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Thought someone broke in my house lastnight

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I was just rudely woke up to what I was positive was the noisiest intruder possible I heard chairs being tossed over, crashing noises LOUD! I was walking through a dark house armed with my cell and a can of pepper spray to find my evil cat Howling at the top of his lungs thrashing all over my school room. You would have thought a herd of wild animals was in there. It took me a second to figure out what was going on, Evil caught a mouse!! Note to Evil don't catch mice on glue traps :001_huh: Yeah evil cat, mouse, glue trap use your imagination.


He hissed and yowled like a crazed animal. It was on the bottom of all his paws stuck up the side of one leg. I finally got it off with said mouse attatched. The cat hissed and tried to smack me. He has walked around all day hissing at everyone and you hear the sticky sound with every step he takes. I love my animals and am glad to know that he can open drawers which is where the trap had been. :lol:

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I was just rudely woke up to what I was positive was the noisiest intruder possible I heard chairs being tossed over, crashing noises LOUD! I was walking through a dark house armed with my cell and a can of pepper spray to find my evil cat Howling at the top of his lungs thrashing all over my school room. You would have thought a herd of wild animals was in there. It took me a second to figure out what was going on, Evil caught a mouse!! Note to Evil don't catch mice on glue traps :001_huh: Yeah evil cat, mouse, glue trap use your imagination.


He hissed and yowled like a crazed animal. It was on the bottom of all his paws stuck up the side of one leg. I finally got it off with said mouse attatched. The cat hissed and tried to smack me. He has walked around all day hissing at everyone and you hear the sticky sound with every step he takes. I love my animals and am glad to know that he can open drawers which is where the trap had been. :lol:



:lol::lol::rofl::rofl: That is all.

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Oh my! That's the funniest thing I've read in a long time! I can so picture it. Glad I didn't have to clean up the mess he made though.



It was trashed! All the leaves and things that were on the nature shelf were crumpled everywhere. He finally started letting us pick him up I tried to spray pam on the glue all over his fur and he jumped ten feet hissing. Let's all hope it just slowly wears out soon. I will never forget this it was way too funny :lol:

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That is hysterical!:lol:


We had a visitor of the rodent type once, too. I told dh that I didn't want a smack trap because I didn't want the dc to find it.


So Dh put a glue trap behind the piano.


One day I saw Mickey run under the piano at about the same time the schnauzer saw him.


Schnauzer runs, while yipping, to the piano just in time to see Mickey run out from under the piano while now stuck on the glue trap.


By the time I got across the room, Schnauzer (recall their cute little mustaches) had that glue trap, and the mouse, attached to her schnauzer mustache. She's yipping like crazy and thrashing her head around, still trying to get that mouse.


I don't recall what happened after I finally grabbed the dog. I remember not wanting to grab the rodent and glue trap, but I guess I did. It's a repressed memory even the most experienced therapist will never get out of me.

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That is hysterical!:lol:


We had a visitor of the rodent type once, too. I told dh that I didn't want a smack trap because I didn't want the dc to find it.


So Dh put a glue trap behind the piano.


One day I saw Mickey run under the piano at about the same time the schnauzer saw him.


Schnauzer runs, while yipping, to the piano just in time to see Mickey run out from under the piano while now stuck on the glue trap.


By the time I got across the room, Schnauzer (recall their cute little mustaches) had that glue trap, and the mouse, attached to her schnauzer mustache. She's yipping like crazy and thrashing her head around, still trying to get that mouse.


I don't recall what happened after I finally grabbed the dog. I remember not wanting to grab the rodent and glue trap, but I guess I did. It's a repressed memory even the most experienced therapist will never get out of me.


AWW Poor dog! I have tried three of those covered traps and they have not worked at all. I still can't believe my cat did that. It was in a drawer at that.

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So on it continues...The bog mouse in the glue trap must have had babies because early this morning they were running through my schoolroom squeaking. I am assuming they were calling for their mother. The cat took most of them out but my loving sweet son saved two. post-1329-13535085192069_thumb.jpg



What do I do with this the kids are heartbroken over them and one of them has bonded or soemthing cause everytime my little girl puts it down it squeaks and runs around the box :(


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So on it continues...The bog mouse in the glue trap must have had babies because early this morning they were running through my schoolroom squeaking. I am assuming they were calling for their mother. The cat took most of them out but my loving sweet son saved two. [ATTACH]5855[/ATTACH]



What do I do with this the kids are heartbroken over them and one of them has bonded or soemthing cause everytime my little girl puts it down it squeaks and runs around the box :(



Aww, that is so hard. Would they be okay if you set them free in the woods/field somewhere (the mice, not the kids :tongue_smilie:).


ETA: Unless you don't mind keeping them...What kind of mice are they? I would be concerned about communicable diseases. I don't know if there is a way to know if they are safe or not.

Edited by jewellsmommy
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Aww, that is so hard. Would they be okay if you set them free in the woods/field somewhere (the mice, not the kids :tongue_smilie:).


I don't know they are very tiny. The kids are heartbroken we have killed their mother. I cannot stand mice running free in my home it freaks me out ya know. I hate having to kill mice but ewww in my house. I don't know what to do GRRRRRR

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I don't know they are very tiny. The kids are heartbroken we have killed their mother. I cannot stand mice running free in my home it freaks me out ya know. I hate having to kill mice but ewww in my house. I don't know what to do GRRRRRR



Most hardware stores sell 'live' traps you could consider for future situations. We have used these. We set the mouse free away from houses, in the woods.

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I was just rudely woke up to what I was positive was the noisiest intruder possible I heard chairs being tossed over, crashing noises LOUD! I was walking through a dark house armed with my cell and a can of pepper spray to find my evil cat Howling at the top of his lungs thrashing all over my school room. You would have thought a herd of wild animals was in there. It took me a second to figure out what was going on, Evil caught a mouse!! Note to Evil don't catch mice on glue traps :001_huh: Yeah evil cat, mouse, glue trap use your imagination.


He hissed and yowled like a crazed animal. It was on the bottom of all his paws stuck up the side of one leg. I finally got it off with said mouse attatched. The cat hissed and tried to smack me. He has walked around all day hissing at everyone and you hear the sticky sound with every step he takes. I love my animals and am glad to know that he can open drawers which is where the trap had been. :lol:





Aww, that is so hard. Would they be okay if you set them free in the woods/field somewhere (the mice, not the kids :tongue_smilie:).


ETA: Unless you don't mind keeping them...What kind of mice are they? I would be concerned about communicable diseases. I don't know if there is a way to know if they are safe or not.





I would be concerned about Hantavirus (which you can contract from mouse feces).

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