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Does anyone NOT like Dr. Who

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Well, we're HUGE fans, but...


My stepson recently tried to watch it, after hearing us talk about it so much. A dear friend also recently tried because she kept hearing so many people talk about it. Neither one liked it, nor could they understand what so many people like about it.


We still love them both. :D

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We LOVE it, but I know others that just don't get Doctor Who. Different strokes, for different folks, and all.


May I ask what other types of shows you like? Many of the shows we enjoy run in the sci-fi/fantasy/paranormal vein. We also really enjoy well written dialogue. DW is very well written.


I'll tell you my dirty, little secret:


We have 3 seasons of LOST on dvd. We've watched about 2 and 1/3 seasons. It's taken us more than three years to watch that much and we *still* aren't that into it.



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We have 3 seasons of LOST on dvd. We've watched about 2 and 1/3 seasons. It's taken us more than three years to watch that much and we *still* aren't that into it.




I haven't been very interested in Lost either, I lost interest once they got the hatch opened and haven't watched it since then. I can't make myself watch them. Family has tried to get me into them....lending me DVDs to not avail.


I do like Sci-Fi.


(I love Doctor Who)

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I used to love LOST (I hated the finale so much I haven't watched an episode since it aired, and I own the complete set), and I also love the Doctor. I'm still making my way through the reboot and am not caught up with the most current episodes yet. Last night the tenth Doctor just changed into the eleventh, and I need to mourn before I continue watching. Something on an episode I watched yesterday reminded me of Charlie on LOST, and I think I might be getting over my disappointment with the ending of LOST. I still feel like Lindelof and Cuse pulled a long con on me.

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I used to love LOST (I hated the finale so much I haven't watched an episode since it aired, and I own the complete set), and I also love the Doctor. I'm still making my way through the reboot and am not caught up with the most current episodes yet. Last night the tenth Doctor just changed into the eleventh, and I need to mourn before I continue watching.


That was hard. :( Dd was heartbroken.

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I've tried to watch, because my daughter is a big fan, and both my husband and son enjoy the show, but I've never managed to sit through a whole episode.


I'm a nerd, and I love lots of cult TV shows, but that one just never worked for me.


May I ask what other types of shows you like? Many of the shows we enjoy run in the sci-fi/fantasy/paranormal vein. We also really enjoy well written dialogue. DW is very well written.


I'll tell you my dirty, little secret:


We have 3 seasons of LOST on dvd. We've watched about 2 and 1/3 seasons. It's taken us more than three years to watch that much and we *still* aren't that into it.


Shows I love/have loved: Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Veronica Mars, 30 Rock, Psych, Angel, assorted Star Trek flavors (although I've never been able to get into TOS).


I'm also watching The Vampire Diaries (my deep, dark secret), but I won't say I love it.


And I like some PBS stuff, especially History Detectives.


I liked the first couple of seasons of Lost, then missed watching an episode early in the next season and just never bothered to catch up after that.


As I said, I tend to like nerdy TV, but I've just never seen the appeal of DW.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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Am I going to be shot for saying I really don't care for it? :001_huh:


Anyone else brave enough to say it?


Of course there are people out there who don't like Doctor Who! There are also folks out there who don't like chocolate, puppies, or rainbows!:tongue_smilie::D And of course you won't be shot for admitting that you don't like it- though we may try to....uh....rehabilitate you!


I loved the old series! (Tom Baker will always be my favorite Doctor!) And Doctors 9 and 10 in the new series were quite enjoyable. But, (and now it's my turn to hope I don't get shot) the 11th Doctor has been rather a disappointment to me. The writing just wasn't as good as I was expecting it to be when Steven Moffat took over.

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I hate it. I hate all sci fi..I think it's creepy and bizarre.


I'm forced to live with it and watch it all. LOL My husband is a total sci fi nut.


He is probably the biggest Dr. Who fan alive. He was a huge Dr Who fan. In high school, he had this big curly black hair. His nickname is "The Doctor" aka "doc"


To this day, those that know him from way back when call him "doc". My dd (his stepdaughter), calls him "doc"


My one request to our pastor while marrying us during the ceremony was to PLEASE not call him DOC. He slipped. LOL


I just cannot get into all these shows.


ETA: I did TOTALLY get into Lost. It became a part of my life. I mourned when it ended. I went to bed disturbed each week. LOL For 6 years it was one thing dh and I had in common!!!

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Of course there are people out there who don't like Doctor Who! There are also folks out there who don't like chocolate, puppies, or rainbows!:tongue_smilie::D And of course you won't be shot for admitting that you don't like it- though we may try to....uh....rehabilitate you!





The writing just wasn't as good as I was expecting it to be when Steven Moffat took over.


I agree!!!!

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But, (and now it's my turn to hope I don't get shot) the 11th Doctor has been rather a disappointment to me. The writing just wasn't as good as I was expecting it to be when Steven Moffat took over.



I like Matt Smith as The Doctor (didn't think I would), but I agree about the writing. I do like Rory and Amy, but don't really care for the storylines.

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I didn't like the first 3 episodes. I had to make myself watch it at first and then I really liked it. My husband and family were the same way. It takes a bit to get the humor and to enjoy the silliness of it all.


We are a sci-fi family so it was a natural choice for us.

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Finally, someplace where I can say "I do not like Dr. Who." That's right, I said it.


I have tried. I have watched several episodes at different times through the years. Dr. Who was big in the 80's when I was in high school.


I just don't care for it. I don't hate it. I don't think it is the worst show ever. I just don't enjoy watching it.


That felt good.

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Seen it, DESPISE it.

