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How long do you usually leave people on your IGNORE list?

Guest Dulcimeramy

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You're right. I'll delete my post right away.

Obviously, you're not on my ignore list.

Yet, it is quite funny to me how 2 people on my ignore list were extremely rude to me. I'm talking personal insults. Yet, they were never admonished, warned, got a light slap on the hand, or anything. Nothing at all. Guess it's okay to be rude and give personal insults. They were being anything but, "kind or polite". Things that make you go hmmm ... the things that make you go hmmm, hmmm - sorry listening to C&C Music Factory did that to me ...

So talking about it is worse than actually doing it??? :confused: It's not okay to talk about the rudeness done without mentioning names or actual threads, but it is okay to be extremely rude and insulting. I don't get it.

Now I'm off to delete my post. :)





Agreeing with everything you said, Jean.

But this is not by any means the first time we've seen innuendo. There have been plenty of times and I definitely was not the first person on this very thread to do so.

One particular individual who was very rude and insulting never did respond when asked as to why the rudeness.


I'm sorry-did you want a response from me? Am I the one being "very rude and insulting"? I thought your question was mostly rhetorical and that several other posters answered it fully.


As to why some folks get called out and others don't -- I have no idea. It all depends on what nerve is struck in an individual or who is active in that conversation. Maybe it depends on who your board buddies are and if they defend you. Maybe some folks think everyone should put on (excuse the phrasing gentlemen posters) their big girl panties and deal with it themselves.


You may feel that I was rude in my post. Fine. I can live with that. But the exchange between you and Tara was a classic example of how I felt that a thread (that was, IMHO, a useful discussion about what we as a community see as a set of standards of behavior) could be derailed into a gossipy discussion of who are the most ignored members on WTM. Talking about what qualifies as rudeness isn't a problem, devolving into a discussion (veiled or open) about who is the rudest isn't going to be of any help or value to the community. But hey-that is just my 2 cents.


My intent wasn't to be rude or insulting to anyone-my intent was to try to prevent this thread from turning into a Jr. High slam book. If everyone else here prefers that discussion feel free to ignore me or my post. They are just my opinions after all.

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Just wondering when people are going to start responding to my posts again. :bored: I've never left anybody languishing in 'ignore' for longer than a week.


I don't use the forum "Ignore" because my brain has its own Ignore Feature that I use to skip over threads or posts I don't need to respond to. So I don't even know where it is, I'm assuming the control panel, maybe?

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Guest Dulcimeramy
Honestly? This whole thread seems very junior highish to me, with so many jumping in to reassure others...

But to answer the question--I don't have an ignore list, but I do have a mental category for a few here, whenever I need a good chuckle.


I'm not above being junior highish now and then! I don't think the occasional sidetrack into silly behavior negates my long record of stern and bespectacled sobriety!


Also, this board (and its host) have a history of making allowances for a smattering of nonsense. At least, I think that was SWB phoning in pics of kilted gentlemen from a serious education-related conference.



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Honestly? This whole thread seems very junior highish to me, with so many jumping in to reassure others...

But to answer the question--I don't have an ignore list, but I do have a mental category for a few here, whenever I need a good chuckle.


If kindness to others is junior high behavior then I'm all for junior high behavior! Unfortunately, what I remember from junior high was anything but kind . . .

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I didn't even know you could ignore people! :001_smile: I'm a newbie here, so there is much to learn!

I live a pretty boring real life, so I have to confess - sometimes all the drama is actually entertaining. :blushing: (Did I just say/type that out loud?) I wouldn't want to hit ignore, I'd miss all the crazy things people can say! (of course, I'm sure I'm one of those crazy people to others!!! :D) The posts here keep my life more interesting! I guess I haven't been here long enough for it to get old and annoy me.

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Guest Dulcimeramy
I have been thinking that this thread, as well as the "troll hunt" awhile ago, reminded me of junior high--not as silliness but as cliques developing, people talking about other people, etc. I am sure it gave people the feeling that everyone was in on a secret except them, and all the "popular" people were friends but they were left out. Not something I want to be a part of here or IRL. I didn't know there was an ignore list either.


Well, fewer than half a dozen posts were hinting at gossip and cliques, but then others quickly put that idea down, didn't they? The vast majority in this thread were just talking about their personal ignoring habits and whether or not they are currently ignoring me. LOL Surely that is harmless!


No secret society. No mean girls. Also, ignore lists are personal to each poster. I think you've got the wrong end of the stick, here. I'm sorry if we seem like nasty people, because I do think this is a very supportive and edifying place.

