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S/O article on tramp girl wear, what about the boys?

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I agree that current dress trend is appalling but I think the author should do a follow up article on how parents should not dress their boys like village idiots or play dress up thugs. I really, really, really HATE seeing boys/men without their shirts and their pants so low you see the "v" to the "p". Or stupid ripped up shirts so that I can see all their pit hair. Or their underpants. Or their pants essentially around the ankles. Or untied shoes. Or hats on sideways.


Ok. Got that off my chest.

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I agree with you. Totally. But, I still can't figure out what "the v to the p" is? :confused:


~ThatTragicallyUnhipCyndiGirl :001_huh:


I think that she is talking about the part of the abdomen that forms a "v" in men leading to the pubic area. Pants would have to be below hips to show this area. In my day, it was scandalous to see a man's happy trail which sometimes starts at their chest.

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But, I still can't figure out what "the v to the p" is? :confused:



Neither can I.


I just don't like the saggy pants with all of the underwear showing thing. First, I thought this was and old thing from the 80's or 90's. Secondly, it just looks stupid. Thirdly, someone told me it had jail bird connotations.

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This must have been a generational thing that happened between my son's age and current young teens. My son did wear his shorts a little low but that was about it. The boys around here almost seem over dressed. They layer as much as my dd's. I currently have 3 male teens in my dining room. It is 75 degrees and they are all wearing two shirts, hoodies, jeans (pulled up to teh waist), sneakers and hats. Boys around here frequently wear slacks as well. I am very happy with the school dress code here because it is pretty strict and seems to spill over into out of school dress.

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I agree that current dress trend is appalling but I think the author should do a follow up article on how parents should not dress their boys like village idiots or play dress up thugs. I really, really, really HATE seeing boys/men without their shirts and their pants so low you see the "v" to the "p". Or stupid ripped up shirts so that I can see all their pit hair. Or their underpants. Or their pants essentially around the ankles. Or untied shoes. Or hats on sideways.


Ok. Got that off my chest.



:iagree: Very much!!

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He did refer to boys in the original article. I don't have the exact quote in front of me but it was something to the affect of: Little Wayne is popular but I don't let my son wear his pants dragging on the ground. So, I think he was trying to bring boys dress in to the debate as well.


I think the focus is more on the female gender because the studies have shown eating disorders, depression and body image problems directly related to the dressing sexy at a younger age. To my knowledge, wearing thug clothes does not have the same psychological effect on boys.

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He did refer to boys in the original article. I don't have the exact quote in front of me but it was something to the affect of: Little Wayne is popular but I don't let my son wear his pants dragging on the ground. So, I think he was trying to bring boys dress in to the debate as well.


I think the focus is more on the female gender because the studies have shown eating disorders, depression and body image problems directly related to the dressing sexy at a younger age. To my knowledge, wearing thug clothes does not have the same psychological effect on boys.


I'd swear that it causes brain damage though. LOL. :lol:

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I think that she is talking about the part of the abdomen that forms a "v" in men leading to the pubic area. Pants would have to be below hips to show this area. In my day, it was scandalous to see a man's happy trail which sometimes starts at their chest.


Ohdear. Vanilla Ice/Markee Mark, et. al. :001_huh:


"Say 'hi' to your mother for me!" :lol:

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I saw a boy the other day with big baggy shorts on (below the hips of course) and a really tight long shirt. It was very feminine looking.


I also noticed while watching some old movies (80s and before) that the pants that came to their waist were more attractive and actually accentuated the male form.


Now it seems if a man has a shirt on then he has no form.*


Anyone know what I mean?




*If his shirt is off then you can see the V shape... talk about scandalous. I think a woman being topless is more acceptable.

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He did kind of address it (in the article I read) where he said "The way I see it, my son can go to therapy later if my strict rules have scarred him. But I have peace knowing he'll be able to afford therapy as an adult because I didn't allow him to wear or do whatever he wanted as a kid." and something about his boys wearing pants that fit.

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He did kind of address it (in the article I read) where he said "The way I see it, my son can go to therapy later if my strict rules have scarred him. But I have peace knowing he'll be able to afford therapy as an adult because I didn't allow him to wear or do whatever he wanted as a kid." and something about his boys wearing pants that fit.


He did which is what gave the hope for a follow-up article. He could greatly expand on that equally problematic area.

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I agree that current dress trend is appalling but I think the author should do a follow up article on how parents should not dress their boys like village idiots or play dress up thugs. I really, really, really HATE seeing boys/men without their shirts and their pants so low you see the "v" to the "p". Or stupid ripped up shirts so that I can see all their pit hair. Or their underpants. Or their pants essentially around the ankles. Or untied shoes. Or hats on sideways.


Ok. Got that off my chest.



The kids have a young-ish sports instructor - I love this guy; he's cute, he's smart, he's dedicated, he's funny, he's fantastic with all the kids...and then I got a load of his red and white boxers, not once, but twice, and now I can't look at him the same anymore. :001_huh:

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I agree that current dress trend is appalling but I think the author should do a follow up article on how parents should not dress their boys like village idiots or play dress up thugs.


