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How do you feel about the amount of tax you pay?

How do you feel about the amount of taxes you pay?  

  1. 1. How do you feel about the amount of taxes you pay?

    • I am fine with the amount of taxes I pay.
    • I pay too much.
    • I don't pay enough.
    • Other (explain if you like)

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We are self-employed which means we pay slightly more than wage-earners. That's no fun. Since we pay ours in one whopping check a year, it seems OUTRAGEOUS.


So I vote too much. Especially for how it's spent.


If everyone had to write a check for taxes instead of having it withheld, we'd have tax reform in no time at all. Whether it's writing a check twice a month or once a year, the act of writing it certainly gets your attention.

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We are self-employed which means we pay slightly more than wage-earners. That's no fun. Since we pay ours in one whopping check a year, it seems OUTRAGEOUS.


So I vote too much. Especially for how it's spent.


:iagree:With the difference that we pay quarterly. On paper we make a LOT of money. Irl, not so much.

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I think it is ridiculous how little we pay in federal taxes - we make more than the median income for the country yet pay virtually nothing (less than 2% of our gross income goes to federal income taxes). I know we get the mortage deduction, child tax credits, and charitable giving deduction that reduces our tax burden. But I would be in much more favor of aboloshing all the 'exemptions' and going to a lower graduated tax rate that is easier to understand and more fair for everyone. Truly, I think that it would be better if we paid ~10% of our income in federal taxes and that it would be a fair amount given what we make.

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Due to adoption tax credits we have not had a tax liability for a few years...so that's been great but now we will start paying and I don't know how much that will be. That said I am all for paying taxes if it is going to a good cause..IE NH has no state tax, VT has a state tax but it also has one of the strongest PS SpEd inclusive programs I have ever seen. Children get aids in the classroom instead of being shipped out...I don't mind paying for that. They also have high medical aid, food stamps, day care aid...I can't partake of it we make just over the limit but I am ok with helping to pay for it because it really is helping children out.

But I look at the federal government and the fact that they are literally wasting the money I have given them and it makes me sick.

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IMHO federal taxes are historically very low rates for income taxes and corporate taxes. I think the tax cuts need to go away to help pay for the wars we have been at for the past 10 years. I think our country right needs reasonable tax increases. I would hate to see us pay for the wars on the backs of middle class. I do not think medicare should be changed to vouchers so that I can be at the mercy of private health insurance companies. I would not want to see medicaid cut since most of the beneficiaries are the elderly in nursing homes and the disabled.


I don't think I pay too much and should probably pay a little more.

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We are self-employed which means we pay slightly more than wage-earners. That's no fun. Since we pay ours in one whopping check a year, it seems OUTRAGEOUS.


So I vote too much. Especially for how it's spent.


If everyone had to write a check for taxes instead of having it withheld, we'd have tax reform in no time at all. Whether it's writing a check twice a month or once a year, the act of writing it certainly gets your attention.


We are in the same position and I feel exactly the same way.


FWIW, paying property taxes probably qualifies as the thing I most detest paying taxes on. Every year, we pay more tax on property we OWN already. :glare: Ticks me off.

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FWIW, paying property taxes probably qualifies as the thing I most detest paying taxes on. Every year, we pay more tax on property we OWN already. :glare: Ticks me off.

Property taxes don't bother me at all b/c I see so many great city services we receive as a result of our taxes. We have a great community college, award winning library, comprehensive parks and recreation buildings/classes/community activities, well-run and consistent garbage removal and snow removal. Spacious forest preserves and parks. Responsive city officials (at least the ones I've encountered). Well-thought out community development. The school district itself isn't the greatest, but they have some excellent programs within it. I honestly can't imagine complaining about my property taxes b/c I see them at work around me every day in ways that the community couldn't accomplish without collective contributions and effort.

Edited by Sevilla
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I don't think we pay too much -- too little, probably. We are fortunate enough to be in the highest tax bracket and while our taxes in absolute terms are a lot (I just wrote a huge check), paying them is much less painful now than it was when we had a lot less money, even though we were in a lower bracket.


What I do resent is how long it takes me to DO our taxes. It is absurdly complicated, for no apparent good reason, and it takes me at least two weeks of working on it almost nightly to finish. I'll send you my money, but don't waste my time!

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I actually feel a tad bad about it because we do not pay anything. In fact they give us money, because of our income level. Now state is another story, we do pay state and local taxes.




Selfishly, I am not complaining, but I think it's ridiculous that the government actually pays us money at tax time. We get back ALL of what we put in (very little to begin with) plus a few thousand which more than covers our state and local. I am very thankful to have that money (we need it), but it seems really unfair in theory that we don't pay anything.

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DH is self-employed here too! Tax time each quarter is NOT fun. I wish we could just go to a flat tax system...the more you buy, the more taxes you pay.


Something that might help you...

When I was self-employed, I took the sales tax amount of every payment received and put it in savings. I didn't put aside the 7.65% of SE tax because Dh had extra withheld from his pay to cover my SE tax. See if you can put these amounts aside every time you receive pay. Even if you can only put a portion of it aside, you are not struggling every quarter to pay ALL of it.

