaning/sorting job in the house, since I am going to be more home oriented now and it was neglected dreadfully while I was homeschooling. Not that I am not still homeschooling, but youngest is in 11th grade and has math and science at the cc. I'm hoping that if I fix the house up, it will be a serene, comforting place to recoup between visits to the doctor's office. I learned how to put library books on my ipod, too, so I can escape into another world while I am doing the dishes or driving or waiting. It isn't as complete an escape as reading a book, but it is better than nothing. And I am going to try to take a nurse's assistant course. This time around, I want to learn the basics on somebody other than my nearest and dearest, unlike learning to teach by homeschooling my children.


I know so many people here have taken care of elderly parents. What things have you all done to make this stage easier for everyone, both physically and emotionally? I am happy to do this for my parents and inlaws. I just hope I am strong enough.




Don't be afraid to ask for outside help. I've worked in palliative care and my mother still does. She has seen many many caregivers burn out because they were not able/willing to ask for outside help. Make sure you make use of all available technology. Don't break your back trying to lift someone, get a proper lift. Make sure you know what services are available. And above all, remember that you are not a bad daughter/daughter-in-law because you need help. You are not superwoman. Make sure you have enough energy to have fun with your elderly relative AND you husband and children.


Susan I will keep your family in my thoughts.

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