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Just for fun...10 random facts about you?

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I totally remember you!!!!!!!!


Ah, thanks!


This gives me three posts. If I reply to your thread of chagrine about not making Empress at 4000 (was going to toss in my tiny violin again and say it could be worse!) I will have 4! Should I go on a posting spree to quickly regain my prior status as Queen? The kids can do a Star Wars marathon, right? :tongue_smilie:

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1. I turn 40 next week and I have mixed feelings about it. :)

2. I love cookbooks and have lots of them, but rarely cook anything from them.

3. I became a widow & single mom at the age of 22

4. I love reading organizational books, but have yet to actually be very organized.

5. I love watching Food Network and HGTV

6. Photography is a passion of mine

7. I am a HUGE Disney fan!

8. I was single for many years, remarried a wonderful man at 30 & now have an 18 yr. daughter & a 7 yr. old son, talk about spread out! :)

9. Never in a million years did I ever think I would homeschool my son.

10. I can't wait to get out of in-home childcare & have my own business where I can use my creative talents.

Edited by Joyfullyblessed
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1. I have been a vegetarian since I was 18 (I'm almost 34).


2. I bought a winter coat from Abercrombie & Fitch when I was 18 and have worn it every winter to this day. It even got me through 2 pregnancies!


3. I used to LOVE Boyz II Men. I even met them once.


4. I have severe seasonal allergies.


5. I lived in Israel when the US was on the verge of war with Iraq back in 2003.


6. I don't like feet.


7. I am addicted to Burger King's side salads because they used sliced tomotoes instead of cherry tomotoes (yuck!).


8. I like to move...I can't stand sitting for too long of a time.


9. My hair is always in a ponytail.


10. I love JESUS!!!

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what a FUN thread!!!!!


1. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE rollercoasters!!!

2. My favorite thing in the world to do is LAUGH.

3. Since I was a toddler, I've been bringing home stray/unwanted animals. I now have a farm and 40 animals, most of them animals nobody would ever want.

4. I had a "race" of sorts with Richard Prior. Both of us were in Corvettes. The one I drove belonged to my rich boyfriend. I won.:D

5. I secretly wish I could be an artist but haven't found anything I'm good at yet.:D

6. Well, I do have one artistic gift: I'm a gifted musician (guitar and keyboard) but I don't do anything with it. When I do sit down with either, the world escapes me and I play until I'm too sore to play anymore.

7. I *LOVE* color; color in art, flower gardens, clothing, decor. COLOR.

8. I have a passionate heart and love to help the elderly, mentally disabled, handicapped. I really wanted to adopt a Downs Syndrome baby.

9. I have weird/ugly feet unless I'm standing.:tongue_smilie: When I sit the look like a perfect S. They cause severe pain.

10. I have falsies. Teeth that is. The two teeth between my front two incisers and my canines are false.

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Loving this thread!!


1. I am two classes away from finally finishing my BA in English - cramming these last two in before baby #5 comes!


2. I have been wanting dreadlocks for years, but never had the guts to start them. I have had braids like this and loved them - so this weekend I am going to put fake dreadlocks in to see if I like them (because I am still chicken). :D


3. I got my first tattoo this year, and as soon as the new baby is finished nursing, I am planning on getting a full sleeve.


4. Dh and I are sports fanatics and both played at a high level in our respective sports, but we are holding our kids out from organized sports until they hit middle school age for many reasons - one is so that they don't destroy their bodies early on like we did.


5. The first concert I ever attended was WARRANT... my favorite concert was Depeche Mode .... the concert I want to see the most is Tori Amos


6. In middle school, I had blue streaks in my hair and I wore a black trench coat.


7. I seriously looked into joining the FBI or the CIA after college, but joined the Navy instead.


8. I am the only person in my family who enlisted in the military - everyone else was an officer, and I had a bit of a chip on my shoulder about it for a long time because of all of the passive-agressive comments about it from my family.


9. My mother still believes that Dh will leave me someday or at least have an affair and/or abuse me in some way even though we are madly in love and he has never been anything but an angel to me and the kids. It is just her irrational fears and overall craziness that permeates every part of her self-destructive life.


10. This is the first house we have lived in for more than 2 1/2 years, and we just found out that we will probably be transferring again next summer. I am going to miss this place very much - even the long winters!!

