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I am so sick to death of Hollywood remaking everything and anything.


I just read that they're remaking Dirty Dancing now.




Come up with some original ideas, already!


A.. a... REMAKE? Without Patrick Swayze? :svengo:



ETA: Nothing is sacred anymore. Nothing.

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That is one of those movies I watched over and over in my youth. I watch it now and wonder what in the world my Mother was thinking!!


:lol:SpecialMama and I watched it together, and both agreed that there is no WAY our dds would be allowed to watch it any time soon!

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I have fond memories of it, but even at the time I knew it wasn't a very good movie. I did like those groovy roll down waist sweat pants!


(The abortion thing always felt tacked on, too.)


I have many other fond memories of movies from the 80s.


I also have a hard time believing the current culture would understand what's supposed to be scandalous.


(I saw The Decline of The American Empire in the theater -- I don't know what my parents were thinking with that one. I think I'm still embarassed.)

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Guest submarines
I am so sick to death of Hollywood remaking everything and anything.


I just read that they're remaking Dirty Dancing now.




Come up with some original ideas, already!


I just learned about it too, and have the same reaction!

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I have fond memories of it, but even at the time I knew it wasn't a very good movie. I did like those groovy roll down waist sweat pants!



I always wanted to have those canvas shoes as white as hers!


I also watched that movie over and over and over.


I mean come on, Swayze was in it. He was a heart throb!


I haven't seen it on forever, I probably wouldn't want my kids watching it either. There were a few.. umm... uncomfortable dances I would have had to explain. Not to mention the... medical happenings as well.

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A.. a... REMAKE? Without Patrick Swayze? :svengo:



ETA: Nothing is sacred anymore. Nothing.


Did anyone have a stopwatch out to clock how long it took them (Hollywood/media/et al) to go from mourning him to deciding that they could replace or improve on one of his signature roles?


There is nothing new under the sun. Shakespeare stole most of his stories. Have you read Pyramus and Thisbe? Romeo and Juliet is a take-off of that story. :)


Hey-he even uses Pyramus and Thisbe in the midst of Midsummer Night's Dream. I think that shows a pretty good sense of humor. :001_smile:

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It has me wondering if there's a single person in Hollywood with any creativity.:glare:




At least Shakespeare used new character names and settings.


Clueless was a remake of Emma, but it was new and fresh. Those are the kinds of remakes that are fun.

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I agree that the use of P&T in Midsummer shows a good sense of humor. :D




At least Shakespeare used new character names and settings.


Clueless was a remake of Emma, but it was new and fresh. Those are the kinds of remakes that are fun.


This is true. We'll have to see how the new version goes, I guess.


For the record, I have the soundtrack to DD on my iPod, so I am not exactly emotionally unattached to the issue. ;)

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My parents still don't know I watched it at a friends 14th birthday party ... I'm 38.

My mom drove my friend and I to the theatre and dropped us off to see it.


She then watched it with us on VCR and kept rewinding and pausing the part where he gets out of bed!!! :001_huh:


And I was 14 too!

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The school scenes of the new Footloose were filmed at my school. It was so fun to have them on campus, and school went on as usual for our students. To thank us for using our school, Paramount paid for our students' AP exams. I teach at an 85% free lunch school, so we were thankful for those funds. So when you are watching the new Footloose, you can think of the good it did for our students.

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What is next? Sixteen Candles? The horror! The horror of it all!
I'd love to see it remade with the original cast shot-for-shot à la Gus Van Sant's Psycho. It could be a brilliant, at least when accompanied by a pitcher of margaritas.
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I am so sick to death of Hollywood remaking everything and anything.


I just read that they're remaking Dirty Dancing now.




Come up with some original ideas, already!


:banghead: No, no, no, no, NO!


They will ruin it. They will never live up to Patrick and Jennifer. They can't demean such an iconic movie this way!

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What is next? Sixteen Candles? The horror! The horror of it all!


That said, we sound just like my parents did every time a remake was made of one their classic movies.


Naw, they wrapped all the Molly Ringwald movies up and turned it into the Secret Life of the American Teenager...

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I couldn't stand it when they remade Pride and Prejudice and now they're remaking or have remade Girl with a Dragon Tattoo. Stupid morons ... mixture of arrogance (that they can do a better job, not bloody likely :lol:) and pure out greed.

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When dh told me about the theatre "sequel" to 'Phantom of the Opera,' I was about ready to go out and vandalise the posters. I occasionally see one on a bus shelter and have to remind myself that I'm a law abiding citizen.


What a criminal mutilation of characters!




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Wolf about lost his mind when the remake of Connan was announced.



