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My baby had an accident today

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His finger was slammed in the door by my 4 year old. It was nearly severed, the bone was broken. He got 7 stitches and will see an orthopedist next week.


My 4 year old feels terrible. I can't get the picture of his tiny bleeding hand out of my head.


:( It's been a bad day here.

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This is so horrible...I have always hated having doors slamming around my house...we had a clost call once and that was enough for me to get some firm foam and make some U-shaped pieces that just fit over the top of the doors in our home so if they came slamming shut ar full force, they would bounce back from the foam instead of a child. Worked like a charm. Praying for you and your family.

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I feel so sorry for all 3 of you! That is so pitiful! I hope everything heals up quickly. Try to put the bad images out of your head. Hoping the rest of your week is less traumatizing!

I sincerely hope that this was the low point!

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:grouphug::grouphug: Hopefully it will heal just fine. My dd (5yo at the time) lost her fingertip in a door last Mother's Day at church and bone was crushed. They sewed it back on in the ER. The next day, with her hand all bandaged up she learned how to ride her bike with no training wheels, all by herself. I happened to see her out the kitchen window. I guess she figured there was nothing to be afraid of since she'd already lost a body part.


That was the freakiest Mother's Day ever and I made her promise this year NOT to do a repeat. :001_smile: Aside from her fingernail growing at a slightly weird angle you would never tell. We are VERY skittish around doors now. :grouphug::grouphug: Hugs for your baby and 4yo too.

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My four year old son went to the van to help his sister get some sodas last week. Next thing, I hear this horrible screaming cry. My heart dropped. Sure enough, his hand got slammed in the van door, not the slider, the driver's door. He told me he heard a crack! I put ice on it and waited for a few, but he didn't settle down, kept crying, so I knew something was different. He's a tough one!

Went to the ER and had X rays. Yep he cracked the bone under the index finger in the hand. Next day went to the orthopedic, and he now has a neon orange cast!!

He's my third child, the baby, and the only one who has ever broke a bone!! Well at least so far. And with him, I'm sure it's not going to be the last broken bone we see in this house!


I know how you feel....There's going to be a few hard to sleep nights in your future. My boy can't stand the fact that he can't move all his fingers!


Hugs to you and your babies!! The 4 yr old must feel horrible! Poor babies!

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I am so sorry! I wanted to cry for a week after my toddler had his finger slammed badly enough to bruise ... I can't imagine how badly you and your 4yr old feel. And the little baby, of course. Poor, poor all of you!

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I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this! My 2nd son had a similar injury when he was 3. His finger looked horrible at the time, but it healed back wonderfully with only a tiny scar that takes some effort to locate. Its function is perfect. I hope the same will be true for your baby!

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:scared: Oh my, I'm so sorry! :crying: Poor baby!


:grouphug: To all of you!!!

I think that first smilie is exactly what my face looked like when it happened.


He's doing better today- we took him to the ortho this am and the sweet nurse there splinted it for us and cleaned it. He's up and causing trouble- it's hard to keep him from banging it on everything!

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So glad he's doing better. Earlier this year my 7 yo dd had a similar accident where the back door slammed on her finger and completely severed it below the nail. Within two months, the finger had completely regenerated - nail and all. Kids heal so quickly :001_smile:


Hugs to you both,


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