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9. I am secretly worried no one will remember me. But I'm even more worried that someone will think I'm a troll. I've imagined the pathetic need to ask a moderator to vouch for my e-mail and IP address. Just to be on the safe side, I will probably recommend Nurturing Inquiry once a week until I feel accepted as Alte Veste Academy. :D (Gasp! She knows how to do imbedded links with only one post. TROLL!) :tongue_smilie:



Resistance is futile!


I remember you. You had the same avatar, didn't you? I looked at the name and the number of posts and thought something was wrong. Welcome back!

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1. I just turned 40, and I am *all about* my 40s. Looking forward to an amazing decade!


2. I have lived in 36 houses, and am contemplating another move. Staying in one place feels stifling, and I love to travel. We've been in our current house almost 10 years, and like another poster - I have rearranged the furniture a lot!


3. DH and I met after a Depeche Mode concert when I was in high school. (Including that for Mrs. MacGyver :) )


4. DH is my first intense, crazy, head over heels love. But it took us many, many years to be ready to get married. 12 years now, and loving every minute of it.


5. I wanted to be Indiana Jones, and pursued my dreams accordingly.


6. In my 20s, I collected mountain ranges. I think I spent more time back country trekking and sleeping in tents than I did in houses. Fortunately for my Indiana Jones dreams, it went with the territory.


7. By the time I hit my 30s, I was ready to release the Indiana Jones dream, get married, and settle down a bit.


8. I have recently, within the last few years, fully recovered from a life altering illness that almost destroyed my life before it was diagnosed. I am grateful every day for the little things that I could not do before getting well. It even makes me appreciate being able to do [gasp!] laundry!


9. I deeply detest ticks as a result of that illness.


10. I always wanted to adopt kids, if I had any. And DH and I did. :)

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I remember you. You had the same avatar, didn't you? I looked at the name and the number of posts and thought something was wrong. Welcome back!


Thanks! I added the avatar as a security precaution. :lol:


I am unhappy with my number of posts but that can be remedied. I made a big pot of coffee. Rolling up my sleeves now to see what I can do!


Now if only I could change that join date... :D

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9. I have very few "real" friends because other parts of me have run off people. My real friends know about my DID and actually love all parts of me. My parts will only come out with certain people and one friend will even color with a very small part of me, that makes me cry just typing that.


10. I didn't marry my husband because I loved him but I did so I could get away from my family; within a year I feel madly in love with him and it hasn't changed since. He is the most kind, gracious, loving, and caring person I know. He could have left me when he found out about my family and my DID but he said he was in it "for better or worse."


These two made me tear up :grouphug: I can relate to #10...although I did love my dh, it was a 16 year old teen crush kind of love. 90% of agreeing to marry him was to get away from family. He knew. 20 years later we are still here :)


Ok, my 10 things...


1. I'm terrified of flying. Actually flying only made it worse.

2. I've made money at drawing portraits, painting murals, scrapbooking and photographing people..and have been amazed that people pay me to do what I love :lol:

3. I once sang a song I wrote in 15 minutes (it was a spoof of Nickelback's Rockstar) in front of over 300 people. I can't sing. And I wasn't drunk :tongue_smilie:

4. I was afraid to have more kids after my twins for two reasons. First, I was afraid of more twins. My first dd had a disappearing twin in utero. Second, my PPD was so bad after the twins, I was afriad of going completely off the deep end (and never returning) if I got pregnant again.

5. I wish I had taken the chance :(

6. I met my dh at 15 and we got married 9 months later. No I wasn't pregnant.

7. I've moved over 25 times in my life, and only once was military related.

8. Chocolate is my kryptonite.

9. I'm missing a permanent front tooth, but no one ever notices.

10. I've only broken one bone in my life, and it was my finger. I was reaching for a crayon in 1st grade and flipped my desk over...it landed on my finger.

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1) I have curly frizzy hair that no stylist I've ever met has known what to do with.

2) I read at least 3 books a week sometimes up to 8

3) I went to a different school each semester of high school

4) I eat pizza with a fork

5) My tongue is pierced

6) I am vegetarian and I would be Vegan but I can't survive without cheese yet!

7) I am a cat person and big dogs scare me to death

8) I don't step on cracks on the sidewalk

9) I refused to marry my husband when I got pregnant because I wanted to make 100% sure we were going to be together forever.

10) I have this huge dream to create a vegan book cafe with a community garden in the back :001_smile:

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I just want to say I'm so glad so many of you played along.


It would take forever to respond post by post to all the replies I'd love to comment on but I just want you to know that SO MANY of these had me either smiling, chuckling, thinking "Me, too!" or just thinking "Wow, that's pretty cool."



