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Note to my neighbors (vent)

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Oh my gosh!


I was having nearly the SAME conversation in my head today about my neighbor and her stupid trash can! She has a LOOONG area of curb where she could put her trash can every Friday, but no. She insists on putting it on the 4ft long section that I have to use because that's the only area I have (I'm in an end unit town home and the other side of my driveway is just street, no sidewalk).


It would be almost fine if we only had one can each, but since they now only pick up once a week instead of twice we have a lot more junk, and it somehow ends up blocking my driveway. How does she not notice this?


I swear next week I'm going to go out there and just move her stuff to the other side. Maybe she'll get the hint.


Sorry...didn't mean to hijack your rant with my own. :-)

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One of our neighbors has recently taken to blowing all the debris that collects in the gutter by his house and his immediate neighbors down to in front of our house. Because that's where it goes, right?


I swear, I was meant to be rich and live on a large, isolated estate. The little stuff doesn't usually bother me, but neighbor stupidity gets to me once in a while.

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Stop parking in front of my house. Seriously, you have your own house to park in front of. I get that my yard is larger than yours and you have too many cars. If you are having guests I understand, but daily, just because, really!?


That is all.


And stop playing your music so loud. If you're hard of hearing, I'm sorry; but I suspect you're either just trying to show us all how cool you are or you really believe that everyone else shares your taste in music. (Have you ever noticed that no one blasts Mozart?) I've been letting you win when I close the windows or just leave the house so I won't have to hear your music, but I can't do that when it's 2:30 AM, as was the case the other morning. Oh, and when your buddies come over or leave or whatever it is they're doing at your house in the middle of the night, you might want to suggest to them that carrying on a conversation from a distance in full voice is highly inconsiderate -- which, on reflection, you may or may not know yourself. :D

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We had to call the cops on a neighbor about this VERY issue. They kept parking in front of our mailbox, even after we NICELY told them that the mail lady would NOT deliver our mail with them parking there. After the 3rd time, we called the cops, and it hasn't been a problem since. We live in a cul-de-sac, and they have a long driveway. It shouldn't have been a problem.

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Huh. Is this maybe one of those things that's different in different parts of the country? Because around here it's perfectly normal to park on the street wherever there happens to be room. I mean, no one has a right to the parking space in front of their house, right? Just the driveway? Or is this just an annoying thing? (I can see how the post box thing is wrong, and the trash can thing, but just parking? I don't get it.)

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Huh. Is this maybe one of those things that's different in different parts of the country? Because around here it's perfectly normal to park on the street wherever there happens to be room. I mean, no one has a right to the parking space in front of their house, right? Just the driveway? Or is this just an annoying thing? (I can see how the post box thing is wrong, and the trash can thing, but just parking? I don't get it.)


:iagree: I was thinking the same thing It is the public street you are referring t, right?

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The lying liar who lies (neighbor) has FORBIDDEN people to park in front of his house.


And no one does.


It is *bleeping* crazy that people listen to him!


The only time there is a car in front of his house is when there are absolutely no other spots. His own family & guests don't park in front of his house, either.

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Stop parking in front of my house. Seriously, you have your own house to park in front of. I get that my yard is larger than yours and you have too many cars. If you are having guests I understand, but daily, just because, really!?


That is all.



Oh, is *that* where our neighbors moved to? 'Cause they were parked in front of my house 100% of the time for over a year... with various junky cars. When my mom visited, there was no place to park her car.

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Huh. Is this maybe one of those things that's different in different parts of the country? Because around here it's perfectly normal to park on the street wherever there happens to be room. I mean, no one has a right to the parking space in front of their house, right? Just the driveway? Or is this just an annoying thing? (I can see how the post box thing is wrong, and the trash can thing, but just parking? I don't get it.)


Okay, so you have a point. But it is a huge pet peeve of mine. Can they not just park in front of their own house?

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Oh, is *that* where our neighbors moved to? 'Cause they were parked in front of my house 100% of the time for over a year... with various junky cars. When my mom visited, there was no place to park her car.