My DH did, too. We went to see Captain America this weekend and there was a preview for the NEW Spiderman. I turned to my friend next to me and asked her if she felt old enough to have a remake of a remake that came out when we were in our 20s. We're only 32 and 33. :001_huh:

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When dh told me about the theatre "sequel" to 'Phantom of the Opera,' I was about ready to go out and vandalise the posters. I occasionally see one on a bus shelter and have to remind myself that I'm a law abiding citizen.


What a criminal mutilation of characters!




I hadn't heard of this one. Man, will Diva be ticked! Phantom is one of her all time faves...I only wish I could have afforded to take her to the theatre to see it!

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I am so sick to death of Hollywood remaking everything and anything.


I just read that they're remaking Dirty Dancing now.




Come up with some original ideas, already!



Absolutely, lately it is as if Hollywood doesn't have an original thought in its collective head! I even felt that way about Cars 2. The first one was so cute, unique. The second one was basically James Bond in kid animation. Seriously, they couldn't come up with something else? Would it have killed them to consult some NASCAR people who I'm sure could have come up with something?



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Okay, I can't be the only person who thought Swayze was less on the hot side and more on the creepy side in this movie, can I? PS was 8 years older than Jennifer Grey in real life. In DD, I find he looks close to his real age of 32, while Grey looks much closer to her movie age of 17. Ergo, creepy.


I recently showed my kids the grand finale, and Swayze's dance down the aisle had them laughing and laughing. When he kind of smirks and winks and does that cool side-to-side "panther walk" move, I thought they would go into hysterics. When I explained that he was actually a highly trained and talented dancer, they looked quite dubious, lol.

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At age 30, I had never seen it. A bunch of women my age convinced me I absolutely had to. I came in the next day and said... "she had to learn to dance so the real dancer could have an abortion?"




And oh, the irony that the character that takes the woman's place is named "Baby."


This movie is right up there with Bridges Over Madison County for me. I really question why it is so beloved.

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I am actually fine with them remaking it...


As long as they leave out the abortion.


It was a sweet movie except for that part. That part still makes me weepy with I think about it.


I thought it was one of the more realistic parts of the movie - it illustrated what that creep Robby said which I thought was indicative of that era - some people (haves) count and some don't (have nots). Penny had to resort to something desperate because she'd fallen for the wrong guy - she felt like she had no other choice. I also thought it showed the main character different sides of the father she'd idolized to that point.


I don't think that was gratuitous. I thought it expanded the plot.


I won't watch the remake. Ever.

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It does have Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa) as Conan. I admit to being somewhat interested in what they are planning as well as horrified. My dd had a crush on him when he was in Stargate Atlantis. :lol:


She wasn't the only one. ;)


When my son heard about the remake he had to rub it in, knowing how much I detest most remakes, that Jason Momoa was in it. Sigh...decisions, decisions...


(Commas...I never quite know what to do with them...)

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And also that not everything was so wonderful back in 'the old days.' There was definitely an ugly underbelly to the dancers' lives which included those freaky old ladies' affairs with the male dancers. The dancers' realm was more sexually explicit.


I don't think Baby danced in order to give the other woman time to have an abortion. I saw it as her botched abortion messing up her life; Baby being somewhat tangential.

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I don't think Baby danced in order to give the other woman time to have an abortion. I saw it as her botched abortion messing up her life; Baby being somewhat tangential.


She absolutely did - the only time the "abortion doctor" was able to do it was when Penny was scheduled to perform at the other place. They needed someone to stand in for her so she could have the abortion. Why one of the other female dancers couldn't do it, I do not know. Because then we wouldn't have a movie, I guess.


I will never watch this movie again, the original or the remake.

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And also that not everything was so wonderful back in 'the old days.' There was definitely an ugly underbelly to the dancers' lives which included those freaky old ladies' affairs with the male dancers. The dancers' realm was more sexually explicit.


I don't think Baby danced in order to give the other woman time to have an abortion. I saw it as her botched abortion messing up her life; Baby being somewhat tangential.



Penny couldn't afford to lose the guaranteed gig to have the abortion. And they did suggest other dancers to fill in and it didn't work out. A little plot convenient perhaps but it was explained in the dialogue. Johnny goes on to explain how dancing gave him a way out of lower working class he'd of never gotten out of otherwise. Penny had left home at fourteen or something like that. If she hadn't she'd of probably not gotten out either. Class distinctions were hard to break free of back then and that was an essential part of the plot.


Still, I'd rather they leave that in. It was realistic. It wasn't gratuitous. It was part of the real life under the supposed idyllic time of that era.

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