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Pet Peeves

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The only word that truly bothers me is "just" when it's used to mean that something is not really all that difficult or burdensome to do when it actually is difficult or burdensome. I have successfully trained my hubby not to use this word in that context around me. Now I just have to get the rest of the world to do so.


My biggest pet peeves:


People who tailgate.

People who don't use turn signals.

People who lack common courtesy. I can allow it once or twice, but if it's recurring -- forgetaboutit.

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Then shouldn't WTM homeschoolers discuss curricula and other matter on the WTM fora ?




I am a stickler for correct grammar and usage, but I have no problem with people using the English rule for plurals on a word that has been adopted into the English language. There is a great bit in Eats, Shoots, and Leaves about people who insist otherwise. :tongue_smilie: Of course, I believe that language is an ever-evolving creature (and thus I say homeschool and not home-school. :D)


My pet peeve is "could care less."

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I have a lot of pet peeves, and am trying to work on not getting so bothered by them. Lately, I've been the most annoyed by folks misspelling "definitely."


I haven't seen that one misspelled, yet. But there is one that has become popular in texting and facebook posting: turning "probably" into "prolly". Oh, that just annoys the heck out of me!:tongue_smilie:


And, what? No one else is as bothered by "curriculums" as much I am? :confused::D

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I haven't seen that one misspelled, yet. But there is one that has become popular in texting and facebook posting: turning "probably" into "prolly". Oh, that just annoys the heck out of me!:tongue_smilie:


And, what? No one else is as bothered by "curriculums" as much I am? :confused::D


I definitely can't spell anything right :D


And I had NO idea about curriculums/curricula until I read this thread. I will correct myself.


(Although "curricula" does sound kinda snobby...)

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People who don't wave "thank you" when you let them pull out in front of you while on the road.


People who don't use their turn signals.


People who let their turn signals flash while driving down the road.


People who pull out right in front of you super duper fast then slow down to below the speed limit.


Getting stuck behind someone who has to buy about 25 different lottery tickets.


Getting stuck behind someone moving at a snail's pace in the store.



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Did I even spell that right? :tongue_smilie:


What are some of your pet peeves?


ONE of mine is when people, especially homeschoolers, talk about "curriculums". The word for more than one curriculum is curricula.


Thank you for letting me get that off my brain. :D


ah, "grammar, whom cares?" (on the T-shirts for dd's classics dept. the really scary thing was the high school english teacher who said 'grammar' was spelled wrong. oh, dear.)


considering how few had a good education regarding correct latin usage (especially words with latin endings) - that one is minor to me. (1dd is a classics major and of the six she's formally studied, latin is her favorite language. she and one cohort sat in the back of chant choir criticzing old German composers latin grammar.). However, poor English grammar by homeschooling parents, who are supposedly teaching said grammar to their students, has in the past given me pause.


I have enjoyed the peeve-fests occasionally indulged upon by a writer's group where I lurk. Their motto is "spell-check is not your friend".


basic usage such as homonyms:




moot/mute (by someone who considers english majors the dregs of the college - at least they don't undermine their entire argument by using the wrong words and inviting laughter!)


posterity/ancestor (yeah, me bad. I couldn't stop laughing.)




Would it be too much to ask for paragraphs? instead of everything being one giant glob on the page you have to weed through with a machete to find the path.

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I just want to note that I did not see this thread before posting my own Pet Peeve rant just now. Whoops! I hope that's no one's pet peeve! :D


scrapbookbuzz, I'll sit with you on the "curriculums" bench. I cringe every time.



I just read your post and wondered why you didn't post it here! :lol:

My dd is HFA (high functioning autistic), btw. My pet peeve with that is that her own father wants her to respond/react like a neurotypical child should and he knows she has Asperger's syndrome! :glare: Maybe it's more difficult for dads? I don't know.


Welcome to the thread. Plenty of room on the bench!

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Oh, I have so many! Which to choose?


Many of my peeves revolve around people leaving empty things when it wouldn't take much effort to re-fill, like ice cube trays, toilet paper, etc.


One of my bigger pet peeves is when neighbors (one behind me and one across the street) leave their dogs barking outside for hours on end. It drives me freakin' insane! I have yet to call the police, because I don't want to be that person, but SERIOUSLY! If I can hear your dog barking for two hours, why can't you?!?!?

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I can't stand it when people do not rsvp to an invitation. Or let you know they are canceling after already accepting.




Or the "We'll try to make it." or "We'll see what we can do." These type of responses don't help determine a head count.


