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Ok, that was fast....

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What was I just saying about no show and fast labors? We haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave baby! Will post more later, but it was fast..I still had no clue what was going on LOL It's a boy...boy #5 for our crew. Big, healthy, pro-nurser. All is well.


Ok Janna....your turn. :)

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SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!


No way. No WAY!!!!!!! Are you freakin' SERIOUS!?


Ok, seriously. You must be serious. Do you really have your baby? I mean, in less than 3 hours, from NOTHING to a BABY!? Are you OK?


Well, ahem...CONGRATULATIONS, Tara! Have you named him yet?


I can't get over this. I am in complete shock. I'm going to go cry. (not really. I really am very happy for you. But did I mention how shocked I am?)

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Yuh. I know. Is that insane or what??

No name yet. I have a couple ideas but not settled yet. I'm still in shock I think LOL Yeah, fast labors in the past but golly...I just didn't see this one coming and it was so different from even my other fast labors. Weird. Just weird.

But we're just peachy. :)

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LOL yeah, already online...I was IMing a few friends as labor hit..then my water broke and hubs got home..I just left the computer there. So once I was settled I asked hub to bring the laptop so I could fill the poor girls in on things. :p


Ah well, not my first 'internet birth' :)

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We haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave baby! Will post more later, but it was fast..I still had no clue what was going on LOL It's a boy...boy #5 for our crew. Big, healthy, pro-nurser. All is well.


Ok Janna....your turn. :)


:thumbup: Tara!! *squeal* I'm so tickled for you guys!! Hope you'll post a picture of the sweet little guy soon. Congrats on the quick and healthy birth, and man, am I envious of the laptop action. I had to wait for mine to all go to sleep in order to slip into the family room and hop on the computer. ;)


Kiss that baby for me!! :001_wub:


OK, Janna, we're all staring at you, now, waiting... :toetap05: (Kidding! I'm totally, well, mostly, kidding. Hang in there, sweetie. You'll be posting post-partum, too, before you know it!)

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SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!


No way. No WAY!!!!!!! Are you freakin' SERIOUS!?


Ok, seriously. You must be serious. Do you really have your baby? I mean, in less than 3 hours, from NOTHING to a BABY!? Are you OK?


Well, ahem...CONGRATULATIONS, Tara! Have you named him yet?


I can't get over this. I am in complete shock. I'm going to go cry. (not really. I really am very happy for you. But did I mention how shocked I am?)



...you'll pop your little donut hole out right in front of the computer screen! The way that post reads, you sound as if you were jumping up and down at the keyboard, bless your heart. Hang in there, hon' :):)

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I always knew the boards moved fast, but to have labor and delivery in the space of a few hour interval. Dang, girl -- I don't think fast really does it justice!



Seriously, congratulations to you and yours. I'm thrilled for you!! :D:D

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LOL, no I wasn't jumping up and down. It's just that we had *just* talked and she hadn't had *any* signs of labor yet. None. Nada. Zip. I was seriously in shock that she could go from nothing to a baby in the time span she did. I am still amazed. Absolutely astounded. I know she understood my emotion. Anyway, I really am extremely happy for her and her family. And Sue as well. Truly I am. Just in shock is all...:)

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:party: CONGRATULATIONS! That WAS quick! I'm so very happy for you! Yeah! Janna said our babies would all be born pretty close together! One day apart! WOW! I hope you are both doing well...can't wait to hear his name. Ours was boy #5 for us, too! Get some rest, Tara...those quick labors make you feel like you can take on the world an hour later but you still need to rest! :D

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