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Yesterday, my neighbor was throwing ice from his driveway against my house.

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I could not *bleeping* BELIEVE it when I saw it.


In the winter, there is not much room to put the snow. HOWEVER, this jerk blows 80% of the snow from his driveway against the side of our house and onto our lawn. He has no snow piled against his house at all and you can see how much higher the snow is on our lawn than his.


I say nothing b/c I don't want to be a jerk like him.


Well, we got about a foot of snow a week ago and since it hasn't been above freezing, it's still around. He uses a snow blower, which leaves a layer of snow on his driveway, which he then drove over for a week. It is now a layer of ice.


So yesterday, I heard all this noise from the side of the house. I could tell he was trying to scrape up the ice but it sounded SO LOUD and thumpy. I had to take DS to soccer and when I drove past his driveway I saw him THROW a shoveful of ice against my house!


I stopped and yelled to him to stop throwing ice against my house. I said there is no reason to do that and that he was going to damage our siding. He said OK.


The nerve. :glare:

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I'm so glad you said something! He could have really damaged your house. Why do people think it is ok to do stuff like that???!!


Last week our neighbor had some men over to clean up his yard and since he has too many cars (long story...very angry neighborhood assn too) he had them park their wood chipper right in OUR driveway. This was the last straw and I told the chipper guy he had to tell neighbor to move one of his cars and get that thing out of our driveway. I couldn't get the car out! Grrrr! I think neighbor is miffed I did that but he is too cowardly to say anything to me. ;)

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A relative who lives in Canada told us that there is a regular street was in his street, people getting up in the middle of the night to shovel snow into their neighbours and everything. It sounded pretty funny to me. I have only seen snow twice in my whole life, and then it was sort of mushy and brown. the idea of a neighbourhood snow war is so hard for someone in Australia to imagine.

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  • 1 year later...
I have had some dooseys for neighbors. I took it to the Lord. Nothing at all wrong in asking them to stop and even being perturbed--but when people feel bad about themselves--they act out that way. You've heard "kill them with kindness?" If a child at church broke all of your child's crayons that you were asked to bring for a project in Sunday School and you child came to you upset about what to do...how would you instruct her to handle it before your Creator? Love can get creative. We are all in this imperfect, broken world together and the best of friends remind each other of what they already know. ;) We should get in touch with the better sides of our neighbors....something missing in our techno world. I get tired of teaching my kids about the Word of God but not Doing anything to show it. Do not be decieved.


Could you not start your own thread to preach in, instead of digging something up from last March? Next time, would you please not do this?


Darn, I thought she was back. Resurrected thread. Plus I wondered who had ice already.


Me, too. I actually hollered her first name, delighted to see her, and didn't even think about the ice not being a possibility right now. But she's not here, is she? Nope, I just checked her profile. She hasn't posted for 8 months.

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I have had some dooseys for neighbors. I took it to the Lord. Nothing at all wrong in asking them to stop and even being perturbed--but when people feel bad about themselves--they act out that way. You've heard "kill them with kindness?" If a child at church broke all of your child's crayons that you were asked to bring for a project in Sunday School and you child came to you upset about what to do...how would you instruct her to handle it before your Creator? Love can get creative. We are all in this imperfect, broken world together and the best of friends remind each other of what they already know. ;) We should get in touch with the better sides of our neighbors....something missing in our techno world. I get tired of teaching my kids about the Word of God but not Doing anything to show it. Do not be decieved.


OK... you find a thread from well over a year ago that has nothing to do with any current issue being discussed on the forums, and which, quite realistically, you would have absolutely no reason whatsoever to have bothered to search for and find.... and you post a long, preachy reply to it?


WHY? :confused::confused::confused:


I know you're new here, and I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt, but are you just trying to increase your post count so you can start posting on the For Sale boards or something?


I just don't get it, but this sort of thing is happening more and more lately, and it's getting annoying. :glare:

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The story in post #5 is from....somewhere on the Internet. I've read it before.




http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/346320/do-u-still-love-ur-wife-of-husband-now <---the response by crazymagician


http://www.huskermax.com/vbbs/archive/index.php/t-10930.html? <--- post by BulletForMyHuskers


http://lovecareshare.blogspot.com/2007/09/when-i-got-home-that-night-as-my-wife.html The 'orginial' probably

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I am thinking this person is a 2nd personality/reincarnation. Three sons, from the mid-west.....I am going to stop there, but I smell something fishy.


OK... you find a thread from well over a year ago that has nothing to do with any current issue being discussed on the forums, and which, quite realistically, you would have absolutely no reason whatsoever to have bothered to search for and find.... and you post a long, preachy reply to it?


WHY? :confused::confused::confused:


I know you're new here, and I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt, but are you just trying to increase your post count so you can start posting on the For Sale boards or something?


I just don't get it, but this sort of thing is happening more and more lately, and it's getting annoying. :glare:

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I am thinking this person is a 2nd personality/reincarnation. Three sons, from the mid-west.....I am going to stop there, but I smell something fishy.



But wait! I've got three sons and I'm from the midwest!!! (Pinching myself to see if I'm real. :D)


Seriously, I was hoping it was Unsinkable.


Dawn's right.



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I don't really have anything to add. I was bewildered about the snow thing this time of year.


Is Miss Preachy a troll? Are we on a troll-hunt?


Let me go pack a lunch and give dd some busy work to do before we get started.



Are you volunteering to bring the cupcakes? I really think there should be cupcakes at this event. :lurk5:



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I don't really have anything to add. I was bewildered about the snow thing this time of year.


Is Miss Preachy a troll? Are we on a troll-hunt?


Let me go pack a lunch and give dd some busy work to do before we get started.


I have no idea if we are, but:


We're going on a bear hunt. It's going to be a big one. What a beautiful day. We're not scared. Oh look, grass, long wavy grass. We can't go over it. We can't go under it. Oh no! We've got to go through it. Swishy swashy, swishy swashy swishy swashy.

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I have no idea if we are (on a troll hunt), but:


We're going on a bear hunt. It's going to be a big one. What a beautiful day. We're not scared. Oh look, grass, long wavy grass. We can't go over it. We can't go under it. Oh no! We've got to go through it. Swishy swashy, swishy swashy swishy swashy.



Memories! DS loved that book. Thanks for making me smile!

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Yes, I'll bring cupcakes and Mkes. Someone will have to bring the hot guys in kilts/tunics with long swords in case we do find a troll.


Are you talking about long swords in the weaponry sense, or just, you know, long swords in the very impressive hope-the-wind-hits-that-kilt-just-right sense? ;)

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