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This doesn't make sense to me. I hope someone can enlighten me. =)

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A few years ago I was apart of an MSN mommies group. We had a xmas gift swap (by snail mail). I told the mommythat my munchkin liked Spongebob. The person said that they "didn't do sponge bob" (It was right around the whole sponge bob is gay controversy). She said that her family loooooooooooooooved Tom and Jerry.


That has stuck with me for all these years... Why you might ask?


Well if I'm not mistakened (to me at least) T&J is one of the most violent cartoons out there. Every episode is of t and j trying to kill each other. Shoot, poison, beatings, and eating each other. But please don't poison her family's values with an Asexual Sponge?!



If someone else agrees with the lady on this issue... Please fill me in cause I don't get it. =)


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I know some dislike Spongebob because of the sexual innuendos - Sandy Cheeks the beaver, for just a start. And many of us started watching Spongebob with adult minds, not with the memories of a child (like Tom&Jerry). I'm not excusing the violence or racism in T&J but just saying that some may overlook it because they didn't see it that way as kids and it clouds their vision as adults.

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We don't "do" Spongebob... I actually have nothing against it and there are old episode tidbits that pop into my head sometimes, giving me a chuckle. We (I) have a problem with the mass merchandising. We have enjoyed lots of movies, for instance, but have none of the clothes/toys/accessories with the movie characters plastered all over.


I actually could probably overlook a characters on a shirt or whatever if they were completely retro - i.e. Tom & Jerry - and not part of one of the waves of kid branded consumerism.


But that's just me. If I were involved in a gift swap, I would think it rude to dismiss my swap partner's preferences and substitute my own. (Which goes both ways; I would be happy to send a Spongebob doohickey, but I would not appreciate a Hanna Montana one sent to us... does that make sense?)


Sandy Cheeks the beaver, for just a start.

Sandy Cheeks is a squirrel. It's not a reference to her bottom.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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Well I've hated Tom & Jerry since I was little. I couldn't stand the constant 'get him' mentality of it. If you watch Simpsons, they are the basis of the "Itchy and Scratchy" show. As for Spongebob, I hate that too, but it's SB's voice. I didn't let my son watch it when he was little because then I'd be there and have to actually hear it. Drove me over the edge! When he got older, and watched tv on his own, I didn't care if he watched.


I agree about the mass merchandising to kids. My inlaws buy into all that, so basically from day 1 we informed them if they want to buy X, that's fine, but I don't want it with SB, Bart Simpson, Scooby Doo or whoever on it. I admit, if you only shop at Toy's R Us, it's hard to find a plain, non commercialized item.


As for saying Sponge Bob is gay, kids don't see into things like adults. Like when they were making comments about that purple alien/creature thing. Tinkie Winkie? I can't remember what they were, but their were 4 or 5 of them, all different colors.


So I agree with you. I think it's odd.


And while I really do hate Tom and Jerry, I'm a huge fan of the other Jerry pairing! (Ben and Jerry!!:001_smile:)

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Well, they all do...


I've never read any innuendo into that.


I have but on a kid level. Naming anything "bottom" in a kids cartoon is just begging for giggles.


I think there's a fair bit a "potty" humour in Spongebob but that's par for the course, it's not sexual at all and there's a lot of clever humour that redeems it in my mind.

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Is someone seriously suggesting there isn't adult humor in SpongeBob? I doubt it. Anyone who has seen two episodes knows there is stuff. Whether it is okay in their family or not is another thing. It is very obviously okay in LOTS of households.


Now...we actually had the issue of T&J come up. Because we have a zero violence (against one another or in play) policy in our home, my daughter didn't think watching T&J was appropriate. I guess I saw it differently. At no time is there really an injury or probable injury or death. Instead, they'll see a fake head bump or stars for 2 or 3 seconds.


In our home, we go with the strictest conscience. Since my daughter found it inappropriate for her as well as her little siblings, it doesn't get watched. I understand her reasoning. I'm not sure I agree. It doesn't matter. There is plenty else on tv and the kids watch about an hour per day (sometimes less, sometimes more) that we don't need T&J (or Wile E Coyote or Yosemite Sam or or or).

