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On a lighter note - "Brand Loyalty"

Do you buy any one thing simply out of loyalty to a brand?  

  1. 1. Do you buy any one thing simply out of loyalty to a brand?

    • Guilty as charged ::sheepish grin::
    • Not I, McFly. I buy based on good deals, not marketing tactics.
    • I have in the past, but am a brand loyalist in active recovery. The economy, ya know.
    • I tend to because I belong to a rewards program that makes it worth my while.

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I like to think of myself as a saavy consumer, but truth of the matter is that even I am guilty of being brand loyal and of purchasing accordingly.


Are you loyal to any brands?


How long have you been loyal to this brand?


I'm all about the Charmin, baby. I don't even glance at other toilet papers, even though I've used different brands at the homes of other people (and even liked the different brands) ... coupon or not, Charmin is what's going into the cart. I didn't grow up using it, but it's what my husband was buying when we got married so I just kept buying it.


Dumb, really LOL.

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I've done everything from making my own laundry soap to Costco detergent to "enviro friendly" stuff to generic to other brands.


IMO, they all suck in comparison.


I don't know what kind of fairy dust they put in Tide that makes it clean so well, but man, it will get stuff out of clothes that nothing else will!




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I'm loyal to good quality. If one brand does the best job at making a product then I stick to that brand. I suppose I tend to be loyal because I don't want to waste my time and money trying out other brands when I already have one that has been tried and found to be good.


And I don't like Charmin - it's Kirkland brand (Costco) t.p. for me!)

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Campells soup.

Kraft Dinner (Wolf and the kids, I gag)

Huggies diapers. (when we were needing diapers)


I don't do a lot of pkged foods, those are the 2 that are in the house, and I don't mess around with the no name stuff. Anything else I tend to mess with, so what it starts out as isn't what it ends as. Spaghetti sauce, for example.

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Yup, but I'm not sheepish! Loyal to Scott Soft toilet paper, Ivory soap and Secret deodorant. Guess I don't want to experiment with the most intimate necessities!


Everything else -- I go by what's on sale. Most things I buy store brand, but some things I won't (garbage bags, diapers, etc.).


Funny how many people are loyal to their TP brand!

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Unless you're talking coffee which doesn't count in these things, I buy based on price, ingredients, value.... We have a lot of allergies so that limits what I buy. I go for organic. I compare prices and ingredients. I choose recycled paper products. Shopping with me is probably pretty painful. I read every label every time and compare price per unit on everything.


If Charmin ever made a TP out of recycle paper that was cheaper than what I buy at Costco, I'd get that, but I don't see that happening.

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yes, i can be brand loyal - but with very few things.


saucony running shoes

morningstar original grillers

dr pepper chapstick

great lashes mascara

aveeno face wash

oil of olay moisturizer


i do not compromise with the above brands.



i'm sure there may be more things, but these came to mind immediately.


ETA - oh! i also love cascade & dawn. i do not buy "off" brands there either.

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It depends on what it is.


I buy a lot of different brands depending on prices, coupons, specials and such. I do try to stick to more natural items and ingredients. We are not picky about paper goods at all. We use what's cheapest.


There are things I *won't* buy like I avoid cosmetic companies that test on animals, I avoid MSG in things (it makes me sick) and I do have to avoid most detergents because of fragrance allergies. I also boycott nestle (which involves a lot of brands) I also have a dairy allergy so I have to watch for that. It does probably result in a more expensive grocery bill for me but they are for actual reasons, not because of what is on a box. But I don't buy many boxed items for the above reasons.



I think the only thing I am actually brand loyal to at all is condiments. Even then....I would probably cave if I had a good coupon. :lol:

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I've become brand loyal for some things:

Dawn dish soap

Hebrew National hotdogs

Kleenex (I blow my nose too much to settle for cheaper, scratchy tissues)

Fage yogurt

Nike and New Balance (depending on which family member I'm buying for) Stafford (for men's undershirts)

Wrangler jeans (all the males in this house like them because they're basic jeans for a good price)

Smucker's Simply Fruit

Dunkin' Donuts coffe for dh, Seattle's Best for me


Do store brands count? We've found the kids prefer Kroger brand natural peanut butter and applesauce.


Wow, now that I've written it out it seems I have more brand loyalty than I thought! :D

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What? No 'other'? I buy some brands because I've tried the competitors and they just don't measure up. But for most products, I'll buy whatever is cheapest, usually the store brand.


This is me as well. I'm brand loyal to certain things because I've found the quality (taste, etc.) to be preferable to the cheaper version. I can't use anything but Tom's of Maine toothpaste because I gag so much I can't even get my teeth clean! I gave up trying cheaper versions years ago. I can use any toilet paper though--I guess my "princess parts" (thanks to pfamilygal for that :lol:) just aren't that sensitive to TP?


Oh, and Coke!!! I don't bother with Pepsi, RC, etc. Only Coke tastes good to me. No Coke...Pepsi? I'll just have water!

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I'm all about the Charmin, baby. I don't even glance at other toilet papers, even though I've used different brands at the homes of other people (and even liked the different brands) ... coupon or not, Charmin is what's going into the cart. I didn't grow up using it, but it's what my husband was buying when we got married so I just kept buying it.