I know this may have occurred to you and that you cannot do this. I just thought I'd share how I used to do it.

Good luck to you.

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I'm torn. DH makes enough to put us in the highest tax bracket but we aren't exactly rolling in it especially since we have more than six figures in student loan debt (that isn't deductible because he makes over the income limit). I don't work because it makes no financial sense--after taxes, childcare and commuting costs we'd just about break even. I'm madder about our state taxes more than the feds--California is a mess.



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right now we don't pay taxes, and actually get thousands of dollars in credit. we don't earn much, so I'm glad we don't have to pay, but all those credits seem a bit too much. but...


in a few years when dh finishes his residency we'll be paying tons of taxes, while trying to pay back enormous student loans, paying huge malpractice insurance fees, hoping to get reimbursed from whatever the government has ruled about health care, and dealing with the costs of either starting a new practice or joining in and helping out a small one. Then I'll be wishing for much lower taxes. Hmm - maybe we'll save the thousands of bonus dollars we get now to pay the taxes we'll have to deal with in the future...

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We don't pay enough in federal taxes. State taxes feel high. Property taxes are out of whack with reality (painfully high). Overall it feels basically fair. If federal were to go up it would be painful. The fact that we aren't paying much makes it feel overall more fair.


Hopefully that makes sense. :001_smile:

This is us, except I think we pay plenty in federal ;) State taxes are irksome, but local taxes (including realestate) are rediculous. If Federal went up (so would state) and we'd never be able to pay our local taxes (since our fed refund pays the county).

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Way too much, all taxes considered.


I don't mind paying for defense. That is the one thing the government is charged by the Constitution to provide, and overall the cost is worth it. I'm not saying I agree with absolutely everything the military is used for, and I want to see the money used wisely, but I want a well-funded military. Our freedoms are worth preserving.


I do believe there needs to be a total overhaul of entitlements. We think there are huge, huge, huge amounts of fraud and waste there, and we believe they end up doing way more harm than good. The government also has no Constitutional authority to provide them.



ETA: I think the answers to this poll will depend on the responders philosophy on the roll of government in our lives.

Edited by My3Boys
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Property taxes don't bother me at all b/c I see so many great city services we receive as a result of our taxes. We have a great community college, award winning library, comprehensive parks and recreation buildings/classes/community activities, well-run and consistent garbage removal and snow removal. Spacious forest preserves and parks. Responsive city officials (at least the ones I've encountered). Well-thought out community development. The school district itself isn't the greatest, but they have some excellent programs within it. I honestly can't imagine complaining about my property taxes b/c I see them at work around me every day in ways that the community couldn't accomplish without collective contributions and effort.


I disagree. Most of those things you just mentioned could also be run in terms of membership. They don't have to be extorted from everyone who owns property in order to provide perks for everyone that may or may not want or need them. You can't choose not to pay property taxes, citing that you have allergies and never go to the park. ;)


Also, I would echo what some other posters have said. I see a lot of waste, like the endless tree-trimming that goes on along my road. Why don't they just cut DOWN the offending trees? I've even seen crews planting trees that will obviously grow up to obscure a road sign or entangle with powerlines; WHY do they plant them there? I love daffodils, but do we need 10,000 of them in the median strip? I think not. I can't be sure exactly how these are funded, but one tax or another is the usual culprit.


I don't think people should be penalized for accumulating land and that is how property tax appears to me.

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Honestly? I probably don't pay enough. If all I EVER got from the government from my tax dollars was my healthcare, I would still not be paying as much as I paid for healthcare insurance premiums when I was in the US.


But... I get a lot more than just my healthcare coverage, so yeah... while I'm not necessarily saying I want to pay more, I admit that, for what I get in return, I probably don't pay enough.

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I disagree. Most of those things you just mentioned could also be run in terms of membership. They don't have to be extorted from everyone who owns property in order to provide perks for everyone that may or may not want or need them. You can't choose not to pay property taxes, citing that you have allergies and never go to the park. ;)

I see what you're saying, but I disagree because I think that these things benefit the community as a whole (and then trickle down to everyone in the community even if you don't individually use them).

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I'm fine with the amount that we pay.

Although, I would be willing to pay more if the money would be going directly to the EPA and FDA and all the regulatory agencies (finance and otherwise) that make sure we have clean air and water, safe medicines, and consumer protection. Oh, and I would chip in for universal basic healthcare. =)

Also, I would be willing to pay more local taxes if I could be sure that it were going to pay police, firefighters, teachers (those in our city are not compensated very well), honest civil servants, and for fixing the roads in our city! (I don't mean that all civil servants are corrupt, just that many in our city work more for their friends and lining their own pockets.)


ehh,.... maybe I'm saying too much....

Edited by Joyful
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I put that I pay too much and I would like to add that I am not happy with the way it is distributed. :glare: I am actually opposed to income taxes and the IRS and would prefer a different alternative such as the Fair Tax act. I also wish that I had greater input on what my taxes were spent on. This is a sore subject for me and I could go on for days about it but I will spare you the rant.