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I'm sorry-did you want a response from me?

Yes, but I do sense some sarcasm. I hope that's not the case. Since I do have good intentions and am trying to be kind and polite.


Am I the one being "very rude and insulting"?

Yes, actually and quite honestly, I'm sorry to say that I did think that the fact that you only pointed the finger at me was bit rude and unfair to say the least.

You did say, "None of which is very kind or polite." To me, "not polite" does mean rude.

If you go back and read all the threads you will see that I was certainly not the first one doing the whole innuendo thing. So let's be fair.


You may feel that I was rude in my post. Fine. I can live with that. But the exchange between you and Tara was a classic example of how I felt that a thread (that was, IMHO, a useful discussion about what we as a community see as a set of standards of behavior) could be derailed into a gossipy discussion of who are the most ignored members on WTM. Talking about what qualifies as rudeness isn't a problem, devolving into a discussion (veiled or open) about who is the rudest isn't going to be of any help or value to the community. But hey-that is just my 2 cents.

Funny, I never thought of this thread (and many threads actually) as a "useful discussion". I view this thread in the category of "just for fun". :D

It is also most certainly NOT a gossipy discussion since no names are mentioned. No one has PM'd me. Worrying about that is a little unnecessary. I don't see this as a discussion about who is the rudest. Most don't know. Some do. But they already knew that anyway. It seems to me that some may just be annoyed because they really want to know and feel frustrated by that. Sort of like the thread "there's someone here ..." - the famous person thread. Knowing, not knowing ... what's the deal-i-o? No big deal whatsoever.

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Funny, I never thought of this thread (and many threads actually) as a "useful discussion". I view this thread in the category of "just for fun". :D

It is also most certainly NOT a gossipy discussion since no names are mentioned.


:iagree: Not only was a name not mentioned, no references were made that could possibly identify anyone! All that was said 'oh it was probably the same person I had on ignore'. Now, unless you publicly advertise who is on your ignore list, how on earth would someone else know? I'm more curious about that then I am about who "that person" was anyway! :)


Oh, and I'm adding a genuine question. If that type of comment was considered gossipy, how are posts that complain about neighbors or family members classified?

Edited by Night Elf
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Does it show the quote?


On another board I am on the ignored person isn't shown, even quoted.


I am beginning to see why some of you put people on your ignore list......just sayin'




Of course, if people quote the person you have on Ignore, you have to see it anyway....
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:iagree: Not only was a name not mentioned, no references were made that could possibly identify anyone! All that was said 'oh it was probably the same person I had on ignore'.

Thank you for saying it so well once again.

I see the finger pointing at Tara and I as pure nit-picking.


Oh, and I'm adding a genuine question. If that type of comment was considered gossipy, how are posts that complain about neighbors or family members classified?


I was thinking along the same lines. We have lots and lots of those threads.

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Yes, but I do sense some sarcasm. I hope that's not the case. Since I do have good intentions and am trying to be kind and polite.



Yes, actually and quite honestly, I'm sorry to say that I did think that the fact that you only pointed the finger at me was bit rude and unfair to say the least.

You did say, "None of which is very kind or polite." To me, "not polite" does mean rude.

If you go back and read all the threads you will see that I was certainly not the first one doing the whole innuendo thing. So let's be fair.



Funny, I never thought of this thread (and many threads actually) as a "useful discussion". I view this thread in the category of "just for fun". :D

It is also most certainly NOT a gossipy discussion since no names are mentioned. No one has PM'd me. Worrying about that is a little unnecessary. I don't see this as a discussion about who is the rudest. Most don't know. Some do. But they already knew that anyway. It seems to me that some may just be annoyed because they really want to know and feel frustrated by that. Sort of like the thread "there's someone here ..." - the famous person thread. Knowing, not knowing ... what's the deal-i-o? No big deal whatsoever.


I had no sarcasm in mind. My original post and the follow up were simply speaking what I think.


Yes, several other folks in the thread were headed down what I saw as the same path but the exchange between you and Tara was the last straw for me and made an excellent example. Fortunately it seems that other folks understand that I was using those quotes as an example and not speaking only to the people I quoted. I'm sorry you didn't pick up on that aspect of my post.