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I haven't finished reading yet, but I'm going to throw mine in:


1. I had my first daughter at 18yr, 5 weeks before my HS graduation. I graduated on time with straight A's.

2. I have always wanted to be a surrogate & DH has finally agreed as a trade off for not "allowing" a 4th child into our family.

3. I still sleep with my baby blanket every night (though I can sleep without it if I need to).

4. I am lonely. A lot. I long for a best friend.

5. I love photography & am pretty good at it, but don't enjoy owning a business.

6. I was an only child until my 1/2 sister was born when I was 11yr old. I have no real sibling like relationships. I wish I did.

7. My DH was a quadriplegic after a car accident 12 years ago (before I knew him), and sometimes the residual effects does leave me wishing he could do more - though I would never tell him that.

8. I skied on a water ski show team for over 10 years. Every year I try to find a way that I can do it again, but there just is no time.

9. I have liked coffee since I was a child.

10. I was a competitive dancer in high school - and I miss that too!

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I haven't finished reading yet, but I'm going to throw mine in:



4. I am lonely. A lot. I long for a best friend.



I'll be your friend :001_smile:


I only have one kinda friend where I live and she doesn't have any kids, and isn't into anything mature...haha


I'm kinda odd though... :001_smile:

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1. I have no little half moons on my fingernails (thumbs, yes).


2. I'm a much better parent to children over 5. The baby/toddler years? Not so much. I have never felt that natural mothering adoration of one's own children. I parent by sheer willpower. I do love my kids! But it's more by choice and action than natural feelings.


3. I have always tried to be a "good girl" and do what's right. Except I curse like a sailor when irritated.


4. I was adopted as an infant.


5. I knew from the day I met my dh that we would marry some day. It wasn't "love at first sight," I just knew we would get married.


6. I got that same feeling when I drove to the state I went to grad school in (that we eventually moved back to and we've stayed for 20 years) and when I walked in the door of our first (and only) home. I just felt "home" and knew it was meant to be.


7. That being said, we've been seriously house hunting for almost 3 years now. I obsessively check our local MLS listings multiple times a day. Finding an affordable house that fits us, in a neighborhood where I don't fear for my life if I take a walk with my kids has been a challenge, to say the least. :001_huh:


8. Sometimes I think I missed my calling to be a cloistered nun.


9. We were NOT "trying for a boy".


10. I'm always a day late and a dollar short on threads like this. :lol:

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Hmm, this could be difficult. I don't like talking about myself. Hey, that can be fact #1.

1. I don't like talking about myself.

2. I live less than .5 mile from where I grew up, though I've lived many other places, including overseas.

3. I was on an episode of "Martha Steward Living" 10 years ago.

4. I was 34 when I got married for the first time.

5. All three of my children are adopted.

6. I was chased by thieves down several streets in Rio de Janeiro. We got away.

7. We adopted a dog who just showed up in our back yard a couple weeks ago.

8. I used to teach junior high and loved it.

9. I love to watch movies over and over and over again, and I cry every single time I watch "Steel Magnolias" (I start during the scene when Sally Field is walking down that long hospital hallway) even though I've seen it a dozen times.

10. I'm addicted to crime dramas - NCIS, CSI.

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Well, if this thread is still going I'll play.

1. My mother told me she was happy I was a girl so I wouldn't get drafted into the Army.

2. I joined the Air Force (and loved it).

3. I've lived in lots of sunny warm places (Hawaii, Florida, etc.) now I live in NW WA :glare:.

4. I love my native WA husband and my lovely in-laws so I will continue to live in this grey place until our children graduate.

5. I've lived in seven states, one more won't hurt.

6. I went "boy crazy" in college - I'm grateful I survived.

7. Until about 36 (oh - after second dc was born) I identified more with men than women.

8. Most of the time I'd rather have bamboo sticks shoved under my nails than go shopping.

9. I have paper thin finger nails - in fact, they're sort of concave.

10. I do love to shop online for books :D.

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1. I once had a temp job as an assistant to an Elvis impersonator.


2. My ugly toenails are probably the reason some people are afraid of feet.


3. I am a dog person with two cats, no dog.


4. I can do small plumbing repairs.


5. I know more about car maintenance than dh, so this is my responsibility.


6. My favorite food of all time is chicken stuffed manicotti from the Fannie Farm cookbook.


7. I've known my BFF for 30 years.


8. I picked my second cat because it looked like my first cat, but now they look nothing alike except for their fur color.


