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x-post..what's the story behind your username?

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I am pretty new here, but have to admit that I am intriqued by all of the unique usernames. What is the story, if there is one, behind your username?


Mosaicmind: I was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder) 5 years ago. Since I have quite a few different personalities (insiders) then things are very colorful and pieced together inside....hence MOSAICMIND

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Hi Mosaicmind, and welcome.


My name choice was simple. I have a Rough Collie. I looked around the room and didn't like names like Lamp or Printer (sorry, Printer), and decided on RC.


We had a tarantula back then, and sometimes I wish I'd decided on TarantulaTamer as a user name, just to put some zest into it.



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Mine is after a favorite book, Introduction to the Devout Life or The Philothea by one of my favorite spiritual writers, St. Francis de Sales.


Philothea sounded nice and feminine and I like what the word means.


I used to always go by a saint's name that was a favorite, but then I gave that name to my daughter when she was born!

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One day when I was 14, my mother and I were joking about how I was going to be a famous artist, but I needed a name a bit less mundane than "Megan." I suggested putting a silent "p" at the beginning, like pneumonia. My family got AOL right about then, and so I went with pmegan as my username. It's been my username for just about everything, since! (Though on a few websites, other people have taken it first)

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Hi Mosaicmind, and welcome.


My name choice was simple. I have a Rough Collie. I looked around the room and didn't like names like Lamp or Printer (sorry, Printer), and decided on RC.


We had a tarantula back then, and sometimes I wish I'd decided on TarantulaTamer as a user name, just to put some zest into it.




Thanks RC. I have enjoyed these boards the last several weeks. I also had in mind these usernames: More than 1 (which I use on another board), Broken and Beautiful, Multiple Treasure, or Mom27Starrs

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:lol::lol::lol: Me either, but I always get that stereotype from others who don't know me.


I'm just positive that it's not in the prairie muffin vein, I wear jeans way too much for that. Plus, I don't excel in the finer points of domesticity: detergent making, organization, lace curtain hanging, and teapot shining. These things are all good, but it's just the opposite of my personality. Toile, yes, pink frilly lace and denim jumpers--NO!:)

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Mine has to do with my dh's job. He's a Nuclear Propulsion Officer in the Navy and they are generally referred to as Nukes. Thus I'm a Nukes Wife. I've used it for many things since getting married and even had a licence plate on my old car with it, although my poor dh drove that car more than I did. :tongue_smilie:

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When I first got on AOL, way back in the dark ages ;-) I went by Lynx. I couldn't tell you why. It just came to me when I was creating a username.


However, I *love* lynxes. I love cats in general, but especially lynxes.


Then I became a Mom, and so there you go.


I went by Stephanie not in TX on the old board, but I use Mamalynx everywhere else, so decided to consolidate.

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I don't really care for mine anymore, but I picked it when I first started visiting message boards about 7 years ago. We had just moved up to the mountains and I had learned that "crunchy" was the term to describe people like me.


I don't really feel like that describes me anymore( and most people picture me barefoot with super long hair :lol:) but it was easier just to keep it.

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Mine was my network ID when I was a university student a looong time ago, based on some weird combination of my initials and student ID number. I've used it for all kinds of anonymous sign in things since then because I can type it my sleep, certainly not because I'm nostalgic for my student days!

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I posted on the old boards once, as "Once and Only Once" cause I had a word of warning for someone with a sick cat. (I generally do not have my act together enough to have wisdom to offer others.) I really did not start posting thinking that I would continue. But I have, so my name is now officially a lie. I think I am coming up to 100 posts.:001_huh:


I have used Treewin before and may change it in the future. I feel like a fake posting here under false pretenses. I just can. not. stop.:001_smile:


Hope all you ladies out there had a great Mother's Day!

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I Love reading all of these..... Here is mine. I have this posted on my elegant lion blog. ....


"The Elegant Lion is a name that God showed me in a dream. In the dream it was the name of a very cool boutique. It was filled with many beautiful items, full of texture and warmth. It has stuck with me since that day. While I have no aspirations of opening up a retail store, I do enjoy sharing some of the texture and warmth of this world as I see it.


DISCLAIMER: I do not fancy myself as elegant and the only lion-like quality I have is the shaggy mane of hair on my head."

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I used to be LB in Seattle, but after being here for 6 to 7 yrs, there were starting to be lots of names with LB in them, so I wanted something interesting. Also, at this time, I shaved my head for the first time- my family started calling me Spike, Lance, and Needleroozer- all names for a little porcupine in a picture book we love. So, I became Needleroozer, and it has stuck, and I love it. It also works as a name for me as I do mixed media and fabric art, and work with needles.

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I was "Dy in AZ", then "Dy in NM", then I didn't want to be "Dy in MD" so I shortened it to "Dy". But that was a pitb to search for when I lost a post on the old board and tried to find it. (There are SO many words with 'dy' in them!)


When we switched to this format, I had to come up with something, and since I was jonesing for a board fix I didn't have time to come up with something really good. :001_huh: Soooo, since we're rehabbing our Forever Home, and we're doing it all ourselves, *and* there seems to be no end in sight (no point at which I can either quit, or just hire somebody, lol), DIY-DY seemed appropriate.

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Kids Happen. Way back when I worked full time (and only had four kids), my employees gave me a card for my birthday and inside was a bumper sticker that said Kids Happen. I put it on my car (only bumper sticker I ever put on a car) and then when we sold that car I got a license plate that said KidsHappen. When I first got an email account that seemed like an appropriate moniker and I have used it ever since. It is my handle everywhere I go and as far as I know I am the only KidsHappen out there. So if you see a KidsHappen anywhere, it is probably me.

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OK, stay with me now........


My name is Hillary, and I live in Kansas. :tongue_smilie:


Hmmm. I think I see it... well, I don't know.


Not all of us have actually had a classical education, y'know. Asking us to use this much logic seems a bit... optimistic. :tongue_smilie:

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Just my initials and state I live in. Boring. But I HATE my first name....middle one growing up wasn't much better, so as a kid in S. California I was JLF in CA. Now I am married, dropped the middle name and moved my maiden name into that position, and became JFS in IL.

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Mine is so exciting, I can hardly stand it!:glare:


It's my name, although I go by "Laney" in real life. I am a junior and it was easier to distinguish me from my mom with me going by Laney. Many here call me Laney at times, and I actually prefer it.:001_smile:

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My name is Pam, I now live in TN, and I own a Flaming Sword and lots of fire insurance. I'm also known (or was previously known) as Alphabet Pam, Pam in NJ, Pam in VA, Pam in MD.



You're still LMNOPam (Or Ellemeno Pam) to me.:D

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Mine is just a combo of the names of two of our three cats: Percy and Truffle. Percy is a large white and gray long-haired male with huge green eyes that look outlined with a thick line of eyeliner. He is very pretty, but not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Truffle is a brown and white long-haired tabby with yellow eyes. He is our bad boy. We bought him a leather biker jacket last year. He causes us all sorts of trouble, but he is worth it! Percy and Truffle are brothers, so I decided to throw them together into one name when I first came onto the boards years ago. A name made of cats' names is perfect for me since I spend most of my day herding them. :D

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