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If you had a choice, where would you like to live?

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Here is the thing about me, when I get older I want to move to a cooler climate and one not so humid, I prefer CO but I need to live near a beach or close to one at least I just love the water. I was going to do a poll on this but there are so many choices to choose from.


If you had the choice, where would you live?:bigear:

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If money were no object - Tuscany region of Italy.


But, money isn't growing on trees, so right now DH and I are really quite happy where we're living - basically you couldn't pay us enough to go back to the east coast and deal with the traffic, chaos, and raise kids there! That said, we both still LOVE the east coast - and it's just a flight away (or drive)....same with our other love, the mountains - CO is a flight or drive away....west coast & Sierras, a flight.


Living in the middle of the country is something that, ten years ago, if you'd even suggested we'd be here and loving it, we'd have laughed our butts off. When DH was first presented with the opportunity we eventually did take here, his first gut-reaction was "no way am I living in fly-over country!" Now that we're here, we can't imagine not living here to raise kids, the cost of living a lot more reasonable, and to us that matters, plus it's really easy to get anywhere in the rest of the country.


We're still not sure what we'd like to do in retirement - we both love the mountains and the coast/beaches.....so we're thinking maybe we'll stay put and travel as desired, or maybe sell and get two smaller places, one in the mountains, one somewhere on the shore? We have ten more years before we'll really start to make that decision though.

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Costa Rica during the non-rainy season (been there, gorgeous, beautiful, breath taking)


Britain or Ireland during the rest of the year (haven't been there, but could spend about a decade doing family genealogy research)


If we're limiting it to our current country of residence, I choose where I am right now. It's not my dream spot, but it's where I'm supposed to be right now.

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Chicago. High rise condo on Lake Michigan.


And I could be your next door neighbor! I have friends who live in a HUGE high rise on Lake Michigan and it is gorgeous! The view is to die for. I have other friends who live in a townhouse in Wrigleyville and I could be happy there too.


Outside of the US, I'd have to say England. Anywhere in England would be fine, but I really like the area around Warwick.


Oh, and I'd like to have a small house in Bayeux, France. That is the most beautiful little town. The people were friendly and there was so much character and charm in the town.


And a condo in Monaco for the winters. :D


I really need to be wealthy, don't I?

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And I could be your next door neighbor! I have friends who live in a HUGE high rise on Lake Michigan and it is gorgeous! The view is to die for. I have other friends who live in a townhouse in Wrigleyville and I could be happy there too.


I really need to be wealthy, don't I?


I got to realtor.com and look up condos on the Lake. And drool.


We both need to be wealthy. LOL

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And I could be your next door neighbor! I have friends who live in a HUGE high rise on Lake Michigan and it is gorgeous! The view is to die for. I have other friends who live in a townhouse in Wrigleyville and I could be happy there too.


Outside of the US, I'd have to say England. Anywhere in England would be fine, but I really like the area around Warwick.


Oh, and I'd like to have a small house in Bayeux, France. That is the most beautiful little town. The people were friendly and there was so much character and charm in the town.


And a condo in Monaco for the winters. :D


I really need to be wealthy, don't I?


Just speak with "Johnny", dear lady! SUrely he can come through with these for you:D

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I'm in Seattle and I like where I'm at. I can't handle extreme temperatures or weather.


I would love San Diego, perfect weather. If I had the money, NYC all the way! :auto:


I have always wanted to live abroad though and would jump at the chance. I'd love to live somewhere like Bali, Costa Rica, Thailand, etc.

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Neebish Island, MI, which is near Sault Sainte Marie. DH's family has a cabin there and we just love it. It's very peaceful and secluded. If we could we'd move there now. Of course dh would have to be able to get a job there. That's the only thing holding us back. Unfortunately, the only time it might be a possibility is after dh retires.

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Berlin or New Hampshire. I'd love a house in northern Minnesota on a lake but the winter would kill DH. And by winter I mean any month except August. :001_smile:


That's pretty much how I define winter, too.


If we could, we would travel to a lot of places to see if any would be a good fit. I'd have to bring lots of sweaters for some.

Our list includes:

In the USA: NYC or Virginia. ETA:Oregon intrigues me, but I've never been there.

Outside: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, England, Scotland. And northern Spain. These are places we've always wanted to visit, would more easily find work, or would have friends there already. My dh would add New Zealand to the list, and I would consider it.


But none of these are happening in our current situation. I'm the only one available to take care of extended family here and they aren't moving from here. And that's ok since we do like the region.

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Hard choice. I used to live near Bend, Oregon and it really was perfect. There was rafting, hiking, biking, skiing, or you could drive to Portland for big city fun. The beach was also doable in a day. I loved it there and miss it, but moved "home" to be close to DH and my family while the kids are young.


ETA: Central Oregon/Bend would meet your criteria for non-humid, not too cold, and within a days drive to the ocean. Real Estate is dirt cheap right now over there, too.



That said I also love Colorado, and would love to have a cabin somewhere in the mountains. Our family would be within a days drive which isn't too bad.


Maui would also be nice. Really nice. Too bad it's impossible for DH to get a job there!

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I'm completely boriing and loyal to my city of Cleveland. I don't have any desire to move, I only want it to get better here! The job situation is awful, but I still love it here and the culture, the climate, the loyal Browns fans suit me just fine. :D


But don't get in the way of my dream to travel! LOL

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Well, we loved Astoria, Oregon and Tillamook as well.


But, right now, I'd probably have to say maybe Thailand or Malaysia because it would mean dh left the company he is with and we are on the family adventure of a lifetime.


Sad to say, if mil's tests for lupus or other immune disorder come back positive, we may be staying put for a very long time.



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NC. We spent 5 years there and just moved back to our old home state fairly recently.


Lowish COL and lots of other nice benefits. Great local foods movement, lots to do, and nice weather for the most part.


I hate PA HS laws.


I've never been, but I would consider Portland.

Maine or Oregon?

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Currently, either right where I am, or somewhere in the UK (somewhere in England actually). I love it here, and even prefer our heat and humidity over cold winters. Our friends and the majority of both of our families are in the area.


However, if I had to move for some reason and could choose anywhere but here, I'd choose somewhere in England. The climate isn't my favorite as noted above, but I love it there anyway. I could easily live the life of an ex-pat.


My final choice later in life would be not too far from ds (and possibly grandchildren). I wouldn't want to follow him or stalk him LOL, but I'd be sad if dh and I were say, on the opposite coast from ds and his family.

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Money being no object I'd live in a large metropolitan area. Preferably NYC or Boston or maybe Philly.


Since money is always a problem I'm okay where I am now, but I'd love to be closer to Bangor.


I'm from Bangor... I do miss it.


I would choose Colorado Springs. I live in Hawaii now, and it's nice to visit, but living here isn't that fun for me.

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