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I don't know what to think, much less what to label this thread.

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Last night, as DH was about to get off of work, I texted him asking if he was off yet. He replied that he had just left, so I called him from my favorite list on my phone. It rang and rang about six or seven times, then a female answered the phone. The conversation went something like this:


Her: "hello"

Me: silence, stunned,

Her: "hello?"

Me: "hello?" then checked the phone to mKe sure I dialed correctly, saw DH's name on caller id

Her: "can I help you?"

Me: "uh, who is this?"

Her: "Erin"

Me: checked caller id again and see DH's name, "um, I guess I have the wrong number? Sorry." hung up


I was so stunned, I didn't think to ask any questions. So I immediately texted DH and asked where he was. He gave me the name of the freeway he was on. I texted back what happened, and he immediately called me. He said that he was talking to his brother (they run a side business together) on the phone. H told me to call back and see if it happened again. It didn't. We both think it's weird, and figured the lines got crossed, but the more I think about it, the fishier it seems. What do you think? I realize I'm probably about to hear that he's being unfaithful. I have no reason to believe this, but it's always a possibility I guess I just don't know what to think. Please be gentlein your response.

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I have had this happen both with AT&T and Sprint.


One time Petsmart answered the phone.


Another time it went to a stranger (male).


I don't get it either, but wouldn't worry abotu it.


If you need proof, look at the minutes on his phone or bill and verify he was speaking with his brother or whomever at that time.

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I have had this happen both with AT&T and Sprint.


One time Petsmart answered the phone.


Another time it went to a stranger (male).


I don't get it either, but wouldn't worry abotu it.


If you need proof, look at the minutes on his phone or bill and verify he was speaking with his brother or whomever at that time.


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Last night, as DH was about to get off of work, I texted him asking if he was off yet. He replied that he had just left, so I called him from my favorite list on my phone. It rang and rang about six or seven times, then a female answered the phone. The conversation went something like this:


Her: "hello"

Me: silence, stunned,

Her: "hello?"

Me: "hello?" then checked the phone to mKe sure I dialed correctly, saw DH's name on caller id

Her: "can I help you?"

Me: "uh, who is this?"

Her: "Erin"

Me: checked caller id again and see DH's name, "um, I guess I have the wrong number? Sorry." hung up


I was so stunned, I didn't think to ask any questions. So I immediately texted DH and asked where he was. He gave me the name of the freeway he was on. I texted back what happened, and he immediately called me. He said that he was talking to his brother (they run a side business together) on the phone. H told me to call back and see if it happened again. It didn't. We both think it's weird, and figured the lines got crossed, but the more I think about it, the fishier it seems. What do you think? I realize I'm probably about to hear that he's being unfaithful. I have no reason to believe this, but it's always a possibility I guess I just don't know what to think. Please be gentlein your response.


:grouphug: I can't imagine how you are feeling right now, but I think it is possible that the lines got mixed up. If he were being unfaithful, why on earth would he let her answer his phone? That doesn't make any sense to me. I hope you can get some closure to the situation. If you have no other reason to suspect this, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Maybe just spend a little extra time making sure the relationship is where it should be. I know I can get busy being a mom, homeschool mom, and such that I put being a wife last.

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I have had this happen. Not only someone else answering but a new voice in the middle of a call. But I agree with checking the bill out, too.

I have had this happen both with AT&T and Sprint.


One time Petsmart answered the phone.


Another time it went to a stranger (male).


I don't get it either, but wouldn't worry abotu it.


If you need proof, look at the minutes on his phone or bill and verify he was speaking with his brother or whomever at that time.

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My husband had it happen last week. He went to call me on his cell phone and it rang an utterly different number. I had it happen this past summer...for like two days my phone was "spammed" and somehow was calling different numbers without me knowing it...hard to explain but very annoying. So yes, it is possible.

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I wouldn't jump to any conclusions just yet. Has your husband been home? Have you been able to talk to him more about it?


It happened last night. When he got home we briefly talked about it. I said, you know if our roles were reversed, how would you feel? He agreed that e would feel uneasy. The thing is, I didn't really think much of it until today, which is why I posted. I'm going to check his phone tonight.

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This is embarrassing, but I will share it to make you feel better.


My dh was outside mowing while I was inside cleaning. He had just purchased a new phone with picture texting, so he HAD to play around with it. He took a picture of his chest and sent it to me, along with a PG-13 message. I replied back with another PG-13. almost R-rated message. The next message I get is from some strange guy in South Dakota asking who I was! I seriously wanted to die. All I did was reply back to dh, yet some strange guy received my text.