Dumb, really LOL.


This made me giggle. I'm not a toilet paper snob myself, so long as the stuff does the job I'm happy. Shortly after we were married, however, I came home from a shopping trip and got a bit of an outraged lecture from dh about how "we are not so poor that we can't buy good toilet paper". That was when I discovered that Charmin was "good toilet paper" and I would be in the doghouse should I purchase any other brand. I just looked back at him and said, "there's no need to yell, all you had to do was say that you prefer Charmin; I don't know your preferences unless you tell me". Then he looked really sheepish and spent the next couple of weeks making it up to me...lol. And we realized that discussions about such things in his family of origin had rather a different dynamic than they did in mine. Funny the things you learn as a newlywed.


The one "brand loyalty" thing I can think of for myself is that I tend to buy Betty Crocker cake mixes and things--not that I go out of my way, but if I need a cake mix, I usually buy BC. Betty Crocker sent my mother to college on a scholarship, and her education has benefitted me and my family in countless ways. Somehow buying BC feels like an expression of gratitude to me. Silly, I know. But there you are.

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I don't know that it's out of brand loyalty, but I only buy Brut deodorant for my guys (all 4 of them). I buy it and only it because it works! And my nose can't say the same for numerous other brands they've tried.


I also buy Marcal napkins and TP because they are made from recycled paper. But lately, I've noticed other recycled options and have compared. I still bought Marcal though.


My family prefers Herrs chips, so those are the only potato chips I buy. Cheese doodles can vary. Utz makes the best pretzels so we don't vary on those unless we are out of their "area" for sales.


Offhand, I can't think of anything else I'm "loyal" too. Price and quality counts, but so many brands are similar enough that price does it.

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I don't know that it's out of brand loyalty, but I only buy Brut deodorant for my guys (all 4 of them). I buy it and only it because it works! And my nose can't say the same for numerous other brands they've tried.


I also buy Marcal napkins and TP because they are made from recycled paper. But lately, I've noticed other recycled options and have compared. I still bought Marcal though.


My family prefers Herrs chips, so those are the only potato chips I buy. Cheese doodles can vary. Utz makes the best pretzels so we don't vary on those unless we are out of their "area" for sales.


Offhand, I can't think of anything else I'm "loyal" too. Price and quality counts, but so many brands are similar enough that price does it.


i read your post thinking, "she has to be from pennsylvania". lol. i'm in the south now, but from scranton... if i still lived there, my loyalty would be to tasty cakes, birch beer, and teaberry gum!:D

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Not brand... but will stick with what I like. I have tried others.


Growing up, my dad did the whole "off-brand" stuff, and bought soley based upon price. There were things that, just did. not. compare. The whole family would rather have had meat on dry bread than put some of the "Miracle Whip" wannabes he purchased on them.


IME, frozen green beans are frozen green beans. BUT, I have seen a marked difference between canned corn brands and off-brands.

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Skippy Peanut Butter. My husband likes JIF and tried to tell me there was no difference. LIES!


Oh, and Sprite. The other brands of lemon lime soda just don't taste as good to me.


If I had the money to be brand loyal to Oil of Olay face care products I would. :001_smile:

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I'm loyal to good quality. If one brand does the best job at making a product then I stick to that brand. I suppose I tend to be loyal because I don't want to waste my time and money trying out other brands when I already have one that has been tried and found to be good.








For paper towels it used to be Bounty, but they now feel horrible, so we've switched to Viva. Starbucks coffee.


I'll try a no name brand and if it's good, we'll keep using it, but I will buy name-brand products when I feel the product quality makes it worth paying the difference.

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The other brands of lemon lime soda just don't taste as good to me.




Funny. (At work) we recently changed our offerings from all Sprite to a mix of Sprite and Sierra Mist; we're catered with a ratio of 1 Sprite:3 Sierra Mists.


The people are not pleased!


Kids don't care so much, but adults will go with orange juice or even nothing before they take a can of Sierra Mist! I have one very regular customer who I horde the Sprites for because it matters *thatmuch* to him and he's a good boy so long as he gets his fix LOL.

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Shortly after we were married, however, I came home from a shopping trip and got a bit of an outraged lecture from dh about how "we are not so poor that we can't buy good toilet paper". That was when I discovered that Charmin was "good toilet paper" and I would be in the doghouse should I purchase any other brand. I just looked back at him and said, "there's no need to yell, all you had to do was say that you prefer Charmin; I don't know your preferences unless you tell me". Then he looked really sheepish and spent the next couple of weeks making it up to me...lol. And we realized that discussions about such things in his family of origin had rather a different dynamic than they did in mine. Funny the things you learn as a newlywed.


:lol: So true! I learned that "well-off" meant you had two refrigerators -- one extra fridge out in the garage. We had an extra just because I came from a very large family, and I never did understand his pride at finally owning his very own second fridge in *our* garage LOL.


Betty Crocker sent my mother to college on a scholarship, and her education has benefitted me and my family in countless ways. Somehow buying BC feels like an expression of gratitude to me. Silly, I know. But there you are.