Other pet peeves:


Fur instead of the word for as in Let's go fur a walk.


sale in place of sell, as in I loved visiting the mountains so much that I want to sale my house and move to the mountains. (This was a post from a lady who teaches homeschool English and writing classes.)

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It annoys me when the servers from Chick-fil-A say "My pleasure" every time I say thank you for something. They don't particularly look like it was their pleasure, but maybe it was. I don't know. It annoys me. Maybe I just go to Chick-fil-A too much. My husband would certainly say that it is true.


My ob/gyn said "My pleasure" when I told him thank you after my visit was over. Made me think "huh?' Of course, he may have thought the same thing.

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The only word that truly bothers me is "just" when it's used to mean that something is not really all that difficult or burdensome to do when it actually is difficult or burdensome. I have successfully trained my hubby not to use this word in that context around me. Now I just have to get the rest of the world to do so.




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My ob/gyn said "My pleasure" when I told him thank you after my visit was over. Made me think "huh?' Of course, he may have thought the same thing.




Oh my goodness! I guess when Chick-fil-A folks do it, it isn't so bad then. I will try to remember that it could be worse when they tell me that next time. :lol:

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My pet peeve :001_unsure: people with Type A personality. I know, I know, bad.


My dh is definitely a Type A person. Our budget meetings are tons of fun :tongue_smilie:as long as I have a supply of chocolate.


:lol: I am not a type A married to a type A too. Complete commiseration on the budget meetings! :lol:

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I hate it when people walk right in the MIDDLE of the street in a parking lot!!


They walk right in the center, where you need to DRIVE and walk at a snails pace..... usually b/c they are on their cell phones and not paying one iota of attention to the world around them. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.


MOVE TO THE SIDE AND GET OUT OF MY WAY SO I CAN PARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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Hair clippings left around the bathroom sink.


Wolf will trim his goatee and not clean it all up. *gack*


My Dad used to trim his beard, and make NO effort to clean it, simply call ME in to do it. I still gag thinking about it.


This drives me insane. I can't tell you how many times I've put my contacts in and ripped them back out because there were several chin hairs stuck to my finger.

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:iagree:This drives me nuts! My other pet peeves include 1) using their, there and they're incorrectly; 2) people who talk during movies or television shows.




FIL is terrible about that. Only he adds to it with having to SWITCH channels during commercial breaks!!! So you NEVER get back to the show you were watching in time, you always have missed the first little bit of the next segment after commercial. It drove me NUTS when we would try to watch tv with him.


Here people say "do what?" for "Excuse me. Could you please repeat that?" They also have to draw it out so it sounds like "dooo whaaaat?"


I've heard that a little here, but usually it's 'say whaaaat?' And I've actually done it a couple times. :leaving:


For me it's hearing "no problem" after "thank you". What happened to "you're welcome" :confused:


Must confess to that one too. You're welcome just sounds so presumptuous to me, like I'm saying, yeah, you SHOULD thank me! I know that isn't correct, it's just how it makes me feel. :)



I can't stand it when people do not rsvp to an invitation. Or let you know they are canceling after already accepting.


YES!!!! Drives me crazy! I don't ask for that much notice, maybe a week or so, but I hardly ever get rsvps!! Sometimes I'll ask people just a day or two before and they'll say they don't know yet. Then I just consider them a no.


I've always thought it was "Nobody does it like Sara Lee". Huh, I learn something new everyday.


Me, too...


Allow me to add my others, as well:

College students. Ugh. They walk out in FRONT OF CARS driving down the street because, hey, they're in a crosswalk, they have the right of way. Yes, true, but for pity's SAKE!! THAT DOES NOT mean you can walk in front of a VEHICLE. Pedestrians having the right of way does NOT mean that all drivers should have to slam on their brakes because you are an IDIOT! Ugh, I avoid the college when the students are there. Ugh, I'm getting mad just thinking about it.

Text speak in places where it is not necessary. Like facebook. I have to decode some of my friends' statuses because I haven't the slightest idea what they say. 'rlzd twas thru grc id b nlightnd & recv etrnl life, i trid agin & agin 2 undrstnd Ro1:17 - rghtssnss rvld in d gspl. Trans. dfind God's rghtesnss as His sinlssnss cndmnng d snnr'. Seriously. It's facebook. I don't feel like translating.

A spin off of that, shortening words that don't need to be shortened on facebook. For example, someone writes something, and someone replies 'wut' ...Really? Because spelling it correctly and not sounding ghetto was just too many letters for you?