I hope that makes you feel better.

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I have had this happen both with AT&T and Sprint.


One time Petsmart answered the phone.


Another time it went to a stranger (male).


I don't get it either, but wouldn't worry abotu it.


If you need proof, look at the minutes on his phone or bill and verify he was speaking with his brother or whomever at that time.


That's exactly what I am planning on doing. What seems fishy to me is that he texted me that he was on his way home. As soon as I got the text, I called. How could he be on the phone, drive, and text at the same time? Sadly, he does text at red lights. I've tried in vain to get him to stop, but he feels like as long as he is stopped it's safe. Anyway, this is what I'm going to be checking tonight.

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This is embarrassing, but I will share it to make you feel better.


My dh was outside mowing while I was inside cleaning. He had just purchased a new phone with picture texting, so he HAD to play around with it. He took a picture of his chest and sent it to me, along with a PG-13 message. I replied back with another PG-13. almost R-rated message. The next message I get is from some strange guy in South Dakota asking who I was! I seriously wanted to die. All I did was reply back to dh, yet some strange guy received my text.


I hope that makes you feel better.



at least you didn't accidentally send it to you parents or your mother in law or your pastor.

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That's exactly what I am planning on doing. What seems fishy to me is that he texted me that he was on his way home. As soon as I got the text, I called. How could he be on the phone, drive, and text at the same time? Sadly, he does text at red lights. I've tried in vain to get him to stop, but he feels like as long as he is stopped it's safe. Anyway, this is what I'm going to be checking tonight.


If he was on the freeway, how could he be texting at a red light?

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Well, unless your dh was a complete idiot, I doubt he'd be letting a girlfriend answer his cell, especially if it was a time when he'd expect that you might be calling and when your caller info would come up on the screen.

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If he were being unfaithful, why on earth would he let her answer his phone? That doesn't make any sense to me.




When dh and I are driving down the road, if he gets a call and gives me the phone, it's always, "Who is it?" from both of us really. I think the calls got switched.



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Hmm. If there are other indicators, I would probably snoop for evidence. But I don't think what you're describing about the phone getting all weirdo is out of the realm of possibility.


This. I tend to be a....skeptic. But it would be weird and dumb for a mistress to answer his phone, so I am inclined to think it is something else.

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We have Verizon, and one time I texted dh to stop for milk & bread on his way home from work. Apparently, I sent the message about the same time a fellow minister called dh to discuss church business, because somehow, the milk & bread text appeared on his friend's phone instead. And I know I didn't send the message to the wrong number by mistake, because at the time, I didn't even have the other guy's number. :tongue_smilie:

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Hmm. If there are other indicators, I would probably snoop for evidence. But I don't think what you're describing about the phone getting all weirdo is out of the realm of possibility.


:grouphug: I can't imagine how you are feeling right now, but I think it is possible that the lines got mixed up. If he were being unfaithful, why on earth would he let her answer his phone? That doesn't make any sense to me. I hope you can get some closure to the situation. If you have no other reason to suspect this, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Maybe just spend a little extra time making sure the relationship is where it should be. I know I can get busy being a mom, homeschool mom, and such that I put being a wife last.


There have been no other indicators that I'm aware of. We are happy, but we do have a new baby who is nursing, so things could be better in that department, but still at least things are happening. My first instinct was that something went wrong with the phone. I guess I might just be obsessing a little.

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I've had land lines get crossed. A bridge in town was being replaced, and during construction they really messed up the phone lines. There was no way to reliably make a phone call...you never knew who you'd reach. When people would call and get the wrong number, I'd give them my number and tell them to try that. :D

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Check his phone log. It sounds like it was nothing but this will give you some peace.


I call my dad once a week. For nearly a year now, if he doesn't answer, the voicemail goes to some other man's voicemail. Dad tried to have the phone company fix it but it still continues.

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that your DH might be driving while talking, or even texting, on the phone. I would not be at all worried that he's having an affair. It just doesn't seem likely. I know these things happen, but I think you should trust him unless you have a much better reason not to.

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not with my dh, but when I was trying to call friends. I kept calling, and I kept getting some guy. I have no idea who he was. But he got mad that I kept calling him. I later checked with my friends to make sure I had their correct number. I did. It was some sort of glitch. It happens. I've heard it happens a lot. Next time it happens ask the person for the person you dialed for, then ask about the number.

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This is embarrassing, but I will share it to make you feel better.


