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Has anyone seen the "new" Footloose movie?

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I shall pretend the movie doesn't exist. How dare they remake Footloose! :blink:


~(stands up as a child of the 80s) How Dare they try to recast the Kevin Bacon role! How dare they take over our prom! John Lithgow is OUR grieving moral center. Lori Singer is OUR girl who wears red boots and causes mischief. Those were OUR tractor races.


Next they'll be wanting to remake something like 21 Jump Street. Wait....they're doing that too. :svengo: Come on, Twilight's not good enough for youth of today? :tongue_smilie::lol:

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I read Ebert's review. He didn't like it at all.


Apparently it even uses the same script and music. Well, what's the point of remaking it if you don't update it to make it more relevant to kids today?


I'm sort of meh on the original but I won't be seeing the remake at all.

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I shall pretend the movie doesn't exist. How dare they remake Footloose! :blink:


~(stands up as a child of the 80s) How Dare they try to recast the Kevin Bacon role! How dare they take over our prom! John Lithgow is OUR grieving moral center. Lori Singer is OUR girl who wears red boots and causes mischief. Those were OUR tractor races.


Next they'll be wanting to remake something like 21 Jump Street. Wait....they're doing that too. :svengo: Come on, Twilight's not good enough for youth of today? :tongue_smilie::lol:

:lol: My son says, "No! Twilight's HORRIBLE! I Hate Twilight! With a passion!"

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Can you enlighten me about the reason you'd boycott it? I haven't heard any controversy about the movie- have I been missing something?


LOL...no.....Boycotting in the sense of what the above posters mentioned. You just do not remake a movie like this!!


I remember seeing this movie in the 80's at the movie theatre. I consider it a classic 80's movie that just should not be touched.


Along with


The Breakfast Club

Ferris Buellers Day Off

Sixteen Candles


Pretty in Pink

Risky Business(Esp. not Guido the killer pimp.... LOL)

National Lampoons Vacation

Fast Times at Ridgemont High




Hollywood is running out of good movies to make. But please, stop stealing ours from the 80's!!!!!!


ETA: NOOOOOOO...............Not 21 Jumpstreet either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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So they have the ORIGINAL soundtrack????? I am going to have a heart attack here. Geesh, if you are going to remake a movie, why not just take the original music and turn it into rap then:willy_nilly:


I have the original Footloose soundtrack on cassette tape. Almost every single one of those songs went to number 1. Let's here it For the Boy was infamous because of the scene where Kevin Bacon tried to teach his friend to dance(who unfortunately passed away now).


And someone playing Kevin Bacon? That is just plain wrong.


Wonder if they have cell phones in this movie????:ack2:

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I am morally opposed to seeing it. The fact that a remake exists just sums up what is wrong in the world today. The Kevin Bacon Footloose was perfect. It wasn't broken. There was no need to fix it. The ijits behind this remake should be tarred and feathered.

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I didn't realize there was such a cultlike following to the original Footloose! I've seen so many stage versions that I just didn't even think about how a movie remake would be accepted by you guys.


I agree about remakes in general- are they too lazy to write an original script so they just reuse something that was successful before? Sheesh.

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I shall pretend the movie doesn't exist. How dare they remake Footloose! :blink:


~(stands up as a child of the 80s) How Dare they try to recast the Kevin Bacon role! How dare they take over our prom! John Lithgow is OUR grieving moral center. Lori Singer is OUR girl who wears red boots and causes mischief. Those were OUR tractor races.


Next they'll be wanting to remake something like 21 Jump Street. Wait....they're doing that too. :svengo: Come on, Twilight's not good enough for youth of today? :tongue_smilie::lol:



This movie shall go in the bin of movies that do not exist in my mind. Rocky V, Wayne's World II, Terminator 3, the coming remake of Dirty Dancing....


They simply do not exist in my world.


Get original Hollywood!

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4.7 stars???? Psssshhht.....goes to show they don't know anything.