Oh, and another thing - since when do invitations for parties only need to be on facebook? Don't get me wrong, I like facebook and it has its place, but when I get invited to something on facebook I'm MUCH more likely to forget about it (particularly if it isn't a big event) than I am to forget if someone handed me an invitation or invited me in person.

And my last one - also facebook (Sorry!) - status updates are NOT there just to vent your current pet peeves to the world. I'm venting mine here because that's what we're doing :lol: - but the status updates that are consistently snarky, rude, or any of those 'you know who you are' type things...really. Grow up.

Ok...:rant: :)

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Guest submarines
I hate it when people walk right in the MIDDLE of the street in a parking lot!!


They walk right in the center, where you need to DRIVE and walk at a snails pace..... usually b/c they are on their cell phones and not paying one iota of attention to the world around them. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.


MOVE TO THE SIDE AND GET OUT OF MY WAY SO I CAN PARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Well, it is safer, especially with small kids. Too many drivers just pull out without looking. A backing out car almost hit my DS when he was walking with DH on a parking lot. DS didn't get injured only because of DH's super fast reflexes. DH fell, though, and hurt his head.


If a see a car searching for a spot, I always try to move, but for me and my kids--safety first.

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Guest submarines
Grocery stores that hang Cosmo right at my kids' eye level in the check out lane.


:iagree:Here it is even worse than Cosmo--celebrity gossip magazines. DD reads all the headings...Ugh...I hate to be exposing her to this... We've had good discussions, but still...

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Why would a 50 year old man (dh) who is otherwise intelligent not be able to say "Happy Birthday"?



I agree! I know a rather intelligent woman who says, "Birfday". It shocked me the first time I heard her say that. I wanted to axe her if she realized she'd done that. ;)

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I have two that tie for the #1 spot in my life.



We rarely go to the movies and when we do I try to pick times when hardly anyone will be there in order to avoid conversational noise. At home we don't have that problem.


I have found that Thursday afternoon and Friday morning are the best times for that. Thursday afternoon is the #1 choice. Friday morning is the #2 choice. Just an FYI. :)

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My pet peeve is the very fluid relationship our whole area has with timeliness. I don't mean late, I mean "around 4 on Tuesday" means some random time in the next 10 days.



This cracked me up! I don't know why. Maybe because I've been there but on a smaller scale.


I have an acquaintance that won't leave her house until the exact time that you told her an event will start. :confused::glare:


And when I lived in Panama I discovered "Panamanian Time" which basically works out to this: when you tell someone to be somewhere at 3:00, they'll arrive somewhere between 3 and 4. Closer to 4, usually.

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Pet Peeves: There is a theme here LOL :))


Incessantly barking dogs.

Neighbors who let their dogs roam the neighborhood.

Neighbors who think everyone wants to listen to their music.


People who spend money frivolously and then file bankruptcy/let their house go back to the bank (talking about neighbors, not anyone here) instead of living with the situation they put them selves in.


People who brag about hiding money from an x-spouse to keep child support/alimony lower than it should be.



okay....going away from the theme:


People who talk with their mouth full of food.


People who think their way is the only way.

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"Valentime" instead of Valentine

"Alltimers disease" instead of Alzheimers disease





Teeth grinding (which of course both DH and DD do)

Nail biting (again, DH!)


People who interrupt others


Not making holiday plans / get together plans until 2days-1week prior to the event and then expecting people to drop everything (or cancel with other relatives) to attend.

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Lynne, maybe because they've tried everything to get the dog to be quiet and have given up? Or maybe they're gone for those two hours and leave the dog outside so it doesn't get into their food and play!


Well, the people across the street leave the dog out in the front yard every day for most of the afternoon. I know they are home because I can see them. He barks at anything that moves, even at people he knows and has seen every day. His bark is deep, loud and annoying, but at least it's mostly during the day.


The people behind me, on the other hand, may be getting some flaming bags of dog poop on their porch soon, because not only does their little dog yip for hours late at night, starting at around 11:00PM, but he gets loose and comes into my backyard and leaves me little piles! I'm thinking of scooping them up and delivering them back to the owners, either via flaming bag, or via catapult, just randomly flung towards their abode! :tongue_smilie:

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And, what? No one else is as bothered by "curriculums" as much I am? :confused::D


I think if we are declining Latin nouns for number, we should also then decline them for case (then we'd really be able to tell who's educated! :lol:.) If not, I figure, why bother. :D I think having a background in Latin makes me less picky about it.