Not silly at all - now that I think about it, given a choice I tend to go with the brand that elicits fond memories for me. I meet lots of executives in my line of work, and had two very ugly run-ins with a VP at Fruit of the Loom. It doesn't affect him at all but in 14 years I've never purchased FOTL products; my kids have on idea why, they just now we don't buy FOTL stuff. On the other hand I had a great experience with a VP at Nikon and all things being close or equal, I'll always go with Nikon.

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Oh my. Glad I went back to diagram. ;)




Oh my, did I err somewhere? I learned English in elementary school, so I've spoken it a long time but it's never been on par with a natural speaker!


Or is this just that dumb of a topic? :tongue_smilie: I'd feel less embarassed about that LOL.

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i read your post thinking, "she has to be from pennsylvania". lol. i'm in the south now, but from scranton... if i still lived there, my loyalty would be to tasty cakes, birch beer, and teaberry gum!:D


I'm not native to PA (only been here 16 years), but I sure love a lot of their local brands. I forgot to mention that we tend to only buy Berks hot dogs now too. Once in a while we'll get something else, but that will always remind us that Berks is worth the price difference.

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Some things just really are better. Crest toothpaste and Cherrios are the two that come first to mind. I buy a lot of house brand/off brand things, but I've never, ever found toasted oat cereal that holds up in milk like Cherrios. :)

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I'm loyal to good quality. If one brand does the best job at making a product then I stick to that brand. I suppose I tend to be loyal because I don't want to waste my time and money trying out other brands when I already have one that has been tried and found to be good.




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Scotts toilet paper, Secret deodorant, Colgate toothpaste, Cheerios, and I know there are more, but those are the ones I can think of.


Anytime I stick to a brand it's because I have tried others and I prefer the brand, enough to pay extra. I not really won over by the marketing, but the product itself. Sometimes you do get what you pay for.

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Some things just really are better. Crest toothpaste and Cherrios are the two that come first to mind. I buy a lot of house brand/off brand things, but I've never, ever found toasted oat cereal that holds up in milk like Cherrios. :)


Oooo Cherrios. In this house, we say that, if you're going to buy generic Cheerios, you may as well cut the picture of the bowl off of the box and eat that instead. The generic ones taste like cardboard!


re: FOTL and Nikon - I spent two summers working for Dole in San Francisco. They are just a great company. I will always buy their products when given the option.




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Where's "obligatory other"? :001_smile:


I am loyal to a few brands. However, even with the brands I'm loyal to it's not blind loyalty. I tried other brands as well as generics, and in the end the brands I'm loyal to are ones that won the comparison test. For me, it has nothing to do with marketing.

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I have tried other brands and store brands of all of these things, and I buy these brands because I like them the best.


Ballpark/Hebrew National/Oscar Meyer hot dogs

Oscar Meyer bacon and lunch meat

Kahn's Liverwurst

Angel Soft TP

Tide or Arm & Hammer laundry detergent

Palmolive or Dawn Dishwashing Liquid

Campbell's Soup


Peter Pan Peanut Butter (store brand if cookie ingredient)

Blue Bonnet Margarine

Stonyfield Yogurt

Eggs - if pasteurized not available, then Eggland's Best

Taste of the Wild and Merrick's Puppy Plate dog food

Nabisco Saltines

Kraft salad dressings

Hellman's Mayonnaise

Miracle Whip

Chicken of the Sea tuna

409 Cleaner

Arnold Bread

Crest toothpaste

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Oh my, did I err somewhere? I learned English in elementary school, so I've spoken it a long time but it's never been on par with a natural speaker!


Or is this just that dumb of a topic? :tongue_smilie: I'd feel less embarassed about that LOL.



LOL Oh gosh, no! It was my post I fixed. It first read that Colgate was loyal to me, rather than my being loyal to the brand. lol I was so :blush5:

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LOL Oh gosh, no! It was my post I fixed. It first read that Colgate was loyal to me, rather than my being loyal to the brand. lol I was so :blush5:


Whew! I get so self-conscious sometimes that I automatically assume I said something odd. My IRL friends will giggle at things I say, but not correct me because they think it's "cute" - which, maybe it was as a kid, but it sure isn't as an adult!


I like to think that Citibank is loyal to me ~ isn't that why they keep offering me credit cards? :lol:

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Where's "obligatory other"? :001_smile:


I am loyal to a few brands. However, even with the brands I'm loyal to it's not blind loyalty. I tried other brands as well as generics, and in the end the brands I'm loyal to are ones that won the comparison test. For me, it has nothing to do with marketing.


:iagree: I've found a few things that work best for me/us (often after using cheaper alternatives for a long time), and I don't really have the money or time to waste in trying out other things.

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I remembered when someone else mentioned it but I do buy Stoneyfield yogurt for my kids and I won't buy cheaper yogurt.


I do buy other yogurts if I have coupons or they are on sale but only if they are actually similar to stoneyfield in quality.


If I buy junkfood I just buy junkfood. I don't want to pay for junkfood disguised as yogurt.

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