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We are self-employed which means we pay slightly more than wage-earners. That's no fun. Since we pay ours in one whopping check a year, it seems OUTRAGEOUS.


So I vote too much. Especially for how it's spent.


If everyone had to write a check for taxes instead of having it withheld, we'd have tax reform in no time at all. Whether it's writing a check twice a month or once a year, the act of writing it certainly gets your attention.


:iagree: We are self-employed (dh) and part-time contract employed (me).

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Without the AMT, our tax burden would be fair for our income. But every year the amount we pay in AMT keeps skyrocketing. At first, it was only around $400. But our 2010 AMT bill was ridiculous. We pay more in AMT than for Social Security *AND* Medicare taxes combined- how screwed up is that? :cursing:


When the AMT was first instituted, it was designed to get 400 millionaires who had clever accountants finding loopholes to exploit so that they paid nothing in taxes. We're far from millionaires and our only deductions are regular ones- 3 dependents, mortgage interest, charitable contributions, and state income taxes. Without the AMT, we'd still be paying a significant portion of our income (more than the "flat tax" rate I've heard floated). Why are we being whacked by the AMT? :glare:

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I disagree. Most of those things you just mentioned could also be run in terms of membership. They don't have to be extorted from everyone who owns property in order to provide perks for everyone that may or may not want or need them. You can't choose not to pay property taxes, citing that you have allergies and never go to the park. ;)


Also, I would echo what some other posters have said. I see a lot of waste, like the endless tree-trimming that goes on along my road. Why don't they just cut DOWN the offending trees? I've even seen crews planting trees that will obviously grow up to obscure a road sign or entangle with powerlines; WHY do they plant them there? I love daffodils, but do we need 10,000 of them in the median strip? I think not. I can't be sure exactly how these are funded, but one tax or another is the usual culprit.


I don't think people should be penalized for accumulating land and that is how property tax appears to me.



I don't know. Property taxes are the price one pays for being a member of the community. Someone has to pay to build and maintain roads, stop lights, public safety officers, gas and sewer lines and provide clean safe water. I can't imagine charging admission to a playground or paying a fee for a library card. My little city has an amazing bike and pedestrian trail system that I'm happy to help contribute to even though my kids are too young to use it yet. I'm a big fan of public transit. Property taxes make a big difference in the quality of life where I live.


Christine W

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May I ask, are you sure you are only looking at federal income tax AND NOT social security and medicare withholdings? It seems you would pay less with five dependents.


I put that I pay too much and I would like to add that I am not happy with the way it is distributed. :glare: I am actually opposed to income taxes and the IRS and would prefer a different alternative such as the Fair Tax act. I also wish that I had greater input on what my taxes were spent on. This is a sore subject for me and I could go on for days about it but I will spare you the rant.
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Yes, I don't mind property taxes as long as everyone does his share. I hear horror stories at the library alone. My take is, if you aren't responsible enough to take care of your materials and aren't willing to pay for losing/destroying them, don't get a library card. I also think there should be a way to guarantee that late fees and book fines be paid in full.


I don't mind paying a tax that's beneficial for the whole community (especially when they are nonconsumable and available to all), but I want people to be responsible too.


I don't know. Property taxes are the price one pays for being a member of the community. Someone has to pay to build and maintain roads, stop lights, public safety officers, gas and sewer lines and provide clean safe water. I can't imagine charging admission to a playground or paying a fee for a library card. My little city has an amazing bike and pedestrian trail system that I'm happy to help contribute to even though my kids are too young to use it yet. I'm a big fan of public transit. Property taxes make a big difference in the quality of life where I live.


Christine W

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How do you avoid getting whacked by the AMT? :confused:


Yeah, I was actually getting ready to post that I don't mind progressive taxes at all and that I'm fine with paying where we land on the the scale but that the AMT Really Ticks Me Off. We're heavily penalized for our family size by the AMT :glare:


So, Julie :confused:

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Yeah, I was actually getting ready to post that I don't mind progressive taxes at all and that I'm fine with paying where we land on the the scale but that the AMT Really Ticks Me Off. We're heavily penalized for our family size by the AMT :glare:


So, Julie :confused:


What's AMT?

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I don't know. Property taxes are the price one pays for being a member of the community. Someone has to pay to build and maintain roads, stop lights, public safety officers, gas and sewer lines and provide clean safe water. I can't imagine charging admission to a playground or paying a fee for a library card. My little city has an amazing bike and pedestrian trail system that I'm happy to help contribute to even though my kids are too young to use it yet. I'm a big fan of public transit. Property taxes make a big difference in the quality of life where I live.


Christine W


I'm not sure where you live, but where I live about 50% of my property taxes goes to the local (average) school district. So while I struggle to afford buying material for my kids, I am forced to buy school materials for other children.


I'm also opposed to the government being able to foreclose on a property for not paying property taxes.

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