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Are you done with curriculum shopping for 2011-12?  

  1. 1. Are you done with curriculum shopping for 2011-12?

    • Completely finished! No back orders for me!
    • Mostly finished. Still looking for a couple of things.
    • I've started buying, but I'm nowhere near done.
    • What? Are you kidding? I haven't gotten started yet.
    • Obligatory other

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I start buying at around Christmas time. I have many things, but I'm still missing Geography, Poetry, Picture Study, Composer Study, and a few items to round out our American History study.


Thankfully Natural Science is all done and no long plans for me to work on (Singapore MPH 3/4).

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I've ordered everything that I'll need during the summer, or that I needed from Rainbow Resource (since I was doing a $150+ order). I still have some things to order from Amazon and PHP, but that will happen probably in July or August, as we get closer to needing them. I think most of the PHP stuff will be completed around October (we started in January). Math and spelling needed to be purchased earlier, and I have several science things purchased that I'll use over the summer and into next year.


It did dawn on me that I didn't order CWP 3, and I'll probably need it next fall. We're doing CWP 2 now. Oh well. I'll figure something out when we get there. Might just get it off Ebay. It's only $3ish shipping there, instead of $6-7 from most homeschool companies. I bought IPs ahead (got 2A through 3B), but didn't think to get CWP 3. Weird. I think because it was a last minute addition to get my RR order over $150, but since it's one of DS's favorite supplemental books (second to PCM), I better stick with it. :D


I had two box days last week. So much fun! We started a lot of it already - AAS level 3, GDI book C, CWP 2, IP 2A, PCM, some Apologia books. Everything has been a big hit! My 4 year old loves looking at the Apologia books, and says "I want to look at the Animals on Green Mountain book in the ocean." :lol: That would be the swimming creatures book, of course. He likes sharks. :D

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I've acquired everything except for two math books and one component of my son's planned literature list.


We just moved (locally) over the weekend. So, everything I've already gotten is neatly boxed and marked "HS Stuff 2011-2012." I'm not allowing myself to open the box or place orders for the last couple of things until I unpack the rest of the office/schoolroom items.

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I won't be done until I place 3 more orders later this month. I'm selling my SL Core to someone locally at the end of the month, so I will have the rest of the money then.


I've got orders from BJU and CLE. I've also got a huge order from RR. I can't wait to get it all, though!

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I'm normally done by now, but we had thought we'd restart our year in Jan and go on a Jan-Dec calendar, but then realized we'd done a lot more than we thought, so we'll stick to the traditional Sept.-Jun. calendar. I have a list of everything I want to buy, but have yet to purchase anything.

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I am envious. I have purchased and received quite a bit of what we need, but to be able to say I had everything really would be a relief. We are still lacking some of the more important things too, like writing. It would be nice if the only things missing were things I could do without.

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Almost done.


All of the basics have already been purchased. The last item I need to finalize is foreign language. We tried using Lively Latin this year and it just didn't click, so I'm considering a switch to Latin for Children. I'm also looking for spanish for the year.

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More or less done.


This year i will attempt to use the library rather than buy a lot of the books for my studies. Its sure to be a challenge and I will likely buy some stuff.


Thanks to this board I have saved a lot of money.


WP guide- 15 instead of 80

Time traveler CD- 18 instead of 29

WP LA- 40 instead of 100ish.


Amazon will be supplying the books I need for 4 wks or more but all readers and etc will be via the library. Im sick of buying books my kids determine are no good and I have almost 6 full SL cores on my shelves, which I should probably sell!


Im pretty excited. We'll start by June 1.

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Done done and done, and most of it is here . . . but then again, we are finished by Thursday, and will start again after about a week's break!


We actually just took a "sneak peek" at chemistry by looking at Hydrogen with one of our inexpensive add-on kits that I picked up on impulse (Science Wiz Chem+), and it wasn't a bad impulse buy for a $20 kit! We ended up running an electrolysis reaction-- hooked up two graphite rods embedded in test tubes that were submerged in a salt bath to a 9V battery, and watched bubbles form on the rods and fill the tubes. We had talked about what makes up an atom, and the special properties of a hydrogen atom, and how hydrogen and oxygen fit together to make water, and then how energy could break their bonds apart to make them become H+ and O2. We balanced the chemical equation to show how how much product we would get from breaking open two water molecules and used it to predict which tube would fill up faster. We talked about H+ being Rocket fuel. "What Mom, we're making rocket fuel on our kitchen table??" At the end we tested for H+ by lighting a match under the negative tube and listening for the "pop."


DS10 wrote up a little lab sheet (using the Noeo lab paper) and DS7 did a picture lab sheet (using the Noeo paper). It was awesome :). They're sooooo excited about chemistry next year now :).


