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Your lottery dream?

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I would buy my best friend the house and 20 acres right behind us. Perfect for her and guarantees I like my neighbors.


I'd buy my other best friend her dream house in the city I used to live in and I'd make sure it had a guest room and bathroom so I could visit more often.


I'd by the 10 acres 4 houses over. It's never been touched and I want to keep it that way. I like seeing the empty space on my drives.


And I'd payoff my parents' and brother's houses.


Apparently, if I win the lottery I will be keeping a realtor very busy! :D


Shall I send you my card...just in case?! :lol:

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Am I the only one that would prefer my husband work if we won the lottery? He hasn't worked in over 5 years and with that kind of money I could fix what is wrong with him and send him out into the world to give me a freakin break.


Mine would still be working, but at what he wanted to do instead of what will pay the bills and give us health insurance.:tongue_smilie:

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Of course it depends on how big the win was, but my top goals would be:


1) Build a home for my parents and contract for upkeep help;


2) Buy a nice RV and take many months or a year traveling the US;


3) Buy a very nice boat and do something similar along the coast.


Those are my big dreams.

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I would love to put a bunch of local people to work, starting with drywalling my house and replacing the windows. I could use some spruce trees on the property, too.


I'd help some small businesses get started in the area, including both owner-operators and non-profits.


I'd have the most awesome play equipment dropped off for my sweet little neighbor kids.


MrTea would love the materials to build a windmill and start getting us off the grid. I'd find him an old pick-up to work on, to replace the one he regrets selling in highschool.


Travel with friends and family. Gifts for friends and family, hopefully the kind that gives them hope and lessens their stress. Charities, especially those geared towards helping people caught up in abuse.

Edited by BridgeTea
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*Get the boys braces.

*Ds#2 would get his OBO Hi Rebo goalie gear

*Pay off school loans for Ds#1 & Dd.

*Get Dh a Triumph Motorcycle like he used to have.

*make sizable donations to our local seascouts, gymnastics, hockey clubs, etc.

*Dh could take a year off to build our renovations (or maybe just build our dream house)

*Send return tickets to my family in the States to come visit us here in NZ

*Take dh & our dc to vist friends & family around the world.

*set up scholarship funds for talented children of families hit hard by the recession so that they are able to participate in sports / music / scouts / etc.

*Take a year off myself to write a NZ homeschool curriculum guide to help those families just starting out. There's tons of American HS/ing choices, but not many that focus on Down Under.


* Set up trust funds for my dc & neices & nephews that would become available when they turned 25 (These would be secret so that they did not make choices that depended on the $)

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Oh goodness, I would travel to Italy, Turkey, and throughout the Mediterranean area and then come home and buy a small working farm with a BIG house, a salt-water pool and a well-stocked fishing pond. I would buy a condo. on the Alabama/north Florida coast of the Gulf of Mexico. I would adopt two children from a Latvian orphanage and donate oodles of money to a domestic violence program that's located in my area. I would also pay off all my church's debt (on the church building) if my pastor would let me (but, he probably wouldn't... the lottery is a no-no in our theological circle) and my sister's mortage and student loan debts. And, I would have liposuction. I guess I should do that before the traveling.


Can you tell I have given this alot of thought? :lol:

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If I won the money is no object lottery I would.......

1. Buy new house, furniture, cars ect. for my family.

2. Remodel, rebuild il house

3. Build house for my parents.

4. Dh and I would take kids on field trip around the world studying the places we visit.


Oh the fun you can have in your dreams!

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I'd like to travel the world and record English dialects and accents.


Write a homeschool curr for healthcare literacy.


Garden, collect antiques, entertain, teach adults to read, get a Greek tutor, etc. etc.


With health, I could live 200 years and not run out of things I want to do. :001_smile:

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Find someone who is currently where we were 6 months ago and leave them an anonymous gift.


Put this house on the market because then we could afford to just get rid of it.


Pay cash for a small cottage or bungalow somewhere we love.


Make sure we have a well-funded retirement account.


Stash enough money for dd's education.


Help the inlaws.


Give something generous to four friends.


start working on the travel wish-list

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Ha. Yeah maybe. I don't know. We could start a huge debate on this thread of how right or wrong it would be to accept lottery winnings when you think gambling is wrong. But hey, for purposes of THIS discussion let's just say I come into a HUGE amount of unexpected money.


Great Aunt Wilhemina dies and leaves her fortune to you. (Is it just me, or are all rich old aunts in story books called Wilhemina?)