And that would be why.:iagree:



Eta: And the fact they also park directly behind my driveway with the cars when they do park on their side of the street. I drive a 12 passenger van. Do they know how hard it is to manuver that thing? Or are they hoping I have good insurance?

Edited by Excelsior! Academy
To add to my vent
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We recently had an unknown truck appear in front of our home one morning (well during the night, we found it the next morning). It stayed there for 3 days. Finally I called the police as we live on a dead end street that is pretty well hidden from any other roads. I wondered if it was stolen or abandoned. The police looked at it, said the tags were registered to someone in the next town, called a tow truck, and told me I did a great job as a citizen. We were outside with the police for nearly an hour. With in 30 minutes of the truck leaving, a neighbor (lives diagonal from us) was in my dh's work office complaining because we had done this and it was his son's truck that had broken down. He assummed that we had seen him out in the rain after dark (around midnight) one night working on it because our lights were on. We assumed that if a neighbor owned it, they would tell us. We are out every day with the kids so it isn't like we are hard to find.


It has been 2 months now, and no one from that family dares park in front of our house. I noticed the other day this neighbor is widening the driveway.

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And stop playing your music so loud. If you're hard of hearing, I'm sorry; but I suspect you're either just trying to show us all how cool you are or you really believe that everyone else shares your taste in music. (Have you ever noticed that no one blasts Mozart?) I've been letting you win when I close the windows or just leave the house so I won't have to hear your music, but I can't do that when it's 2:30 AM, as was the case the other morning. Oh, and when your buddies come over or leave or whatever it is they're doing at your house in the middle of the night, you might want to suggest to them that carrying on a conversation from a distance in full voice is highly inconsiderate -- which, on reflection, you may or may not know yourself. :D


Shortly after dh and I married we had a neighbor with a band. When dh left for his army school the band started practicing late at night. I'm a nightowl, so this wasn't too much of a problem until one night I stomped out in my pjs at 3 am (all 5'2" 90 lbs of me) and yelled at the 6' 190 lb neighbor about his band. "Well, my buddies were over and wanted to play," he opined. I screamed, "I don't care! Be a freaking grown up! It's 3 am!"

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Shortly after dh and I married we had a neighbor with a band. When dh left for his army school the band started practicing late at night. I'm a nightowl, so this wasn't too much of a problem until one night I stomped out in my pjs at 3 am (all 5'2" 90 lbs of me) and yelled at the 6' 190 lb neighbor about his band. "Well, my buddies were over and wanted to play," he opined. I screamed, "I don't care! Be a freaking grown up! It's 3 am!"


And I bet he was AFRAID! I would not cross you!;):tongue_smilie:

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And stop playing your music so loud. If you're hard of hearing, I'm sorry; but I suspect you're either just trying to show us all how cool you are or you really believe that everyone else shares your taste in music. (Have you ever noticed that no one blasts Mozart?)


My father has been known to blast Mozart...but only at a stop light, when the people in the next car are blasting their music of choice. :D

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(Have you ever noticed that no one blasts Mozart?)


I have, but only because the downstairs neighbors in our duplex were having a screaming fight at two in the morning with liberally sprinkled f-bombs and were terrifying my dd. I left the music playing for the rest of the night. They got the hint.

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And that would be why.:iagree:



Eta: And the fact they also park directly behind my driveway with the cars when they do park on their side of the street. I drive a 12 passenger van. Do they know how hard it is to manuver that thing? Or are they hoping I have good insurance?


This one gets me. Our neighbors have a double garage and a long, double-wide driveway, and a looooooooong frontage on their property.


Their teenage children spent nine years parking right at the bottom of our narrow driveway with tall banks on either side. They even continued this practice after a friend of ours backed his pickup into a car. Their reason? They could peel ou of there fastest from that spot.

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We had to call the cops on a neighbor about this VERY issue. They kept parking in front of our mailbox, even after we NICELY told them that the mail lady would NOT deliver our mail with them parking there. After the 3rd time, we called the cops, and it hasn't been a problem since. We live in a cul-de-sac, and they have a long driveway. It shouldn't have been a problem.