9. When I was in high school I wanted to be a lawyer so that I could argue with people.


10. I really like the color periwinkle.

Edited by TechWife
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1. I am a homebody and would much rather be with my dh and family than anywhere else.

2. I read either non-fiction (history, science) or stupid trashy romance novels. I read a LOT.

3. I make almost all our food from scratch (sauces, pasta, bread, etc).

4. I have 140 cookbooks and I really do use almost all of them in the course of a year.

5. I have 2 Bengal cats and 2 mixed breed cats. I have decided that I am very much a cat person.

6. I love red wine.

7. I love words and language.

8. I was accepted into the PA Master Gardener program and then decided not to do it.

9. I still sometimes feel bad about having a college education and not having a "real" career.

10. I am learning how to be brave.

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Dang! I should have remembered to put this in!


I love country music of all kinds and especially Reba singing Turn On the Radio. I have it on all my play lists and listen to it everyday, sometimes more than once. ;) best revenge song, ever.


Try to call, Twitter me, text until your fingers bleed.

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I absolutely love this thread and am going to start replying to some of the posts if no one else minds ... :tongue_smilie:Maybe by doing this, I can start to compile a list of 10.



5. I have walked around with my nose stuck in a book as far back as I can remember. I might have been born with a book in my hand.

Me too. :)



2. I hate to cook but I love to read cookbooks, magazines and food blogs. I also obsessively watch The Food Network.


10. I think ice-cream should be its own food group.

Same and agreeing with you on both. :D



6. I do not like country music

7. I want to go to Greece to learn to cook Greek food

8. I like to travel


All this. :) and I LOVE Greek food.


More later and hopefully, if anyone's interested, I'll come up with my list later also.

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1. I love to read. I read every day.

2. I can't fall asleep without reading in bed for at least a few minutes.

3. I was 38 when I got married.

4. I had my first and only child after age 40.

5. I got married in my mother's wedding dress, 40 years after she wore it.

6. I was a public school teacher for 15 years.

7. I've worn glasses or contacts since I was 10 years old.

8. I made my bridal bouquet (artificial flowers), as well as the bridesmaids' bouquets and the boutineers.

9. I love tent camping.

10. I have never in my life spent more than a month without owning a cat or dog (often both at the same time).

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These have been fun to read. Here's mine ... a li'l boring, but all true.


Cooking: I'm not the worst, but my husband is much better and doesn't mind helping out in the kitchen.

Reading: now, that's my favorite.

Wine plus chocolate and a good book and I'm even happier.

My husband knows these things and has used the knowledge for clever gift ideas.

And the vacuum cleaner he got me really was at my request.

Our children look like both of us, not really favoring either side of the family after only resembling me during infancy.

My fingernails are lovely! Too bad my hands are not attractive.

Countries: I've been to just three, lived in two, but only lived in one US state.

Libraries and bookstores win every time. Although, I do like to shop for clothes if I'm alone.

Movies: lots of favorites, but I always love Harvey, the Princess Bride, and LOTR.

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1. I am 33.

2. I got pregnant in February of my senior year of high school, graduated in June, got married in July, and had oldest ds in November. That was a busy year. My poor parents.:tongue_smilie:

3. I had twins boys 20 months later, so I was done having kids by 20.

4. Dh and I have been married for 15 years!

5. My first job was working in a restaurant. They started having kid day every Tuesday, and I was the only one small enough to fit into the mascot costume. I was Bo the Bonanza Bull. Dh, who was only my boyfriend then, came to eat almost every Tuesday.:glare:

6. My third great-grandmother, along with two of her children, were captured and later released by the Sioux Indians during the Dakota Conflict of 1862. She wrote a book about it, and I'm just now reading it.

7. My favorite place to be, other than home, is Playa del Carmen, Mexico.

8. Volleyball is my favorite sport.

9. I am a MN Twins fan even when they aren't doing too hot.

10. Jane Austen is my favorite author.

Edited by dani3boys
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  1. I grew up with the radio as my best friend and can still name nearly any late 70's / early 80's one-hit wonder after just the first few notes.


  2. I've always been a spelling snob. Used to correct errors in the morning newspaper before school.


  3. I love making lists. Preferably with a fine-tip blue ink pen. On high-quality, narrowly lined paper.


  4. I'm a textbook introvert in that I need time alone. Need.



All true for me. :)

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1) I worked in the laundry room of a nursing home when I was a Sr. in high school. It was there I figured out I did NOT want to work in a nursing home.