My dh was outside mowing while I was inside cleaning. He had just purchased a new phone with picture texting, so he HAD to play around with it. He took a picture of his chest and sent it to me, along with a PG-13 message. I replied back with another PG-13. almost R-rated message. The next message I get is from some strange guy in South Dakota asking who I was! I seriously wanted to die. All I did was reply back to dh, yet some strange guy received my text.


I hope that makes you feel better.


:lol: That is too funny. Of course the one time you send a more private text, it is the one that is misrouted! Very cute/sweet of your DH as well, lol.

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OP - It really does sound like the lines got crossed up, especially since he was texting you around the same time. He obviously had his cell phone, so, if he was being unfaithful, it would make absolutely no sense for him to let the woman answer his phone.

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This happened to my sister. Someone got *her* trying to reach their *baby daddy*. They heard *her* voice and went ballistic. Even though my sister tried to explain, the woman called her back twice and threatened her. She turned her phone off. NOW we all laugh about it and if she is playing that she's mad at him, she'll tell him to go live with his OTHER family. :)


I'm sure all is well. :grouphug:

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I asked my DH, a technical guy, whether or not cell phones lines could get crossed in that way. His response was "absolutely!" He said that unless you had other reasons to believe there was an issue, not to be concerned. Besides, I agree with the poster who said it would be silly for a man to let his gf answer the cell phone, esp. if his wife was on caller ID!


I understand why you are worried, but I think you are just fine.



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that your DH might be driving while talking, or even texting, on the phone. I would not be at all worried that he's having an affair. It just doesn't seem likely. I know these things happen, but I think you should trust him unless you have a much better reason not to.


You are so right about this.

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This happened to my sister. Someone got *her* trying to reach their *baby daddy*. They heard *her* voice and went ballistic. Even though my sister tried to explain, the woman called her back twice and threatened her. She turned her phone off. NOW we all laugh about it and if she is playing that she's mad at him, she'll tell him to go live with his OTHER family. :)


I'm sure all is well. :grouphug:


:lol: Poor woman!

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Okay, I just checked the usage on my AT&T account.


He texted me at 10:17, and the bill shows that he called his brother at 10:17.

I called him at 10:25 (I could have sworn I called as soon as the text came in), but the number it says I called was one digit off on the seventh digit, so it was a misdialed number. I had no idea that was possible, because I dialed off the speed dial (favorites) menu.


Thanks again, y'all!

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There have been no other indicators that I'm aware of. We are happy, but we do have a new baby who is nursing, so things could be better in that department, but still at least things are happening. My first instinct was that something went wrong with the phone. I guess I might just be obsessing a little.


:grouphug: I agree with the others that this was most likely a phone weirdness, not a mistress. I would snoop a little and also consider if anything else fishy was happening, but if it all checks out, it was probably the phone.


When I was tremendously pregnant with my first child, my dh was supposed to be going to a race with his friend. The friend had given me a number where I would be able to reach them. (This was before cell phones were ubiquitous and this was a landline number.) At some point in the day, I called and asked the lady who answered for my husband. (My husband's name is Kelly.) She said, "Oh, Kelly is out with Diana." I was HORRIFIED! I could only think of those awful men who run around on their pregnant wives! When I finally did get a call from dh, I FREAKED out, "WHO is Diana?! And WHY are you with her?" He was :confused::confused::confused:. Turns out the lady I had called was the grandmother of the friend who gave me the number. Her granddaughter, Diana, was out with her friend Kelly. None of it had one bit to do with dh.


P.S. The Diana in question is now a friend of mine, as she married another friend of dh's. :D

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I once got text messages from a girl to her would be boyfriend for over a month. My phone didn't have texting capability so I couldn't reply and tell her she had the wrong person. Our family plan had unlimited texting though so it wasn't a problem for me but she was either really mad that he wasn't answering or she was stalking him.

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I once got text messages from a girl to her would be boyfriend for over a month. My phone didn't have texting capability so I couldn't reply and tell her she had the wrong person. Our family plan had unlimited texting though so it wasn't a problem for me but she was either really mad that he wasn't answering or she was stalking him.


Recently I had been getting text messages asking me if I knew where to score some pills or weed. I kept ignoring the texts and deleting them, then I decided enough was enough and texted back that they had the wrong number. That person didn't believe me, so it was wash, rinse repeat for a while there.


That poor girl who was texting the wrong number. She probably felt ignored.

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I've never had someone else answer, but I've dialed and instead of the phone ringing I can hear two people having a conversation just as clear as day. Cell phones can do tricky things. Based on the way your DH responded, I personally wouldn't be suspicious.

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