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Your lottery dream?

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Yanno, yu win the lottery. You pay off your house or buy a new one, your husband quits his jo for more family time, you buy some new clothes or something. Whats the dream, the big ing uthat you would just love to do if money was no object?


For me, it's to live a year in NYC. I've only been there once and it was everything I expected and miore' Id love to live there again, in a nice bluestone with a stoop. Just for a year, to see the city in all seasons. As long as it snows in winter, if it doesn't, I might have to stay 2 years :lol:


And excuse the typing I've recently exchanged my laptop (read, it fell off a high place and broke in a most impressive way) for an iPad and I haven't got the hang of the onscreen keyboard yet!

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Oh. my. gosh. I have so many! :D I pass by the sign on the freeway telling how much the lottery is each week on the way to my mother's house, so it always gets me dreaming.


I'd tear down my current house and rebuild on the same lot. I'd buy a vacation house on the Outer Banks and one in the south of France where friends and family could always stay. I'd take my girlfriends on a trip to Paris and London. I'd give a big scholarship endowment to my college because they gave me lots of money. I'd open my own scrapbooking retreat inn. I'd donate money to women's shelters, and several other favorite charities. I'd pay off the debts of my close family members. Dh always says he would keep on working, but I think he'd take a few more fishing trips! The kids and I would be traveling all over the place!

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Oh, I have LISTS, lol.

We go back and forth between saying we'd go back to NJ (where my heart will always be) and deciding to relocate to GA (for the longer growing season.)


Either way, I'll have my homestead. Except I will need to employ a decent amount of help because I want to supply food banks with REAL food, and a lot of it.

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The superficial side of me says "Travel."


But the deep down, truth of my heart side of me says "open a center for children affected by AIDS." It would be a place not only for children with the disease, but for children with a parent or sibling with the disease, a place where kids could come and be kids. Camps that let them forget about AIDS for a while, a place where they can see that other kids deal with this too, a place where they wouldn't have to explain to everyone about it, where it would just be normal.


There may or may not be an orphanage sort of thing along with it for those left parentless due to the disease. There may or may not be a children's home for those with the disease themselves. Just a place where families could bring their children, get some respite care for the kids/break for the parents (for the kids with AIDS), and a sort of reverse respite where kids can come when parents need more intense treatment or whatever (for kids with a parent with AIDS), a place where the kids can just get a break from being "you know, her mom has AIDS..." kid.


Day camps, activities, summer camps, etc.

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Guest momk2000

Just knowing we would be financially secure and never have to worry again is enough for me. Most of it would sit in the bank for the financial security of our future generations. Of course we would upgrade our home, nothing big though. And yes, I would have to take that way overdue, much needed and deserved vacation! :D

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I pass by the sign on the freeway telling how much the lottery is each week on the way to my mother's house, so it always gets me dreaming.



I see it, immediately calculate the after-tax payoff, determine how much to invest and what annual withdrawl I can make, and how much that will leave me to "play" with. :lol:

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I'd start a few small businesses that could grow and give people jobs for years to come. Or since I don't have that kind of experience, I'd hire someone to do it.


Oh, and build some kind of communal living area on about 400+ acres. I won't elaborate on that one, or I'd be here all day. Lots of possibilities there.

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My lottery dream was to move to the country and have a hobby farm because at the time it seemed that winning the lottery was the only way it would be possible. Well I moved to my hobby farm last year so my new lottery dream is to be able to get all the renos done on my house and maybe tack on a couple of acres to the property. My splurge would be an inground swimming pool.

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Pay everything off.

Pay all of my Mil and Fil's debt off as well (mortgage and 2nd - mostly from supporting two of DH's siblings).

Pay for my sons' education.

Pay for a family reunion cruise/trip to Disney/whatever (whatever people vote on).

Set up a scholarship fund/contest for homeschool students

Buy an "Ark" or two from Heifer International.

Tour historical sites in Italy, Greece, etc.

Go to New Zealand.


Invest the rest very conservatively; live modestly off the income from the interest.

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Mine is simple it would be the goal/ dream I have now. Buy a nice chunk of land in the mountains, build a beautiful home, that makes it where we do not have to rely on anyone for much of anything. Where it is quiet, beautiful and all nature. No stop lights(not like the town I live in has stop lights), paved roads, sirens, traffic, and all the mess.


My whole family including the kids love this and all want this.

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Pay off my parents house and move them, I have a specific house in mind.


I'd pay to have my current home moved out to the country. It would be the second home on the property and we could set it up as an office/classroom/library. I could use it as a writing get away as well.


Travel, I'd take a world tour field trip with ds. We'd have an RV and travel the US for a while too.


I'd buy ds all the equipment he wants for his computer interests.