2) I love doing laundry--just not nursing home laundry. :tongue_smilie:


3) My maternal grandparents tried to have my mom committed to a psychiatric hospital when I was a baby. She was an unwed mother and they wanted to take me away from her.


4) I didn't have my son until I was almost 35. I had been married 16 1/2 years.


5) I write poetry. Most of it is very BAD poetry. But a few I am proud of.


6) I dream vividly and in color. I fly in my dreams. I cry in my sleep. I laugh out loud. I deal with all sorts of issues while I dream.


7) My first semi-real boyfriend was murdered at age 21 by his step-father.


8) My favorite movie is Out of Africa.


9) I can turn my tongue upside down


10)I have had both my Health and Life insurance license and Real Estate license. Never really used either one to make money.

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I have decided to do ten more, just because. :D You guys can feel free, too, I know some of you want to lol.


1. I once totaled a car because an older teenaged boy (19 or so?) decided it would be a good idea to let me "learn" to drive when I was around 14 and had snuck a beer or two. I took a circular exit without even taking my foot off the gas, let alone touching the brake, because I thought you really COULD drive like they did in the Dukes of Hazard. Fortunately, I suffered no more than a mild concussion and a sore knee, and he wasn't hurt at all. The car, not so lucky. It was his dad's car.


2. My mom tells me there was a "famous rabbi" in our family. I don't recall his name though.


3. I used to play violin, in Junior High. I knew how to read music. Now, I don't have the slightest clue whatsoever how to read music. I would have thought it was one of those things where once you knew it, you knew it. But no. That ability is now gone and forgotten.


4. I still have a (mild fortunately) issue with acne. It's really not fair that I'm starting to notice a few stray grey hairs- and still get pimples. What's up with THAT?!


5. I used to "practice kissing" by kissing posters on my wall. Vince Neal of Motley Crue comes to mind. (I was around 11).


6. I once took a survey on what kind of pet would be best suited to me. It suggested I get a pet rock. I like the idea of animals. But not the responsibility. (Good thing my daughter is old enough to clean the litterbox for the kitten we got recently).


7. I still count on my fingers.


8. I can't sleep late no matter how much I'd like to. I'm usually up before all of my kids. It's good in a way, the morning is MY time to have my coffee while sitting at my computer with no-one being loud or asking for something.


9. When I was 14 (I know, I was a bad teen. I hope my daughter is nothing like I was. It scares me. :P) I memorized the saying on a can of Budweiser. I still remember it. It says: "This is the famous Budweiser beer. We know of no brand produced by any other brewer which costs so much to brew and age. Our exclusive beechwood aging produces a taste, a smoothness and a drinkability that you will find in no other beer at any price." (I think that's what it says, anyway lol).


10. I love chocolate milk.

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1. I am obsessed with lace, ruffles, and bows.

2. Baked macaroni and cheese is my favorite food.

3. I read about 4 books a week

4. I was a college cheerleader

5. I've finished all the classwork for an MA in English, but I won't finish my thesis.

6. I start and abandon at least 3 hobbies every year.

7. I don't like fruit...Well actually I don't like much of anything, but the fruit thing always shocks people.

8. I HATE driving. If I ever came into money, the first thing I would do is hire a driver.

9. My high school was more difficult than college (yes, academically).

10. I have a thing for big curly hair.

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1. I think in words, not in pictures. My dh and dd both say they see their thoughts in their heads. I'm rather envious of that ability.


2. I hate mac and cheese and most condiments with a passion. I don't even want to be in the same room with them. The smells make me ill.


3. I never ate a salad until my last year in college. I ended up loving salads.


4. I secretly want to be Audrey Hepburn. Instead, I look more like Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix LeStrange. And, I guess my desire to be Audrey isn't so secret now.


5. My daughter loves that I give different voices to all the characters when I read aloud to her. It's a reflex reaction for me.


6. I replay really bad decisions from long ago over and over in my mind sometimes. It's hard to forgive myself, and I often think "who was I?!".


7. I would love to own an air stream and travel the country. I also wish they would build that bridge to Russia so I would never have to fly again. I'd expand my air stream trip to the far side of the world.


8. I'm scattered and do not manage my time very well. Charlotte Mason would have tsk tsked my bad habits. My dh just grins and bears it.


9. I found out too late in college that I would have done extremely well as a psych major. I dream of going back for that, archaeology, or wildlife mgmt one day.


