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Speaking of appearances...

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This morning, while getting the kids buckled in the car, I glance across the street and see our neighbor, who's in her late 50s. She's wearing a big bright bath towel around her middle and nothing else. :001_huh:


Doesn't seem to be in a hurry, chatting with her husband, checking out their car in the driveway, bending over this and that way (my eyes, my eyes!!!).


When we were leaving they both were sitting on a bench next to the house, smoking and chatting.


Now, what do you think about that?

Am I being judgemental thinking that she should do everyone on the street a favor and put some clothes on?



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This morning, while getting the kids buckled in the car, I glance across the street and see our neighbor, who's in her late 50s. She's wearing a big bright bath towel around her middle and nothing else. :001_huh:


Doesn't seem to be in a hurry, chatting with her husband, checking out their car in the driveway, bending over this and that way (my eyes, my eyes!!!).


When we were leaving they both were sitting on a bench next to the house, smoking and chatting.


Now, what do you think about that?

Am I being judgemental thinking that she should do everyone on the street a favor and put some clothes on?




The towel was *below* her bOOks? :lol:

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Well most bath towels wrapped around the middle are going to cover roughly the same skin as a tank top and shorts.


I wouldn't do that, but I wouldn't care about an old lady doing it either.


Do they own a pool? Maybe she had been swimming or planning to swim.

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Am I being judgemental thinking that she should do everyone on the street a favor and put some clothes on?



definitely would be a favor to the street for her to get dressed.


where my son has swim lessons there is an older couple - look well into their 80's - who will do laps. He is helping her quite a bit, so I think she's mentally not as with it as she used to be. they are *always*- he in a speedo, and she in a STRING bikini. with a flower swim hat. lots of sagging skin. it really is "My eyes, not my eyes". though once they are in the water, it is really nice to see how attentive to her he is. I think they've been married a very long time.

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Reminds of the time I was in my 20's and walking down our road and I walked past a house that had a high secluded fence. The gate was opened though and there was a guy standing there watering his flowers totally naked :lol:


He shut that gate quick fast after I walked past but really -why didn't he think of that before I got an eyeful :001_huh:

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My mom and I have seen a fair number of naked people outside, far from their houses. One guy was out for a jog.
Now THAT is a mental image I definitely didn't need! :eek:


That's taking the whole "bonding with nature" thing onto a whole different level.

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Well in high school, I wore a towel and shower cap as a costume. I was getting ready to leave for a party and somebody thought they got me out of the shower to give their kids candy. It was pretty funny.



I did however have clothes on under it. There may have even been a safety pin or two involved.


As for what your neighbor was wearing, except for the bending over part, she had about as much covered as a tank top and shorts. The old ladies in my G'ma's Florida neighborhood even seemed to favor the tube top. (Which, I got to tell you, worried me at times!!)


So she was in a towel. Everything was covered. You just knew because she was in the towel she didn't have undies on (okay and maybe because of the bend over). But honestly, if not for undies sticking out the top of pants and bra straps hanging out of shirts, how do you know if anyone has undies on?

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You know, some people like this lady should realize that, unfortunately, we can't un-see them. Once my FIL walked through the living room to the kitchen late in the evening wearing only underwear. Ugh, the image is etched in my brain, and I throw up a little in my mouth every time I recall it.

As for your neighbor, maybe she's okay with being that exposed. I don't think she's being sensitive to those who are offended by the lack of clothing.

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Now, what do you think about that?

Am I being judgemental thinking that she should do everyone on the street a favor and put some clothes on?




I don't think you're being judgemental. We have "naked thong guy" (which I know if he's wearing a thong he's not truly naked) riding his bicycle here in Austin, (and let me tell ya he gets around) and it's always kind of a jolt when I see him.

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My mom and I have seen a fair number of naked people outside, far from their houses. One guy was out for a jog.


There was a guy who used to jog past our house in a flesh-colored Speedo. It took us a few times to discover this as we didn't look long enough to figure it out the first few times!

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At the Rec Center pool where my kids were having lessons there was an older woman who wore a *very* thin white bathing suit. She was there, every week. We became used to the almost invisible suit. But one day, she forgot it. She walked all the way across the pool to the hot tubs before someone helped her back to the locker room.


I think she was having some dementia issues.

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The coverage wouldn't be anything more than shorts and a tank top - BUT - I'd be concerned about it accidentally falling off!


And you want to talk about naked in public, how about the Portland Naked Bike Ride! (ETA: Article does contain pictures but they don't show much. Might be a little bit of b00ks showing, but not close up.)