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Well, I personally just can't stand SpongeBob. If you/your kids/your spouse/your dog love him, that's fine with me. I don't think he's out to get us or anything.


I really just can't stand hearing the show. His voice, ALL the voices actually, the storylines, the jokes, his laugh especially ... all those things make me want to plug my ears and scream. I don't know why. I love some shows other people consider annoying. So, my TV doesn't "do" SpongeBob. That channel doesn't work when it's on. My nephews love SpongeBob, and their adoration has also made me notice how easily kids copy the show. The "ripped my pants" thing comes to mind. I have very little tolerance for that. (There are plenty of other shows they copy, too. I'm just saying SpongeBob is definitely in "copy me, kids!" category.)


We don't "do" Barney either. Why? I don't know, I just can't stand listening to the show. Something about it rubs me the wrong way. It's the same way with SpongeBob, really.

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We don't "do" Barney either. Why? I don't know, I just can't stand listening to the show. Something about it rubs me the wrong way. It's the same way with SpongeBob, really.


This! SB just rubs me the wrong way. I tell the kids that every time you watch SB you kill brain cells. I also refused to do Barney on the grounds that it makes me feel homicidial. :tongue_smilie:

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I don't allow SpongeBob at all here. I actually never even heard of the "sexuality controversy." I don't allow it because I don't allow ugly animation. Period! So, Tom and Jerry is OK in this house, but not SB.


However, if you said that your dc liked SB, and I was buying something for your child, I wouldn't have a problem with it, because I wouldn't be the one having to look at it!

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Maybe she just doesn't like Spongebob?


Does it have to be anti-gay sentiments, or could it be any of a million reasons that have nothing to do with that?


We didn't do a lot of shows, because we found them annoying. We didn't do "Little Bear" for instance, because dh thought it was mind numbing. We do have Tom and Jerry on dvd though.

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A few years ago I was apart of an MSN mommies group. We had a xmas gift swap (by snail mail). I told the mommythat my munchkin liked Spongebob. The person said that they "didn't do sponge bob" (It was right around the whole sponge bob is gay controversy). She said that her family loooooooooooooooved Tom and Jerry.


That has stuck with me for all these years... Why you might ask?


Well if I'm not mistakened (to me at least) T&J is one of the most violent cartoons out there. Every episode is of t and j trying to kill each other. Shoot, poison, beatings, and eating each other. But please don't poison her family's values with an Asexual Sponge?!



If someone else agrees with the lady on this issue... Please fill me in cause I don't get it. =)




Ah, she was just all high-horsey.


Our family never watched SpongeBob or Rugrats or any "kids' channels" besides PBS but I didn't care if the kids saw them or got a Happy Meal toy of the characters.


She might have asked you for a list of suggestions and then bought what she was comfortable with buying.

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If someone else agrees with the lady on this issue... Please fill me in cause I don't get it. =)



It is because the parent remembers T and J and the SB is not part of her gestalt.


I always thought T and J was about siblings fighting when Mom wasn't looking.

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SpongeBob is gay?


LOL- probably bisexual. In one episode he says he likes Squidward. He said it twice and little hearts bounced around his head.


We have been known to watch Spongebob. Some of the episodes are pretty funny. There is definitely sexaul innuendo, but only my older kids pick up on it. My little guy doesn't get the innuendo at all. I wouldn't ban Spongebob, but I don't promote it either.

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A few years ago I was apart of an MSN mommies group. We had a xmas gift swap (by snail mail). I told the mommythat my munchkin liked Spongebob. The person said that they "didn't do sponge bob" (It was right around the whole sponge bob is gay controversy). She said that her family loooooooooooooooved Tom and Jerry.



We do not watch sponge bob. But if we were going to buy a gift for a child who loved sponge bob, I would buy the gift. I would do it without my kids there to see it, but I don't see a problem buying the gift. Why would you hold someone elses child to your standards?

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A few years ago I was apart of an MSN mommies group. We had a xmas gift swap (by snail mail). I told the mommythat my munchkin liked Spongebob. The person said that they "didn't do sponge bob" (It was right around the whole sponge bob is gay controversy). She said that her family loooooooooooooooved Tom and Jerry.