I think it just angers me because this movie was so MOVING. There was a lesson to be learned, a person who took a stand against a town, and used the Bible to do so against a preacher.


There was none of the jibberish junk that has been out in the movies lately in this day and age.


Stick with the Eragons and the Twilight movies and leave our classics alone.;)

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My kids hate Twilight with a passion. My oldest tried reading it because everybody else was. She got about 3/4 of the way through the first book and just couldn't take it anymore. My middle actually read all of the first book and couldn't figure out why anybody would waste their time on it.


OTOH, my middle dd absolutely loved and adored Host. I had to convince her to give it a try because she was very anti-Stephanie Meyer, but I told her that it was nothing at all like Twilight and she wouldn't believe it was written by the same person if she read it.


Host is fabulous.


We watched Red Dawn last night (another one they're doing a remake of). My 16yo left about halfway through because she thought it was boring. My 13yo watched the whole thing, but thought it was disappointing.

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WHAT???? Oh boy..I should have never started this thread. RED DAWN????


One of the BEST movies of ALL times(forgot to put that on my list).


I will NOT be watching any remakes of that movie.


It just goes to show you that the 80's had some of the best classic(well I consider them classic) movies of all times.


Of course, I am not forgetting about the OLDER classics either such as Wizard of Oz, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory(Which was HORRIBLE as a reamke, the WORSE EVEERRRRRRRRR, I loathe Tim Burton movies), The Sound of Music, etc............


ETA: Wouldn't surprise me that they remake Sound of Music with Lady Gaga playing Julie Andrews..grrrrrr

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I won't see it either. I don't know why Hollywood thinks it's okay to remake a movie, add more swearing and more sex to a movie then thinks it's good. It's just more trash put out by Hollywood who can no longer think of good movies to make and more degeneration of the culture.

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LOL...no.....Boycotting in the sense of what the above posters mentioned. You just do not remake a movie like this!!


I remember seeing this movie in the 80's at the movie theatre. I consider it a classic 80's movie that just should not be touched.


Along with


The Breakfast Club

Ferris Buellers Day Off

Sixteen Candles


Pretty in Pink

Risky Business(Esp. not Guido the killer pimp.... LOL)

National Lampoons Vacation

Fast Times at Ridgemont High




Hollywood is running out of good movies to make. But please, stop stealing ours from the 80's!!!!!!


ETA: NOOOOOOO...............Not 21 Jumpstreet either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Those are all some of my favorite movies of all time! Add in The Outsiders to that list and you're good to go :)


I am really not into remakes. Blech!

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WHAT???? ETA: Wouldn't surprise me that they remake Sound of Music with Lady Gaga playing Julie Andrews..grrrrrr


AACK. That is a horrible image.. :eek::eek::eek: That is my all time favorite movie and I can sing all the songs by hear. I used to pretend I was Liesel (sp??) but now I have to be Julie Andrews.. Ugh. They wouldn't dare.

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My kids hate Twilight with a passion. My oldest tried reading it because everybody else was. She got about 3/4 of the way through the first book and just couldn't take it anymore. My middle actually read all of the first book and couldn't figure out why anybody would waste their time on it.


OTOH, my middle dd absolutely loved and adored Host. I had to convince her to give it a try because she was very anti-Stephanie Meyer, but I told her that it was nothing at all like Twilight and she wouldn't believe it was written by the same person if she read it.


Host is fabulous.


We watched Red Dawn last night (another one they're doing a remake of). My 16yo left about halfway through because she thought it was boring. My 13yo watched the whole thing, but thought it was disappointing.


I agree, Host is much much better than Twilight (which I did read all of).


Red Dawn, Footloose, Dirty Dancing, 21 Jumpstreet.... HOW can they remake these? There is no way they could improve on them. I think I may have to join the boycott. There's no way I can go see Footloose and not sit there comparing it to the original (which I have on DVD and have watched fairly recently). Same with Dirty Dancing. My oldest has 21 Jumpstreet on DVD and LOVES Johnny Depp. It just wouldn't be the same without him, Peter Delouise, Holly Robinson and Dustin Nguyen.