1. Pay off my, dh's and my siblings' HECS (student loans.)

2. Buy/build a house slightly larger than I'm ever going to get, then plant a yoobeaut garden full of food producing plants, with native to the area plants to fill the gaps. And a pond. Dh wants frogs. Dunno why, but why not?

3. Buy a small flat or unit each for my brother, sister and father, then fill in the difference to relocate my aunt closer to us, if she wants to be.

4. Fund remedial Pilates for my mother if she wants it.

5. Give house deposits to a couple of deserving friends.

6. Buy a library and hire a PhD qualified teacher to train the other staff for a school in Africa that belongs to my sister's Masaii Mamma. I can only afford about 3 books per year atm.

7. Provide financial comfort for my great aunt in Warsaw.

8. Take some mighty fine holidays. The first would take us to Warsaw, then to Hadrian's wall so dh can complete one of the two things off his bucket list, then to Ibbygirl's because she's promised to cook me Cuban food. Then I'd go back to Warsaw often, because my aunt is lonely.

9. Donate more to the nuns who got my $20 when I was thinking of buying a lottery ticket the other week. :lol:

10. Create a superannuation fund for my unemployed self.

11. Take some sewing classes! I'm sure I would like sewing more if I was good at it!

12. Ok, I'd buy some SCA jewelry too. One must be frivolous now and then. :D

13. When dd is speaking English properly, I'd hire an Arabic speaking au pair, or something similar because I don't think we have au-pair agreements with any country that speaks Arabic.

14. I'd fund home tutors for all the refugee mammas who would learn English if they weren't at home with their little kiddies.

15. If I'd won enough to fund a government department, I'd invite Sweden to come here and reform Deaf education.


I woke up every Saturday and Sunday thinking about winning the lottery for a few months. You're going to start me obsessing again, Sandra!


(And no, to whoever asked, dh would not quit working. It'd be bad for his character.)




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If our family won the lottery this is what we would do.

1. Pay off any debt we had.

2. Buy our own home. Nothing to big...just a nice home. Buy the home we are living in here in Germany. Install air-conditioning.:D

3. Adopt two children...I'm not done mothering. :001_smile:

4. Buy our kids their own home and a new car -2 babies will take up more room.

5. Put money away for all grandchildren to go to college or start out in the life.

6. Take a great vacation with my dh and all the kids and baby.

7. Quietly help military families.

8. Save the rest.

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I would love to set up an organization to help relatives provide in home care to family members. Whether the person is a foster child living with a family member, a mentally ill sibling, or an aged person who needs extra care.


There is support for strangers to help out strangers, as in paid reimbursements, or stipends.....but much less help for family members who try to help out family. It is just expected, that family should take care of family. Not everyone can actually afford to do so, even if their heart is willing. I would want to lessen the financial burden and offer services to these families to make it a reality.



I would form a scholarship fund to help pay sports fees for students who would like to participate, but can not afford to.



I would offer/fund educational scholarships to students who spend significant hours volunteering in our community.



I would make an impact on a global project....to be decided. Most likely with roots in my first project. Family helping family. Possibly with special focus of trying to decrease the number of children in orphanages. By helping family members to afford adding another child to their own homes, instead of children going to an orphanages. Even if it is just until the child can be adopted out....just having the time with a loving family instead of an ill run orphanage.


oooooh, so many things......

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If I won it today, I would buy a house to live in near where we live now (even the one we rent- we love it).

I would pay off our 2 investment properties.

And if there were leftovers, I would buy a country property.


Dh wouldn't change anything- he would not quit his work.

I would feel even better doing the volunteer work I am doing now, without having to worry about money.


I would travel but I don't think travel has to be especially expensive- not the sort I would want to do- India, South America. Although...heck, if the money is there, some 5 star would be ok too :)

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I'd buy a nice house (with a huge in-ground, natural pool), pay off debt, pay back the food stamps, buy a Toyota Landcruiser or Sienna with every possible option, drop the public cyber and homeschool "for real", pay off my father's house, and set the kids up with college, car, and home funds.


The smaller things would be an awesome trampoline, an indoor therapy playland, a really cool outdoor playground, and I've always wanted to open a play center for kids with special needs.

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After all the practical stuff, and setting some aside for ds and retirement, I would build a new library/community arts centre for my town and fund it so it can stay open. I'd set up a community foundation, too. Then, I would spend a great deal of time travelling.

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