I'd help my dad open that little electronics stores he's always wanted to do, with no profit expected. Just a place for him to putz around in all day.


I'd spend the money to see if I could track down a car my dh used to own, it was a Cuda, forget the year. If not I'd buy him a Porsche.


I'd make a dentist very happy or very rich.


I'd buy me a Jeep Wrangler with every option I want.


There are a lot of things I'd like to do. Mostly, I'd like to buy some peace. I'm tired of stress and, yes, unlimited income would alleviate a lot of it.

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Buy a house on the lake (my dream)

Pay my parent's retirement center payments

Take the family to Kenya where I grew up

Give sizable amounts to various missions groups I trust


Put enough in each child's account to cover the college of their choice and enough for a reasonable house to pay for in cash.


Travel extensively

Buy a beach house

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First, of course, we would pay back all the money we owe. I think we would buy here because the kids do not want to move again.


Dh could quit his job and do whatever he wanted. I'd make sure to buy enough land that he could have a sustainable farm, and build housing on it so he could have lots of interns to help him.


I would hire an "Alice" to help me with the kids and household.


I would hire ds's violin teacher to come to the house and give ALL the younger dc violin lessons. Or a piano teacher. Or both.


I would hire a good friend of mine to teach the dc Spanish. I would pay her really, really well for her time and travel.;) If she wasn't interested, I would find someone else but not pay them quite as much.:tongue_smilie:


We would be able to do Classical Conversations if we wanted to.


We would take REALLY good field trips.


I would hire a Barton-certified tutor to tutor my dc with dyslexia.


I would buy the 13yo a car/truck to rebuild.


I plan to buy my dad an excavator and 100 acres of woods to clear and develop - just because he would love it.


I would give a lot to the rescue mission in our city because they have a really, really good program.


Oh, the things I could do!

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Obviously the house thing - DH has always wanted a lake house, and I would be happy to live there as long as we had land to go with it.


We would get our dream cars (DH wants an Audi, I want a Lamborghini but will settle for a Corvette).


I know we'd sock enough away for the kids to go to college wherever they wanted.


I would probably put DD into a Montessori school... and possibly DS, too. This would leave me time to finish my own degree.


Then, we'd travel, everywhere and often. And if the lottery was big enough, I'd hire tutors/nannies to come with us so we could educate on the road!

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I would love to travel around Europe for weeks (months?). We'd all go and call it an extended field trip!:D


I would also love to be able to give my kids all the things I want for them but can't afford right now. Things like music and language lessons, and a trip to Disney world.

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I would buy a house. not even a huge house. Just a house. I would set up a monthly account for a housekeeper too! And I think I'd like a Honda Odyssey. We;ve talked about what we would do if we won and really, we would just do those two things and perhaps travel. I don't see us living large!

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First I explain how I won the lottery when I don't believe in gambling. :tongue_smilie: But once that hurdle is out of the way....



I would travel with my son and husband. I definitely would want a nice home to come back to, but I would LOVE to see more of the world. Heck, even of the COUNTRY I live in.

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I would buy my best friend the house and 20 acres right behind us. Perfect for her and guarantees I like my neighbors.


I'd buy my other best friend her dream house in the city I used to live in and I'd make sure it had a guest room and bathroom so I could visit more often.


I'd by the 10 acres 4 houses over. It's never been touched and I want to keep it that way. I like seeing the empty space on my drives.


And I'd payoff my parents' and brother's houses.


Apparently, if I win the lottery I will be keeping a realtor very busy! :D

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First I explain how I won the lottery when I don't believe in gambling. :tongue_smilie: But once that hurdle is out of the way....


Your friend stuck a lottery ticket in your birthday card. :D [this is done all the time in my family - lottery tickets, scratch tickets, pull tabs, etc]

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What I have always told the kids we would do if I won the lottery is pay off all our debts incl. the house. Then sell it. We would buy an RV and live in it for a minimum of 2 years travelling all over north america. Then we would buy a new home somewhere beautiful. And save the rest for the kids college/futures.

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When I dream of winning the lottery, I dream BIG -- that lottery windfall is $330 million, after taxes. There is no point in dreaming small, since I don't buy lottery tickets. :)


So, here is what I'd do:


1. Hire a lawyer and a financial planner.

2. Apply for passports for us all.

3. Persuade DH to stop working.

4. Move the family to Orlando and the Gulf Coast while we wait for the passports.

5. Pay off all debts.

6. Give money to my mother, my sister, my brother, and my cousin.

7. Plan, with the family, a 2-year excursion to Europe that includes Aidan. My mother, sister, and brother's family can join us any time they want to.

8. Set up trust funds for the kids.

9. Go to Europe with my family using a method of transport that leaves Aidan with us.

10. Long term plan: Set up a foundation that pays for the education and all living expenses for parents and their families, who are single or who cannot otherwise afford to go to college, and who are highly motivated to improve their lives.

