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What do you do while school work is going on?

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"Becca, get back to your work."

"Becca, okay, yes, now finish your grammar."

"No, Rebecca, not right now." "After math."

"Will you stop messing with your blanket?" (She gets "cold" and likes to be wrapped up in a blanket while doing schoolwork. Oh-kay.)

"Finish your handwriting."

"Are you done YET?"



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Sounds like my DDs. I was wondering when they could be more independent. We've made some strides, but not enough in my bored opinion. I've been sweeping/cleaning the area they are working in, every once in a while checking to see they're not watching the hummingbird feeder or making faces at each other or staring at the trees... :glare:


Sometimes I read while they are working, which really gets me caught up on that. This is my favorite! Though the dust bunnies call. :lol:

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While my homeschooling years have come and gone, I still have several times when I am needing to occupy myself.... (Dh loves for me to go visiting with him to his parents or to another friends' home and the guys all get a lot of work done and I can chat a bit... but I get bored...)(Or times I am out on the boat... you cannot just get up and leave... )


This year I have worked on crochet and cross stitch... I have a VERY big difficulty if the time I am spending is not producing something... Or I read...

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"Becca, get back to your work."

"Becca, okay, yes, now finish your grammar."

"No, Rebecca, not right now." "After math."

"Will you stop messing with your blanket?" (She gets "cold" and likes to be wrapped up in a blanket while doing schoolwork. Oh-kay.)

"Finish your handwriting."

"Are you done YET?"



:iagree: Just substitute "Daniel" for "Becca" and you've got our house! Even down to the blanket thing.

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I do my own self-study in history, literature, math, or science. I usually have a couple of books I'm working my way through. Of course I have to be prepared to stop and answer questions, help with math, etc., but I can make some good progress and set a good example for ds on how to focus and study.


ETA: Or I read ahead in ds' history or lit to prepare for discussion.

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Mending, folding laundry, or other task that I can do right there, doesn't take much brainpower, isn't interesting to DD, and that I can put down to get the next subject going or to work with her. There's usually not all that much individual time in our school day anyway. Today, I sewed elastics on ballet shoes during math practice and copywork.

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Um, teach? Is that the wrong answer?:) I didn't know anything else was an option. But, dd is only 6.5 and we're in the heavy phonics/math teaching, read-aloud stage I guess. Other than that I try to keep the 2.5yo from distracting us or damaging something. 11 years old sounds nice!;)

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The majority of the time I'm either teaching/discussing or bouncing back and forth between kids.


When I get a few minutes when both kids are working independently, I fold laundry, clean the kitchen (since we tend to be IN the kitchen), etc.

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Um, teach? Is that the wrong answer? I didn't know anything else was an option.


That's my answer. I would love to knit or catch up on my reading but if I'm not interacting with one dc I'm interacting with another. All.Day.

School starts Monday.:nopity::tongue_smilie: :crying: :glare: :w00t: :hurray: :willy_nilly: :blink:


You could say I have mixed emotions.

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I have to be right with my kids as well. Which is probably why I spend way to much time on here!!!


I wish I could be online! My kids get too distracted by my screen. My ds(9) wants me to watch him do math. If I get bored and try to get online, he will lean over and put my computer to sleep!

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My DD, eleven, has attention problems so I need to sit here with her and keep her on task. Drives me a bit batty to watch the dust bunnies get bigger and bigger, and I get rather bored.


I had to learn to knit just for his reason. Anything else I did either was a distraction to my son or made me mentally check out so I wasn't helpful.


Looks like my whole family will be getting scarves for Xmas .

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Um, teach? Is that the wrong answer?:) I didn't know anything else was an option. But, dd is only 6.5 and we're in the heavy phonics/math teaching, read-aloud stage I guess. Other than that I try to keep the 2.5yo from distracting us or damaging something. 11 years old sounds nice!;)


Teach? What planet are YOU from? Stop spreading your weird and crazy ideas here please.




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That's my answer. I would love to knit or catch up on my reading but if I'm not interacting with one dc I'm interacting with another. All.Day.


:iagree: I usually have one dc being actively taught, and I am always, always sitting next to someone who is working on schoolwork. If I have a few minutes of breathing time, I am hands-on with my baby, 3yo or 4yo (nursing, playing, butt wiping :tongue_smilie:). If I'm really, really lucky I can squeeze in a few read alouds to the 3yo & 4yo while I'm sitting next to my 9yo. I guess my time-fillers are my littlest people.

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That's my answer. I would love to knit or catch up on my reading but if I'm not interacting with one dc I'm interacting with another. All.Day. .


If I'm not knitting, I'm not focused and I'm invariably daydreaming in the quiet moments. Then the kids have to pull me back to reality. :D

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I try to hide my yawns, mostly. It's pretty boring watching them work.


I also sneak online and read these boards. But sometimes I have to stop myself from doing that b/c ds will be done his work, but I'll say, "Just a minute...lemme finish reading this..." :D

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I try to hide my yawns, mostly. It's pretty boring watching them work.


I also sneak online and read these boards. But sometimes I have to stop myself from doing that b/c ds will be done his work, but I'll say, "Just a minute...lemme finish reading this..." :D


:lol: This is why I can't read the boards during the day. :tongue_smilie:


I mostly chase after my toddler, read him a story, etc. Hsing with toddlers is challenging! And I only have 2 dc! I do look forward to the time when I'll be able to knit, read, etc. Sigh! ;)

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I use a lot of teacher intensive curriculum, so I'm usually right there with my children. When I'm not teaching and reading, I need to stay very close to keep my son on task.


I guess it's a holdover from all my years as a professional educator, but I actually teach the lessons just as I did when I worked in the classroom all day. These days, my class is just a bit smaller. :D


Yeah, I teach the lessons, too. But then it's time for ds to do his MUS page or try to figure out his Brain Teaser page on his own. I don't want to do it for him, or make him nervous by staring over his shoulder....but I do need to be next to him.


And that's when I find myself starting to yawn....and slowly reaching for the keyboard and typing "welltrainedmin...."

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My kids are still young so school is all very teacher intensive. On the rare times when ds needs to do something independently and I need to sit with him I would read a book of my own or work on something else school related. For example, preparing whatever we are doing next.

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My DD, eleven, has attention problems so I need to sit here with her and keep her on task. Drives me a bit batty to watch the dust bunnies get bigger and bigger, and I get rather bored.


I have to sit with my kids too. I post here, work on volunteer stuff or play Runescape.

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my dd started doing a lot of her schoolwork alone in her room last year (6th)...prior to that though, there was quite a bit of "dead" time for me. She didn't really need help, but wanted me near her. I would dust, pick up, start laundry..quiet, boring chores that I could be in and out of the room quickly. If I tried to get online, though, she would always call for me, so wasn't worth trying to check wtm board or my email. Her change was sudden. One day she wanted me - next day wanted solitude!

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"Becca, get back to your work."

"Becca, okay, yes, now finish your grammar."

"No, Rebecca, not right now." "After math."

"Will you stop messing with your blanket?" (She gets "cold" and likes to be wrapped up in a blanket while doing schoolwork. Oh-kay.)

"Finish your handwriting."

"Are you done YET?"




Yeah that. Some days I just drag him room to room with me (dd is independent mostly). :auto: He can sit at the dining room table when I do the kitchen, coffee table while I do living room, etc.

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