And no, in my heart of hearts, I don't think that a discussion along the lines of "who is on your ignore list-I bet it is the same as the person on mine" leads to anything that can be construed as "just for fun". I think it has the potential to lead to lots of hurt feelings and folks worrying if everyone on the board hates them or what is being said about them behind their backs. None of which is actually ameliorated by not naming names. {I am not advocating naming names-don't misunderstand that!}


But as I said-that is only my 2 cents, I don't have the power to stop any of these discussions. Continue on as you all wish.

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What? Did you say something? I can't hear you! ;););)


Of course you aren't on my ignore list!




Dawn, yes, it shows the quote ... :lol: A bit funny, actually.

I hope I'm not on your ignore list :confused:. I like you too much and I do so appreciate your posts.

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I had no sarcasm in mind. My original post and the follow up were simply speaking what I think.


And no, in my heart of hearts, I don't think that a discussion along the lines of "who is on your ignore list-I bet it is the same as the person on mine" leads to anything that can be construed as "just for fun". I think it has the potential to lead to lots of hurt feelings and folks worrying if everyone on the board hates them or what is being said about them behind their backs.


But as I said-that is only my 2 cents, I don't have the power to stop any of these discussions. Continue on as you all wish.

I appreciate your kind words and honesty. :grouphug:


I personally don't feel hurt (for the most part ;) :lol:) when I know for sure, or at least feel pretty certain, that I am on some ignore lists. That's life. I don't see it as them hating me. Maybe they do. Fine if they do. Can't please everyone anyway. Sometimes they might just find me annoying, especially with all my very long posts.


I very seldom talk about anyone here behind their backs, except for one of the ones on my ignore list who really went all out on me and was very rude and insulting. And that has been with just a few close friends here. We're all too busy to be gossiping regularly. Seriously, I don't have time for it. Barely even have time to gossip IRL. :lol: Which is a fabulous thing. :)


This is all part of life. It's part of the internet world today. I'm sure that the same thing happens on FB also. People hide friends on FB from their News Feed. The worst thing is when people remove friends on FB. Now that can be quite bad ...


Glad to know that there are no hard feelings. Thank you for being kind and understanding.

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I appreciate your kind words and honesty. :grouphug:


I personally don't feel hurt (for the most part ;) :lol:) when I know for sure, or at least feel pretty certain, that I am on some ignore lists. That's life. I don't see it as them hating me. Maybe they do. Fine if they do. Can't please everyone anyway. Sometimes they might just find me annoying, especially with all my very long posts.


I very seldom talk about anyone here behind their backs, except for one of the ones on my ignore list who really went all out on me and was very rude and insulting. And that has been with just a few close friends here. We're all too busy to be gossiping regularly. Seriously, I don't have time for it. Barely even have time to gossip IRL. :lol: Which is a fabulous thing. :)


This is all part of life. It's part of the internet world today. I'm sure that the same thing happens on FB also. People hide friends on FB from their News Feed. The worst thing is when people remove friends on FB. Now that can be quite bad ...


Glad to know that there are no hard feelings. Thank you for being kind and understanding.



Negin, I couldn't ignore you if I tried! Why, everytime I even think of you as a young girl sitting on your Persian rug petting your Persian cat I smile! :D


I'd chat more, but I'm off to eat seaweed and practice some rebounding and body brushing. :tongue_smilie:

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Negin, I couldn't ignore you if I tried!

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Why, everytime I even think of you as a young girl sitting on your Persian rug petting your Persian cat I smile! :D

I'd chat more, but I'm off to eat seaweed and practice some rebounding and body brushing.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I do so miss you. I know you're busy with all the above and more. :grouphug:

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I agree with the bolded above. I can't say how many times I've noticed a poster for the first time and then realized they have a couple thousand posts. I don't know if I've just never noticed them or if our posting paths really have rarely crossed.


I think there are so many posters and so many threads on so many boards that it is easy for a dozen different people to spend the same amount of time on the board and come away with totally different experiences and impressions of what is going on.


I do wish everyone here all the best in homeschooling and in life. Even the folks who rub me the wrong way.

The idea of posting paths not crossing is comforting to me. There have been several time in this thread alone (yes, I read the whole thing) I've thought, "Oh, well, who are you?" Then seen the poster joined in 2009 or something. :blushing:

There's an ignore list? :confused1:

I just wanted to tell you I think your kids are adorable.

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I have one person on ignore. I added them this week. My first person ever. I have no plans on removing them.


You are not that person.


ETA: I would have added someone years ago. But when that poster qualified for my "ignore list", we didn't have one. She no longer posts here. At least not with the name/story she did then.

