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...And Baby Makes Five

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Atticus David arrived May 15th at 7:02, weighing in at 7lbs, 11 oz 20 1/2 in long! Oh, and he's PERFECT!


I'm sorry I've been MIA for days (Anj :D) and that I didn't have my laptop on me to communicate to my imaginary friends (Jami :D). You guys were so sweet. I just saw the thread with all the encouragement and wondering. I feel so humbled!


So everything went well. OK, it ended well :D. Labor was long and he was posterior the whole time causing excruciating back labor. My lower back and tail bone are still very, very sore. But while labor was long, the birth was FAST. I went from transition to him laying on my chest (and he was not fully engaged in transition yet either) in less than 10 min. - 2 pushes. Consequently, we have had to stay in the hospital for longer than anticipated because he had the beginnings of what they thought was pneumonia. They said that because he wasn't in my pelvic area long enough to be squeezed, the fluid didn't get adequately eliminated out of his lungs. So after lots of talks with our family Dr. and the head of the NICU (which fortunately our family Dr is personal friends with so she was able to get his input immediately) he ended up being just fine. He just needed a longer period of time to work that stuff out of his lungs. So we only just now got home. I've been itching like crazy to get home- I've never stayed longer than 20 hrs. But it's worth it to make sure he's ok. And he is.


Nursing is a struggle. Pray for us. He's tongue thrusting and his mouth is pretty tiny so he's not latching on more than the ni**le. So I'm already bleeding and bruised. Therefore I have to use a shield which, even though the lactation consultants (I've seen and talked to many the last 2 days) say it will be fine, I'm worried about him getting attached to it and mostly that it will affect my milk supply. They told me not to worry, that he would wean most likely at the same time my milk comes in, which I hope will be soon.


I had a photo all set to attach, but it says that it's too big. He's about ready to wake up and be fed so I'll have to attach later. Sorry!


Thanks again for your thoughts and well-wishes. You guys are the best. I wish I knew you all personally so I could give you all literal, real-life hugs.


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Yayyyyyyy, Janna!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to our world, Atticus!!!!!


You know, I'm feeling all psychic now because I was just about to go to bed and I had a sense that you were going to post something. Very strange indeed.


Enjoy your little bundle.

He will get the latch on, he really will. You've got some Lansinoh, don't you? If not, send dh right out to get some. It's your friend right now.


I'll pray for you!

Congratulations again!!!!! :hurray::hurray::hurray:

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Congratulations!!! I'm so glad he got all the stuff worked out of his lungs! I know how hard that can be. My last baby was 5 weeks early, had to be intubated... the whole deal. It's very exhausting but you're right... so worth the wait!! I'm so glad you all are home safe and sound now!


I love his name!!:grouphug:

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Congratulations! Love his literary name :001_smile:


I just want to encourage you about the nursing. ALL of my 8 babies have had mouths too little for my *ahem* anatomy. When my milk comes in, I immediately start to pump and feed them from bottles. My pump is much gentler on me than the babies :blink: And the best news is, everyone of my babies has gone right to the b*east between weeks 5 and 6 without any problems. No "ni*ple confusion" (which, despite what the "experts" say, I think is really ni*ple preference, not confusion) and no pain.


All that to say- if you can manage to pump, it might be worth a try. I am pumping for my 12-day-old baby right now and although it takes time, I know there is light at the end of the tunnel and I am not in excruciating pain!

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Congratulations! Love his literary name :001_smile:


I just want to encourage you about the nursing. ALL of my 8 babies have had mouths too little for my *ahem* anatomy. When my milk comes in, I immediately start to pump and feed them from bottles. My pump is much gentler on me than the babies :blink: And the best news is, everyone of my babies has gone right to the b*east between weeks 5 and 6 without any problems. No "ni*ple confusion" (which, despite what the "experts" say, I think is really ni*ple preference, not confusion) and no pain.



I have to agree with that.

I nursed most of mine right away, but my 2nd one was a preemie with a mouth that was too small for my *ahem* anatomy too. I tried to nurse her for a couple of weeks, but she wasn't getting enough. Finally I resorted to pumping. I pumped for 3 months and then one day I tried nursing her again and she took off like a pro! No confusion at all.


So just do what works best for you and your baby! :001_smile:

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Wow, look at me! I'm resizing photos and typing one handed while I nurse! Ahhh...multi-tasking is wonderful. Although after this posts I much prefer to gaze upon this sweet face.



Oh, very sweet indeed!


Only 7 months to go till I get a fresh one to snuggle....

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Congrats!! I just wanted to chime in about the nursing and encourage you to contact your local la leche league leader, they are the true experts and have been a great help to me with my babies. If it weren't for them I would have never breastfeed.

Here's the link to find the local group in your area.



If I were you I wouldn't use the nipple shield, it causes more problems than what it helps. He is going to have to learn how to latch on if he is going to nurse. I know the first few days are tough and your nipples are going to be sore. Make sure you use lansinoh, it works miracles and make sure he is latching on right, even if you have to take him off and relatch it's worth it in the end.

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Congratulations! Just a quick note to ask if you've looked into tongue-tie - some babies have a short or tight frenulum that prevents them from latching on deeply. If this is the case with baby Atticus, a quick procedure in the pediatrician's office may make nursing a lot easier.


Enjoy the little guy!




P.S. Congratulations from me, too! - Drew/Plaid Dad (on dw's account)

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Atticus David arrived May 15th at 7:02, weighing in at 7lbs, 11 oz 20 1/2 in long! Oh, and he's PERFECT!

Oh, just perfect. Kiss those sweet, velvety little cheeks for me! Hang in there with the nursing. Kiss those precious little baby knees for me! Great job!! And like Stephanie said, enjoy the time as it just flies by. Oh, and maybe kiss that sweet baby just a little bit more for me.


Welcome to the world, Little Atticus!! :001_wub:

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