10. I long for world peace, the end of poverty, and for all people to follow the Golden Rule. Mean people make me very, very sad. (No, I was never in a pageant but this does sound like something you would hear in one.)

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I forgot one on my list so:


11. I was expelled from kindergarten.


This was back in 1958, appartenly I learned to read at age 3 (according to my mom) and would just walk around the k class and scribble on the other kids papers so they kicked me out. I came back for 1st grade and all thru primary, during reading class, I was sent to spend the time in the library.

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I have a friend who is comfortable with a part of me named Lilly, who is only 8 years old. This friend loves to color with Lilly, which makes it an important therapy for Lilly and me.


That's cool. I only like to color for small stretches of time. I'd much rather do puzzles. :D

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This is too fun!

1. I have a third nipple.


2. I have a stepson who is paralyzed from the neck down.


3. I currently have 5 cats (4 barn--1 house)


4. We are getting ready to live in a motor home for a month or so while we look for a new home in Tennessee. (scared to death!)


5. I have 4 kids. 2 are adopted and one is half black.


6. I am kind of bummed because I am have put on weight and am really going grey. (sorry, don't mean to be vain--never thought it would bother me. I also have some lovely hairs showing up in my chin.:glare:


7. Homeschooling my kids is one of my favorite things to do. (reading too)


8. I have tinnius and wear a hearing aid. I need two but can't yet afford the second one.


9. I love HG tv and food network but we have not had regular tv for 5 or 6 years but we do watch American Pickers and Swamp People on the internet ALL THE TIME!


10. I love to quilt and hope to have time to do it again someday. I actually look forward to being an old lady so I can do it more.

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Love it!


1. I'm typing this post on my phone because I'm too lazy to get our old computer up and running.


2. I'm also constantly tired because I'm 11 weeks pregnant with Baby #4. We've always wanted four. I think I wanted four because I was the fourth girl in my Korean birthfamily. Korean families never have more than three kids and still favor boys.


3. I'm always starting things and am motivated by the new and exciting and rarely finish anything. Sigh.


4. I played soccer from 3rd to 11th grade. I realized then that I wasn't good at it and didn't play my senior year. Gained five pounds that year!


5. After reading The Bondage Breaker and going through the Steps to Freedom, I found my calling for my second life (post-hsing): healing ministry.


6. I get sick of wearing my hair in a ponytail. I even chopped my hair off once to prevent me from ponytails. Unfortunately, as soon as it was long enough, I was wearing it in two ponytails at the base of my neck with barrettes to keep the extra hair out of my face. I can't stand having hair in my face.


7. The first time I was admitted into a hospital was when i gave birth. I don't even know if I was born in a hospital!


8. Since then, I 've only had two surgeries: PRK on my eyes and wisdom teeth extraction.


9. I got married a month before my mom did (Dad died when I was 11). We went to the DMV together to change the names on our licenses.


10. My all-time favorite movie is The Sound of Music.

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1) I have a twin.

2) Even though I was an adult when my parents died I still feel a bit like an orphan.

3) I am addicted to pop. You may know it as soda.

4) Recently I have come to love electronics. Got a smart phone - love it! Got a Nook - love it! Now I want a Mac.

5) I read, a lot! Like many of you, I'm sure.

6) Before homeschooling I was a Kitchen Designer. A degree in Interior Design hasn't proved to be too beneficial for homeschooling, sadly.

7) I had a vanishing twin with my first pregnancy.

8) 10 facts about me is hard to come up with...I'm just not that exciting!

9) I love the minimalism lifestyle. I would live that life, but I am married to a packrat. :glare:

10) I have realized that my public school education has not prepared me very well to be a homeschool teacher. I am learning much of the material along with my children. :001_huh:

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1. I have an auditory discrimination disorder. If you talk to me at a party I will nod my head, smile, act interested and probably not have any idea what you've said.

2. I have 2 Master's degrees. They were both a blast. I with I'd gone for a doctorate. I should probably get a paying job.

3. I am a perfectionist. I disguise this trait by being random and global.

4. I learned to read at age 4. I have read voraciously since.

5. I have familial lipmatosis and have had plastic surgery 3 times.

6. I love to create and have done tons of scrapbooking, knitting, cross-stiching, painting, quilting, building, photography, writing, baking, canning, cooking, etc, etc.

7. I am a task vs. relationship oriented person. This is sometimes very hard on my dh and dc's. (see #6)

8. I love to sing.

9. I have played flute, piccolo, tenor and alto sax. Music rocks.

10.I really want to become fluent in a 2nd/3rd language and live abroad (specific countries already chosen ;)).