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To fully fund a house with live-in caregivers for SillyAutismMan and a couple other similar guys so they could live semi-independently. Also - I'd fully fund my other kid's college educations. For fun - I'd take us all to Italy AND Florida to visit Harry Potter World...and England for the studio tour opening soon at the studio where the films were shot!


I'd like a second car, too - and my own iPad.

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Yanno, yu win the lottery. You pay off your house or buy a new one, your husband quits his jo for more family time, you buy some new clothes or something. Whats the dream, the big ing uthat you would just love to do if money was no object?


That's it. You've described it. I don't have a bigger thing. Well, if money was no object, I would buy a Toyota Avalon. Other than that, absolutely nothing. I'm a boring person. And honestly, I don't think DH would quit his job. He really likes it.

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Your friend stuck a lottery ticket in your birthday card. :D [this is done all the time in my family - lottery tickets, scratch tickets, pull tabs, etc]


LOL. That doesn't work, either. She's a Jehovah's Witness. Hmmmmm. How about a friend stuck it in a very nice thank you card for a thoughtful gift she bought on a random day? That should work.

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In no particular order:


Spend weeks at the Louvre. I'm not fussed on France itself, its the Louvre I'd go to see. I wouldn't care if I did nothing else there but spent time at the Louvre.


Buy an acreage where we spent the wknd. Either build or completely reno the house to meet my specifications.


Carribean vacation.


Travel Europe.


Go meet some board friends face to face.


Help out some friends and family...the ones that would never dream of asking for anything, not the ones that would turn up with their hands out, demanding.


Start a cooking class for low income families. Teach them how to shop and cook quick, easy, nutritious, cheap meals.

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If it was just a few million, I would buy a nice house, and then buy enough houses to rent that we could live off that as a source of income. If it were closer to $10 million, I'd build an energy efficient house-in-a-hill, with two story high south facing windows.


Either way, I wold buy every book on my Amazon wish lists :D and I would have dh go to collage to study computer game programing, which is his dream job.

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LOL. That doesn't work, either. She's a Jehovah's Witness. Hmmmmm. How about a friend stuck it in a very nice thank you card for a thoughtful gift she bought on a random day? That should work.



Ha. Yeah maybe. I don't know. We could start a huge debate on this thread of how right or wrong it would be to accept lottery winnings when you think gambling is wrong. But hey, for purposes of THIS discussion let's just say I come into a HUGE amount of unexpected money.


XH and I got into a big fight in front of another couple about this very topic. We were in our mid 20s, but I still remember the conversation with embarrassment....XH said he would take 100 of his friends on a cruise. I said, 'you don't have a 100 friends.' He said, 'I would if I won the lottery!' And it went down hill from there. Why oh why couldn't I just smile and nod? LOL


It was however, a symbol of our basic difference in life view. When I think of spending money from a windfall I think of, as I mentioned earlier, traveling with those I love. I have a handfull of close friends/relatives that I would help in some way as well. I would donate to an organization I trusted fully. But I have zero desire to snag friends with my new found wealth.

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1. Give, give, give. Take 10% off the top and give to our church, take the next 10% and give where we felt led to give.



** We would go down the rest of this list until the money ran out :) **


2. Pay off house, student loan, & car.


3. Pay off parents & inlaws debts.


4. Fund retirement.


5. Set up Kids College Funds


6. Sell house and buy 5 acres north of us and build our dream house.

Edited by UnsinkableKristen
hit enter before I was done!
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The usual: no debt, paid off house (small), travel, and husband no workies.


Beyond that, the weirdo thing I daydream (ahem, obsess) about is opening a really nice laundromat in a really bad part of town. I hate when I have to go wash my comforter. Yucky laundromat just seems to add insult to injury. I can't imagine having to spend hours of my time weekly in a dirty building, with Jerry Springer blaring on the TV, barely any seating, maybe a few ripped up newspapers, vending machines full of soda/candy, etc. I daydream about a kids play area, changing stations and *gasp* soap/tp/pt in the restrooms, phonics on the kiddo TV, documentaries playing on another, books or at least informative magazines, healthy vending food like Odwalla etc. sold at cost, seating by washers and dryers, a security guard, I could go on and on about my Disneyland laundromat...:rant:

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Buy 100 acres and build our own off-grid house right in the center. Have a nice farm and hire out all the work to set it up! Travel like crazy, go to Rome first and dh gets to quit as well.

:iagree:except I would go to Burgundy. I would also spend a year learning how to make fabulous French artisan cheeses.

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Ha. Yeah maybe. I don't know. We could start a huge debate on this thread of how right or wrong it would be to accept lottery winnings when you think gambling is wrong. But hey, for purposes of THIS discussion let's just say I come into a HUGE amount of unexpected money.