That has stuck with me for all these years... Why you might ask?


Well if I'm not mistakened (to me at least) T&J is one of the most violent cartoons out there. Every episode is of t and j trying to kill each other. Shoot, poison, beatings, and eating each other. But please don't poison her family's values with an Asexual Sponge?!



If someone else agrees with the lady on this issue... Please fill me in cause I don't get it. =)



Was she just saying her family "didn't do Spongebob" because they just don't watch it or was she saying she wouldn't buy anything Spongebob for your munchkin because she was opposed to Spongebob for some reason? There are lots of things my family doesn't do just because we don't like them, or choose something different, but we don't have a big reason for it. Could you have been reading more into her response than was there?



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I suppose I've never really paid attention to any deeper levels of SB. I've never noticed anything sexual - innuendo or not.


I pretty much ban Cartoon Network across the board. I will allow Boom.


As to the merchandizing, I try to stay away from it all together. Although I will say I have bought into the Disney Fairies.

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We don't watch Sponge Bob, it annoys me and I don't want my kids watching a show that takes place in Bikini Bottom. I banned Dora for a while too. I hate that she does nothing but yell. DS discovered Dora on Netflix. She is only allowed to watch it when I am not in the room. I am glad she prefers Diego. Out house hold favorites are Phineas and Ferb, and Backyardigans.

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Well, I can say that for me, it's a combination of things. It appears to have blatant (in my opinion, of course!) sexual innuendo that I find completely inappropriate for children. On top of that, I've tried to teach my kids that inviting rude/crude humor into your life doesn't exactly elevate your own character, and that there are so much better alternatives. Imo, watching crudeness on tv is almost the same as hanging out with friends who speak crudely on a continuous basis (which we wouldn't do). There's just too many other enriching and entertaining things to spend time on, why waste it on SpongeBob?


With that said, I'd never comment in a negative way to someone else's request for a SpongeBob gift, but I'd also never buy that as a gift. The gift recipient would get some other wonderful item from me, but it *would not* have SpongeBob. In the end, I have a philosophical objection to supporting either the crudeness of the character, or the endless marketing and promotion of such things to children.

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We don't do Sponge Bob. I think it's obnoxious with way too much adult humor. But we also don't do the teeny bopper Disney shows (Hannah Montana, etc.). We also don't do the Wimpy Kid series, even though one of the books is dedicated to a dear friend with a brain tumor.

We are liberal in most of our views and not Christian, but I'm starting to realize I'm pretty conservative when it comes to things that are too mature for my kids.

I agree that T&J is unbelievably violent.


But, then again, I grew up watching Grease and NEVER realized any of the references until I watched it as a teenager.


All kids are different, too. Mine are extremely aware and very, very sensitive. Different things work for different families.

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But that's just me. If I were involved in a gift swap, I would think it rude to dismiss my swap partner's preferences and substitute my own. (Which goes both ways; I would be happy to send a Spongebob doohickey, but I would not appreciate a Hanna Montana one sent to us... does that make sense?)


I completely agree with you on this one.. I did send the T&J stuff.. What I was agitated about was her attitude towards what my child preferred. Like "how dare you let your kid what that demon filth" and she lets her watch t&j. To be honest I wouldn't even think twice about her preference if she hadn't grated me so badly. =D

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Well, I can say that for me, it's a combination of things. It appears to have blatant (in my opinion, of course!) sexual innuendo that I find completely inappropriate for children. On top of that, I've tried to teach my kids that inviting rude/crude humor into your life doesn't exactly elevate your own character, and that there are so much better alternatives. Imo, watching crudeness on tv is almost the same as hanging out with friends who speak crudely on a continuous basis (which we wouldn't do). There's just too many other enriching and entertaining things to spend time on, why waste it on SpongeBob?


With that said, I'd never comment in a negative way to someone else's request for a SpongeBob gift, but I'd also never buy that as a gift. The gift recipient would get some other wonderful item from me, but it *would not* have SpongeBob. In the end, I have a philosophical objection to supporting either the crudeness of the character, or the endless marketing and promotion of such things to children.



Back in the day if she would've said it like this I wouldn't think anything of it. I respect your right to adhere to any principal. She unfortunately judged my family from the get go.