One more: I know cardinal directions VERY well but I have to face west to figure out left from right.

Edited by laughing lioness
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Oh how fun, especially for a newbie!! What a great way to get to know people.


1. When I was 10, my family took a trip to the Bahama's on our house boat (one of many trips)...on the way there, both of our engines died right smack dab in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle!! I'm a survivor! (I think that is the last trip we made before we moved to GA)


2. I am 5'11" (within a half an inch) and am the shortest of my 3 siblings.


3. I joined the Air Force right out of high school (1982), was honorably discharged two years later and now am a disabled vet. (only 30%)


4. I HATED school and couldn't wait to get out of high school and be done with school forever (which is why I joined the Air Force). Ironically, I have two degrees, a Master's and spent 13 years teaching Special Ed, two years as a system wide administrator and am now homeschooling and teaching in our Classical School one day a week.


5. I have naturally red curly hair. Ok, the red isn't natural anymore, the grey is, but no one ever sees that.


6. I totaled two cars within 6 weeks of each other. The first was my fault (Red Mustang, going way too fast on a country road, swerved to miss a cat, and flipped several times). Second, was hit head on by a another driver, a 16 year old not paying attention. Was really only hurt in the second, but was trapped for a long time in the first. (This was late 1990/early 91)


7. I had always had horses up until about 8 years ago, when one died :( and the other was just mean (and I had a newborn and 4 small girls and one orenery teenager) so I sold her. I had always thought when the kids were older I would get more.....for the first time, I'm thinking maybe not. But my 2nd oldest dd wants to own her own barn, so maybe I can just visit.


8. I was on the swim team all during my childhood and a lifeguard/swim instructor in my 20's.


9. I went to Six Flags with Newt Gingrich in 1988. But I don't know if I could vote for him for President...although I am a very conservative Libertarian.


10. I can play the guitar a little. Just enough to strum chords to the bluegrass songs the rest of the family plays.

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Nance, I like the way you think. ;)


1) I am obsessed with moving to Oregon. It comes up about every other day around here. I keep telling DH we need to save up our money so we can move to Oregon. The only problem? DH seems to think we should at least VISIT the place before we just up and move. Details, details. I wanna go because I hear it rains a lot and I'm sick of the desert and the heat. I can't take it anymore!!!


2) I like to pretend I'm Hawaiian. I've got the skin tone to kinda pass for it and I took a year of Hawaiian in college.


3) I'm taller than my mom and both my sisters. And I have the smallest feet. WIN!


4) I didn't learn how to blow my nose until I was in 9th grade.


5) When I get stressed, I dream about either people trying to kill me or being back in high school and I've missed four months of classes and haven't done my homework. Last night I dreamt about Voldemort trying to kill me and then later I was back in high school and dealing with trying to find classes and not making it in time. I'm stressed about school starting next week.


6) I wish I could have been homeschooled like in The Well Trained Mind. My secret goal in homeschooling my kids is to educate myself. I want to be as smart as SWB :D


7) I hate seafood. All of it. It all smells fishy and nasty to me and makes me want to vomit. I don't know why people eat shrimp, it's like the roach of the sea.:ack2:


8) I have really curly hair. Most people don't know this because I always wear it in a bun. I hate my hair and wish it was straight. Most people say they wish they had curly hair like mine. "Grass is always greener" I say.


9) Washing dishes is my least favorite chore. I don't mind scrubbing bathrooms


10) I'm 1/4 Japanese.

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1.I've lived on 4 continents.


2. My daughter is a miracle; I wasn't supposed to be able to have children.


3. I met my husband online; he was in South Korea, and I had just returned from living there.


4. I love Disney and wrote a story about my daughter's first visit. It is published in th 2011 Passporter guide book.


5. We are moving to China next summer. Dh will teach at a university, and I will home school our daughter.


6. I love to read but gravitate toward non-fiction. James Herriot's stories are some of my favorite!


7. I've lived with Fibromyalgia for over 10 years. Some days are good, and some are not so good.


8. I love teaching! Currently, I'm a private school teacher, and I am very much looking forward to homeschooling my daughter!