I just have to tell you that recently I bought my son a shirt from the Renaissance Fair that says "Village Idiot" across the chest. :D

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I can't stand the tees with the idiotic slogans and graphics.

Me neither! I can't believe what some of them say! I once walked around the boys' section and couldn't find a regular type of t-shirt. But then, my local Macy's hardly even HAS a section for boys between the ages of 18 mo and 8 years. Seriously!

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What counts as "idiotic"?

I shuddered at one I can't quite remember that suggested that the kid had offered the other person chocolate, except it was really mouse droppings.


I see an enormous number of this sort at JCPenney.

Here are some from their website:

Lead me not to temptation...I can find it myself

Rub me for luck

A big delight in every bite (picture of a twinkie lassoing something, obviously a phallic reference)

Game Over (picture of man and woman in bridal outfit)

This is the part where I pretend I am listening

If I ignore you will you go away?

It's not that I forget, it's just that I don't care

Sarcasm, just one of the services I provide

I can't hear you, I've got my head up my bass

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Honestly, I think this is a retro Twinkie commercial. I can't make that look like a phallic reference no matter what way I turn the screen. I suppose to some people it could be suggestive but not to my notion. Tacky though, for sure.

Yes, I get the retro Twinkie ad. But it looks very phallic to me, in every direction! Especially pointed up! With that hat!!!


I cannot be the only one.


(Urban dictionary makes this comment: " The phallic shape of the "TWINKIE" snack cake should not escape the reader's attention.")


... I realize that this t-shirt reflects the slogan for Twinkies. But why would a teenaged boy wear a tube-shaped pastry on his shirt, advertising a delight in every bite?, is the question.

Edited by stripe
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Yes, I get the retro Twinkie ad. But it looks very phallic to me, in every direction! Especially pointed up! With that hat!!!


I cannot be the only one.


(Urban dictionary makes this comment: " The phallic shape of the "TWINKIE" snack cake should not escape the reader's attention.")


... I realize that this t-shirt reflects the slogan for Twinkies. But why would a teenaged boy wear a tube-shaped pastry on his shirt, advertising a delight in every bite?, is the question.


I am almost ashamed to admit that I bought this for my future SIL as a pj shirt and he wears it everytime I visit. I am a baaad mom. He is 20 year old though and has the sense to keep it to house wear. I also have a shirt that says, "Don't make me pee on you. :angry:" (alpha female joke) I have and odd sense of humor. :001_smile:


ETA: I bought the shirt that I linked above, not the one mentioned here. The one I bought has a little more ambiguity but still, I have no excuse.

Edited by KidsHappen
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Yes, I get the retro Twinkie ad. But it looks very phallic to me, in every direction! Especially pointed up! With that hat!!!


I cannot be the only one.


(Urban dictionary makes this comment: " The phallic shape of the "TWINKIE" snack cake should not escape the reader's attention.")


... I realize that this t-shirt reflects the slogan for Twinkies. But why would a teenaged boy wear a tube-shaped pastry on his shirt, advertising a delight in every bite?, is the question.



I saw hat-wearing Twinkies for years as a kid and never thought of them as naughty. :lol:


Besides which, wouldn't a guy HATE a reference to....uhm....BITING?!~ :confused:

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Okay my dd owns "If I ignore you will you go away?" and "If I throw a stick, will you leave?" It is her commentary on the smarmy *Romeos* who think that every girl is just waiting on them to cross her path. :lol (Hers are words only, no pics. )


But, I agree that boys' dress can use some work as well.


And PUH-LEEZE with the skin tight, skinny leg jeans! blech!

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Found on a T-shirt featuring Daisy and Peach (Super Mario for nintendo characters) "Two girls, one up". :banghead:


DD loves Daisy and Peach. I had to tell her that the T-shirt was not acceptable without explaining why.


I recently had the same conversation with my daughter. It makes me sad that T-shirt companies think clever wording that has a sexual connotation is appropriate. My daughter really wanted that shirt. :glare:

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The sagging pants are epidemic here in Fort Worth. You can't go anywhere without seeing some kid waddling down the street with a death grip on their fly so they can walk without tripping. I seriously do. not. get. it.


There's even a huge billboard on the freeway that says "Big Mama says: PULL YO PANTS UP!!"


My daughter wants to start a donation program. She thinks we should keep a pile of belts in the car and hand them out to all the poor boys that can't keep their pants up :lol:

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Honestly, I think this is a retro Twinkie commercial. I can't make that look like a phallic reference no matter what way I turn the screen. I suppose to some people it could be suggestive but not to my notion. Tacky though, for sure.