Seriously? Your mail carrier refused to deliver your mail if she had to get out of her car, and you don't consider that a complaint for the post office?


Man. I live in a downtown row house, and I only get bent out of shape if I can't find parking on our block. I can't imagine feeling entitled to a particular stretch of the public street.

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What is it with people? We were having this same problem earlier this spring and into a good part of this summer. My neighbors would park their car on the only place we could put our garbage can where the trash truck would pick it up. I live on the curviest part of a cul-de-sac and we have those automatic trash trucks. There is literally only ONE place I can put my garbage can where the truck can get to it. There were 4 times this spring/summer our garbage didn't get picked up because of that stupid car!!!!!! Oh, and it's not like their driveway was full -- it was empty. I felt bad saying anything because the house is owned by the sweetest little elderly widow. Her son and his girlfriend moved in with her recently, and I don't think either are firing on full cylinders. If genetics is a telling feature of the IQ of the girlfriend, the girlfriend's daughter parked across the end of our driveway one day. Totally blocked us in, and yes, there was parking on the street, she just would have had to drive up to the house on the other side of said neighbor and park there. We had to go over and ask her to move her car so we could get out of the driveway and she seemed truly puzzled by the whole thing, like she didn't understand how she could possibly have inconvenienced us, or what we meant when we said she blocked us in.


I think the car died or was repossessed because a big tow-truck came and hauled it away one day. A lot of yelling was involved. I felt bad for their troubles, but I was very, very happy to see the car go!

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In my experience, some planned communities have assigned parking limiting one or two parking spaces in front of a house. The home owners are given a permit to park in front of their home (depending on the size of the street side of their lot) and the liscence numbers are taken down and recorded by the association.


Violators can be towed or ticketed.


I've also noticed that there is a difference in how people who live in a large city (like Chicago) view parking spaces and those who live in the suburbs of the large city view parking spaces.


In the city I noticed it was first come, first served. But in the suburbs I noticed home owners tended to feel ownership of parking space in front of their home. If a family has a one car garage, but owns two or more cars it can get "sticky".


My sister lived in a suburb of Chicago for a while and they had a neighbor who always parked in front of their home, leaving the space in front of their own home empty. They would complain if my sister parked in the empty space.

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Seriously? Your mail carrier refused to deliver your mail if she had to get out of her car, and you don't consider that a complaint for the post office?


Man. I live in a downtown row house, and I only get bent out of shape if I can't find parking on our block. I can't imagine feeling entitled to a particular stretch of the public street.


It's a different situation. I can't remember where I lived that I just *hoped* to park on my own street, but I remember hating that.


There are neighborhoods, though, where people have plenty of parking in their own driveways & in front of their own houses, but they CHOOSE out of sheer obnoxiousness to park in front of the neighbor's house instead. Neighbor can't really DO anything because the street IS public.


I guess it would be kind-of like leaving a shopping cart in the Really Good Parking Space next to you & driving off. Next guy can't park there unless he's got a passenger who can get out & move the cart. Not illegal, but SO rude.

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When the snowplows come round, our neighbor will rush out to move her car from in front of her house to in front of our house -- so she'll get a nice clean spot to park in and we'll get all the snow the plow left behind as it swooshed it away from her house. She'll even do this on days when there is no parking allowed on the street so the plows can come through.


This is kind of a big deal as the snow doesn't just melt away next week. We can be stuck with some of this until June.

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Seriously? Your mail carrier refused to deliver your mail if she had to get out of her car, and you don't consider that a complaint for the post office?



You can complain but they still won't deliver your mail. I hadn't realized this until we moved here and a neighbor mentioned it because we'd parked the moving van in front of their mailbox. From the USPS website:


Customers are required as a condition of delivery to ensure that proper access is provided to mail receptacles. Proper access includes the removal of large accumulations of snow from the area around curb line receptacles and from sidewalks leading to door or other house‑mounted receptacles. Without such access, the safety of the carrier is jeopardized.