There are enough witch, vampire, werewolf, magic world books out right now - they should try making them into movies and leave the 80's stuff alone.

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Of course, I am not forgetting about the OLDER classics either such as Wizard of Oz, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory(Which was HORRIBLE as a reamke, the WORSE EVEERRRRRRRRR, I loathe Tim Burton movies),


I disagree—but I love Tim Burton movies, too. Although you can't beat Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka and I have fond feelings for the original (which Roald Dahl HATED, by the way), I think the remake was a better movie. It was also closer to the book than the original.


I won't see the new Footloose but don't have strong feelings about the original.

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It is a sad commentary on the state of Hollywood and those within that realm that they cannot come up with original movies, so they feel the need to remake movies that are already standing the test of time on their own. "If it ain't broke don't fix it!"

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ETA: Wouldn't surprise me that they remake Sound of Music with Lady Gaga playing Julie Andrews..grrrrrr

There was an article in the paper about Lady Gaga becoming the lead singer for Queen.


I didn't know if I should cry or throw the heck up.



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4.7 stars???? Psssshhht.....goes to show they don't know anything.


I think it just angers me because this movie was so MOVING. There was a lesson to be learned, a person who took a stand against a town, and used the Bible to do so against a preacher.


There was none of the jibberish junk that has been out in the movies lately in this day and age.


Stick with the Eragons and the Twilight movies and leave our classics alone.;)



What I loved about the movie was when he told her 'Hey, I'm not against your father. I've got no problem with him.' I loved the way the movie showed that people had good intentions - even if they went way overboard with them and that even adults could step back and change. I loved that Renn went and talked to her father and they sat down and really talked.


It was a movie that was a lot deeper than I think it gets credit for.


ETA: Lady Gaga and Queen... I sense a disaster of Biblical proportions if that comes to pass. :shudder:

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Did you say they are remaking DIRTY DANCING???????




Just tell me that Justin Bieber nor Zac Effron will be in any of these "remakes"


I read that zac effron was supposed to be in this footloose remake but backed out so he wouldn't get typecast as the singer/dancer/actor.



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I consider it a classic 80's movie that just should not be touched.


Along with


The Breakfast Club

Ferris Buellers Day Off

Sixteen Candles


Pretty in Pink

Risky Business(Esp. not Guido the killer pimp.... LOL)

National Lampoons Vacation

Fast Times at Ridgemont High




Hollywood is running out of good movies to make. But please, stop stealing ours from the 80's!!!!!!





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I saw a trailer the other night, or part of a trailer. I couldn't believe the wardrobe and dancing that I saw was the same. But now to hear it's the same script and soundtrack. Well, they did re-do some of the songs. I was just telling dd that "Holding out for a Hero" was a good rocking song and they remade it into a ballad! At least that's how it sounded to me when they played it on DWTS on Monday. No, I don't think I'll see it in that case.


I do agree with Dancer's list of movies that should not be remade. Well, most of the 80's teenage angst movies - no one could do that better than John Hughes.

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I won't see it either. I don't know why Hollywood thinks it's okay to remake a movie, add more swearing and more sex to a movie then thinks it's good. It's just more trash put out by Hollywood who can no longer think of good movies to make and more degeneration of the culture.


I don't think we need to worry about this as far as Footloose goes. The original had plenty of swearing and sex to start with, lol.

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There had better not be any plans to remake Say Anything. :glare: I don't think they could pull off the boom box scene anyway....anyway, hands off!


Just to be safe, hands off Some Kind of Wonderful too.


*I'm a child of the 80's in the sense that I was born in the 80's, but those movies held up well in the mid 90's. Even if the fashion didn't. :tongue_smilie:

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As a formal protest that is only being heard by my poor DH - who being 15 yrs older than me just does not get the point - and my kids who are way too young to care - I have watched the original and blasted the Footloose soundtrack all day. I have gotten a lot of work done. The music makes you want to do something. :D

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