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Definition of judgemental from Wikipedia: A value judgment is a judgment of the rightness or wrongness of something, or of the usefulness of something, based on a personal view. As a generalization, a value judgment can refer to a judgment based upon a particular set of values or on a particular value system.


Whatever definition you take...yes, its a judgement based on your own set of values and conditioning.

People come here to get support for their judgements and to feel better about being judgemental. Whether one is positive or negative, o feels very righteous...it is still a judgement.


So, either one accepts ones judgementalness :) or one tries to become more aware of it so as to not give it so much energy. Or, one just continues to be judgemental and try to get other poeple to agree with one.


There is no ultimate moral judgement on whether one should wear a towel in ones front yard. It is only a personal one, and perhaps a social one- as in, enough people agree with you.


I really like the Byron Katie Work for learning how our judgements don't serve us :)

But we all have them :)

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My mom and I have seen a fair number of naked people outside, far from their houses. One guy was out for a jog.


Seattle's Fremont neighborhood has a summer solstice celebration. It includes a parade with naked bike riders.

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Guest submarines
This morning, while getting the kids buckled in the car, I glance across the street and see our neighbor, who's in her late 50s. She's wearing a big bright bath towel around her middle and nothing else. :001_huh:


Doesn't seem to be in a hurry, chatting with her husband, checking out their car in the driveway, bending over this and that way (my eyes, my eyes!!!).


When we were leaving they both were sitting on a bench next to the house, smoking and chatting.


Now, what do you think about that?

Am I being judgemental thinking that she should do everyone on the street a favor and put some clothes on?




I'm not very clear on what exactly is the most bothersome here. Is it the fact that her body wasn't beatiful (by some standard) anymore, and she revealed too much of it? Or the mere fact that she showed too much of her body was offensive in itself, and you'd be as offended by someone's young and pbjectively beatiful body? Would it be as offensive if she was wearing a swimming suit?


Are you saying that when she bended you could see her underwear area and she was naked? Or was it her breasts that were showing too much? Could you really see the details from across the street, or the mere thought of the possibility of her being naked underneath was already offensive?


I'm a type of person who wouldn't be bothered by this at all, so I'm genuinely intersted in the answers to these questions. I love opportunities to understand the opposite point of view better. :001_smile:


ETA: I hope you don't mind me dissecting the situation.

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This morning, while getting the kids buckled in the car, I glance across the street and see our neighbor, who's in her late 50s. She's wearing a big bright bath towel around her middle and nothing else. :001_huh:


Doesn't seem to be in a hurry, chatting with her husband, checking out their car in the driveway, bending over this and that way (my eyes, my eyes!!!).


When we were leaving they both were sitting on a bench next to the house, smoking and chatting.


Now, what do you think about that?

Am I being judgemental thinking that she should do everyone on the street a favor and put some clothes on?




Do they have a swimming pool? Please tell me she could have been in a swimsuit. Otherwise... Ewwww.

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This morning, while getting the kids buckled in the car, I glance across the street and see our neighbor, who's in her late 50s. She's wearing a big bright bath towel around her middle and nothing else. :001_huh:


Doesn't seem to be in a hurry, chatting with her husband, checking out their car in the driveway, bending over this and that way (my eyes, my eyes!!!).


When we were leaving they both were sitting on a bench next to the house, smoking and chatting.


Now, what do you think about that?

Am I being judgemental thinking that she should do everyone on the street a favor and put some clothes on?




I think that is just fine and dandy.

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While driving through the small town where I live, there was a house that had a very bronze full size statue standing in the front yard. I am afraid I looked for a few seconds thinking I haven't seen that statue there before and then IT MOVED. it wasn't a statue at all, just the owner of the house doing some gardening a and getting full body tan at the same time.

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There was a guy who used to jog past our house in a flesh-colored Speedo. It took us a few times to discover this as we didn't look long enough to figure it out the first few times!

I feel your pain. We had an across the street neighbor 10 years ago who would lay out in the front yard, wearing a flesh colored bikini. It was disturbing.



Annapolis has Speedo Guy. For the past 15-20 years, in all weather, he's out running in a speedo. He has a Facebook page.


OP, by our societal norms, socializing in public wearing only a towel is weird. It's not you.


(eta: though, based on this and other threads, I have consciously chosen to wear paint covered scrubs and a Ross Perot campaign t-shirt, ca. 1992, instead of my nightgown to prime lumber at 7 am. heeheehee)

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