Sorry for digressing . . . we were just so excited; I guess it was good to have next year's stuff on hand now that so many of this year's milestones have been reached and we're getting to some pretty short school days :).




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I voted other because although I have a general idea of what we're going to do, dd1 is learning so fast that I wouldn't be surprised if she was ready for something else by September. For example; a month ago I started the end of year report that we have to submit in June and said "dd1 prefers short stories but is starting to read novels. We'll work on her reading stamina over the summer". I had to change that entire statement because she read 5 novels last week.


I'll finalize our purchases in August!

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That always feels good:hurray:.


I can't finish because we take advantage of a summer hotel display, and free shipping there saves a ton.


Whew! Just pushed the 'confirm' button on my last order for the year :)


The books for 2011-12 are on the way. This is the first year I didn't bother with re-selling anything (it's all at the consignment store) and 95% of our curriculum will be new. Most of the books should be here next week (except for the new TT PreAlgebra that ships in July) delivered by UPS -- no Media Mail for me! :D Then they're going on the shelf and being forgotten about for the next two months! :tongue_smilie: It is such. a. relief. to be done. Which of you early birds is with me?

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Just hoping to buy Discovering Music from Homeschool Buyer's Coop - it's pretty expensive off of the Discovering Music own website. The Homeschool Buyer's Coop is checking to see if people are interested in the curriculum. If you are let them know, so they will add it to their line-up of suppliers!:001_smile:

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I'm finished, too, but that's not really fair since we start our year in May. Actually, since my last order just arrived last week, and we finished up our other stuff two weeks ago, I was behind! :lol: I'll need "second semester" stuff for science and math for sure, probably around Nov/Dec depending on how long our baby break is, and possibly something for art. But we're good until then.


Congrats for finishing up so far ahead!

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I've had all my required materials for about a month now, since I try to buy before the "rush." I still have a small handful of things I'd like to have but don't need which I will try to buy after selling my used things at a local used curicula fair.


Now for the lesson planning...:tongue_smilie:

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There is a huge used curriculum sale local to me on Saturday, so I'm hitting that hard. I've gotten a few things already. I should be finished by the end of the month.


I'm going to one in June, and although I'm "done" with my curriculum shopping for the new year. I will not pass up a perfectly good used curriculum sale. That's where I find things that I wouldn't normally buy online because of price. I'm with you on that! ;)

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I've got about 3/4 of our decisions made, and 1/2 the stuff bought / in hand. But we won't start our new year until next November, so we are only a bit more than 1/2 way through this year!


I also didn't have that much that I had to buy for next year. I picked up volumes 1-3 of SOTW over a year ago, so that's taken care of. MEP for math - free & online, all I need to do is print out the pages when we get to it (which might be before we start next year). Grammar will be a combo of mostly free / library resources. I'm using Paperback Swap for what our library doesn't have (or things I just want to own).


I thought I had decided on science, until I was presented with a link that looks really awesome. So now I've got to decide what to do.


There are a few other things I want to pick up that I'll do as finances allow over the summer.

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I've ordered about half of the stuff for next year. I think almost all my book plans are finalized (I'm still pondering my oldest's math). Now I need to wait a bit to order everything else, because we just spent quite a bit redoing our garden (on more plants, compost, and mulch). I am itching to press pay on the last button though and get all that behind me.

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I (over) bought a lot last year that will last me through next year. My youngest gets a lot of "hand-me-down" curriculum. I think all I need to get is science for my younger (Exploration Education), a second copy of some science texts for one of my twins (CPO), and Spanish for my older two (BtB Spanish 3).


ETA: Oh, I need Writing with Skill, but it's not available to order yet! Boo hoo.

Edited by matroyshka
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I just heard of a lot of the stuff I will be using next year along with RR and CB so I have placed orders and got most of my stuff. Who is God on CD does not come out until later this month so having to wait on that. Then I need to order from home science for our apologia experiments. Plus I always go to the used book sales to get cool little things but we are allergic to so much that we can not buy curriculum used sadly $$ (latex, dust, cats, hay, etc) I am so excited about next fall but also looking forward to having time off this summer :D

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I finalized the list of what we will use last weekend. I haven't bought anything new at all. I am waiting until the list hasn't changed for a month before I do anything.


The only exceptions are buying the next book in the same series. I am sure I need the next book in RightStart math, Writing With Ease, and Life of Fred. Everything else... is waiting at least a month.

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I'd better be finished. Our school year starts June 1. :D


We started kindergarten with a math curriculum and Five in a Row. That was it - we did reading via books. Now we have all of these curricula! It's partly just that first grade is a step up from kindy, but my style is also evolving.

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Most things I didn't have to give much thought too, what we have is working well, so I'll just buy the next level.


My main sticking point is history. Just can't decide, it's horrible.


And I'm a little stumped on math for dd. She is a mathy but hates every curriculum we try.

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