Try this one: http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3F_adv_prop%3Dimage%26va%3Dtwinkie%2Bt-shirt%26fr%3Db2ie7&w=261&h=261&imgurl=www.spacedust.com%2Fwp-content%2Fthemes%2Fviroshop%2Ftimthumb.php%3Fsrc%3Dhttp%3A&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spacedust.com%2Ft-shirts%2Fretro-t-shirts%2Ftwinkie%2F&size=115KB&name=Vintage+Hostess+...&p=twinkie+t-shirt&oid=14b94cd2a378e7f1540ee4bdcb79975e&fr2=&no=12&tt=248&sigr=11pvisk63&sigi=123l0qlm6&sigb=12oub20as&.crumb=fJiTUEXipC4. I hope that links works. If not do a image search on yahoo and look at the Twinkie shirt that says, "It's what's on the inside that counts." There is also one that says something about filled with creamy goodness. I think these ones are much more obvious.

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Found on a T-shirt featuring Daisy and Peach (Super Mario for nintendo characters) "Two girls, one up". :banghead:


DD loves Daisy and Peach. I had to tell her that the T-shirt was not acceptable without explaining why.



I don't get it. When did I become my mother?

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I'm still :confused: about the Twinkies. I guess it is the uber-sheltered homeschooled for high school little goody two shoes girl in me. I refuse to believe Hostess is peddling phalluses (phalli?). :svengo::ack2::leaving: I have been accused of hiding my head in the sand ostrich-style on other issues IRL- I guess my head is back in the sand over this one.

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I'm still :confused: about the Twinkies. I guess it is the uber-sheltered homeschooled for high school little goody two shoes girl in me. I refuse to believe Hostess is peddling phalluses (phalli?). :svengo::ack2::leaving: I have been accused of hiding my head in the sand ostrich-style on other issues IRL- I guess my head is back in the sand over this one.




Great. All this TwinkieTalk has got me craving the phallic cakes. :glare:



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I agree that current dress trend is appalling but I think the author should do a follow up article on how parents should not dress their boys like village idiots or play dress up thugs. I really, really, really HATE seeing boys/men without their shirts and their pants so low you see the "v" to the "p". Or stupid ripped up shirts so that I can see all their pit hair. Or their underpants. Or their pants essentially around the ankles. Or untied shoes. Or hats on sideways.


Ok. Got that off my chest.


:iagree::iagree::iagree: Thanks for saying that!

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I'm still :confused: about the Twinkies. I guess it is the uber-sheltered homeschooled for high school little goody two shoes girl in me. I refuse to believe Hostess is peddling phalluses (phalli?). :svengo::ack2::leaving: I have been accused of hiding my head in the sand ostrich-style on other issues IRL- I guess my head is back in the sand over this one.


Hostess isn't doing it. Someone with a dirty mind saw a Twinkie and thought, "Cream filled, phallic shaped snack, hmmm." and then made a t-shirt. I'll send you a pm regarding the implication. ;)

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Hostess isn't doing it. Someone with a dirty mind saw a Twinkie and thought, "Cream filled, phallic shaped snack, hmmm." and then made a t-shirt. I'll send you a pm regarding the implication. ;)

Not really. It is an old slogan of theirs, and JCPenney sells other shirts with advertising on it (Mountain Dew, Dr Pepper, etc).


Here is a photo of a 1978 comic book with a Twinkie plug:

Twinkies Ad - 1978


As the vintage slogan said, "You get a big delight in every bite."



Here is the old TV ad in which Twinkie is out lassoing things.


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Not really. It is an old slogan of theirs, and JCPenney sells other shirts with advertising on it (Mountain Dew, Dr Pepper, etc).


Here is a photo of a 1978 comic book with a Twinkie plug:

Twinkies Ad - 1978





Here is the old TV ad in which Twinkie is out lassoing things.



Well, now I am confused. I knew that the Twinkie with Lasso and the bite slogan was from an old Twinkie ad but I thought that the tee I linked was just a new play (more risque') on this. However, now I see that it says vintage t-shirt: http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3F_adv_prop%3Dimage%26va%3Dtwinkie%2Bt-shirt%26fr%3Db2ie7&w=261&h=261&imgurl=www.spacedust.com%2Fwp-content%2Fthemes%2Fviroshop%2Ftimthumb.php%3Fsrc%3Dhttp%3A&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spacedust.com%2Ft-shirts%2Fretro-t-shirts%2Ftwinkie%2F&size=115KB&name=Vintage+Hostess+...&p=twinkie+t-shirt&oid=14b94cd2a378e7f1540ee4bdcb79975e&fr2=&no=12&tt=248&sigr=11pvisk63&sigi=123l0qlm6&sigb=12oub20as&.crumb=fJiTUEXipC4 . I really don't recall ever seeing this particular ad before this past year, just the ones that you linked.


I was thinking that the original just seemed less perverse and I was trying to figure out why. I thought that maybe personifying it by having it standing up-right with a hat was what made the difference but then realized while describing it in words that made it seem more so not less, so I am going to have to go with the addition of the arms, legs and lasso.

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