Edited by Joanne
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I admit it, I like to ignore anyone who has a very rapid animated picture for there avatar. That is my own reason I have every put anyone on ignore. :p I find animated pictures to sometimes be so annoying. I also admit that unless I am really interested I will never read any posts by someone if it means I have to watch a animated something hopping around on the screen.


Yes, you may now call me whatever name is hopping into your mind.


"Original" was the first thing that came to mind. :)


Rosie? Aubrey? I can't imagine anyone having either of those ladies on ignore. :)


I can. Pick Aubrey.


I don't use the ignore feature, but the only person I can remember unofficially ignoring got banned.



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I currently have three people on ignore, one of whom is (I think) permanently banned. The other two I took off for awhile, but have since remedied that situation. I don't believe any of them has posted in this thread.

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I currently have three people on ignore, one of whom is (I think) permanently banned. The other two I took off for awhile, but have since remedied that situation. I don't believe any of them has posted in this thread.



I did too! It's back there about 5 pages. :D

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Honestly? This whole thread seems very junior highish to me, with so many jumping in to reassure others...


How do you think this thread might be different if none of us had ever been to junior high? :tongue_smilie:


I agree with the bolded above. I can't say how many times I've noticed a poster for the first time and then realized they have a couple thousand posts. I don't know if I've just never noticed them or if our posting paths really have rarely crossed.


Well it just goes to show how much I mooch on here. :lol: I occasionally read posts by people with 68 posts or so saying they don't post much so no one here will know them, and I think "Huh? Of course I know you, I've seen you around here heaps of times!"


I am planning to get a life in the next few years...





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Well it just goes to show how much I mooch on here. :lol: I occasionally read posts by people with 68 posts or so saying they don't post much so no one here will know them, and I think "Huh? Of course I know you, I've seen you around here heaps of times!"


I am planning to get a life in the next few years...






I've had this happens many times as well. :) I really notice avatars so I guess I don't have to read their comments but a couple of times before I've "seen them often".

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You're right. I'll delete my post right away.

Obviously, you're not on my ignore list.

Yet, it is quite funny to me how 2 people on my ignore list were extremely rude to me. I'm talking personal insults. Yet, they were never admonished, warned, got a light slap on the hand, or anything. Nothing at all. Guess it's okay to be rude and give personal insults. They were being anything but, "kind or polite". Things that make you go hmmm ... the things that make you go hmmm, hmmm - sorry listening to C&C Music Factory did that to me ...

So talking about it is worse than actually doing it??? :confused: It's not okay to talk about the rudeness done without mentioning names or actual threads, but it is okay to be extremely rude and insulting. I don't get it.

Now I'm off to delete my post. :)


Negin, I just can't imagine *anyone* regularly being rude or mean to you. You're always so sweet and helpful!!!

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Negin, I just can't imagine *anyone* regularly being rude or mean to you. You're always so sweet and helpful!!!

:grouphug: Denise, you're so very, very kind. Thank you. :grouphug:


I lock them up (in the ignore list) & throw away the key. :D

<Bwa-ha-ha... continue evil laugh here...>


I just tried to ignore myself...and got a funny message. :lol:


I just have to say that I wish I could reply to all the comments, or at least most of them. Alas, pressed for time ... but you are all seriously making me laugh ... :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:

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You changed your board name! Okay, let's not think about how long ago you changed it.


LOL!!! Um, yeah, it's been a little while. I even made my signature a warning that I was about to change it AND made my signature stay with same with a big bolder line pointing out my old name and it was still me. I'm so embarrassed. I'm so easily overlooked (just as I has expected) that you didn't even notice! :) (lol, just kidding)


My husband notices nothing. They recently tore down a building near our house and not only did he not notice he couldn't remember there being ANY building there anyway. Goof! lol

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I'm just going to be frank here...


I love the forum, and I'm sure all y'all are great folks, but I have to tell you that I don't look at who posts what, I look at the subject line--if it interests me I read it, and if it's not what I was looking for I don't read it. I have only ever spoken to one person from the forum IRL two times (the same person) because she happens to be an affiliate for the curriculum I'm starting and needed to talk to someone who could answer questions for me. I'm not looking for friends here. In fact, one of my IRL friends posts here, and I didn't even notice! She had to point it out to me. She was not offended. There are a couple of people whose posts I avoid because they usually rub me the wrong way, or I check out threads by people whose posts really tend to interest me but those are the only ones I notice, but I did not know there was an "ignore" feature.