Mailbox blockage by a vehicle may also prevent the delivery of mail. According to our policy, the city or rural carrier should get out of the vehicle to make delivery if the mailbox is temporarily blocked by a vehicle. However, if the carrier continually experiences a problem in serving curb line or rural boxes where the customer is able to control on‑street parking, the postmaster may withdraw delivery service.

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We had a similar issue w/ our neighbors, except they decided to lean on their car right in front of our house and make out. They stopped doing it after my husband turned on the sprinkler system one night (what? it's on a timer! lol). Which, looking back was kinda mean - but really? They have as much yard as we do. We're in a suburban area, right off a very busy street. We get a lot of traffic, and people coming off this busy road have to go through the maze of our neighbors' visitors parked along the street. Keep in mind I live in Oklahoma, we're a little territorial. :) It took me 3-4 years at this house to get used to the fact that kids walk through our yard each day when getting off the school bus. OK, I'll relax now.

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And stop playing your music so loud. If you're hard of hearing, I'm sorry; but I suspect you're either just trying to show us all how cool you are or you really believe that everyone else shares your taste in music. (Have you ever noticed that no one blasts Mozart?)


DH and I used to blast classical music through the trailer park I lived in during high school. Every once in a while, I'd throw up a fake gang sign. I figured it was suitable, since they were fake gang members. They just looked at me oddly, don't think they got the joke.


My street parking complaint is that almost every house in this subdivision has a 2-car garage and a driveway for two cars. Still, everyone parks in the street because they have so much garbage in their garage that they can't park there and the kids use the driveway to play basketball. I think we are the only people with two cars that put them both in the garage every night.

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Seriously? Your mail carrier refused to deliver your mail if she had to get out of her car, and you don't consider that a complaint for the post office?


Man. I live in a downtown row house, and I only get bent out of shape if I can't find parking on our block. I can't imagine feeling entitled to a particular stretch of the public street.


Our mail carrier is SUPER nice, but this was a CONTINUAL problem. Not only where they completely blocking our mailbox, it was a squeeze to get to it. And yeah, rural carriers are not required to get out of their car, especially if its a constant problem. And like I said, we DID ask the neighbors nicely first. When it continued was when we called the police. If you have a 1/2 acre lot with a super long driveway, there is really no reason to continually block someones mailbox. Oh and its also illegal to park on the street in our city. You can get a ticket unless its a marked space.

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And that would be why.:iagree:



Eta: And the fact they also park directly behind my driveway with the cars when they do park on their side of the street. I drive a 12 passenger van. Do they know how hard it is to manuver that thing? Or are they hoping I have good insurance?


:iagree: This drives us batty. Also, I tend to have company on a regular basis. So my neighbors will have an empty 2-car driveway and clear street section bc they park in from of my house, but my company can't park to visit or has to block the mailbox or fire hydrant to do so. (I'm on a corner lot, so I have more limited street parking than my neighbors to begin with!)


My dh has taken to mowing the yard when they park at the edge of our driveway. With a bagless mower. With the exit chute pointing towards the curb. Bonus if the grass is slightly damp so it sticks to their car better.


I told him we should put in a sprinkler system. We don't hold to watering grass, but it would be an amusing thing to flip a switch for the sprinkler system as they get out of the car.:D. We will probably never do it, but it's a pleasant thought.

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I am going to add my own vent to this. Neighbor to my right. Keep your demon spawn out of my yard and away from my kids and get him some mental help. In fact get out of that house completely. You are only renting and are mangaing to trash that property and you son keeps damaging mine! So far we have had ice chunks (in winter), dirt clods and rocks thrown at the side of my house. The boy admits to aiming for my big windows. Digging up my yard (and the rental property they are on) including the sink hole I had filled so now it is unsafe again. He goes into our garage and yard and takes the kids toys to play with when we are away from home for even 10 minutes (I have cuaght him twice when he thought we weren't here). He throws garbage, glass bottles (that shatter on my patio), gas cans and other chemicals over the fence into my yard.