I actually use the second alternate form - curriculum - for the plural, but curriculums doesn't bother me as much as many other things (should of, could care less, etc.) that are not considered adequate alternates by the dictionary.

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Auto-correct drives me bonkers.


I would rather read a message with poor spelling than have to guess what the intended meaning is.


... When she wrote giraffe did she mean garbage? Maybe garbled? Was it gifts? Hmm... Could be glibly. Aaargh!!!

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My pet peeve is going through the drive-thru at McDonald's and not realizing they didn't make my DD's cheeseburger plain until we're two miles down the road.


It seriously makes me want to fire bomb the place!!

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"Valentime" instead of Valentine

"Alltimers disease" instead of Alzheimers disease





Teeth grinding (which of course both DH and DD do)

Nail biting (again, DH!)


People who interrupt others


Not making holiday plans / get together plans until 2days-1week prior to the event and then expecting people to drop everything (or cancel with other relatives) to attend.


:iagree: Ugh, this too. actually we are currently 2 weeks out from a trip to a big family thing which we have received NO details about yet. We don't know where we are staying, what the plans are, or anything. For some it may not matter, for me it does. It's driving me bonkers.

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Oh....how to choose!


Bad grammar posted for the world to see on facebook! Let us just advertise our stupidity why don't we!


People going up/down the wrong way in a parking lot and then giving you a dirty look.


People who let their children ride on the streets on dirt bikes, golf carts, four wheelers etc, completely unsupervised.


I hate it when someone parks so close to me that I cannot get into my car....grrrrr.

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Not making holiday plans / get together plans until 2days-1week prior to the event and then expecting people to drop everything (or cancel with other relatives) to attend.


My MIL asks us after church if we want to go over to their house for lunch, and, oh, could you bring this, this, and this (that we could have gotten cheaper at Sam's if she asked the day before but now we have to buy for more money at a closer store :glare:) I set my foot down and said if she wants us over on Sundays she has to ask by Wednesday or don't expect us to bring anything. She's stopped asking us, for the most part, and complains about how she never gets to see the kids (having them over to our place is not an option because of fil's chronic pain needs.)

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I've got one. My peeve is cashiers that don't count back change and just hand you a wad of bills, coins, receipt, and whatever other garbage printed out at the register. I'm 28, so this is not a "young people with bad service" rant, because NO ONE counts back change properly. I did it for years at that store with yellow smiley faces!

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Major peeve- People who do not even acknowledge that you went out of your way to let them into traffic or to hold a door for them.


Yes... I mean you "Mr. Full-Suit Business Man with the cell phone glued to your ear who did not even glance at my dd13 who politely went out of her way to hold the door of the restaurant open for you this past week".


I have spent years teaching my children good manners and a respect for other people. Thank you for screwing that up with your selfish, entitled attitude!


(Is it wrong that I have the tendency lately to give a very loud "You're welcome" after encountering oafs such as above?)

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  • I seen
  • in regards to
  • for/to/with/between you and I
  • could/would/should of
  • I know, right?


And the number 1 pet peeve: Our neighbors who sit in their driveway and honk at the people who are still inside the house, no matter what the time of day. At first I thought it was just the dad in the family who did it, but he's trained all of his kids to do it too. I have fantasies of sneaking over there in the middle of the night and disabling his car horn...but I wouldn't have any idea how to do that anyway.

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dirty dishes in my kitchen sink

bad grammar spoken by people who know better

the green police

texting during meals or meetings

dogs that beg from the table

kids running in the hall at church

not using turn signals while driving

cigarette smoke

talking during movies at the theater

being interrupted

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Grocery stores that hang Cosmo right at my kids' eye level in the check out lane.




My pet peeve is going through the drive-thru at McDonald's and not realizing they didn't make my DD's cheeseburger plain until we're two miles down the road.


It seriously makes me want to fire bomb the place!!


Oh. Um. Hm. :001_unsure: Perhaps you're just the slight bit more worked up about a cheeseburger than you should be. I mean, really? Fire bomb? :tongue_smilie:

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Cashiers that give change back with the coins on top of the bills, they fall everywhere!! Why can't they give the change in your hand first, then count the bills on top, it is a simple case of counting the change forwards from the bill to the payment.


Businesses that have grass. I live in a dry area. I hate hate hate to see precious water "wasted" on a green strip next to a busy street. No one sits there or plays there, why can't that area be beautified with something that uses less water?




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