XH and I got into a big fight in front of another couple about this very topic. We were in our mid 20s, but I still remember the conversation with embarrassment....XH said he would take 100 of his friends on a cruise. I said, 'you don't have a 100 friends.' He said, 'I would if I won the lottery!' And it went down hill from there. Why oh why couldn't I just smile and nod? LOL


It was however, a symbol of our basic difference in life view. When I think of spending money from a windfall I think of, as I mentioned earlier, traveling with those I love. I have a handfull of close friends/relatives that I would help in some way as well. I would donate to an organization I trusted fully. But I have zero desire to snag friends with my new found wealth.


Alright. You helped a very old lady take in her groceries one day and unbeknownst to you she wrote you into her will. She was filthy rich but lived very frugally, which is why you had no idea she had so much money.


Your ex sounds slimy.

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My SO and I have already discussed this. Donate half or more (we have a list to start from), pay off all our debts, buy a house somewhere (nothing fancy, just functional) and then figure it out from there. I could never imagine having $50 million after taxes. What do I really NEED with that much? It would be so much better to help others and to make sure we are financially secure for my kids.

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Alright. You helped a very old lady take in her groceries one day and unbeknownst to you she wrote you into her will. She was filthy rich but lived very frugally, which is why you had no idea she had so much money.


Your ex sounds slimy.


Yeah, he is slimy.


I like the rich old lady leaving me money. Makes me think of that country song, 'Beer is good, God is great and people are crazy.'

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DH and I actually have this conversation periodically. :) Of course, we rarely play, so we'll never win. Still fun to dream though. Depending on how much said lottery winnings were would depend on what exactly we would do with it.


Number one would be determining whether to do a lump sum or annual payments. Then we'd invest enough of it to use the interest as "income" so neither of us would have to work if we didn't want to. The remainder would go to (in no particular order):


Paying off all debt

Taking care of our families


Starting a micro-brewery (DH)

Getting heavily involved in philanthropy

Maybe get around to replacing the hubcap on my car

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When I win the Lottery I am going to jump up and down and scream. :D After that I plan on fixing up my house and going on some nice vacations!

I love the freedom that money brings, it just opens up more choices so you can really enjoy life.


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I'd spend the money to see if I could track down a car my dh used to own, it was a Cuda, forget the year. If not I'd buy him a Porsche.


Adding this to my list, too! I very recently had to sell mine, sniff, sniff. A 1968 fastback. I sold it to my brother, because otherwise I couldn't bear to part with it, but couldn't afford to fix it up either.

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We'd tithe dividing it between all the churches we have been members of and all the organizations that we give to regularly.


DH would quit his job and become a full-time farmer. We'd build the fences, vineyard, greenhouse and cabins that we've been talking about and run our farm like the business we plan to take 10-15 years to establish.


We'd set up trusts for the kids to cover college, etc.


We'd make sure our parents were taken care of and plan a fun vacation for all our immediate family. A cruise to Alaska sounds just about perfect.


We'd travel with the kids because we'd be able to hire interns to stay on the farm and keep it going while we were gone.


And finally, I'd buy a red convertible because I've always wanted one.

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I would send boxes of new and wonderful books to all the schools in my area. No. Nix that. I would bring them to the schools. I would pass them out to kids. I would give them to teachers. I would hire people to read stories every afternoon to kids so the teachers could get a break and the kids could get stories.


I would buy a truck and pass out books and organic apples on street corners.


I would hire a fleet of people to do this.


Everybody gets books! Everybody gets books!


I'd be the Oprah of free books.

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Besides the screaming, carrying on, and general unease that comes with coming into a large sum of money....debt paid off, family helped, and so on.


But first, I would go to the grocery store and stock my kitchen with good food and some treats. Go all out and buy the King Arthur Flour. Buy bakery bread, get some soda, indulge in some yummy cheese, and all the things I can't do now.

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If I won a small lottery? Two million or less?


1. We'd buy a home where we plan to retire and let my sister and cousins live in it until dh retires. It would probably include enough land for a hobby farm.


2. We would pay off all debt.


3. I would buy dh a used Aston Martin DB9.


4. I'd engage in a ton of small philanthropic projects that I've been wanting to do.


5. I'd take various family members/friends on trips.


6. We would save the rest. We'd pay for college for the kids and we'd probably wind up living off of part of the interest along with his retirement so that we didn't have to work again.


If I won a really big lottery and became filthy rich?


1. I'd start a cooperative community and work toward making it as self-sustaining as possible.


Something sort of like this.


2. We'd do the rest of the stuff on my prior list, but dh would get a new Aston Martin, and I would get a classic Mustang and a new Honda Pilot.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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