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How often do you get your hair cut?

How often do you get your hair cut  

  1. 1. How often do you get your hair cut

    • every 2 weeks
    • every 4 weeks
    • every 6 weeks
    • every 8 weeks
    • every 3 months
    • every 4 months
    • every 6 months
    • once a year
    • Haircut??? What is that?
    • Other

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I am the worst about taking time for myself outside of the house. I take plenty of me time, just generally at home. I need to get my hair cut....it has been over a year!! I generally get my haircut once a year. I get it cut to my chin and let it grow out to the middle of my back.


So....how often do you get your hair cut???

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If I want a shorter haircut, I have to have it cut every four weeks to look good. I can stretch to six weeks. I'm back to having it medium/long and only cut it once a year so the ends look decent.


I use the money I don't spend on a haircuts buying very nice hair accessories, and salon highlights (I have thick hair - it takes her twice as long with me as it does most of her customers).


After all, I should NOT have more gray than my husband!

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I have super short hair now and get it cut every 4-6 weeks.


Until this time last year, I would get a major cut every 2 years and donate 10-12 inches. But, after my last was born, my hair never stopped falling out. DH kept having long red hairs static cling to his work shirts. LOL so I cut it all off!

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I like my hair longer but its curly and isnt so fast growing so it takes ages to get long. I usually give up and get a cut somewhere along the way because it gets ratty..and ask them to take just the ends off, which they never, ever do. They always cut too much. Oh well. So, every 6 months or so.

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About 2-3 x a year. I'm at 6 months now and need to schedule an appt- I keep long hair w/ long layers- mid back. Dh much prefers my hair- he says the longer the better(personally I don't believe that- I don't want to be sitting on it!). But as such it doesn't require much maintenance to stay looking nice, which is great.

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Other. Generally, I grow my hair out until I get sick of it, and then cut it short. Then I grow it out again. I've been growing it for about a year now, though, and haven't gotten sick of it yet.


If I need a little trim, I just let DH do it. My hair is really, really curly, so if it's not cut perfectly evenly, you can't tell.

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every 4 weeks when I get it colored. If she chops off a bit too much I'll wait another for weeks, making it 8. I'm due for a cut next week but will be waiting until my following appt. because she took a bit too much off last time.


I have a shoulder length style but with layers. When the layers get too long, they star to look stringy. Gone are the days of beautiful, full bodied hair which did pretty much anything I wanted it to.:glare:

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I don't remember the last time I "got" it cut. I cut my own, usually about every two or three months.



It's been nearly a decade since I paid someone cut my hair. I used to do it every six months or so, but I just figured out that it's been a year and a half since I did it last. Huh. I had no idea it had been that long.

Edited by beaners
poor grammar
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I get mine cut when I get it colored, so about every 8 weeks. I keep it between chin length and just above my shoulders. I love those 2 hours at my hairdressers, especially getting my hair shampooed, it is so relaxing.


:lol: It is funny how different perspectives can be! Going to the hairdresser is SO stressful for me! I would rather go to the dentist.

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I voted "What's that?" lol. My hair gets cut when I get a whim. It has been cut once in the past 2.5 years. That time was during a move and all that hair was making me crazy...so I took a pair of scissors to it while I was at the old house grabbing stuff to take to the new house. :lol: If I have a curl bugging me or if part of it looks split, I'll trim it up a bit.

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I used to have short hair and it needed trimmed every 4-6 weeks maximum. Honestly, it got to the point where I just couldn't afford $40 + a tip cuts that frequently and I couldn't find a cheaper stylist who could cut my hair that I trusted. Plus, my short hair required some pricey styling products.


So, I let it grow. Now I keep it pretty long and get it trimmed 2-3 times a year as needed. No more styling products and in many ways the longer hair is much lower maintenance. Throwing it back in a ponytail is way easier than having to style short hair, IMO.

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Probably about every 4-6 months I think. There's a point where it gets long enough to bug me when I go into the bathroom and start hacking. I either pull it into a ponytail on top of my head or flip my head over and cut. Gets rid of it and I have decent layers.


I should probably go back to the hair dresser some day but at this point I'm too cheap and lazy.

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I haven't gotten mine cut outside the home for many years. If I want length taken off (it's long, below my shoulders) I have dh cut it. For slight layering, I flip my hair over my head (bending over), comb it out well, and cut straight across. The more you cut, the more layering. I just can't see spending money having someone do it for me.

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I generally get my haircut once a year. I get it cut to my chin and let it grow out to the middle of my back.


So....how often do you get your hair cut???


This is what I do. I grow it out until I start to get headaches, I complain for a month until DH demands I make an appointment right away, and then I cut 6 inches off. Rinse, repeat. So generally I get my hair cut every year between Sept-Nov. I just got it cut last Friday.


ETA-I promised myself that I was going to change my ways and get it cut every 6 months. I look and feel much better with shorter hair, I just have a really hard time finding a good time to go.

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I get mine cut every six weeks because that's how often I have to go in for color. Now that I'm wearing it a bit longer, I don't have to go that often to maintain the style, but the gray bothers me enough at this point that it's worth the time and money to me to keep it at bay. She always trims it up a bit after she does color, so... every six weeks it is :)



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I can't afford to see my stylist very often and refuse to get more bad haircuts at the cheaper place. (Not that all the inexpensive ones are bad, but I've had too many bad haircuts in this area.)


So I go one to three times a year. Right now that's ok because I've been letting it grow and I donate it, but I'm getting to the point where I think this will be the last time I can. It grows fast and stays healthy in between cuts (and don't I wish that meant it I had frequent good hair days) so it works out for now, though.

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