The mother is aware, the landlord is aware, the town office(who are supposed to be watching the property for the landlord because they moved 7 hours away) knows. The only thing I have not done is call the police and that is next. A couple days ago he set fire to a tree on the empty lot that's for sale on the other side of them. Boy admits it and luaghs about it. Mom has done nothing (he is still outside playing with friends etc). Last week I wanted to kill this boy. DS7 was outside in his wheelchair playing with my other kids. His wheelchair got stuck in a rut in the alley next to our driveway, as I was heading out to help him this boy spit in ds's hair and purposely threw rocks in a puddle next to him splashing his cast with muddy water. I ended up raising my voice at him and let him know that getting the cast wet damages it and then it doesn't work to heal ds's leg anymore. he says "I know that, I want it wet, then he'll never walk again"


This child is insane. The mom just says "Oh he has a little adhd" or "boys will be boys" though she did admit that his birth mother was a drug addict and this boy was born high. Hmm, then maybe you need to watch him more and keep him away from my property.


Sorry to hijack! I got used to last year when I had no neighbors and then this summer the people on one side and behind us moved back in. And these guys started renting the house next door. Things went from peaceful and quiet to insane with this boy next door.


The only good part is ds has done a 180 with a lot of his behaviours because he knows what it feels like to be on the receiving end of crazy behaviour now.

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Huh. Is this maybe one of those things that's different in different parts of the country? Because around here it's perfectly normal to park on the street wherever there happens to be room. I mean, no one has a right to the parking space in front of their house, right? Just the driveway? Or is this just an annoying thing? (I can see how the post box thing is wrong, and the trash can thing, but just parking? I don't get it.)


Well when you have a home full of teenagers and you have three cars and the neighbor refuses to park in front their house and only parks in front of yours and then said teenages have to park 2 houses down and across the street (because neighbor directly across the street also has two teenagers) it gets to be a PITA. Oh and neighbors would complain when you park in front of their house which is why you had to park down the street. They can park in front of their own house.



Seriously? Your mail carrier refused to deliver your mail if she had to get out of her car, and you don't consider that a complaint for the post office?


Man. I live in a downtown row house, and I only get bent out of shape if I can't find parking on our block. I can't imagine feeling entitled to a particular stretch of the public street.


Someone else posted about it but if the mailbox is blocked the mailman can't deliver the mail. It is against the post office policies.

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I'd go ahead and park in front of their house. When they complain say "But there is no place to park in from of MY house!"


:iagree: If they're parking in front of my house, I'd go ahead and park in front of theirs. I certainly wouldn't move farther away just because they don't like it.

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That's the one pet peeve I have with my neighbors. They're a married couple w/no kids at home, it's just the two of them but they have at least 4 cars, and one or more is always parked so that it's difficult for me to get out of my driveway. Especially on trash day, I'm trying to maneuver around trash cans and parked cars, and it's very annoying. However, they are good neighbors otherwise so I haven't said anything to them.

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Go get some cones and rope the area off. Put out a fake pothole. I had a manager once that carried cones in her trunk. We were always first to open the store and she would take the best parking space in the lot. Then at lunch, she would pull out, jump out, put the cones in the space. She would come back and collect her cones and pull in. She said she never in like a decade ever had anyone disrespect the cones. :lol:


My neighbors can't park in front of my house because there isn't room. So they park in front of my drive even when their driveway is EMPTY!!!!:confused: Once you have to pull your big ole suv through their front yard and out their drive while they sit on the front porch, they sorta get the idea to not block your drive. It's as if it never dawned on them that I might have to leave my house . They finally use their drive.(yeah sometimes i get a teeny little mad and lose it! Especially with sick babies on the way to the dr and no way out of my drive!!!!)

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My neighbors can't park in front of my house because there isn't room. So they park in front of my drive even when their driveway is EMPTY!!!!:confused: Once you have to pull your big ole suv through their front yard and out their drive while they sit on the front porch, they sorta get the idea to not block your drive. It's as if it never dawned on them that I might have to leave my house . They finally use their drive.(yeah sometimes i get a teeny little mad and lose it! Especially with sick babies on the way to the dr and no way out of my drive!!!!)



you go, Girl!!



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