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I'll take either one of those over Max and Ruby.

Max should be talking by now and Ruby seems to do nothing but take care of him---where are the parents??


Don't get me started on Max! He's rude and doesn't listen at all... HE never seems to have a consequence.. I did like the cartoon... Just not the character. =D

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She unfortunately judged my family from the get go.

I'm sorry, now that I re-read what I wrote, it sounds a little condemnatory still. I would never have told you what you were doing was wrong, unless you asked what I thought, and even then I'd try to state my opinions tactfully.

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My kids watch Tom & Jerry occasionally because it is the only show on TV that is completely and utterly quiet. When the dc watch it, my entire house is completely and utterly quiet. Those brief moments are like gold in my otherwise noise-infested, commotion filled life. They have never pretend played any game along the lines of "annoying bird beats up dumb cat" so I guess we are good.


I can't stand Sponge Bob so no one watches it.

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I've never seen SB - at least not a full episode. The few clips I've seen make me cringe. Can't stand it. Made me think the people writing it were on drugs or something.


We also don't allow most of the cartoons geared for the elementary age. The bad attitudes and stupid parents run wild. I don't like to promote that it's OK to disobey your parents (even if they have the brain capability of a snail).


We don't have any cable now, but there have been times before when we'll come across a show that looks questionable. I'll have him watch a bit of it and then we discuss what he might have seen that he thought might have been inappropriate.


Even shows that we allow him to watch but that are borderline inappropriate, we let him know what might be wrong with it and that it better not affect his behavior.

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Not tohijack the thread, but I've been VERY disturbed by the PBS commercial where Big Bird comes to the door and the child opens it and just leaves with BB. No asking parent, no "hey mom, I'm going out into the world with a person in a giant bird suit". Seems rather bad form imo.


I really dislike that show. He is always doing something naughty which turns out just fine. How's that for an example to the kids.:glare:


Oops. I quoted the wrong quote. I meant Max and Ruby.

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I have to say, I don't let my kids watch SpongeBob either. Never have and never will. It has nothing to do with whether he is gay or not. The character's voices annoys me to NO END.The kids would be seeing crazy mommy if I had to watch a half hour of that. Same goes for Barney, most of the shows on Cartoon Network, Nick and Disney. Most of the shows are just way over their heads. Although, Mickey Mouse clubhouse is huge.


Normally they watch Disney movies like Cars and Shrek or they watch Bob the Builder. They also love the Leap frog movies.

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Back in the day if she would've said it like this I wouldn't think anything of it. I respect your right to adhere to any principal. She unfortunately judged my family from the get go.

Sorry you got judged. We don't watch SB but it's just not our type of show. Everyone has different preferences. I bought SB bandaids for a friend that loves the show. I didn't look directly at the box b/c I thought they were unattractive in the same way that I don't prefer certain types of art over others. That's all. No moral judgment being passed.


I'm not projecting this onto the mommy you encountered, but I once heard a sermon on the evils of SB. A church member whispered to me that she likes the show but she would never say so publicly since it was considered a sin to watch it.

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I dislike Sponge Bob. It drives me IIINNNSSSAAAANNNEEEE


I don't care about Tom and Jerry or cartoon violence. I just CANNOT STAND SPONGE BOB. I cannot imagine why it is sinful, people come up with the weirdest stuff. I never cared about what they said about Tinkie Winkie either


That said, I would have purchased a Sponge Bob item if that is what a kid liked.

Edited by Sis
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I haven't had a chance to read all the replies, but I will go back and look at them. We used to be a family that "did" Spongebob. In fact, my dd15 absolutely loved that show. I tried to overlook some of the humor, and thought that it may just go over the heads of the little ones.


Then, we were watching with dd, and there was an episode where Mr. Crab was rubbing the dollar bill back and forth in his crotch...and I thought, geez...that's just not so great. But, I didn't say anything. Later that same day, and I'm not sure if it was the same episode, Patrick was made fun of, and the term "waterhead" was used. It was making fun of his lack of intelligence. I have a son with autism and cognitive impairments, and I just couldn't stomach the show any longer. I honestly don't judge anyone that allows it, but it just isn't something I can support.

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