9. One of my former students won a gold medal in the 2008 Beijing summer olympic games.


10. My relationship with Christ is the most important thing in my life:)

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1) i smoked for 10 years and quit in my mid 20's

2) i love to run & aspire to do a marathon this year

3) i still love 80's new wave

4) i went to college to be a missionary

5) i love the tiny house movement

6) i eat a kit kat by nibbling the chocolate off each wafer and then sucking them one by one

7) my favorite show is 19 & counting

8) i've traveled to europe a few times & hope to live overseas one day

9) my favorite snack: pretzels and french's yellow mustard

10) i go through obsessive phases that don't always last:veganism, knitting, raw food (need a dehydrator?), scrapbooking, rag dolls (my current one:D)

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Love to cook

Pet peeve: dirty dishes in the sink

Born in Ohio

Morning person

Favorite household chore is folding laundry

Hate shopping unless for books

Have read LOTR and Pride and Prejudice each at least 25 times

Love music by Fernando Ortega

Making pork chops, squash, rice and salad for dinner....now! bye!:)

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3. I hate the beaver teeth on American Girl dolls


4. When it comes to major projects (homeschooling) or family trips, I'm an obsessive planner


Me too, on both. :D

Those beaver teeth look so annoying. Dd and I hate them also.

And yes, I'm crazy about planning. :tongue_smilie:

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1) I am a spy in the employ of an international agency.

2) I once won a silver medal in gymnastics.

3) I speak Russian, Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese, Arabic, and Esperanto.

4) I am 6'8" tall.

5) I like to ride a unicycle and once rode one on wires in a circus for money.

6) I was born on a pirate ship to a pirate captain and his cook.

7) I love whales. Also, ferrets.

8) In my off time from spying I design comforters for a department store brand.

9) Black olives are my favorite food.

10) None of those are true, but they're a lot more interesting than the ten things that would be.

I was about to say :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:.

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Here we go:


*I think curly hair makes me look fat (ter).


*I never walk in to water; always dive.


*I haven't kept a white wall in any home I've owned in 20 years.


*I am embarrassingly good at remembering faces.


*But I am exceedingly forgettable. People rarely remember me--I don't know if it's related to the fact that:


*I get bored very easily with my hair; I fix it differently all the time and frequently dye/or bleach it or cut it.


*I am a good and compassionate listener but am terrible at verbatim recall.


*I chewed tobacco for several years in my early teens.


*I still have the nether garments worn on my wedding day. (20 years!!:lol:)


*Snuggling with my husband and children is my favorite activity.

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1. I have an auditory discrimination disorder. If you talk to me at a party I will nod my head, smile, act interested and probably not have any idea what you've said.

2. I have 2 Master's degrees. They were both a blast. I with I'd gone for a doctorate. I should probably get a paying job.

3. I am a perfectionist. I disguise this trait by being random and global.

4. I learned to read at age 4. I have read voraciously since.

5. I have familial lipmatosis and have had plastic surgery 3 times.

6. I love to create and have done tons of scrapbooking, knitting, cross-stiching, painting, quilting, building, photography, writing, baking, canning, cooking, etc, etc.

7. I am a task vs. relationship oriented person. This is sometimes very hard on my dh and dc's. (see #6)

8. I love to sing.

9. I have played flute, piccolo, tenor and alto sax. Music rocks.

10.I really want to become fluent in a 2nd/3rd language and live abroad (specific countries already chosen ;)).


One more: I know cardinal directions VERY well but I have to face west to figure out left from right.



I had to laugh--half of your items are me to a T, the other half couldn't be further from the truth!

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1. I wanted to be a Pastor when I grew up. I use to play pretend church, but I would skip the sermon and give communion twice. Now I attend when my son has to sing, or is someone is getting married.


2. I expect my kids to be practically perfect! I don't really mean to, but I still push them too much.


3. I love musicals. I'll sing anything from Broadway, to Rocky Horror, to Buffy's musical episode.


4. I an not a sympathetic listener. I will solve your problem. I will find a solution, but I will not help you have a pity party. Most people just ignore the advice and move along with the party.


5. I cannot live in the middle of the US. I must be near the ocean. I can't actually stand the thought of putting my toes in the ocean, but I don't want to be landlocked, either.


6. I don't know how to cook. At All!! We eat out all the time!


7. My room is a wreck, but I require that my dc make their beds and clean their rooms every day. They have never questioned why my room is so messy. I think they've realized that they live with crazy and just accept it.


8. I learned to waterski and 3 and could have been very competitive by six. My parents thought that sports (and reading) were a huge waste of time. Obviously I am now a poor, fat person and I blame them. :D


9. I love tv. Love it!!


10. I have enough OCD, that I will obsessively check to see if I turned my ringer off for church, or at a play. (20-30 times)

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