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Quick update for those who followed my recent PG thread...

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ETA: Monday morning @ 845: Baby is coming today ladies. Strong contractions 10-15 minutes apart for nearly 8 hours now, spotting, loss of MP (sorry if TMI). I'll go in when contractions are under 10 minutes apart since that's as close as they ever got with my last delivery. We're all so excited!!!


I'm still pregnant. :D Baby is active. My contractions are still sporadic -- sometimes a few each hour and sometimes an hour between contractions. They were noticably stronger overnight and still today.


Baby has been facing my pubic bone rather than my spine for weeks now but today I think she may have finally turned around -- I felt a very odd sensation earlier as I was squatting down, like something slipped behind my pubic bone. Maybe she is dropping.


Thanks for all of the input in my other thread. I will keep you ladies updated this week.

Edited by Pretty in Pink
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:grouphug: :lurk5:


I only ever had one baby drop (#4) and wow, what a weird feeling! :lol: When I stepped out of the shower (it had just happened while I was in the shower) my dh looked at me and his eyes popped out of his head and he practically yelled, "Mama! You lost your shelf!" :lol: :lol: :lol:


(I'm so excited for you! :D )

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Baby has been facing my pubic bone rather than my spine...


Glad all is well with you. Just FYI, all of my babies except for the one I just gave birth to have been "suuny-side-up." I have had both hospital and birth center births, all with no manipulation necessary and no induction or pain medications. It's not always necessary that babies are face down.


Hope you have a safe birth!

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If I remember right, you're due for an induction on Friday. I hope we see pictures of your new little one before then!!!


I'm due to go in for a biophysical profile on Friday and they want to schedule the induction for the following Monday, Oct. 17th. I'm thinking baby will be here by then. *fingers crossed*


Thanks for the sweet well wishes, gals!

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ETA: Monday morning @ 845: Baby is coming today ladies. Strong contractions 10-15 minutes apart for nearly 8 hours now, spotting, loss of MP (sorry if TMI). I'll go in when contractions are under 10 minutes apart since that's as close as they ever got with my last delivery. We're all so excited!!!




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ETA: Monday morning @ 845: Baby is coming today ladies. Strong contractions 10-15 minutes apart for nearly 8 hours now, spotting, loss of MP (sorry if TMI). I'll go in when contractions are under 10 minutes apart since that's as close as they ever got with my last delivery. We're all so excited!!!


How wonderful! Productive labor vibes to you. :) I'll be thinking about you today!

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