If you are coming here to get social fulfillment, then you might be misguided in your attempts. If my real friend IRL did that to me, I might be upset, but I don't here. I have posts "ignored" all the time, and I seem to deal the fatal blow to so many threads...only to repost again later using more interesting subject lines and hey, howdy! people reply.

Edited by Hedgehogs4
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LOL!!! Um, yeah, it's been a little while. I even made my signature a warning that I was about to change it AND made my signature stay with same with a big bolder line pointing out my old name and it was still me. I'm so embarrassed. I'm so easily overlooked (just as I has expected) that you didn't even notice! :) (lol, just kidding)


My husband notices nothing. They recently tore down a building near our house and not only did he not notice he couldn't remember there being ANY building there anyway. Goof! lol


I love your screen name, and know the feeling. All boys except for me and the cat at our house. My older son wouldn't notice the missing building either.

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If you are coming here to get social fulfillment, then you might be misguided in your attempts.


You say this because. . . it isn't your particular need and you haven't found it works that way for you? It isn't my situation, but there are many homeschooling moms here who do not have irl friends and any opportunity to talk to an adult during the day. I know that because I've read posts/threads by them. And they must not be too misguided because they find some fulfillment right here on these boards.


I have been pleasantly surprised to make some very good friends on this board. I didn't come here for that purpose though. I also happen to know at least 20 people here irl because I live in a homeschool friendly metropolitan area and used to be very involved in a classical homeschool support group. I keep in mind that I have no anonymity on this board. I try to use the same manners and social skills here as I would in a face-to-face encounter. That doesn't mean that I never ever get hot under the collar. But it does mean that I try not to burn relational bridges and I try to respect other people as people and not just anonymous typists.

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If you are coming here to get social fulfillment, then you might be misguided in your attempts.


Or not. Narrow-minded, much?


I have met people online that I have gone on to be true friends with (sometimes irl, sometimes not), and I have met many more that I can count on for interesting conversations and points of view. An interesting conversation is always socially fulfilling to me, no matter where it occurs or if the person is a close friend or not.


People love to mock online communities, but talking to, and becoming friends with, people one has not met face-to-face was not "invented" by the internet. Back in the day, there were these things called pen, paper, and penpals ;)

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If you are coming here to get social fulfillment, then you might be misguided in your attempts.


I'm not! Not misguided, that is!


This is a social outlet for me that puts no one else's house at risk of being destroyed by my uncivilised toddler. It's fabulous.




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Guest Dulcimeramy
I'm not! Not misguided, that is!


This is a social outlet for me that puts no one else's house at risk of being destroyed by my uncivilised toddler. It's fabulous.





:iagree: :lol:


I'm not really trying to find social fulfillment, as that would be a pretty tall order for any one venue, but I do admit to trying to find some friends here among like-minded people. And, what do you know, I've done it.



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I'm just going to be frank here...


I love the forum, and I'm sure all y'all are great folks, but I have to tell you that I don't look at who posts what, I look at the subject line--if it interests me I read it, and if it's not what I was looking for I don't read it.


Same here. I have no idea if Redshoes1234 posted it and I don't care. I recognize very few user names, and even the ones that are familiar to me, it isn't because I'm familiar with their wisdom or personality - just that I happened to remember seeing their name previously. If someone has ever been snarky to me (which has happened) I don't remember their name & I certainly don't block them. Depending on the content of a thread, that same person could have valuable insight for me. I'm religiously conservative. Socially liberal. I practice attached parenting. I'm raw vegan. My kids play with plastic toys and love typical commercial/consumerism crap. So various opinions will attract or repel me depending on the topic.



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I'm not! Not misguided, that is!


This is a social outlet for me that puts no one else's house at risk of being destroyed by my uncivilised toddler. It's fabulous.





:lol::lol: Plus I don't have to make sure my hair is done and I can put my feet up on my own furniture.


I've made some friends on here. Some I talk to on a regular basis. While I don't live close to them, we still share a lot of experiences that count as friendship in my book. :D I wasn't expecting that from this board, but it's a nice perk.

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:lol::lol: Plus I don't have to make sure my hair is done and I can put my feet up on my own furniture.


I've made some friends on here. Some I talk to on a regular basis. While I don't live close to them, we still share a lot of experiences that count as friendship in my book. :D I wasn't expecting that from this board, but it's a nice perk.


Why are you people changing your avatars? :001_huh: It is confusing me.



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Guest Dulcimeramy
Why are you people changing your avatars? :001_huh: It is confusing me.




I changed mine for Johnny Depp's birthday and I don't think I can go back. Ever. Ain't he pretty?

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