Same w/ Lost! Could not parse the plot. :confused:


Gimme good sci-fi like Star Trek (all incarnations excepting animated that I've not seen), or Star Gate (ditto). Star Wars too. Was not even 3mo old when Star Trek started in 1966, and I was in my sister's arms at a neighbour's place. Apparently it was the ONE hour a week I was calm during a very long colicky phase. :) :)


My hubby is quite similar in his tastes as well (I could not, in good conscience, have married someone not a sci-fi fan - or a football/hockey/curling fan). MissB *loves* the intro themes to all the shows mentioned above, often looks like a gopher popping up when the first notes begin :) :) Our home library (close to 3000 books) is over 60% sci-fi/fantasy books (media tie-ins and original stores, both).


Geek Momma. And really proud of it, TYVM :001_cool:

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Of course there are people out there who don't like Doctor Who! There are also folks out there who don't like chocolate, puppies, or rainbows!:tongue_smilie::D And of course you won't be shot for admitting that you don't like it- though we may try to....uh....rehabilitate you!


I loved the old series! (Tom Baker will always be my favorite Doctor!) And Doctors 9 and 10 in the new series were quite enjoyable. [/but, (and now it's my turn to hope I don't get shot) the 11th Doctor has been rather a disappointment to me. The writing just wasn't as good as I was expecting it to be when Steven Moffat took over.



I agree!!!!


I like Matt Smith as The Doctor (didn't think I would), but I agree about the writing. I do like Rory and Amy, but don't really care for the storylines.



WAAAAAHHHHHHH! I don't want to hear that! We're just finishing our time with the 10th Doctor. I want the writing to be just as good!


Now that I'm completely hi-jacking this thread :001_smile:, is anyone else curious to check out Grimm? I think it looks promising and I like seeing Buffy/Angel alum David Greenwalt is a writer!

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Ok, so who loves both shows? :D




I liked Lost, but I have never rewatched them since it ended. I can watch some episodes of DW over and over.


I like Matt Smith as The Doctor (didn't think I would), but I agree about the writing. I do like Rory and Amy, but don't really care for the storylines.


I liked it better when they were more stand-alone. That is exactly why Lost isn't entertaining to me the second time around.

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*slowly raises hand* :leaving:


After reading about the show so much on this forum, I decided to give it a try. While watching the first episode, my husband and I kept looking at each other in a "OK, this is weird" way.


I'm sure it gets better as you go along with the story. There IS a story, right? ;)

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I loved the old series! (Tom Baker will always be my favorite Doctor!) .


I do not love the old series, and have no interest in the new series, but according to my husband, Tom Baker is the best Doctor. Just the other day dh and the kids sat down to watch an episode and my oldest asked if I was coming...he was truly shocked when dh said, "Mom doesn't like Doctor Who."...as in "How could anybody not like this show? Mom must be crazy!"

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*slowly raises hand* :leaving:


After reading about the show so much on this forum, I decided to give it a try. While watching the first episode, my husband and I kept looking at each other in a "OK, this is weird" way.


I'm sure it gets better as you go along with the story. There IS a story, right? ;)


:iagree: I watched the first 3-4 episodes and which were OK but then there was a religious element added that turned me off. No, I don't watch.

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:iagree: I watched the first 3-4 episodes and which were OK but then there was a religious element added that turned me off. No, I don't watch.


Ok, have to ask....religious element??? Love the Doctor here, but didn't see any religious elements.


Also, DDs friend DOES NOT like the Doctor, and her reason is that "it's horrible the way he always leaves everyone behind!"

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:iagree: I didn't like it all that much either! It was just ok. I was a freshman in college that year.




You can say you don't like Dr. Who if I can say I didn't care for the 1984 version of Footloose. (I was too afraid to say it in that thread. I graduated from high school in 1985, so it's practically heresy!) :)
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My husband watches it sometimes, but I can't stand it. I usually ask him to use headphones because I don't even like to sit and work/read in the same room as it: just hearing the vocal tones and the background music/sound effects irritates me!

It's weird, because although there are few television shows I actually love, with most I can see some positive points about them. Maybe the plot is rubbish but the scenery is gorgeous, the actors are terrible but the soundtrack is catchy, it's script is boring but I like the actors, etc. But with Dr Who I just cannot for the life of me see anything to like.

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I don't get why you need to brave to say it? :confused: Why wouldn't it be okay for you to dislike a tv program?

Didn't you read the Urban Dictionary entry about this forum?

Apparently dissent is not tolerated. I expect somebody will be along shortly to ban all members who aren't sufficiently impressed by the Doctor.

Unless we stage a coup and ban those who do like it :D

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Didn't you read the Urban Dictionary entry about this forum?

Apparently dissent is not tolerated. I expect somebody will be along shortly to ban all members who aren't sufficiently impressed by the Doctor.

Unless we stage a coup and ban those who do like it :D


I'm good if it's the Doctor, but I'm in trouble if it's Lost. It was stupid. So was Kyle XY and Dexter, two shows my dd19 loves and wants me to love as well. We should have a thread about tv shows we hate. :)

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I liked it better when they were more stand-alone.


:iagree: Yes, yes, yes. It's not that I dislike the 11th Doctor, or dislike the episodes, I just liked it BETTER when there wasn't this overarching storyline thing going on. I've missed a good "Doctor meets alien, Doctor beats alien" story. :)




I watched Doctor who up till about the middle of the current season. I do not like the direction they took with the Rory and Amy storyline. Their newborn daughter is kidnapped, abused, neglected and turned into a sociapath and they are like, "Oh, well".



Um, yeah. That really bothered me, too!

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