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Random thought...what do you really love?

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I really love that my pet turtles seem to know my voice when I go to their cage to feed them...(I know all they care about is the food, but I love that they seem to look at me and darn they are so cute!)


What do you really love that really has nothing to do with you..

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I really love when I am at work, and I take care of a couple that are really in love with each other and their baby. It makes me melt to see them being all silly in love with each other and the wee one. The way the mom looks at the dad when he rushes to get her ice pitcher filled up, the way the dad looks at the mom while she nurses or changes the baby, everything exactly as it should be. I have nearly cried so many times because it is such a blessing.

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Oh my that reminds of how much I love it (and hate that I always cry) when at a baby's baptism the grandfather starts to tears up, but tries not to cry and one little tear escapes from his eye. I swear everytime I cry more that he does... I am so pathetic.

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I really love my dog. I mean, really, really, really love her.


I was going to mention my dog, too. Is it terribly sad to say she's my best friend?


I also really love to read while eating. It feels like the most luxurious thing in the world to me.


I love the ocean. Just sitting on the sand watching and listening to the waves makes me feel whole.

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My yellow quilt. A friend of my mom's made it for me when I graduated highschool and it is the most cheerful, comfortable, snuggly blanket ever. My kids argue over who gets to sleep with it. It's cool in the summer, warm in the winter, and the perfect weight. It's been washed a thousand times and still looks gorgeous.


But my favorite part is that she stitched in the corner "Jesus Loves Kristen [Maiden Name]". It's the only thing I have that still has my maiden name on it and I just treasure it.



Put me on a porch, in cool weather, with a cup of coffee in my hand and that quilt wrapped around me and I would burst with love and happiness.

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My yellow quilt. A friend of my mom's made it for me when I graduated highschool and it is the most cheerful, comfortable, snuggly blanket ever. My kids argue over who gets to sleep with it. It's cool in the summer, warm in the winter, and the perfect weight. It's been washed a thousand times and still looks gorgeous.


But my favorite part is that she stitched in the corner "Jesus Loves Kristen [Maiden Name]". It's the only thing I have that still has my maiden name on it and I just treasure it.



Put me on a porch, in cool weather, with a cup of coffee in my hand and that quilt wrapped around me and I would burst with love and happiness.


That sounds about perfect...

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Watching the girls play & care for our puppy. And even better than that, hearing them say a million times, "I can't believe we have a dog!" Makes my heart just absolutely burst! And I am completely in love with the little dude myself.



And coffee. Really. I get absolutely giddy when I'm setting up the coffeemaker before getting into bed. Cannot wait to push that button in the morning!

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Looking at green trees against blue sky.




Ocean beaches (uncrowded).


Watching the dairy cows across the road parade home in the evening.


The sound of kids playing and laughing.


Aidan, especially when he wants something. He lays his head in my lap and looks up at me so cutely. He has trained me to follow him either to the front door, his water bowl, or his toys.

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Watching my dd nurse her baby, and watching him respond to her with that immense love and desperate need that a newborn has for its mommy.


Beautiful! This brought tears to my eyes!


I love poetry, Autumn, writing, long walks on cool days, the mountains and quiet mornings on the front porch with a cup of coffee in one hand and my Grandmother's Bible in the other.


I love it that my kids play together even though they are almost 7 years apart-15 and 9.


I love the fact that my husband tells me I look great just when I am feeling just the opposite.

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Sunsets. I really love them--so much so that I truly mourned when we moved here and I could not see them anymore.


I really love the part of the Maundy Thursday service in Holy Week when they strip the altar. They take everything out, even the Eucharist in reserve (we believe in the Real Presence, a Holy Mystery that means Christ is present in the sacrament, tho we don't really get how that works). It is like the space left behind is so...empty. I feel alone and almost abandoned. It's a visceral experience of Holy Week.


And setting 5 at the table. It meant my dad was home from traveling when I was little, and it means all my children are home when I set 5 places now. That is so incredibly precious to me.

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I wanted to add that I absolutely LOVE when I come into our living room and see that my dog has acquired someone's leftover pillow and blanket on the couch.


Somehow, she manages to lay there with her head on the pillow and her tail under the covers and she looks just like one of the kids :D. I'm really not a dog person, but I do love OUR dog.

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We don't get much of it here. Maybe 3 inches per year. When it does rain, I stop whatever I'm doing and go out in it.

My kids make a bee-line for the trampoline. Nothing is more fun than jumping on a trampoline in the rain!!


I also love my cat. She's 15 and has been with me her whole life. She hides all day from the kids but she knows when 8pm comes along. She's usually waiting for me in the hallway after I kiss the kids goodnight. She follows me down and cuddles with me for the rest of the evening then follows me upstairs and sleeps next to me.

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The smell of a freshly bathed baby, freshly washed sheets, freshly cut grass, freshly baked cookies.


A good book.


When one of my kids says something sweet and spontaneous, like wishing on a star that Mommy's back wouldn't hurt any more (I have a lot of problems with sciatica).


Planning for a vacation. The list making, the decision making, the researching, I love all of it, even if it's just a "little" vacation.

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I love Sunday afternoons in the fall when dh and the boys watch football. Our family room is just off the kitchen, so I stand in the kitchen, cook and bake bread, and get to enjoy watching them enjoy each other's company while they watch the game. It's really one of my favorite things ever.

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I love the smell of fresh baked bread.


Laying down on a blanket under a tree in the park, watching the kids run and laugh.




First sip of my iced coffee in the morning.


Opening the first page of a new book. There's this sense of a new exciting adventure...

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I love a bath. Oh, how I love to lie in the hot water and close my eyes while my hair floats arll around my face.


And clean sheets. And crawling into my bed with fresh-shaved legs.


And the feeling of dh crawling back into bed after hitting the snooze button and wrapping his arms around me. For six blessed minutes, I lie perfectly still because I know how frantic the day is about to become.


And pulling a book off the shelf that my mother inscribed with her artist signature. There's something about the way she wrote my name that sings to me.


And reading threads like this that remind me I should sit still and enjoy some beautiful sights more often. That I need to refill the birdbath and take a walk this evening just before the sun goes down so I can see the sky's changing color. And let myself smile when I hear my dc's chatter tonight when they're supposed to be going to sleep.

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Chocolate is a good one. Good chocolate - no cheap stuff!


One of our cats is my sweet baby! I love the other one too, but one is completely needy on just me.


Crisp fall day with puffy white clouds. Me on my bike or out for a jog. Pure joy.


The peak of the farmer's market! Bringing home way more veggies anyone could reasonably consume.


Good red wine. Preferably with chocolate.


And yeah, chocolate. :D

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